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Side A: 6/30/2023

Losing Our Liberty


Our precious freedoms are not based on government but on God. Freedom isn’t appreciated until it’s lost. Todd Starnes, a Fox News commentator and author of Culture Jihad-How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation, says, “What’s happening in our country is the result of what has happened in schools being run by radicals. Without Biblical values, we are left with chaos.” Os Guinness, author of Last Call for Liberty- How America’s Genius Has Become Its Greatest Threat!, said, “Freedom comes from self- government, not external force. As our freedoms end, it’s a catastrophe, not just for America, but for the whole world!

Side B: 6/24/2023

Is Communism Coming to America



We take our precious God given freedoms for granted. Powerful forces want to make our nation socialist even communist. Immigrant Jamie Glazov describes the terror and oppression in the USSR before coming here but how America was like heaven. As a graduate student, Jamie tells how university professors believe and teach that communism is wonderful and capitalism is oppressive! Russian military scientist, Dr Igor Shafhid, former communist and author of Inside the Red Zone, says, “We could lose a city to terrorists and recover, but if we adopt a communist ideology, the whole country is lost.”

Side A: 6/17/2023

Caesar's Schools Produce Romans


If public schools just teach academics, why do nearly 90% of Christian students lose their faith in Christ after going through public schools? What does the Bible say about educating children? Voddie Bacham, author of Fault Lines, was raised by a teenage, single, Buddhist mother in the LA ghetto but succeeded in earning an MA from South East Baptist Seminary. He says Christians are making a big mistake in trusting Caesar’s schools to disciple Christian students. Jesus said a student will become like his teacher. Relativism trains kids to break the Commandments. Christian teachers must teach an ungodly curriculum.

Side B: 6/10/2023

End Times Scenario



Jeff Kinley, the author of Aftershocks –Christians Entering a New Era of Global Crisis, about prophetic end-times events, such as the first time in history we have the technology where the whole world can simultaneously see God’s two witnesses written about in Revelation. John Hagee says America is not invincible. John MacArthur says when God was taken out of our culture, we’ve degenerated to not knowing male from female. Ben Shapiro answers a student that he won’t go along with the insanity of multiple genders. The antichrist, fully possessed by Satan, will perform miracles to convince the world that he is God!

Side A: 6/3/2023

What is a Woman?


The new Supreme Court justice can't define the word "woman" yet s++++he is determining Supreme Court cases. Dennis Prager says the confirmation of Judge Jackson will be the decline of our civilization. Judge Ketanji Jackson could not answer when life begins, meaning she has the same ideology as those who legalized child killing in 1973. Michael Gurian, author of Raising Boys By Design, says boys learn differently than girls and need to be taught differently. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation to protect grade school kids from being sexualized. Other guests: Lt Gov. Mark Robinson, Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chino.

Side B: 5/27/2023

The High Cost of Freedom



Although some veterans have gone to help secure Ukraine's border, our commander-in-chief has opened up our borders to illegals! Mark Levin, author of American Marxism says, "The greatest crisis of our time is Biden's violation of our immigration laws to change the populace of America." John Steer, author of Wounded Soldier, gives fascinating accounts of his experiences in Viet Nam. Gary Horton, a former Army Ranger, who fought for our freedoms, is not given the freedom to speak about his Christian faith in public schools. Schools have re-written our history, banned the flag, and banned the motto and the pledge.

Side A: 5/20/2023

Axis of Evil pt 2


What are the signs that America is nearing the end of world dominance? Four star General Jack Keane says America can not successfully oppose China by ourselves. Pastor John Hagee says when Russia and its allies attack Israel, God will destroy them. China's flag is red and yellow as mentioned in Revelation 9:16. Pastor Mark Hitchcock author of Russia Rising says Satan wants to destroy America to create a one-world government. America is rapidly declining due to printing trillions of dollars and unrestricted immigration with open borders. Pastor Greg Laurie says China's military is more advanced than America's.

Side B: 5/13/2023

Axis of Evil pt 1



We are living in the most dangerous time since WW II! An axis of evil, consisting of Russia, China and Iran, is preparing for war with us. TV host Mark Levin says China is not just preparing to take Taiwan but is at war with us. Pastor Greg Laurie says that China could have a 200 million-man army as prophesied in Revelation 9:16. America may fall as a world power due to the rapture. Pastor John Hagee says Joe Biden is a pathetic leader like Neville Chamberlain who tried to appease Hitler. End-times prophecy expert, Amir Tsarfati says if America doesn't back, Israel it will be replaced as a superpower by China.

Side A: 5/6/2023

From Jihad to Jesus pt 2


Most Americans are unaware of how pervasive Islam has become in our schools. Schools only give one side to students without telling them how intolerant and cruel Sharia Law is, or that it was Christianity that gave this country the freedoms we have. Ex-Muslim Jerry Rassamni, author of From Jihad to Jesus, tells how barbaric he was in killing Christians in Lebanon. Jerry Rassamni is a living miracle, a once hardened Muslim terrorist who has been transformed. This magnificent message is filled with compassion, and told with Biblical wisdom that will bring tears to your eyes. Allah and Christ are opposites.

Side B: 4/29/2023

Why I Left Islam pt 1



Why do Muslim terrorists want to kill us? Walid Shoebat knows - he was one. Americans have no idea the motivation of Muslims or how to combat Islamic terror. Walid Shoebat believed his only chance to go to heaven was to die in jihad. Walid came here from the Middle East as a college student to raise money and recruit students for jihad. For naïve Americans who think Islam is just another religion, he details the horrors of jihad and the barbaric Sharia Law. Walid, now a Christian and author of Why I Left Jihad and Why We Want to Kill You, warns of the dangers of Islam that's winning university students.

Side A: 4/22/2023

Nuclear Iran's Threat to the World pt 2


No generation has witnessed more fulfilled prophecy, since Christ, as this present generation. Yet many more prophecies are on the threshold of fulfillment. Iranian leaders believe the only way to bring the Caliphate into world dominion is to destroy Israel. Joel Rosenberg, author of Damascus Countdown, predicted 9/11 nine months before it happened, now suggests Israel will launch a preemptive strike against Iran, but if they fail to get all the nuclear warheads, retaliation from the Islamic world would be overwhelming. He says, "An atomic Iran could do in 6 minutes what it took Hitler 6 years to do, kill 6 million Jews."

Side B: 4/15/2023

Nuclear Iran's Threat to the World pt 1



The religious leaders in Iran believe they can accelerate the coming of their Muslim Messiah by destroying Israel. Mark Hitchcock, author of Iran and Israel says the stage is being set for a war between Iran, Russia and other countries against Israel. Amir Tsarfati, author of Revealing Revelation, says Israel is preparing their military for a strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. But Russia has supplied Iran with advanced fighter jets and sophisticated defenses. China is becoming active in the Middle East. Greg Laurie says that this war may lead into the one prophesied by Ezekiel that God intervenes to destroy Israel's enemies.

Side A: 4/8/2023

The Resurrection and the Life


Most people have no idea of the infinitely high price God paid for their salvation! Pastor Robert Nash, author of Last Words -7 Sayings From the Heart of Christ on the Cross, says while Jesus was gasping for every breath, he spoke words filled with hope and compassion. William Frey, says, "Since God can raise the dead, death has lost its power over us." John MacArthur, of Grace to You, tells how the disciples were terrified before the resurrection but after seeing Jesus, they became fearless & transformed the world. Chuck Smith says, "The crucifixion wasn't an accident but designed by God to show his love and forgiveness for sin."

Side B: 4/1/2023

Where Are All the Missing Christians?



When nuclear Russia and the Muslim nations come against Israel, we are near the end of this age! The super sign of end times is Israel being restored and threatened by a nation from the north. Jimmy Evans, author of Where Are The Missing People? The Sudden Disappearance of Millions and What Happens Next, says Russian president Vladimir Putin could be "Gog" in Ezekiel 38. Russia is motivated to invade Israel for their wealth and their recently discovered natural gas. Muslim nations aligned with Russia must invade Israel for their Imam to appear. When Gog attacks Israel, God will destroy his army with burning sulfur.

Side A: 3/25/2023

The Millennium p 2


There is coming a paradise on earth where we will have amazing powers and abilities. We will see Isaiah 65 lived out with the wolf and the lamb eating together and the lions eating straw. Author of Heaven, Randy Alcorn, says, "We will not be disembodied spirits but have real bodies like Jesus has. We will eat and taste the best food imaginable." Pastor Tony Evans says, "We will rule with Jesus to enforce righteousness in glorified bodies that are invincible, indestructible!" Pastor Chuck Smith says, "After living in paradise, Satan is released from hell to deceive the nations to follow him to war against Christ."

Side B: 3/18/2023

The Millennium p 1



Pastor David Jeremiah says. "There must be a millennium so we can live out our rewards based on work we've done on earth." After we leave heaven, we will come back with Jesus to this re-newed earth to rule over those on earth who are still in their natural physical bodies. Author of Heaven, Randy Alcorn, says, "Our resurrected bodies will be like Jesus's body with flesh and bones. When Jesus appeared, the disciples touched him, and he ate food to show he wasn't a ghost." Amir Tsarfati, author of Revealing Revelation, says, "Our glorified bodies will have great power and capabilities to serve our King Jesus."

Side A: 3/11/2023

The Great Deceiver p2


Because of God's love, He is giving us a warning of how to identify the great deceiver. There is coming a time of great testing of everyone's faith. Pastor John Hagee says, "Our nation has been deceived by globalists who depend on submissive Americans." Charles Crismier, author of Antichrist - How to Identify the Coming Imposter, said, "This nation is so deceived, we are ripe to accept the Antichrist. Was the fraud in the last election planned to create a one-world government? Could the Covid vaccine which includes a tiny chip, a mark, become mandatory proof of vaccination? Is our nation turning communist?

Side B: 3/4/2023

The Great Deceiver p1



Is the Antichrist on earth now? How will most professing Christians be deceived by the Antichrist? Jesus said, "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold."  Cuts of Pastor John Hagee saying, "The Antichrist will produce a one world government and one world religion." Charles Crismier, author of Antichrist - How to Identify the Coming Imposter, said, "Without the mark of the beast, you cannot buy or sell, thus you could starve. But the Bible says that the Antichrist and those who take his mark will spend eternity in hell." The world will be receptive to the "man of peace" to quell the chaos.

Side A: 2/25/2023

Debate: Evolution vs Creation p2


Have scientific discoveries made Adam and Even a fable or is Genesis real history? Former science teacher, Dr Kent Hovind, with Creation Science Evangelism, debates 3 evolutionists and says fossils don't prove anything. They're just a bunch of bones found in the dirt. Evolution is a religion based on the preconceived imagination of evolutionists. Saying the universe is billions of years old is calling Jesus a liar since God created Adam and Eve no more than 6,000 years ago. Evolutionist lies using fraudulent drawings that were proved to be false, to justify evolution, are still in textbooks and deceiving generations of kids.

Side B: 2/18/2023

Debate: Evolution vs Creation p1



Is evolution science or religion? Former science teacher, Dr Kent Hovind, with Creation Science Evangelism, who is one of the best creation speakers, debates 3 evolutionary science teachers. The evolutionists said they have proof for evolution that a land animal, a cow, evolved into a whale. Dr Hovind says a piece of a skull, a few teeth and a piece of a jaw don't prove anything! The fossil record is a myth. Fossils are just a bunch of bones found in the dirt that aren't proof of anything except that evolution is a fairy tale to make atheism acceptable. The fossil record is a farce and evolution is a dying religion supported by taxes.

Side A: 2/11/2023

When God Doesn't Make Sense pt 2


Since God is good, and all-powerful why does He allow terrible things to happen to people? Why is God silent when I am hurting? How do you handle unanswered prayers? Dr James Dobson, author of When God Doesn't Make Sense - Holding Onto Your Faith in the Toughest Times, tells how broken he was by seeing his 3 year old son Ryan suffer during a medical procedure. So too, God the Father suffered watching Jesus on the cross. Jesus weeping with Mary and Martha over the death of Lazarus shows how God suffers with us. Jesus demonstrated His power over death by raising his dead friend Lazarus back to life.

Side B: 2/4/2023

When God Doesn't Make Sense pt 1



Why do Godly people suffer? Why does God seem silent when people need him the most? Job was a real man who lost everything including his beloved 10 children. Why? Michael Brown, President of FIRE School of Ministry, host of The Line of Fire, and author of Job - The Faith to Challenge God, says Job knew God well enough to trust the goodness of God so much that he said, "Though He slay me, I will trust in Him." God, who loves us enough to send His only Son to die on the cross for us, puts us through tough situations to develop our faith. Job's advocate is also our advocate - the righteous Jesus!

Side A: 1/28/2023

Rapture Ready or Not?


Some people say the rapture is just an escape. It's no more an escape than getting on Noah's Ark before the Great Flood. Pastor Jack Hibbs says he's excited to be "raptured" up to meet the Lord. Jeff Kinley, the author of Aftershocks -Christians Entering a New Era of Global Crisis, says the time is coming when all believers will be'caught up' i.e. raptured up to be with Jesus as the world goes through the Great Tribulation. Kinley reveals God's magnificent plan from rapture to return to earth with Jesus to be in His Millennium Kingdom and reign with Him for a 1000 years. Then, the New Jerusalem will come down from heaven.

Side B: 1/21/2023

Q and A on Abortion



For 50 years, child killing was legal in all 50 states until the Supreme Court decision in Dobbs, which leaves the abortion decision to each state. Powerful pro-life speaker Seth Gruber, president of The White Rose Resistance says, "50% of all abortions are done with a pill, RU 486! The lynchpin for secularists is,'This is my body, my choice.'" Abortion is part of the deeper spiritual war but many pastors miss it. Charlie Kirk, president of Turning Point USA, joins Seth Gruber to answer questions from students on abortion. What about "Keep abortion safe and legal"? What about rape, incest and the life of the mother?

Side A: 1/14/2023

The Horrors of Abortion


The number one cause of death in America is not heart disease or cancer but is abortion. Without the right to life, no other rights matter. Seth Gruber, a renowned pro-life speaker and president of The White Rose Resistance gives a powerful, passionate speech saying, "Many pastors don't understand that the culture war is a spiritual war. Abortion forms the lynchpin to the silent Marxist revolution." Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was greatly influenced by communism and euthanasia to start abortion clinics to rid the world of the "unfit." The strategy of our adversaries is sexual chaos, abortion and euthanasia.

Side B: 1/7/2023

Will The Rapture Be in 2023?



Are we close to the rapture where believers will rise in the sky and be transformed into a spirit body? Prophecy expert Dr David Reagan, founder of Lamb & Lion Ministries and author of Living on Borrowed Time - The Imminent Return of Jesus, said, "Before satellite TV, people couldn't understand how God's witnesses in Rev. 11 could be seen worldwide. Holograms & virtual reality show prophecy is becoming reality. The Israelites said Jeremiah was a false prophet, and God would never destroy Israel since they had His Temple. God did destroy Israel, and He will destroy America if we don't repent.

Side A: 12/31/2022

The Third Great Awakening


Revival is God's remedy for a morally and spiritually sick nation. Revivals have transformed the lives of people and nations. The First Great Awakening led to America's independence from Britain. Daniel Norris, the author of Trail of Fire - True Stories From Ten of the Most Powerful Moves of God, vividly describes how Jonathan Edward's sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God" began a nationwide revival that changed our destiny. The 2nd Great Awakening with Charles Finney led to a great revival that spread worldwide. Great revivals have resulted in entire cities shutting down for prayer meetings.

Side B: 12/24/2022

The Miraculous Birth of God



The greatest event in all history was that the Creator of the universe became a baby, the man Jesus. It's amazing that the God who created everything came to earth as a single cell, says famed actor Bruce Marchiano. Pastor Francis Chan, author of Crazy Love, gives an impassioned Christmas message exclaiming how God emptied himself and left heaven to become a man! If you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus! Jesus shows that God isn't angry but loving, patient and kind. When a primitive tribe first heard the gospel and how God had forgiven them of all sins, they leaped for joy and celebrated for hours.

Side A: 12/17/2022

False Science


Does it take faith to believe in evolution? Is it science or religion? If evolution were true, why don't we see an abundance of new species instead of extinction? What proof is there for Creation? Dr Chris Cagan, a brilliant mathematician with two PhDs and author of From Darwin to Design, was a staunch atheist, who had been taught Christianity caused wars, the Salem witch trials, the Crusades and human misery. But beginning with a lecture by I.C.R., he learned that design and natural laws are too precise to happen by accident. Isaac Newton, the most brilliant scientist of all time, invented calculus and believed in Creation.

Side B: 12/10/2022

The Grace and Mercy of God



No matter how degenerate Sodom was, they tried to rape two angels; Pastor Carter Conlon quoted Jesus who said, "If the miracles done in Capernaum had been done in Sodom, Sodom would have remained until this day." Pastor Tim Dilena said, "Lot offered his two daughters to sodomites and Lot had incestuous relations with his daughters. But God rescued Lot and called him righteous. So God can save anyone." We may think our culture is too far gone to be saved. But it's not beyond God's grace and mercy. People who think they're good enough for heaven, aren't. Salvation is a gift not earned through works.

Side A: 12/3/2022

Suffering in a Muslim Prison pt 2


Andrew Brunson, author of God's Hostage - A True Story of Persecution, Imprisonment and Perseverance, was sentenced to 35 years in a filthy crowded prison where he felt abandoned by God. He thought he would lose his mind and his faith. But his wife Noreen contacted President Trump to negotiate with the president of Turkey for his release. Brunson wondered why his loving heavenly Father would abandon him, but God used his imprisonment to start a world wide prayer movement for his release and the salvation of Muslims in Turkey. There's a depth of intimacy that only comes through severe testing by God.

Side B: 11/26/2022

Suffering in a Muslim Prison pt 1



After pastoring in Turkey for 23 years, Andrew Brunson, author of God's Hostage - A True Story of Persecution, Imprisonment and Perseverance, was imprisoned for two years in a filthy prison surrounded by Muslim criminals and terrorists. He felt abandoned by God and surrounded by evil powers in Satan's territory. He went beyond panic and thought he was losing his mind and his faith. Why was God silent? He was like Job turned over to Satan to be tested. But he resolved to declare his love for Christ and submit, without God answering his questions. He learned to love and follow Jesus no matter what happened.

Side A: 11/19/2022

The Return of the gods pt 2


Although we don't see Americans worshipping idols or pagan gods of wood and stone, we're too civilized and scientific for that. Behind the ancient gods are actual demonic spirits that are disguised and infiltrating our schools, media and government. Jonathan Cahn, best selling author of The Return of the Gods, says, spirits cast out of pagan cultures have come to America. Baal, the god of apostasy, is turning a Christian nation into a pagan nation through the public schools. Ishtar, the goddess of sexuality, blurs reality feminizing boys and masculinizing girls. The goal of the gods is to destroy America as it did Israel.

Side B: 11/12/2022

The Return of the gods pt 1



Just as the gospel transformed pagan cultures, so the pagan gods are transforming our culture. Are pagan gods really demonic spirits? Ancient Israel was destroyed because they turned away from worshipping the true and living God to worshipping false gods like Baal. Jonathan Cahn, best selling author of The Return of the Gods, says behind abortion and the crazy events we see today are the gods of ancient cultures that were cast out by the gospel but have come back with a vengeance into our culture. Child sacrifice was practiced to appease pagan gods by the thousands, but we've sacrificed millions in abortion.

Side A: 11/5/2022

Freedom is on the Ballot pt 2


Senator Tom Cotton says, "The reason we have such high gas prices, high inflation and 5 million illegals invading our country is the Democrat Party policies. Newt Gingrich says the nationwide lawlessness is due to Democrat policies. John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America - The War on The American People, compares the loss of our freedoms to Nazi Germany in the 1930's. Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Council, says, "The difference between the political parties is life vs death, good vs evil, morality vs immorality, homosexuality vs religious freedom, rule by law vs chaos.

Side B: 10/29/2022

Freedom is on the Ballot pt 1



When people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is freedom. Fox TV host, Tucker Carlson, describes the 30 FBI agent's armed raid on the home of a peaceful pro-life leader, Mark Houk. The most powerful man in the world, President Biden, says MAGA Republicans are a threat to America. TV host Dan Bongino says Biden is becoming a dictator and should be impeached. Josh Hawley presses Attorney General Garland over sending FBI agents to harass parents at school board meetings. VP Kamala Harris states that we've had a strong alliance with North Korea.

Side A: 10/22/2022

Prayers for The Election


Jonathan Cahn, author of The Harbinger II, said, "America is following the same pattern as ancient Israel, warring against God!" Dr James Dobson, recited the sins of our nation then gave a heartfelt, profound prayer for repentance and revival. Pastor Carter Conlon of Times Square Church in NY city, says, "God is a God of love but also He's a God of justice. We have taken God, His blessings and patience for granted." Foley Beach says, "Christ wants our nation to be RED hot, not lukewarm for Him." In times of moral crisis, neutrality is treason. David Stuckenberg warns that our nation is falling to communism.

Side B: 10/15/2022

Hitler's Germany



"Hitler didn't take Austria by force; we elected that monster in 1938 when 98% voted to annex Austria to Germany because of the economic collapse, lawlessness and chaos," says 94 year-old Kitty Werthmann. The Nazi Party was the Socialist Party. Guns were registered then confiscated. Handicapped people were euthanized. Hitler sounded like a pro-family American politician. School children were indoctrinated, the cross of Christ came down and a picture of Hitler went up. Out of 18,000 German pastors, only 200 refused to sign a loyalty oath to Hitler. Many Germans said Hitler was a gift from God.

Side A: 10/8/2022

Patriots or Enemies of the State? p.2


President Biden calls for unity while calling half the country a threat to democracy. Biden says courageous conservatives with a gun are no match for an F-15 fighter jet. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said, "Biden has violated his oath of office by opening the border to millions of illegals." Curtis Bowers filmmaker of Agenda 2-Masters of Deceit - Grinding America Down, says Marxists use censorship and lies to vilify their opponents. Cuts of Donald Trump calling the raid on his home a violation of law. When we will win in November we will take men out of women's sports, take out CRT and transexualism from schools.

Side B: 10/1/2022

Patriots or Enemies of the State? p.1



The President, the most powerful man in the world, has called MAGA (Make America Great Again) Republicans an extremist threat to the foundations of our nation. Trump advisor Stephen Miller said, "Biden does what Marxists do; accuse us of what they are doing." Charlie Kirk, founder of Turning Point USA, says Biden calls us a greater threat than communist Russia or China. Ben Shapiro, author of Brainwashed - How Universities Indoctrinate America's Youth, says Biden sounds and acts more like a dictator than our President. MAGA Republicans are targets for Biden's DOJ, CIA, FBI and 187,000 new armed IRS agents!

Side A: 9/24/2022

Choosing Your Child's Future


What is the PURPOSE of educating a child? Just to learn academics? Don't ask what kind of education is best, ask what kind of person do you want them to become? Bob Gannage says schools omit God in creation and history. He sold encyclopedias so he could educate his kids himself. RC Sproul, Jr, a home school expert, says home schooling is a joy that produces children who relate well with people of all ages. Ed Gandy built a $4 million school and hired teachers from his church to give his church kids a Christian education. Brian Schwertley, says, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with your MIND."

Side B: 9/17/2022

The Heavens Declare the Glory Of God!



The heavens declare the glory of God, yet secular astronomers say distant starlight proves the universe is billions of years old. Ken Ham, founder of Answers in Genesis and author of Creation to Babel, says God created starlight seen on earth when He created the stars. Evolutionists fabricate drawings to fool naïve students. There are no transitional species but variation within a species. Dr Jonathan Henry, author of The Astronomy Book, says God created the massive stars and vastness of the universe, to show how incredibly awesome He is. Louie Giglio gives an exhilarating description of the gigantic stars compared to earth.

Side A: 9/10/2022

The Shock of September 11


How would you overcome extreme fear and panic and remain calm if you were in the World Trade Center's towering inferno on 9/11, and you were completely blind? Listen to a total triumph of trust in this horrific catastrophe as a blind man, Michael Hingston, describes his miraculous survival in the face of imminent death. Michael Hingston, the national ambassador for the Braille Literacy Campaign, is the author of Thunder Dog. Although Roselle, Mike's guide dog, was intensely focused on guiding him to safety, she remained calm and even gave a firefighter a kiss on his final trip up the stairs.

Side B: 9/3/2022

Critical Gender Theory



Increasingly, the left has used public schools to change our culture by indoctrinating naïve students into believing they can be whatever gender they choose. Chris Rufo tells how teachers are taught to teach that male and female are simply "social constructs" that oppress nonconforming students. Pastor HB Charles makes it really clear what the Bible teaches. Voddie Bacham, author of Family Driven Faith, says he's going to war against this woke tyranny., Mike Gurian says boys and girls are hard-wired differently. Also cuts of filmmaker Matt Walsh saying schools need to tell the truth and stop lying to kids.

Side A: 8/27/2022

Righteousness Exalts A Nation


Libby Emmon tells how schools are teaching racial prejudice by teaching students that their worth is based on skin color! When half the Christians don't vote, how are they being the salt Christ told us to be? Pastor Bishop EW Jackson, says, "In this country we choose our leaders. Socialism eliminates freedom and brings economic stagnation and oppression. God is not finished with America and wants to bring victory and revival if God's people do their part. Do we want socialism or limited government under our Constitution?" He gives a most powerful, passionate oration using the Bible to motivate Christians.

Side B: 8/20/2022

Is Sex Different From Gender



Biden's Department of Ed. is forcing schools to mandate boys participate in girl's sports and use girl's locker rooms or lose Title IX funds. Dr Miriam Grossman says sex is based on chromosomes while gender has become based on subjective feelings. Prof Khiara Bridges told Sen. Josh Hawley that women who call themselves men (so-called trans-men) are capable of getting pregnant. Matt Walsh producer of What is a Woman gives a powerful speech to the Loudoun Country S.B. that they are deceiving children by saying masculine girls are boys. Psychologist Jordan Peterson refuses to call a girl a boy and vice versa.

Side A: 8/13/2022

How to Transform Our Nation


Most Christians are unaware of the spiritual assault on our nation and don't know how to counter it. David Barton of Wallbuilders says the church has the wrong strategy by focusing on conversion and not discipleship. Jesus had huge crowds but the crowds didn't change the world. It was the dozen mentored disciples who did. The War for Independence was won with local victories. To change America we need to focus on our local battles. John Quincy Adams was mentored to become one of America's greatest Founders. David compares totalitarianism to the freedom in our republican form of government.

Side B: 8/6/2022

Freedom To Pray at School



The Supreme Court has made a complete paradigm shift! Now, with three Trump appointed justices on the Court, Joe Kennedy's prayers on the football field have been upheld as Constitutionally protected. The attorney who won the case, Jeremy Dys of First Liberty said; "Because of this landmark case we now have more religious freedom than any time in our life tHow to Transform Our Nationime!" Kelly Shakelford of First Liberty noted how Justice Gorsuch lambasted the school for discriminating against the coach for exercising his First Amendment freedoms. David Barton gives a litany of prior Court's elimination of religious freedoms!

Side A: 7/30/2022

Schools of Marxism pt 2


We are witnessing a spiritual war for the future of our nation using schoolchildren as pawns. Alex Newman, wrote magazine articles in The New American: Rescuing Our Children, says there is a deliberate dumbing down of children using a reading method that's a proven failure to produce a people ignorant of history and functionally illiterate. The founders of public education, Horace Mann and John Dewey, influenced the teacher's colleges so they would unwittingly follow a pattern used in communist countries, to transform America to socialism and communism. Their socialism is working to transform our nation.

Side B: 7/23/2022

Schools of Marxism pt 1



Pete Hegseth, author of Battle for the American Minds - Uprooting a Century of Miseducation, says there's a master plan using schools to transform our culture from capitalist/Christian to Marxist/atheist. Mark Levin says the basis of our school system is Marxist. Ray Moore President of Exodus Mandate says churches should be schools. Dr Robert Simonds says the NEA promotes homosexuality and Islam. Candace Owens says classrooms have become predatory to children. D. James Kennedy says schools are expert at converting children to humanism. Chuck Smith says secular schools contribute to social problems.

Side A: 7/16/2022

The Diabolic Lie of Abortion pt 2


We have a generation that is historically illiterate. (Cuts of college students who say they've never heard of Adolph Hitler.) The minds of people are changed from pro-abortion to pro-life by watching a documentary comparing Hitler's holocaust to America's abortion holocaust of millions of babies. Ray Comfort, producer of the film entitled "180", makes people think! Killing innocent children in abortion is similar to killing Jews in Nazi Germany. To say it's a woman's choice is comparable to saying it was Hitler's choice to kill Jews. Comparisons are so convincing that people change their minds on abortion.

Side B: 7/9/2022

The Diabolic Lie of Abortion pt 1



Mark Spence, VP of outreach at Living Waters, asked a young couple about abortion. They said they believed in treating others as they would like to be treated doesn't apply to unborn babies, since it's not a person! Dr Bernard Nathanson helped make abortion legal, and aborted 75,000 babies, says he was converted to be prolife and Christian and made a sonogram of an abortion in "Silent Scream" demonstrating what abortion really is. Radio host Mark Davis answered a caller that "privacy" is not a constitutional justification to keep abortion legal. If we are honest, we know it is a baby and killing it is murder.

Side A: 7/2/2022

Standing Up For Liberty pt 2


Young people today know virtually nothing of the sacrifices made for their freedoms. To destroy a culture, destroy their history. Peter Marshall, author of The Light and Glory -vividly describes the horrendous starving army at Valley Forge, barefoot in the snow, and the courage Washington infused into them to fight on against impossible odds. God miraculously protected our Continental army with a heavy fog that hid them from slaughter from the British. Tom Dooley, author of One Nation Under God-America's Lost Dream, describes the cost of freedom in the sacrifices our forefathers paid with their lives.

Side B: 6/25/2022

Standing Up For Liberty pt 1



Our precious freedoms are not based on government but on God. Freedom isn't appreciated until it's lost. Todd Starnes, a Fox News commentator and author of Culture Jihad-How to Stop the Left From Killing a Nation, says, "What's happening in our country is the result of what has happened in schools being run by radicals. Without Biblical values, we are left with chaos." Os Guinness, author of Last Call for Liberty- How America's Genius Has Become Its Greatest Threat! said, "Freedom comes from self- government, not external force. As our freedoms end, it's a catastrophe, not just for America, but also for the whole world.

Side A: 6/18/2022

The End of Roe v Wade pt 2


College students have had abortion legal as birth control but are now confronted with abortion being murder. Most young people have never heard why abortion should be illegal. Ben Shapiro is challenged by students who don't believe a "fetus" is a baby, that abortion should be allowed for rape and incest, and who compare gun violence to abortion. Pastor Jeff Durban gives compelling reasons to the Colorado legislature for the Equal Protection of unborn children. Pastor Jack Hibbs gives a passionate speech repudiating the diabolic Cal. bill to legalize infanticide up to 28 days after birth. Silence is complicity.

Side B: 6/11/2022

The End of Roe v Wade pt 1



All the states that banned abortion before Roe v Wade had their laws overturned in 1973 in Roe v Wade. A woman's choice ends when she becomes a mother. Law professor, Al Parker, President of the Justice Foundation, filed two Amicus Curiae Briefs with the Supreme Court to overturn Roe, presented his case with a picture of a woman in her 20s, who had been an in vitro fertilized egg of just 3 cells in a petri dish that had been frozen for several years before born. This is proof that life begins at conception and is not a blob of tissue as believed in 1973 when Roe was decided. Abortion isn't undoing a pregnancy, its killing a child.

Side A: 6/4/2022

True or False Conversions?


What does it mean to be a true follower of Jesus Christ? What's a false convert? How can you tell if a child is truly saved? Cuts from the movie The Atheist Delusion. Almost 9 out of 10 (88%) of church children lose their faith before high school graduation. What can a parent do to be sure their children keep their faith? Ray Comfort, evangelist and author of How To Bring Your Child To Christ and Keep Them There, says, don't give your children a false image of God. Give them a true understanding and view of the God of the Bible not "Santa Claus!" Parents should teach their children the fear of the Lord to resist their temptations.

Side B: 5/28/2022

Valient Vets



Although some veterans have gone to help secure Ukraine's border, our commander-in-chief has opened up our borders to illegals! Mark Levin, author of American Marxism says, "The greatest crisis of our time is Biden's violation of our immigration laws to change the populace of America. John Steer, author of Wounded Soldier, gives fascinating accounts of his experiences in Viet Nam. Gary Horton, a former Army Ranger, who fought for our freedoms, is not given the freedom to speak about his Christian faith in public schools. Schools have re-written our history, banned the flag, and banned the motto and the pledge.

Side A: 5/21/2022

Moral Confusion pt 2


A new sex ed. curriculum re-defines abstinence to promote perversion as normal. Mat Staver, of Liberty Council says, "Many schools are leading children in to harmful and sometimes deadly sexual experimentation using graphic magazines and videos. The "Advocates for Youth" curriculum promotes abortion over child birth and trains students to be advocates for abortion and homosexuality. Teachers coerce students into participating in the Day of Silence and become activists to support GLSEN and Planned Parenthood." Children would prefer to have their modesty and decency respected than to be embarrassed in class.

Side B: 5/14/2022

Gender Confusion pt 1



The new Supreme Court justice can't define the word "woman" yet will determine Supreme Court cases. Dennis Prager says the confirmation of Judge Jackson will be the decline of our civilization. Judge Ketanji Jackson could not answer when life begins, meaning she has the same ideology as those who legalized child killing in 1973. Michael Gurian, author of Raising Boys By Design, says boys learn differently than girls and need to be taught differently. Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation to protect grade school kids from being sexualized. Other guests: Lt Gov. Mark Robinson, Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chino.

Side A: 5/7/2022

Crisis in Education


Spiritual forces are turning this free and democratic nation into a socialist even a communist state, and it's being done through the schools. The spiritual war for our future is over schoolchildren. Alex Newman, author of a series of articles in The New American: Rescuing Our Children, says there is a deliberate dumbing down of children by using a reading method that's a proven failure producing functional illiterates. Public schools are breaking down the morals of children by confusing them about the gender identity, and bringing drag queens into the classroom under the guise of "career literacy!"

Side B: 4/30/2022

E.M.P. - A Real Threat



What happens when the electrical grid is shut down? Former CIA Director, James Woolsey, says we are very vulnerable to an enemy EMP attack. Mike Maloof, author of A Nation Forsaken-EMP: The Escalating Threat of An American Catastrophe, spent 30 years with the Defense Department protecting us from terrorism, and now warns that it's not "if" but "when" an EMP will be exploded over this country. The results will be catastrophic. It's preventable, but our government is ignoring it, so we need to be prepares. A huge solar flare, an EMP, or Radio Frequency weapons are a real threat. What can we do to be prepared?

Side A: 4/23/2022

The Beginning of the End


When nuclear Russia and the Muslim nations come against Israel, we are near the end of this age! The super sign of end times is Israel being restored and threatened by a nation from the north. Jimmy Evans, author of Where Are The Missing People? The Sudden Disappearance of Millions and What Happens Next, says Russian president Vladimir Putin could be "Gog" in Ezekiel 38. Russia is motivated to invade Israel for their wealth and their recently discovered natural gas. Muslim nations aligned with Russia must invade Israel for their Imam to appear. When Gog attacks Israel, God will destroy his army with burning sulfur

Side B: 4/16/2022

The Reality of the Ressurection



Most people have no idea of the infinitely high price God paid for their salvation! Pastor Robert Nash, author of Last Words -7 Sayings From the Heart of Christ on the Cross, says while Jesus was gasping for every breath, he spoke words filled with hope and compassion. William Frey, author of The Dance of Hope, tells how the Resurrection changed life on earth. Death lost its power over us. The disciples became fearless and transformed the world. Professional actor, Bruce Marchiano, dramatically tells how the lifeless body of Jesus, dead for three days, came vibrantly back to life and showed us the new kind of body we will have.

Side A: 4/9/2022

Wonder Dogs


God created dogs not just for fun and companionship but to serve and save disabled people. Maureen Maurer, author of Wonder Dogs-True Stories of Extraordinary Assistance Dogs, tells of the amazing dog named Freedom who saved the life of Melanie who was trapped under her heavy wheel chair as her house was burning! Freedom not only got the phone but stayed with her even if she was burned to death. The heartwarming stories about dogs selflessly serving disabled people by turning on lights, opening doors, even helping grocery shopping are amazing. God gifted us with dogs to rescue, assist and comfort us.

Side B: 4/2/2022

America's Most Radical President



How did America go from being independent to being in debt over $30 trillion dollars, invaded by over 2 million illegals, and led by an incompetent President? Is the current leadership in Washington just weak and confused or radical and Marxist?

Victor Hanson Davis, author of The Dying Citizen - How Progressive Elites and Globalism are Destroying the Idea of America, tells how President Trump made America oil independent, reduced the price of oil that crushed Russia's economy and halted their invasion aspirations. Biden's radical policies of open borders and appeasement will give the Republicans an upcoming victory.

Side A: 3/26/2022

Living in Communist Russia


We take our precious God given freedoms for granted. Powerful forces want to make our nation socialist even communist. Immigrant Jamie Glazov describes the terror and oppression in the USSR before coming here but how America was like heaven. As a graduate student, Jamie tells how university professors believe and teach that communism is wonderful and capitalism is oppressive! Russian military scientist, Dr Igor Shafhid, former communist and author of Inside the Red Zone, says, "We could lose a city to terrorists and recover, but if we adopt a communist ideology, the whole country is lost."

Side B: 3/19/2022

Communist Infiltration



The Communist Manifesto is the most assigned economics book on US college campuses! In 1984, a Russian KGB officer, Yuri Bezmenov, author of Love Letter to America, in a one-hour presentation, reveals the KGB strategy to use our education system to replace the ideas of free enterprise and capitalism to teach ideas of social justice, equality and redistribution of wealth! Without knowing their true American history, students are easily brainwashed to hate our nation and bring it down! Trump's 1776 Commission to teach our true history and patriotism has been abolished by Biden. Are we becoming a communist nation?

Side A: 3/12/2022

The Fairy Tale of Evolution


Is the age of the earth important? Some stars are so far from earth that it would take millions of years for their light to reach us. Is that proof for an "old earth"? Many people, including Christian leaders, try to fit billions of years into the Genesis account. Russ Miller, author of It's About Time - How to Believe God's Word in a Secular World, substantiates the Biblical account through logical and scientific answers to man's origin, sin and death. The amazing universe shows God's awesome creativity. The omnipotent Creator simply spoke and galaxies whirled into space and the universe was created.

Side B: 3/5/2022

A Neurosurgeons View of Life and Death



We will each face the fear and pain of our death or of a loved one. How we respond will show a deep faith or shallow religiosity. Dr Lee Warren, a neurosurgeon and Iraq war veteran, is the author of I've Seen the End of You- a Neurosurgeon's Look at Faith, Doubt and the Things We Think We Know. In this gripping, inspirational memoir, you will get an honest look between his faith and his medical experience. His testimony will stir your faith as you hear his insightful and profound thoughts. These inspirational accounts reveal a profound faith in some patients who pray that God would take them home to heaven.

Side A: 2/26/2022

Anticipating the Rapture


Does the rapture of believers, who are transformed into a spirit body, to meet the Lord in the air, occur before the Tribulation? How is Jesus's appearance in the rapture different from His second coming to earth? Prophecy expert Dr David Reagan, founder of Lamb & Lion Ministries and author of Living on Borrowed Time - The Imminent Return of Jesus, said, "There's no mention of the Church after Rev 3, because the Church has been raptured out." Evangelist Tiff Shuttesworth says Biblical patterns show us God's character. Since Christ took our punishment for us, God won't bring his wrath on his Church.

Side B: 2/19/2022

War on American History



Why are statues of Presidents like Lincoln, Roosevelt and Washington torn down? Are we ashamed of our heritage? Feb 21 is President's Day but few people know or celebrate it. Peter Lillback, author of George Washington's Sacred Fire, says Washington was a strong Christian. Lincoln freed the slaves. It's an attack on our nation in an attempt to destroy it by destroying our history. Washington said, "The two indispensable pillars for government are religion and morality." Peter Marshall, author of The Light and the Glory, describes how God supernaturally protected Washington and saved our rag-tag Continental army.

Side A: 2/12/2022

God's Creative Genius


God brilliantly knit our bodies together to show His creative genius. God's creative genius in the physical realms leads us to want to know Him. Best selling author, Philip Yancy, author of Fearfully and Wonderfully, who survived a near fatal car accident, surprisingly talks about the benefits of pain. Until God became flesh as Jesus, he had not truly experienced pain and suffering as we do. If you want to know how God feels about our pain and suffering, look at how Jesus responded when He was on earth. Without Jesus, we would not know the love of God. The inspiration behind "Fearfully" is surgeon Paul Brand.

Side B: 2/5/2022

Evolution's False Evidence



Scientists have censored and fabricated evidence that disproves evolution. Jack Cuozzo, author of Buried Alive - The Startling Truth About Neanderthal Man, was the only creationist who saw the original bones used to support evolution and he says they are fraudulent. Evolutionists claimed Neanderthal man was a transitional species. Dr Cuozzo says Neanderthal man was one of the ancient people who had a different DNA from ours because they lived hundreds of years. Dr Cuozzo describes the huge bones of these ancient patriarchs. The teeth of ancient lions and crocodiles consisted of molars for grinding vegetation.

Side A: 1/29/2022

Why Does God Allow Suffering?


What do many Christians with weak faith do when disaster strikes? Radio and TV host, Joni Eareckson Tada, author of more than 50 books including, An Unforgettable Story, has suffered for over 50 years with quadriplegia and extreme pain. Then she got breast cancer! What helps is focusing on Jesus and his suffering to pay for our salvation. Tim Hansel, author of You Gotta Keep Dancin'- In The Midst of Life's Hurts You Can Choose Joy, suffered a tragic fall that broke his back, causing him to be in extreme pain, says, " This light and momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond comparison!"

Side B: 1/22/2022

Was Jesus A Socialist?



Has our nation become a socialist nation? Rand Paul and his wife Kelly, authors of The Case Against Socialism, say socialists use Scandinavia as an idyllic socialist nation. But the Scandinavian economy is funded by capitalism. Young Americans don't know how the socialist USSR, Nazi Germany and China slaughtered about 100 million people! Jay Richards, author of Money, Greed, & God, says Jesus parable of the talents is a classic case for capitalism. Private property ownership is capitalism. The Ten Commandments to not steal or covet, include individual ownership of property, otherwise there would be nothing to steal.

Side A: 1/15/2022

Killing Roe


The Supreme Court decision in Roe v Wade has had a disastrous affect on our nation by killing a whole generation of over 62 million babies. Legalizing abortion declared children in their mother are not people and can be killed legally. Recently the Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a case that could overturn Roe. Attorney Laura Ingram, host of Fox's Ingram Angle, says the arguments presented to the court for keeping Roe legal are bogus. Senator Josh Hawley says it's time the American people had the choice. Ted Cruz said he hopes the Supremes will turn this issue back to the states to decide on abortion.

Side B: 1/8/2022

Signs we are Living in the



How do we know we are living in the end times? Bible teacher Don Stewart, author of 25 Signs We Are Near the End, says, Never before has there been the technology to show the whole world at the same time the two witnesses of God lying dead in the street miraculously coming back to life. Don Stewart tells of the ubiquitous Starlink satellites that will enable everyone around the world to see this at the same time. Pastor Billy Crone, author of The Final Countdown - The AI Invasion, says artificial intelligence will help the Antichrist to monitor the whole world to see who worships his image and takes his mark.

Side A: 1/1/2021

Great Health Naturally


Public health officials warn that this generation is at greater risk for heart disease and diabetes. Children who eat just three hot dogs a week have 9 times the risk of getting leukemia. Americans are dieting more but are more overweight than ever which increases their risk of getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Dr Ted Broer, a nutrition expert and author of Maximum Fat Loss and Maximum Energy, gives a comprehensive overview of a good diet and foods to avoid. He warns of Ritalin use for ADHD. Lifelong habits are established in youth, yet 27% of young people are too fat to fight in the military.

Side B: 12/25/2021

Christmas Special



It's amazing that the God who created everything from nothing came to earth as a single cell. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in more movies than any other actor, gives a profound description of the joy and wonder of Jesus Christ. Jesus was a man of joy demonstrating the Kingdom with miraculous signs. He came to serve and give people healing and life, but many, to their own detriment, walked away. God gave up the riches of heaven to live a humble life and die for others. God in the flesh describes Himself as gentle and humble. He is a sensitive man full of love for lost people.

Side A: 12/18/2021

Abundant Life in Jesus, pt 2


There's plenty of information but little transformation! People know what Jesus taught but not how He lived. Stephen Smith, author of The Jesus Life, Eight Ways to Recover Authentic Christianity, says "Jesus was not stressed as many of us are today. He enjoyed life with dinners, debates and long walks with his disciples, yet He regularly got away to be alone in prayer. The dinner table is more than simply eating but fellowship and acceptance." Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love changes atheists into followers of Christ. To live as Jesus lived means to savor and enjoy life not just endure it.

Side B: 12/11/2021

Abundant Life in Jesus, pt 1



Are you ruled by the tyranny of the urgent, hurrying through life and not enjoying it? Are you addicted to being busy or to your i-phone? Hurry, anxiety and stress are enemies of a healthy spiritual life that separate us from God. John Mark Comer gave up his 7000-member mega-church, because he was burned out. He now pastors a smaller church in Portland. John Mark Comer, the author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, says Jesus's life was not hurried but full of peace, love and joy. Slow down, spend time with God and have a better life. Since Jesus needed solitary time in prayer, how much more do we?

Side A: 12/4/2021

Marxist Threat to Freedom of Speech pt2


Rep, Jim Jordan says that parents who protest critical race theory are called domestic terrorists by the Justice Department. An angry dad was arrested for protesting the rape of his daughter in the girl's restroom by a'trans' boy dressed like a girl. Xi Van Fleet lived in China during the communist Cultural Revolution says it's very similar to what's happening here. Dr Carol Swain says we are at a'do or die' moment in our nation. Senator Josh Hawley says parents are being told that if they express their views at a school board, they can be investigated for terrorism. Silencing free speech is a threat to all our freedoms.

Side B: 11/27/2021

Marxist Threat to Freedom of Speech pt1



The Biden administration unleashed the FBI, not against jihadists, nor Chinese spies or drug cartels, but moms and dads speaking at school boards. The evil forces behind the Biden administration are silencing free speech, but it's part of the Marxist agenda says TV host Judge Jeanine Pirro. Senators Ted Cruz and Tom Cotton angrily grilled Attorney General Garland during a Senate hearing-calling parents domestic terrorists liable for prosecution for speaking out against the Marxist CRT. Rep Veronica Spartz, born in the USSR, knows what it's like to live in fear, says the trend here is much the same as USSR.

Side A: 11/20/2021



Pastor Garrett Lear, whose ancestors came here on the Mayflower, says this Christian country is being stolen! Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, says the Pilgrims didn't come here for religious freedom but they came here as missionaries. The Pilgrims were starving, with only 5 kernels of corn a day, but God brought an English speaking Indian who taught them survival skills. Dr John Pafford says it was the strong Christian faith of the Pilgrims that established this nation as a Christian commonwealth and fostered a free market economy. Vaughn Shatzer says Christianity was foundational to all aspects of life.

Side B: 11/13/2021

The Myth of Evolution



Who's right, the public school science teacher or the pastor? Most pastors don't teach the scientific source of origins but leave that to the secular science teachers. Is it any wonder a majority of public school students become evolutionists? James Perloff, author of Tornado in a Junkyard and The Case Against Darwin, gives solid scientific reasons to believe the Biblical account and reject the myth of evolution. Darwin didn't know about genetics, but we know now that genetics disproves evolution. The consequences of evolution are endemic as seen in the evils of abortion and communism. Marx saw people as evolved animals.

Side A: 11/6/2021

Our Valiant Veterans


On the Korean Memorial are these words, "Freedom is not free!" Think of the high price paid by our brave veterans. Many gave their tomorrows for our todays. This Veterans Day inspirational program features a captivating account by Korean veteran Ed Reeves, who fought for his life in minus 30 to 40 degree temperatures. It was so cold, the bullet holes in his body froze shut and kept him from bleeding to death. Even after almost all the others were killed, Ed Reeves clung to his faith and Bible, and fought on despite his life-threatening wounds without ammunition. This miraculous account is spell binding.

Side B: 10/30/2021

Where's America in the End Times?



What happens to America in end times? Dennis Prager tells of a teacher who says the American flag is a symbol of oppression. To those in communist countries, our flag represents freedom. Steve Hilton, host of The Next Revolution, says the Biden Administration is an enemy to our nation. Prophecy expert, Amir Tsarfati, author of The Day Approaching and Israel & the Church, describes us leaving heaven to follow Christ back to earth to end the Great Tribulation, then rule with Him in the Millennium in our Resurrected bodies and finally live forever in the New Jerusalem. We are closer to the Rapture than ever.

Side A: 10/23/2021

The Dangers of Islam


Why are public schools promoting Islam when Christianity gave us freedom and prosperity? Martin Mawyer, author of Twilight In America -The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America, describes the 3 dozen camps he has personally seen and how they plan to take over America for Allah. Dr Bob Morey, an expert on Islam, and author of over 40 books, with two doctorates, says Muslims are planning a massive attack (with a nuclear device) in America to bring this nation under subjection to the barbaric Sharia Law. How can we prevent and even defeat this coming Islamic devastating attack?

Side B: 10/16/2021

The Faith of the Martyrs



How did just a small group of Christians change the world, yet today millions of Christians are changed by the world? Ted Byfield, author of The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years, says the world was convinced of the truth of the gospel, because Christians demonstrated their faith through the most gruesome tortures and death. Todd Nettleson, with the Voice of the Martyrs, gives fascinating accounts from his book Extreme Devotion, such as the mother who refused to deny Christ despite being forced to watch her children hanged, and she was run over by a steamroller. Supernatural courage originates with God.

Side A: 10/9/2021

Coming to America To Be Saved


With the huge influx of Afghan refugees, and with our southern border wide open, God is giving us opportunities to give them the gospel! There are Muslim terrorists coming in with them like Kamal Saleem, a Muslim terrorist who came to recruit students into Jihad, but through a life threatening car accident, he turned to Christ, and Christ appeared to him. How could anything other than an authentic experience with the Risen Christ explain the complete transformation of the hardened mind of this Muslim terrorist? Kamal is a fearless and zealous Christian who goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ.

Side B: 10/2/2021

New Texas Heartbeat Law



The Supreme Court has let the Texas Heartbeat Law stand, giving us the biggest prolife victory in decades! This may end the abortion holocaust. Cuts of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Shannon Bream of Fox News. Ray Comfort, evangelist and producer of the film "180," changes minds about abortion 180 degrees by comparing the killing babies in abortion to killing Jews in Nazi Germany. To say it's a woman's choice is comparable to saying it was Hitler's choice to kill Jews. Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue and author of Their Blood Cries Out, says that abortion is not simply "a girl's choice," but killing a live baby.

Side A: 9/25/2021

Life Without Limbs


How could God have a purpose for a person born without arms, hands or legs? Nick Vujicic is a best selling author, evangelist and international speaker who has spoken to hundreds of millions of people. Nick Vujicic wrote, "If you can't get a miracle, be a miracle." His disability has given him a unique opportunity to transform lives. He has witnessed miracles like praying for the founder of a human trafficking industry in India as she became healed and a Christian. If he can have purpose and joy without arms or legs, then anyone can. Cuts of Nick speaking at a Christian school and at a state prison in Alabama.

Side B: 9/18/2021

Vouchers Mean Choice



Instead of humanist public schools converting Christian kids to humanism, how about Christian schools taking vouchers and converting secular students to Christ? Milton Friedman, the greatest economist of the 20th century, says, "Choice doesn't take money from public schools but gives the money to parents to use at any school of their choice. Choice improves education by competition." Myron Lieberman says, "Christian schools do a better job for half the cost of public schools." Robert Enlow and Leslie Hiner, say, "Improving education is no longer theoretical but a proven fact through years of choice."

Side A: 9/11/2021

Godly Wisdom for Education pt 2


"Schools make kids dumber," says 17 year-old Eddie Zhong, who started his own successful computer business. "Schools can stunt creative thinking." Education for the masses is not as good as one-on-one. Israel Wayne, author of Homeschooling From A Biblical Worldview, says public schools don't train young minds to think critically to debate both sides of issues, but homeschool does. What is a good education without Christ in every subject? Secular schools make secular students. Education is Biblical discipleship. Dr Raymond Moore, the father of homeschooling, says producing genius in children has three common elements.

Side B: 9/4/2021

Godly Wisdom for Education pt 1



Dennis Prager, said, "The one thing people can do to fight against the Leftist destruction of our nation is to take their children out of public schools." Radio hosts Kevin Swanson and Adam McManus say putting a Christian in public school is like playing Russian roulette with their education, their beliefs and their souls. But instead of one bullet, there are 4 or 5 bullets in the gun. Public schools rob children of their innocence and confuse them with critical race theory. Carole Joy Seid, said, "The most effective tool in shaping a child's character is great literature." The right book at the right time can change a child's destiny.

Side A: 8/28/2021

Exodus From Public Schools pt 2


We are witnessing a spiritual war for the future of our nation using schoolchildren as pawns. Alex Newman, wrote magazine articles in The New American: Rescuing Our Children, says there is a deliberate dumbing down of children using a reading method that's a proven failure to produce a people ignorant of history and functionally illiterate. The founders of public education, Horace Mann and John Dewey, influenced the teacher's colleges so they would unwittingly follow a pattern used in communist countries, to transform America to socialism and communism. Their socialism is working to transform our nation.

Side B: 8/21/2021

Exodus From Public Schools pt 1



The Exodus from public schools has begun. Critical race theory was a wake-up call to parents. Ray Moore President of Exodus Mandate says every church should be a school. The Biblical mandate is for the parents to educate their children. Educator Dr Robert Simonds says the NEA promotes homosexuality and Islam. With 10 churches for every school district, churches should unite to rescue their children from losing the faith in humanist schools. Candace Owens says classrooms have become predatory to children. D. James Kennedy says schools are expert at converting children to humanism. Also Chuck Smith.

Side A: 8/14/2021

Critical Race Theory pt 2


Critical race theory is Marxism disguised to replace our Constitution with communism. The NEA has allocated millions of dollars to defend critical race theory from opposition. James Freeman, with the Wall Street Journal, says the 1619 Project, says that preserving slavery was the basis of our founding. Chris Rufo, Manhattan Inst., says critical race theory is imbedded in our government; schools and businesses that takes us back to segregation of races. That whites are guilty of racism and need to be overthrown. It's a violation of our system of justice. Jack Brewer overcame racial prejudice through the love of Christ.

Side B: 8/7/2021

Critical Race Theory pt 1



America has long been a target for a Marxist revolution-using race instead of the workers. Critical race theory has angered parents to protest at their school boards. Parent Tatiana Ibrahim blasted her school board for teaching racism. Ben Shapiro says the Marxist revolution didn't work here because the working class wanted upward mobility to improve their country rather than overthrow it. Professor Carol Swain defines CRT and says university Marxists created this fantasy of systemic racism to divide blacks and white. Chris Rufo, Manhattan Inst., debunks critical race theory. Also Sen. Ted Cruz.

Side A: 7/31/2021

People Before the Flood


The idea that ancient men were primitive brutes, cave men, is a myth based on evolution that contradicts the Biblical account. Ancient people had extreme intelligence, plus lived hundreds of years, and thus invented amazing things. Don Landis, editor of The Genius of Ancient Man-Evolution's Nightmare, gives examples such as the thousands of pyramids around the world that used massive 100-ton stones fitted together so precisely you couldn't slide a credit card in the joints. In the religious tower of Babel, man rebelled against God and tried to be God. The religion of Babel is still here today.

Side B: 7/24/2021

Impending Economic Collapse



Will our national debt be the downfall of the greatest Republic the world has ever known? In the history of mankind, socialism and communism have not only failed to help the poor, they have slaughtered and starved them. Despite the $6.4 trillion squandered in the past 12 months, congresswoman AOC wants $10 trillion more. What did that $6.4 trillion accomplish? Don Boys, author and educator, wrote the article, Total Collapse of Economy Will Result in Anarchy, says when the shelves at the market are empty, chaos and anarchy result that end in tyranny. Also cuts of Senator Ted Cruz and legislator Blaise Ingolia.

Side A: 7/17/2021

God's Hostage pt 2


Andrew Brunson, author of God's Hostage - A True Story of Persecution, Imprisonment and Perseverance, was sentenced to 35 years in a filthy crowded prison where he felt abandoned by God. He thought he would lose his mind and his faith. But his wife Noreen contacted President Trump to negotiate with the president of Turkey for his release. Brunson wondered why his loving heavenly Father would abandon him, but God used his imprisonment to start a world wide prayer movement for his release and the salvation of Muslims in Turkey. There's a depth of intimacy that only comes through severe testing by God.

Side B: 7/10/2021

God's Hostage pt 1



After pastoring in Turkey for 23 years, Andrew Brunson, author of God's Hostage - A True Story of Persecution, Imprisonment and Perseverance, was imprisoned for two years in a filthy prison surrounded by Muslim criminals and terrorists. He felt abandoned by God and surrounded by evil powers in Satan's territory. He went beyond panic and thought he was losing his mind and his faith. Why was God silent? He was like Job turned over to Satan to be tested. But he resolved to declare his love for Christ and submit, without God answering his questions. He learned to love and follow Jesus no matter what happened.

Side A: 7/3/2021

Israel Under Attack


Israel has come under massive rocket fire from Hamas in Gaza, which was given by Israel in exchange for peace years ago. Why do Muslims kill Jews? Biden will reverse Trump's ban, and fund millions to Palestine, much of it will be used for weapons against Israel. David Rubin, author of Confronting Radicals -What America Can Learn From Israel, was with his 3 year-old when Muslim terrorists shot them. Rubin says, "The illusion of a indigenous people called Palestinians is a hoax. The Romans wanted to eliminate Israel so they changed its name to Palestine." Tiny Israel is the focus of the world and God.

Side B: 6/26/2021

After The Rapture pt 3



Some people say the rapture is just an escape. It's no more an escape than getting on Noah's Ark before the Great Flood. Pastor Jack Hibbs says he's excited to be "raptured" up to meet the Lord. Jeff Kinley, the author of Aftershocks -Christians Entering a New Era of Global Crisis, says the time is coming when all believers will be'caught up' i.e. raptured up to be with Jesus as the world goes through the Great Tribulation. Kinley reveals God's magnificent plan from rapture to return to earth with Jesus to be in His Millennium Kingdom and reign with Him for a 1000 years. Then, the New Jerusalem will come down from heaven.

Side A: 6/19/2021

Rapture or Great Tribulation? pt 2


Jeff Kinley, the author of Aftershocks -Christians Entering a New Era of Global Crisis, says prophetic end-times events, such as the first time in history we have the technology where the whole world can simultaneously see God's two witnesses written about in Revelation. Pastor John MacArthur says when God was taken out of our culture we've degenerated to having a depraved mind not knowing male from female. Ben Shapiro answers a confused student that he won't go along with the insanity of multiple genders. The antichrist, fully possessed by Satan, will perform miracles to convince the world that he's divine.

Side B: 6/12/2021

Before the Rapture pt 1



The Covid Epidemic shows how quickly and easily Americans will give up their rights and freedoms. Colleges are requiring'vaccination certificates' this fall. The godless left is using the covid crisis for population control that will be like the coming end-time when governments will require a mark on your hand or head to buy food. Jeff Kinley, the author of Aftershocks -Christians Entering a New Era of Global Crisis, says a coming world-wide super crisis will be the rapture of millions of Christians causing colossal catastrophes. People will embrace the great delusion of the antichrist possessed by Satan coming back from the dead.

Side A: 6/5/2021

Is An EMP Attack Imminent?


What happens when the electrical grid is shut down? Former CIA Director James Woolsey, says we are very vulnerable to an enemy EMP attack. Mike Maloof, author of A Nation Forsaken-EMP: The Escalating Threat of An American Catastrophe, spent 30 years with the Defense Department protecting us from terrorism, and now warns that it's not "if" but "when" an EMP will be exploded over this country. The results will be catastrophic. It's preventable, but our government is ignoring it, so we need to prepare ourselves. A huge solar flare, an EMP, or Radio Frequency weapons are a real threat. What can we do to be prepared?

Side B: 5/29/2021

Memorial Day



Freedom is not free but purchased at great cost. Memorial Day is a day to remember the sacrifices that paid for our freedoms. Gary Horton, a motivational school assembly speaker, was an Army Ranger who fought for our freedoms, yet he's not given the freedom to speak about his Christian faith in public schools. Schools have re-written our history, banned the flag, and banned the motto and the pledge. Christians have accepted the lie that we must deny our faith in public and deny the basis of where our freedoms came from- Biblical Christianity. Without this understanding, our freedoms are in grave jeopardy.

Side A: 5/22/2021

Freedom From Nicotine


A whole generation of young Americans getting hooked on nicotine, e-cigarettes or vaping, that has increased 900% among high schoolers has created a national health crisis. Dr Robin Deterding, a lung specialist, says vaping can lead to chronic lung diseases. Vaping a cartridge a day is the same nicotine in a pack of cigarettes. Mary Young, the author of Get a Life! And Make it Smoke Free, says cigarettes contain 6000 chemicals. Surgeon General C. Everette Koop got the warning label on cigarettes, and warned of second hand smoke, said tobacco manufactures target kids to smoke and know they are poising people for money.

Side B: 5/15/2021

Escaping From Communist Cuba



Socialism has been pumped into the head of at least 3 generations of Americans. A Marxist revolution is being played out here as it's been done in other countries by silencing opposition, propaganda and shutting down freedom and churches. Maria Warren, who lost everything in Cuba says we are going in the same direction here with radical Marxists! What shocks most people is how fast we're turning into a Marxism country. Maria Warren's family grocery store and trucking company were'nationalized' at gunpoint! People starved and many disappeared. The final nail in the coffin will be gun control/confiscation.

Side A: 5/8/2021

God's Vision For America


How can America get back to the ideas that made it the greatest Christian nation in history? Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, says, "Colonial New England produced the most incredibly, well-educated generation of Founding Fathers who were not only brilliant, but they were full of Godly Character." Amazing achievements include the revival at Yale led by its president; Jonathan Trumble read the entire Bible at age 4 and passed the entrance exam to Yale at age 7. John Qunicy Adams was an ambassador to Russia at age 14. We are seeing that without absolute values, corruption and destruction are certain.

Side B: 5/1/2021

Can America Recover?



No generation has witnessed more fulfilled prophecy, since Christ, as this present generation. Yet many more prophecies are on the threshold of fulfillment. Iranian leaders believe the only way to bring the Caliphate into world dominion is to destroy Israel. Joel Rosenberg, author of Damascus Countdown, predicted 9/11 nine months before it happened, now suggests Israel will launch a preemptive strike against Iran, but if they fail to get all the nuclear warheads, retaliation from the Islamic world would be overwhelming. He says, "An atomic Iran could do in 6 minutes what it took Hitler 6 years to do, kill 6 million Jews."

Side A: 4/24/2021

Learning Styles -Boys vs Girls


A California public school teacher teaches'gender equality', that there are many genders, not just two. Dr Michael Gurian, author of Raising Boys By Design, says boys learn differently than girls and need to be taught differently. A boy's energetic spirit is seen as disruptive, and he may be put on Ritalin. Understanding the "hard wired" brain differences between the way boys and girls learn can mean the difference between success and failure. Boys learn by doing. Chris Plante reports on the Supreme Court 8:1 victory for free speech at college. Dennis Prager says a secular education can be disastrous to faith.

Side B: 4/17/2021

Belief Determines Destiny



Parents pay huge sums of money for a Christian education but will that education undermine their student's faith? Are Christian colleges compromised? Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis and author of Already Compromised, surveyed hundreds of Christian colleges to find out if they were truly Biblical. What he discovered may surprise you, such as a majority teach evolution as a viable option or the truth! Compromised colleges produce compromised students who are weak and confused Christians instead of courageous Christian leaders, teachers or pastors who speak with confidence and authority.

Side A: 4/10/2021

More Than Meets the Eye


Dr Richard Swenson, physician, physicist and best selling author of More Than Meets The Eye - Fascinating Glimpses of God's Power and Design, describes the wonders of the human body, eye, ear and brain. God works in between space and time and has an eternity to answer the prayers of billions of people in a millisecond. The physical universe is like a tiny molecule on God's throne. God displays power, precision and beauty in His universe! Cuts of Pastor Chuck Smith on how seeds propel them to spread away from the tree. God designed coconuts to survive without salt water until the roots can get down to fresh water.

Side B: 4/3/2021

The Cross and the Resurrection



Many people have no idea of the infinitely high price God paid for their salvation! Pastor Robert Nash, author of Last Words -7 Sayings From the Heart of Christ on the Cross, says while Jesus was gasping for every breath, he spoke words filled with hope and compassion. William Frey, author of The Dance of Hope, tells how the Resurrection changed life on earth. Death lost its power over us. The disciples became fearless and transformed the world. Professional actor, Bruce Marchiano, dramatically tells how the lifeless body of Jesus, dead for three days, came vibrantly back to life and showed us the new kind of body we will have.

Side A: 3/27/2021

The Evils of Communism pt 2



Seventy percent of millennials and 64% of Gen Z said they'd be somewhat or extremely likely to vote for a socialist candidate!

Jamie Glazov, editor of Frontpage Magazine, and author of High Noon for America: The Coming Showdown, immigrated from the USSR and describes the terror and oppression under Communism! As a graduate student, Jamie tells how professors taught that communism is wonderful and capitalism is oppressive! Russian military scientist, Dr Igor Shafhid, author of Inside the Red Zone, says, "We could lose a city to terrorists and recover, but if we adopt a communist ideology, the whole country is lost."

Side B: 3/20/2021

Communist Subversion pt 1



The Communist Manifesto is the most assigned economics book on US college campuses! In 1984, a Russian KGB officer, Yuri Bezmenov, author of Love Letter to America, in a one-hour presentation, reveals the KGB strategy to use our education system to replace the ideas of free enterprise and capitalism to teach ideas of social justice, equality and redistribution of wealth! Without knowing their true American history, students are easily brainwashed to hate our nation and bring it down! Trump's 1776 Commission to teach our true history and patriotism has been abolished by Biden. Are we becoming a communist nation?

Side A: 3/13/2021

On Wings Like Eagles


The majestic eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom. Just as opposing winds cause an eagle to soar higher, so adversity strengthens Godly people. So when adversity comes, don't let it get you down, let it push you up as you draw closer to God. Inspirational speaker, Gary Horton, says the female eagle tests the male eagle to be sure he will be there to catch the little eaglet as he falls from the nest. So too, we can trust our Lord to be there to catch us when we fall. Mary Whelchel, author of Soaring on High - Spiritual Insights from The Life of An Eagle, makes parallels between God's amazing eagle and Christians.

Side B: 3/6/2021

How To Change America



The prayers of millions of Christians didn't produce the results we wanted. Most Christians are unaware of the spiritual assault on our nation and don't know how to counter it. David Barton of Wallbuilders says the church has the wrong strategy by focusing on 'bigger is better', on conversion and not discipleship. Jesus had huge crowds but the crowds didn't change the world. It was the dozen mentored disciples who did. The War for Independence was won with local victories. To change America we need to focus on our local battles. John Quincy Adams was mentored to become one of America's greatest Founders.

Side A: 2/27/2021

Taking A Courageous Stand pt 2


Has America been conquered? We've raised generations on socialism and now have a Marxist government! Pastor Jack Hibbs said, "The Democrat rule in D.C. will use their unchecked power to lead our populace into becoming a compliant populace reducing us to a global state." Pastor Erwin Lutzer, author of We Will Not Be Silenced - Responding to Our Culture's Assault on Christianity, said, "With conservative speech silenced, with pornographic sex ed, and transgenderism, with the break up of the family, Marxism will have accomplished its goal to demoralize youth, cause confusion and result in tyranny and communism.

Side B: 2/20/2021

Taking A Courageous Stand pt 1



Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Ca., said, "In less than a year, America has gone from being the pinnacle of power, freedom and prosperity to now fear, confusion and oppression. America as we've known it is no more! The opening prayer for Congress called on Brahma the god in Hinduism!" Pastor Erwin Lutzer, author of We Will Not Be Silenced - Responding to Our Culture's Assault on Christianity, said, "While our culture has been transformed the Church has remained silent. We're calling for the Church to stand up courageously against this assault; to replace complacency with courage!"

Side A: 2/13/2021

Horrors of the Holocaust


How do you kill 11 million people? Andy Andrews, author of How Do You Kill 11 Million People? - Why The Truth Matters More Than You Think, says 11 million people is the number killed by Nazi's from 1933 to 1945. Why couldn't they have fought back? They were lied to by Nazi leaders like Eichmann, and they believed it. Hilmar Von Campe, was a German soldier under Hitler, says we are being led down the same socialist road that Germany went down. Are we just one national disaster away from tyranny? Hilmar gives a wake up call so we don't fall into the same terrifying Nazi-style totalitarian abyss Germany did.

Side B: 2/6/2021

Bonhoeffer's Dedication to Christ



The way to teach character is through role models and biographies. Brilliant young German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, author of The Cost of Discipleship, challenged Hitler and the compromised German Church. Because Bonhoeffer lived a Cross centered life, he also died a martyr's death at the age of 39. Professor Stephen Nichols, professor at Lancaster Bible College and the author of Bonhoeffer - On the Christian Life, From The Cross, For The World, sees parallels between Germany in Bonhoeffer's day and our society today and what it means to be a true disciple. "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil," wrote Bonhoeffer.

Side A: 1/30/2021

AntiChrist: -The Great Imposter p 2


Because of God's love, He is giving us a warning of how to identify the great deceiver. There is coming a time of great testing of everyone's faith. Pastor John Hagee says, "Our nation has been deceived by globalists who depend on submissive Americans." Charles Crismier, author of Antichrist - How to Identify the Coming Imposter, said, "This nation is so deceived, we are ripe to accept the Antichrist. Was the fraud in the last election planned to create a one-world government? Could the Covid vaccine include a tiny chip, a mark, become mandatory proof of vaccination? Is our nation turning communist?

Side B: 1/23/2021

AntiChrist: -The Great Imposter p 1



Is the Antichrist on earth now? How will most professing Christians be deceived by the Antichrist? Jesus said, "Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold."  Cuts of Pastor John Hagee saying, "The Antichrist will produce a one world government and one world religion." Charles Crismier, author of Antichrist - How to Identify the Coming Imposter, said, "Without the mark of the beast, you cannot buy or sell, thus you could starve. But the Bible says that the Antichrist and those who take his mark will spend eternity in hell." The world will be receptive to the "man of peace" to quell the chaos.

Side A: 1/16/2021

The Right to Life


Can you imagine the owner of the abortion clinic coming into your child's school to teach children sex ed? The abortion clinic owner, Carol Everett, author of Blood Money, said that's exactly what she did, because it increased her abortion business. Her clinic prescribed birth control pills they knew would enable girls to become pregnant. Carol Everett, who was responsible for the deaths of over 35,000 babies, tells the truth about sex ed. Planned Parenthood counselors have degenerated into telling children to experiment with deviant sexual behavior. Anyone with kids in school needs to hear this fascinating program.

Side B: 1/9/2021

How Evil Works



How has our nation gone from Christian to a nation where Christianity is criminalized? Where evil is called good and good is called evil. Not long ago, Marxism and socialism were scorned, but now universities indoctrinate students into Marxist ideas and hate for country and capitalism. David Kupelian, author of The Snapping of the American Mind, says words have been changed to mean the exact opposite of what they used to mean. Tolerance means intolerance of Christians. The horror of killing a baby is simply a woman's choice. Why are 4 to 5 million healthy boys labeled ADHD and put on drugs?

Side A: 1/2/2021

Eternal Judgment pt 2


Is hell a literal place with real people suffering forever? Best selling author Bill Weise, author of Twenty Three Minutes in Hell, describes his incredibly detailed vision of hell. Bill graphically describes the stench, the flames, the screaming and the demons! If your sins are not forgiven on earth, they will never be forgiven in hell. If you don't believe that Christ's sacrifice for payment of your sins can save you, you're calling God a liar. The Lord took Bill's spirit to hell to warn people and thousands have come to faith because of it. If you could go to heaven because of your good deeds, then Jesus died for nothing!

Side B: 12/26/2020

A Nation Under Judgment pt 1



How and why does God judge a nation? Is America under God's judgment? God is loving and forgiving but also a God of justice and wrath. When the sins of a nation reach a certain point, judgment is irrevocable. We've become one of the most degenerate, corrupt nations in the world. Pastor Charles Stanley, of First Baptist Church in Atlanta, delivers one of the most passionate, forceful warnings ever given to our nation! Just as God judged His beloved nation Israel in Deut. 28 with horrible diseases, confusion, corrupt leaders, starvation, violence and defeat in battle, so judgment has already begun in America.

Side A: 12/19/2020

The Love of Jesus pt 2


It's amazing that the God who created everything from nothing came to earth as a single cell. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in more movies than any other actor, gives a profound description of the joy and wonder of Jesus Christ. Jesus was a man of joy demonstrating the Kingdom with miraculous signs. He came to serve and give people healing and life, but many, to their own detriment, walked away. God gave up the riches of heaven to live a humble life and die for others. God in the flesh describes Himself as gentle and humble. He is a sensitive man full of love for lost people.

Side B: 12/12/2020

When God Became a Man pt 1



The greatest event in all history was that the Creator of the universe became a baby, the man Jesus Christ. That's what Christmas is all about! Pastor Francis Chan, author of Crazy Love, Forgotten God and Erasing Hell, gives an impassioned Christmas message exclaiming how God emptied himself and left heaven to become a man! This is a life-changing message!

If you want to know what God is like, look at Jesus! Jesus shows that God isn't angry but loving, patient and kind. When a primitive tribe first heard the gospel and how God had forgiven them of all sins, they leaped for joy and celebrated for hours.

Side A: 12/5/2020

Christ and the Crimson Worm


On the Cross, Jesus began the first line in Psalms 22, "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?" And in 22:6 says, "I am a worm and not a man." Would Jesus refer to himself as a worm? The tolath or crimson worm is a symbol of Christ, as the mother worm dies on a tree; she exudes a bright red fluid, like the blood of Christ! Dr Jobe Martin, author of The Evolution of a Creationist, gives examples disproving evolution, like the bombardier beetle that has all its parts created at the same time, and the giraffe that has a blood vessel system created fully formed, not bit by bit. Creatures that defy evolution prove a Creator!

Side B: 11/28/2020

Gang Leader's Conversion



One of the greatest demonstrations of God's power is converting an impossible sinner to Christ. Casey Diaz, author of The Shot Caller- was the 'shot caller' who decided who lived and who died. Locked in an 8x10 foot cell without windows, no books, radio or TV, no visitors, caused many men to go crazy. But prison walls can't keep Jesus out. Christ gave Casey a vision of his violent life, with Jesus on the cross looking at him saying, "I did this for YOU!" It broke Casey. This hardened killer wept and wept. As a Christian, he was beaten by other prisoners but led many to Christ. Now Casey is a pastor and free.

Side A: 11/21/2020

Giving Thanks


Schools teach that Thanksgiving was a feast when the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians instead of to God. Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, describes the first Thanksgiving when Pilgrims were starving with only 5 kernels of corn a day. Peter Marshall says The Pilgrims came here to bring the gospel to the Indians. Connie Ricks, a 4th grade teacher, reads the diary of a girl who came over on the Mayflower and the struggles they endured. Dr John Pafford says it was the strong Christian faith of the Pilgrims that established this nation as a Christian commonwealth and fostered a free market economy.

Side B: 11/14/2020

Is Jesus Coming Soon?



Are we close to the rapture where believers will rise in the sky and be transformed into a spirit body? Prophecy expert Dr David Reagan, founder of Lamb & Lion Ministries and author of Living on Borrowed Time - The Imminent Return of Jesus, said, " Before satellite TV, people couldn't understand how God's witnesses in Rev 11 could be seen worldwide. Holograms & virtual reality show prophecy is becoming reality. Israelites said Jeremiah was a false prophet, and God would never destroy Israel since they had His Temple. They were wrong. God did destroy Israel and He will destroy America if we don't repent.

Side A: 11/7/2020

Repentance and Prayers for Revival part 2


We have taken God and His blessings for granted. Rick Scarborough says, "Our cultural degeneration is the fault of pastors whose gospel isn't impacting our culture." In the face of a relentless onslaught of evil, the American Church has grown timid and fearful of offense. Jonathan Cahn, organizer of The Return (to God) in Washington, DC in September, said, "America is following the same pattern as ancient Israel, warring against God, shortly before God destroyed Israel." Actress Sam Sorbo said, "80% of Christian youth leave their faith and adopt belief in government instead of God. The solution is home school."

Side B: 10/31/2020

Repentance and Prayers for Revival part 1



A God sent revival is a magnificent culture-changing gift. Jonathan Cahn, author of The Harbinger II, says, "Only God can save our nation! We've experienced the darkest year in history with a plague that shut down our economy and lawlessness that threatens to tear our nation apart." That's why God called for repentance and prayer for revival in Washington, DC. Speakers include Dr James Dobson, who said, "The blood of 62 million aborted babies cries out for justice." Speakers at the The Return (to God) include: Ken Wilde, Foley Beach, David Stuckenberg, and Pastor Carter Conlon of Times Square Church.

Side A: 10/24/2020

More Than Just Another Election


Max Alvarez says he's heard the same liberal promises when he lived in Cuba from Castro. The lies of the liberals end up costing us our freedom and bringing us into the oppression of tyranny. President Trump delivered warning that if the radicals get into power taxes go up and the wall comes down. The next President will choose between one and four US Supreme Court Justices. That will determine their rulings on religious freedom, ownership of guns and all our freedoms for the next 30 to 40 years. All the Democrats need are 3 or 4 senate seats to control Trumps judicial confirmations.

Side B: 10/17/2020

Racism is a Spiritual Problem



Pastor John MacArthur won his case against the state of California to meet inside their church. He says, "The Democrat Party has adopted all the sins of Romans ch.; abortion, homosexual marriage and leaving God out of their platform." Football star, Jack Brewer, says to end racism, people need the Lord. Pro football player, Herchel Walker, has been a friend with Trump for years says it's an insult to him to call our President a racist. Senator Tim Scott says the Democrat Party wants to transform America to be socialist! Eric Trump defines the differences between the parties. Democrat Vernon Jones supports Trump.

Side A: 10/10/2020

Choosing Life for the Babies


Abortion is not just a political issue, nor a human rights issues, but a spiritual issue. Only God should determine life and death. Cut of President Trump's compelling speech at the March for Life. Abby Johnson was a director of a Planned Parenthood abortuary who saw a baby desperately struggling for life before the suction machine dismembered it. That changed her into a strong prolife spokeswoman. Gianna Jessen, who survived an abortion attempt, gives one of the most profound/powerful speeches before the Australian Parliament! VP Mike Pence's speech sets out the differences between the political parties.

Side B: 10/3/2020

Choosing America's Future



Why are young Americans rioting and tearing down statues and going to war with their own country? Left wing radicals have indoctrinated students into Marxism! Cut of President Trump saying we need to teach true history! Army ranger Captain Sean Parnell battled valiantly in the Afghan war now says he's fighting our enemies here - the radical leftists. Rebecca Friedrich says teacher's unions have hijacked school curriculums. Mark and Patricia McCloskey defended their home against an angry mob yet they were charged and the mob wasn't. Also Cissie Graham Lynch speaking at the RNC.

Side A: 9/26/2020

Voting Biblically


America was a model for the world as a Christian nation. But now our nation is on the verge of God's judgment. Why have pastors become silent on social and political issues? Pastor Jim Garlow, author of Well Versed - Biblical Answers to Today's Tough Issues, says, "Polls show Christians want their Pastors to teach on Biblical solutions to current issues, but silence from the pulpit has led to Biblical illiteracy. Many pastors say they don't discuss politics. Does that mean they would have remained silent on slavery?" God raised a pagan King Cyrus and a coarse Churchill, because they were right for that time.

Side B: 9/19/2020

I Have Walked With the Living God



One man has brought more people to Christ than just about anyone else in our time. Hundreds of millions of people have come into the Kingdom of God through the ministry of Pat Robertson, author of I Have Walked With the Living God. 90 year-old Pat Robertson is the founder of CBN and the 700 Club, and the ACLJ, which has won many Supreme Court victories. He founded Regent University that has 11,000 students. He served as a Marine Lieutenant in the Korean War, and was a Yale Law grad. He ran for President in 1988 and finished 3rd. He has inspired generations, but what does he say was his greatest achievement?

Side A: 9/12/2020

The Harbinger II, pt 2


We are at a crucial moment in our history that will determine our future. The same harbingers God gave ancient Israel before He destroyed it are appearing today in America. God is giving us warnings and a period of time to turn back to Him or face His judgment. America's apostasy is accelerating, brazenly promoting immorality and celebrating the slaughter of babies. Jonathan Cahn, author of The Harbinger II - the Return, is calling for a national day of repentance and prayer September 26th in Washington DC. Soon after a national day of prayer in 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected President and the USSR collapsed.

Side B: 9/5/2020

The Harbinger II, pt1



We are experiencing a deadly Corona-19 plague that has got the whole world in lock down for the first time in history. Is this plague a judgment from God or just a deadly flu? Jonathan Cahn, author of The Harbinger II - the Return, says, "America is following the same pattern and getting the same harbingers that ancient Israel got before it was destroyed. From the break down of the gate and the breach of the wall, to the falling of the towers, the similarities to Israel are shocking." Cahn is calling for a national day of repentance and prayer on September 26 in Washington DC. Will we experience judgment or revival?

Side A: 8/29/2020

End Times President


Our nation is as divided as any time in history. What does the Bible say about globalism? God has blessed America as no other nation, but we've expelled God from our schools and society. Paul McGuire, author of Trumpocalypse - The End Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon, says in the coming one-world globalism, you will be required to take the mark of the beast or be martyred. Two-thirds of young evangelicals believe non-Christians can go to heaven without Christ. God could allow a catastrophe to bring America to repentance. Russia and China are serious threats.

Side B: 8/22/2020

Electing Righteous Leaders



Libby Emmon tells how schools are teaching racial prejudice by teaching students that their worth is based on skin color! When half the Christians don't vote, how are they being the salt Christ told us to be? Pastor Bishop EW Jackson, says, "In this country we choose our leaders. Socialism eliminates freedom and brings economic stagnation and oppression. God is not finished with America and wants to bring victory and revival if God's people do their part. Do we want socialism or limited government under our Constitution?" He gives a most powerful, passionate oration using the Bible to motivate Christians.

Side A: 8/15/2020

Eye Witness to Nazi Germany


"Hitler didn't take Austria by force; we elected that monster in 1938 when 98% voted to annex Austria to Germany because of the economic collapse, lawlessness and chaos," says 94 year-old Kitty Werthmann. The Nazi Party was the Socialist Party. Guns were registered then confiscated. Handicapped people were euthanized. Hitler sounded like a pro-family American politician. School children were indoctrinated, the cross of Christ came down and a picture of Hitler went up. Out of 18,000 German pastors, only 200 refused to sign a loyalty oath to Hitler. Many Germans said Hitler was a gift from God.

Side B: 8/8/2020

God, Trump and Covid



Was Covid-19 a warning from God? How will this Covid affect the election? Steve Strang, the Founder of Charisma Magazine, and author of God, Trump & Covid-19- How the Pandemic Is Affecting America's 2020 Election, says the corona virus was a manufactured weapon that was accidentally released. How can the government mandate churches to stop singing? The Leftist Project 1619 claims slavery was the basis of our capitalist system. If Trump loses, we will see a great depression. Cut of President Trump saying rewritten history makes our founders villains! Trump is a Churchill needed for times like now.

Side A: 8/1/2020

Freedom From Visual Fantasies, p2


God created people to be visually stimulated by the opposite sex for the propagation of the species, but Satan perverted it as a lure into his dark territory. Science has shown that the brain produces neurotransmitters (pleasure chemistry) by looking at porn. As porn becomes a habit, the brain can become trained to expect a chemical rush thus it becomes an addition. Clay Allen, founder of Avenue, describes the supernatural deliverance from the porn cycle. Many men are fighting the battle in their own flesh with the wrong weapons. The battle is not just yours; the battle belongs to the Lord. Let Him fight for you!

Side B: 7/25/2020

Freedom From Visual Fantasies, p1



What God created for beauty, Satan perverts into lust of the flesh, camouflaging sin as pleasure. Pornography is a lure of the enemy that can create a sexual addiction and destroy body, soul and spirit. Clay Allen, founder of Avenue, was in bondage and broken to the point of suicide, but the Lord rescued him. Now he has devoted his life to helping others find freedom from porn through the Holy Spirit. Sexual sin isn't just about sex but the flesh's war against the spirit. Your past doesn't need to be your future. You can be a new creation in Christ! Since evil flourishes in darkness, bring it to the Light of Christ to be healed.

Side A: 7/18/2020

God's Incredible Design


Dr Geoffrey Simmons, a medical doctor and author of 9 books, describes the incredible design in the human body, and in the marvels of nature, like the giraffe's neck and the woodpecker's tongue. Darwin didn't understand genetics or how a child inherits traits from his parents, so how could he know people evolved from apes? Darwin wrote that whales were the result of bears going out to sea. The bears would have drowned. Dr Simmons tells of the intelligent octopus, and birds that fly from Alaska to Hawaii, non-stop. This couldn't have happened gradually, they would have drowned.

Side B: 7/11/2020

Rage, Riots and Revolution



Violent anarchists turned what began as a peaceful protest over the police killing of George Floyd into massive riots around the country. Is this a preview of what a Marxist revolution looks like? The majority of College professors describe themselves as Marxists. Curtis Bowers, producer of the film Agenda-Grinding America Down, says communist groups like Antifa are determined to destroy capitalism and make this nation a communist nation. Naïve city councils and mayors are cutting police budgets to stop "race riots," but that will make their cities explode in crime, and ripe for a Marxist take-over.

Side A: 7/4/2020

The Cost of Freedom


To destroy a culture, destroy their history. Peter Marshall, author of The Light and Glory -vividly describes the horrendous starving army at Valley Forge, barefoot in the snow, and the courage Washington infused into them to fight on against impossible odds. God miraculously protected our Continental army with a heavy fog that hid them from slaughter from the British. Tom Dooley, author of One Nation Under God-America's Lost Dream, describes the cost of freedom in the sacrifices our forefathers paid with their lives. What do the words of our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, really mean?

Side B: 6/27/2020

Love of Learning



How can you develop a genuine love for learning in your child? Carole Seid, an educational consultant said, "The single most effective tool in shaping a child's character is great literature." The right book at the right time can change a child's destiny. How can parents build genius in their children? Dr Raymond Moore, the grandfather of homeschooling, says statistical research of geniuses throughout the ages shows there are three common elements to producing genius. Jesus said, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your ... MIND." A secular education can't do that but home schooling can.

Side A: 6/20/2020

Last Words of Christ on the Cross


Many people have no idea of the infinitely high price God paid for their salvation. They have no understanding of what Jesus suffered on the cross! Pastor Robert Nash, author of Last Words -7 Sayings From the Heart of Christ on the Cross, says in the immense suffering, gasping for every breath, Jesus spoke words filled with forgiveness, hope and compassion. These words are some of the most important words a person could ever read, containing a wealth of meaning. Why did Jesus say, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Why did He call His Father God and not Father? Why did He give Mary to John?

Side B: 6/13/2020

Palestinian Delusion



Is America wasting billions of dollars to try to bring peace to the Middle East? Is the conflict just about land, or is it an unsolvable spiritual war? Cut of Israel's PM Netanyahu's speech before Congress. Is Israel occupying Palestinian land? Are the Palestinians a unique people? The Romans invented the name Palestine from the Philistines! Robert Spencer, the author of The Palestinian Delusion -The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process, says the root of hatred is based on Islam's dedication to the destruction of Israel. College students are being deceived into supporting the supposed Palestinian victims.

Side A: 6/6/2020

Job - The Faith to Challenge God, p 2


Where is God when a family loses a loved one? Is Satan accusing us today before God? Michael Brown, President of FIRE School of Ministry, host of The Line of Fire, and author of Job - The Faith to Challenge God, says Job knew God well enough to trust the goodness of God so much that he said, "Though He slay me, I will trust in Him." When Job confronted God, why did God answer with what He had created? God, who loves us enough to send His only Son to die on the cross for us, puts us through tough situations not to harm us but to develop our faith. Job's advocate is also our advocate - the righteous Jesus!

Side B: 5/30/2020

Job - The Faith to Challenge God, p 1



Why do Godly people suffer? Why does God seem silent when people need him the most? Job was a real man who lost everything including his beloved 10 children. Why? Michael Brown, President of FIRE School of Ministry, host of The Line of Fire, and author of Job - The Faith to Challenge God, says because Satan questioned Job's faith, God put Job through a horrendous test of faith. The most important thing to God is our faith! Our faith determines our eternal destiny. People who have gone through severe tortures, like Richard Wurmbrand (VOM), have come through with greater faith and love of God.

Side A: 5/23/2020

Trial By Water, p 2


In 1945, Edgar Harrell, was on the USS Indianapolis that delivered the components for the atomic bombs that won WWII but was sunk by a Japanese submarine. Blown up at midnight, he jumped for his life into the oil soaked, murky-black, freezing water! Hundreds of men died, some instantly, some later. Listen to this harrowing experience. For 4 ½ days, he desperately tried to stay alive as others perished. Although he was exhausted, dehydrated and very cold, he had a peace only Christ can give. He saw his buddies being eaten alive by sharks, but he said, "God's Presence gave me great strength to persevere."

Side B: 5/16/2020

Trial By Fire, p 1



The US Senate Chaplain, Peter Marshall Sr, gave a fiery sermon, Trial By Fire that shook our nation. As Elijah challenged Israel, Peter Marshall challenged Americans in the mid 1940's to choose between following Christ or Ba'al. Many Americans live in a moral fog that knows no absolutes but a confused grey. What does America stand for to those who have sacrificed so much in war? Is this nation worth dying for? If we no longer follow the Lord, stop pretending to be a Christian nation. Without God, we can't move mountains but stumble over molehills. America will be governed by God or ruled by tyrants.

Side A: 5/9/2020

Exposing Planned Parenthood p 2


Mat Staver, President of Liberty Councel, is suing Planned Parenthood for selling beating hearts taken out of live babies being aborted and selling them for research. Mat Staver was a pastor who believed abortion was okay until he saw a video of what it is. Now he's one of America's greatest attorneys for life. Planned Parenthood's Margaret Sanger was awarded retroactively Time Magazine's woman of the year. The Equality Act, that equates homosexuality with race, is a grave threat to religious liberty. Liberty Council is winning cases that prohibit minors from receiving counseling to eliminate same sex attractions.

Side B: 5/2/2020

Exposing Planned Parenthood p 1



Mat Staver, President of Liberty Councel, tells how Planned Parenthood takes out beating hearts from live babies being aborted and sells them to research labs. The medical director of Planned Parenthood has personally done over 30,000 abortions selling intact beating hearts, lungs and kidneys. How has our nation degenerated so that we allow people do to what the Nazi's did? Planned Parenthood's founder, Margaret Sanger, was a eugenicist who influenced Hitler and the holocaust. Liberty Council is suing to overturn a ban on counseling youth who want to overcome same sex attraction. This case has national consequences!

Side A: 4/25/2020

Our Survival Depends on Revival


Revival is God's remedy for a morally and spiritually sick nation. Revivals have transformed the lives of people and nations. The First Great Awakening led to America's independence from Britain. Daniel Norris, the author of Trail of Fire - True Stories From Ten of the Most Powerful Moves of God, vividly describes how Jonathan Edward's sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God" began a nationwide revival that changed our destiny. The 2nd Great Awakening with Charles Finney led to a great revival that spread worldwide. Great revivals have resulted in entire cities shutting for prayer meetings.

Side B: 4/18/2020

Time to Homeschool



With the coronavirus closing schools parents are forced to home school. This is a great opportunity for children to learn a love for learning and develop a Biblical worldview. 17 year-old Eddie Zhong, who started his own successful business, says schools can stunt creative thinking. Israel Wayne, author of Homeschooling From A Biblical Worldview, says public schools don't train young minds to think critically and debate both sides of issues. But homeschool can do that. What is a good education if it leaves God out? Secular schools make secular students. Education is more than just academics. It's Biblical discipleship.

Side A: 4/11/2020

Resurrection Power p 2


This is one of the most inspirational programs we have ever made. William Frey, author of The Dance of Hope, tells how the Resurrection was like a news flash - fascinating news that's exciting and life changing! Death no longer has any power over us. Now there's nothing to fear, only expectations of joy in heaven. Although the disciples had lost all hope, they emerged fearless men, unafraid of crucifixion. These transformed men changed the world. Professional actor, Bruce Marchiano, dramatically tells how the lifeless body of Jesus, dead for three days, came vibrantly back to life through God's power.

Side B: 4/4/2020

Resurrection Power p 1



What is heaven like? Will we have the same personality, with our mind completely intact, in heaven? Imagine your best vacation multiplied by infinity, and you get a glimpse of heaven. The best moments on earth are a taste of heaven. Randy Alcorn, an authority on heaven and best selling author of 40 books, selling over 9 million copies, is the author of Heaven. Randy Alcorn vividly describes what we can expect in Heaven, and on the New Earth, according to the Bible. The heaven we enter when we die is temporary. The future heaven is not a non-earth, but the New Earth where God comes to live with us.

Side A: 3/28/2020

Real World Socialism p 2


What's the difference between socialism and communism? Will America turn left to socialism? Most young people don't know the difference between socialism and capitalism. Does socialism help the poor? Capitalism has raised more people out of poverty than any other economic system. Examples of socialist governments include the Union of Socialist Soviet Republics (USSR), National Socialist Party (Nazi Germany) and Communist China with over 100 million people starved, tortured and killed through socialism. It's really evil. America is the only nation in history with a foundation built on Biblical concepts.

Side B: 3/21/2020

Real World Socialism p 1



What's causing the sudden rise in socialism? Cuts from a debate with socialist Bernie Sanders. A majority of college students say socialism is the best form of government. Were the early Christians socialists? Dr Gerard Lameiro, political analyst, expert in forecasting and author of Real World Socialism -Spiritual, Moral and Economic Bankruptcy Sold By Using False Hopes and Deceit, says socialism is a secular religion that sells false hopes for a man- made utopia without God. Socialism is atheistic where the State replaces God to determine who lives and who dies. Capitalism gives freedom to innovate, invent, excel and prosper.

Side A: 3/14/2020

Evolution's False Start


Is Intelligent Design religious? Is evolution scientific, or is it a religious belief based on faith? Are millions of scientists who believe evolution wrong? Evolution has been enshrined in our educational system with laws to protect it. Scientists in the 1800's believed that life could spontaneously come from non-life. What Darwin believed, Pasteur disproved. Dr Carl Warner, author of Evolution-the Grand Experiment, believed in evolution until a friend asked him questions that changed his worldview. Why would birds evolve half a wing or animals that evolve half a leg evolve into intermediates that are incapable of life?

Side B: 3/7/2020

The God of Hope



If you say your circumstances are hopeless, you're slamming the door on God. Fear and discouragement are from the enemy, but faith and hope come from God. Terry Law, author of The Hope Habit, Finding God's Goodness When Life is Hard, says having hope as a habit is life changing! This is not simple optimism! Biblical hope has the power of God to train you to live with a hope to give you confidence in God in severe trials by freeing your mind from worry and fear that actually weakens our immune systems! Just a tiny spark of hope breaks that cycle to release endorphins that lessen pain, and promote healing and hope.

Side A: 2/29/2020

Israel & American Jews part 2


The debate is about "Israeli occupation" of Palestinian land. But does the land belong to Palestinians or Israel? David Rubin, author of Trump and the Jews, says it wasn't until Israel developed their land that Arabs tried to claim it for their own. Jews who were poor immigrated to America early in the 20th century to become successful by emphasizing education and hard work. Obama prioritized Muslim immigration. Trump is prioritizing Jewish and Christian immigration. Which group will do more to benefit our nation? Why do the majority of American Jews vote Democrat when their Party is turning against Israel?

Side B: 2/22/2020

Israel & American Jews part 1



American universities are becoming increasingly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic. Professor Tammy Benjamin reports on anti-Semitism on campus. Why is the Democrat Party aligning itself with the enemies of Israel? Half the Democrats in Congress support the anti-Israel group C.A.I.R. David Rubin, author of Trump and the Jews, was with his 3 year-old when Muslim terrorists shot them. David Rubin says, "The Romans wanted to eliminate Israel from the map so they changed the name of Israel to Palestine." American Jews have become so removed from their heritage, they are against basic Biblical values.

Side A: 2/15/2020

Was Washington a Christian?


Are we ashamed of our nation's heritage? Was Washington a Christian or a deist? Did he own slaves? Peter Lillback, author of George Washington's Sacred Fire, gives the benefits we have because of our First President. Washington refused to make himself king but instead chose to become our first President. He believed the power entrusted to him was a sacred fire of liberty. He said, "The two indispensable pillars for any government are religion and morality." Peter Marshall, author of The Light and the Glory, describes how God supernaturally protected Washington and saved our rag-tag Continental army.

Side B: 2/8/2020

Capitalism vs Socialism



Professors have convinced many impressionable students that Marxism helps the poor more than capitalism. But socialism and communism not only haven't helped the poor but have slaughtered them. The USSR and China slaughtered about 100 million people in the last century. What's the difference between liberalism, socialism and communism? Jesus and the early Christians were not socialists! Jay Richards, author of Money, Greed, & God, dispels economic myths that lead students to become socialists. How do moral issues affect economic issues? The biggest cause of poverty is single motherhood.

Side A: 2/1/2020

This Life is Not the End of Me part 2


How do all things work for the good for someone with brain cancer? Dr Lee Warren, a neurosurgeon and Iraq war veteran, is the author of I've Seen the End of You- a Neurosurgeon's Look at Faith, Doubt and the Things We Think We Know. There's a spiritual aspect of entering the most inner part of a person's mind in brain surgery. The most excruciating moments in a doctor's practice is asking a loved one to take their loved one off life support. These inspirational accounts reveal a profound faith in some patients who pray that God would take them home to heaven. Dr Warran tells of the devastating loss of his own son.

Side B: 1/25/2020

This Life is Not the End of Me part 1



We will each face the fear and pain of our death or a loved one. How we respond will show a deep faith or shallow religiosity. Dr Lee Warren, a neurosurgeon and Iraq war veteran, is the author of I've Seen the End of You- a Neurosurgeon's Look at Faith, Doubt and the Things We Think We Know. As a Christian doctor, how can he honestly pray for a patient who has a type of brain cancer that's almost 100% fatal? In this gripping, inspirational memoir, you will get an honest look between his faith and his medical experience. His testimony will stir your faith as you hear the insightful and profound thoughts of a brilliant surgeon!

Side A: 1/18/2020

Protecting Life pt 2


Can you imagine the owner of the abortion clinic coming into your child's school to teach children sex ed? The abortion clinic owner, Carol Everett, author of Blood Money, said that's exactly what she did, because it increased her abortion business. Her clinic prescribed birth control pills they knew would enable girls to become pregnant. Carol Everett, who was responsible for the deaths of over 35,000 babies, tells the truth about sex ed. Planned Parenthood counselors have degenerated into telling children to experiment with deviant sexual behavior. Anyone with kids in school needs to hear this fascinating program.

Side B: 1/11/2020

Protecting Life pt 1



Killing babies is not just a political issues it is a human rights issue. With a pro-life President, the abortion holocaust is close to ending. Gianna Jessin, who survived an abortion, is a voice from God telling us that we're killing His babies. Dr Bernard Nathanson, author of The Hand of God, was the infamous abortionist who operated the largest abortion mill in the world, killing over 75,000 babies including his own son. He tells how they used words, like calling baby killing simply a woman's choice or reproductive heath, which helped make abortion legal. Partial birth abortion is really infanticide.

Side A: 1/4/2020

Elimination of Hurry


Are you ruled by the tyranny of the urgent, hurrying through life and not enjoying it? Are you addicted to being busy or to your i-phone? Hurry, anxiety and stress are enemies of a healthy spiritual life that separate us from God. John Mark Comer gave up his 7000-member mega-church, because he was burned out. He now pastors a smaller church in Portland. John Mark Comer, the author of The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry, says Jesus life was not hurried but full of peace, love and joy. Slow down, spend time with God and have a better life. Since Jesus needed solitary time in prayer, we much more do we?

Side B: 12/28/2019

Power in Praise



Do you thank God for every situation in your life, even the bad ones? Could you thank God for a child with ADHD or blindness? God has a gift for you that will enable you to go through the worst of times and enrich you to enjoy the best of times. Merlin Carothers, author of Prison to Praise, which isn't about a prison with bars but a prison of circumstances, says praising the Lord in bad circumstances demonstrates trust in Him. Praise is not a magic formula to manipulate God but genuine gratitude that pleases God and gives you His peace and joy and sometimes-miraculous answers. Praise works wonders!

Side A: 12/21/2019

True Meaning of Christmas


It's amazing that the God who created everything from nothing came to earth as a single cell. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in more movies than any other actor, gives a profound description of the joy and wonder of Jesus Christ. Jesus was a man of joy demonstrating the Kingdom with miraculous signs. He came to serve and give people healing and life, but many, to their own detriment, walked away. God gave up the riches of heaven to live a humble life and die for others. God in the flesh describes Himself as gentle and humble. He is a sensitive man full of love for lost people.

Side B: 12/14/2019

Classic Christmas Composers



Christmas would not be Christmas without Christmas music. It's ironic that public schools censor out any music that mentions Jesus as Lord, yet the greatest musicians were Christians. Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel... were born again Christians who loved our Lord. Dr Patrick Kavenaugh, author of Devotions from the World of Music, and Raising Musical Kids, gives some fascinating details into the lives of the world's greatest composers and some great ideas how to help your child develop a love for good music. What do you say when your little Mozart wants to quit his music lessons?

Side A: 12/7/2019

A Memorial for our Mentor



Christians have been the most courageous people in witnessing before kings, courts and classrooms. One of God's mighty men was Dr Robert Simonds, who entered the loving arms of Jesus in September. Dr Simonds, Founder of The National Association of Christian Educators, was a bold witness for Christ in the classroom so the ACLU sued him in court! The Lord gave Dr Simonds a brilliant defense and miraculously pressed the heads of the prosecutors to their desks. Dr Simonds says, "If you stand up for Christ, He'll do the rest." A great life fully lived for Christ is now celebrating forever in eternity!

Side B: 11/30/2019

Build the Wall



God devoted an entire book in the Bible to building a wall to protect Jerusalem. Since God ordained a wall to protect Jerusalem, why wouldn't God want a wall to protect America? People living on the border have to carry a gun on their own property for protection from the hundreds of illegals smuggling drugs and people across their land. Wayne Root, host of national TV and radio programs, says private citizens need to help fund a border wall since the Democrat Congress won't do it. What's the Democrat strategy for the upcoming election? Just impeach the President? A Republican wave is coming!

Side A: 11/23/2019

The Oracle Part


How do ancient prophecies in the Bible determine events in world today? God weaves human events like a tapestry to fulfill prophecy. Jonathan Cahn author of The Oracle- The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled, says, "Mysteries written in the Middle East 3,000 years ago are determining events of our day and will determine what will happen in the future." The Jubilee mysteries include Moses to Mark Twain, to Donald Trump, from the fall of empires to the rise of America. The same day the UN voted to restore Israel was the same day as the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. The Word and the nation restored on the same day.
One of the greatest proofs that the Bible is God's actual Word is fulfilled prophecy. Jonathan Cahn author of The Oracle- The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled, says "A principle in the Bible is called a Year of Jubilee, when the original owner would get his home and land back. Every 50 years is a year of Jubilee." But Cahn says, "The one thing that Israel didn't get back in the Jubilee, was Jerusalem, until Donald Trump fulfilled prophecy by officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital exactly 50 years after Israel won Jerusalem in the 6-day war of 1967." We are living in the most prophetic of times and in the end times.

Side B: 11/16/2019

The Oracle part 2



One of the greatest proofs that the Bible is God's actual Word is fulfilled prophecy. Jonathan Cahn author of The Oracle- The Jubilean Mysteries Unveiled, says "A principle in the Bible is called a Year of Jubilee, when the original owner would get his home and land back. Every 50 years is a year of Jubilee." But Cahn says, "The one thing that Israel didn't get back in the Jubilee, was Jerusalem, until Donald Trump fulfilled prophecy by officially recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital exactly 50 years after Israel won Jerusalem in the 6-day war of 1967." We are living in the most prophetic of times and in the end times.

Side A: 11/9/2019

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made pt 2


"Jesus departed, leaving no body on earth except the faltering, bumbling community known as the body of Christ, wrote award winning author, Philip Yancy, author of Fearfully and Wonderfully. He said, "I have learned that faith means trusting in advance what will only make sense in reverse." When we look back, we can see that God was working in our situation to make us more like Jesus. Christ shows His love through us as famed surgeon Dr Paul Brand showed when he treated Jose when leprosy robbed him of sight, smell, hearing and touch. But Jose was given new life after surgery restored his sight.

Side B: 11/2/2019

Fearfully and Wonderfully Made pt 1



God brilliantly knit our bodies together to show His creative genius. God's creative genius in the physical realms leads us to want to know Him. Best selling author, Philip Yancy, author of Fearfully and Wonderfully, who survived a near fatal car accident, surprisingly talks about the benefits of pain. Until God became flesh as Jesus, he had not truly experienced pain and suffering as we do. If you want to know how God feels about our pain and suffering look at how Jesus responded when He was on earth. Without Jesus, we would not know the love of God. The inspiration behind "Fearfully" is surgeon Paul Brand.

Side A: 10/26/2019

Founders Vision for Education


How can America get back to the ideas that made it the greatest Christian nation in history? Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, says, "Colonial New England produced the most incredibly, well-educated generation of Founding Fathers who were not only brilliant, but they were full of Godly Character." Amazing achievements include the revival at Yale led by its president; Jonathan Trumble read the entire Bible at age 4 and passed the entrance exam to Yale at age 7. John Qunicy Adams was an ambassador to Russia at age 14. Without absolute values, corruption and destruction are certain.

Side B: 10/19/2019

When Hitler was in Power



"Hitler didn't take Austria by force; we elected that monster in 1938 when 98% voted to annex Austria to Germany, because 30% of Austrians were out of work. I'm an eyewitness to history," said Kitty Werthmann. What was it like to live under Nazi (the National Socialist Party) Germany with Hitler? Are there parallels in our nation today? A socialist bureaucracy takes control over guns, education, healthcare, and the economy -with massive spending that leads to hyperinflation. Out of 18,000 German pastors, only 200 refused to sign a loyalty oath to Hitler. Many Germans said Hitler was a gift from God.

Side A: 10/12/2019

The Imminent Return of Jesus part 2


Ancient Israel never thought they would come under God's wrath. But they did. Prophesy expert, Dr David Reagan, the founder of Lamb & Lion Ministries and author of God's Prophetic Voices to America, says God is patient but here comes a tipping point of no return! How does the anti-Christ & re-built temple fit with Jesus coming? Famed writer Solzhenitsyn said the reason Russia lost 60 million Russians was because they had forgotten God. Before satellite TV, people couldn't understand how God's witnesses in Rev 11 could be seen worldwide. Holograms & virtual reality show prophecy is becoming reality.

Side B: 10/5/2019

The Imminent Return of Jesus part 1



What are the signs of Jesus' return? Just as unbelievers scoffed at Israel becoming a nation so they scoff at the rapture in which Jesus will come down from heaven and call believers up to meet Him in the sky and transform their earthly body into a spirit body. Prophesy expert, Dr David Reagan, is the founder of Lamb & Lion Ministries and author of Living on Borrowed Time - The Imminent Return of Jesus. How is the rapture different from the Second Coming of Jesus? Jesus referred to the fig tree (re-established Israel) sending out shoots to indicate His return is near. That this generation will not pass away until He returns. 

Side A: 9/28/2019

America's Last Stand


Why would America exchange our blessings from God to oppression under Islam? Americans have been sheltered from the realities of living under Sharia Law because of the media censoring out the atrocities occurring in Europe by Muslims. We have cuts of Martin Mawyer's video, produced by his Christian Action Network, called "Europe's Last Stand." Rape Jihad is justified under Sharia if a woman is out late at night. Riots in Europe are part of creating "no-go" zones for Islamic control. Sharia Law (stoning, cutting hands off, thefts) means persecution for Christians yet liberals welcome Muslims as diversity.

Side B: 9/21/2019

America's Last Stand pt 1



Why would anyone want to psychologically damage little children, let alone the nation's largest teacher's union, the NEA?

Under the guise of teaching tolerance, "Drag Queen" story hour has men dressed up as women reading stories to children in public libraries and coming into some public schools. Martin Mawyer, President of the Christian Action Network, tells how Muslim patrol cars are enforcing Sharia Law in NYC. We never thought we would see Muslim police here. But this is part of their strategy to make America Islamic. A shocked pastor tells how his daughter brought Islamic material home from school.

Side A: 9/14/2019

Love of Learning


How can you develop a genuine love for learning in your child? Carole Seid, an educational consultant said, "The single most effective tool in shaping a child's character is great literature." The right book at the right time can change a child's destiny. How can parents build genius in their children? Dr Raymond Moore, the grandfather of homeschooling, says statistical research of geniuses throughout the ages shows there are three common elements to producing genius. Jesus said, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your ... MIND." A secular education can't do that but home schooling can.

Side B: 9/7/2019

Never Forget 9/11



How would you overcome extreme fear and panic and remain calm if you were in the World Trade Center's towering inferno on 9/11, and you were completely blind? Listen to a total triumph of trust in this horrific catastrophe as a blind man, Michael Hingston, describes his miraculous survival in the face of imminent death. Michael Hingston, the national ambassador for the Braille Literacy Campaign, is the author of Thunder Dog. Although Roselle, Mike's guide dog, was intensely focused on guiding him to safety, she remained calm and even gave a firefighter a kiss on his final trip up the stairs.

Side A: 8/31/2019

People Before the Flood


The idea that ancient men were primitive brutes, cave men, is a myth based on evolution that contradicts the Biblical account. Ancient people had extreme intelligence, plus lived hundreds of years, and thus invented amazing things. Don Landis, editor of The Genius of Ancient Man-Evolution's Nightmare, gives examples such as the thousands of pyramids around the world that used massive 100-ton stones fitted together so precisely you couldn't slide a credit card in the joints. In the religious tower of Babel, man rebelled against God and tried to be God. The religion of Babel is still here today.

Side B: 8/24/2019

A Godly Education



Children are made by God to be voracious learners, until adults quench that desire. 17 year-old Eddie Zhong who started his own successful business says schools can stunt creative thinking. What do you want your child to become and to believe? Israel Wayne, author of Homeschooling From A Biblical Worldview, gives scriptural mandates for parents to consider. Public schools do not train young minds to think critically and debate both sides of issues. They only get one side. What is a good education if it leaves God out? Secular schools make secular students. Education is more than just academics. It's discipleship.

Side A: 8/17/2019

Absence of Abstinence



A new sex ed. curriculum re-defines abstinence to promote perversion as normal. Matt Staver, of Liberty Council says, "Many schools are leading children in to harmful and sometimes deadly sexual experimentation using graphic magazines and videos. "The Advocates for Youth" curriculum promotes abortion over child birth and trains students to be advocates for abortion and homosexuality. Teachers coerce students into participating in the Day of Silence and support GLSEN and Planned Parenthood." Children would prefer to have their modesty and decency respected than be embarrassed in class.

Side B: 8/10/2019

Media's War on America



The national media is trying to destroy President Trump with fake news, lies and innuendos, but their hatred has destroyed their credibility. Brent Bozell, President of The Media Research Center and author of Unmasked -Big Media's War Against Trump, says the media knew there was no collusion with Russia but saturated the airwaves with lies and slander about Trump to destroy his presidency! Despite the horrendous negative news Trump remains strong. Cut of Trump citing fake news. Bozell says the media is incapable of reporting objective news and censors all the accomplishments that Trump has achieved.

Side A: 8/3/2019

On Eagle's Wings


The majestic eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom. Just as opposing winds cause an eagle to soar higher, so adversity strengthens Godly people. So when adversity comes, don't let it get you down, let it push you up as you draw closer to God. Inspirational high school assembly speaker, Gary Horton, says the powerful, strong, father eagle is there waiting to catch the little eaglet as he tries to fly, just as God is there to catch us when we fall. We can trust God. Mary Whelchel, author of Soaring on - High Spiritual Insights from The Life of An Eagle, makes wonderful parallels between God's amazing eagle and Christians.

Side B: 7/27/2019

The Biblical Pattern for America.



God has given us a preview from His Word of what will happen to our nation as we follow a pattern that took place in Ancient Israel 3000 years ago. Jonathan Cahn, author of The Paradigm -The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times, says our nation is repeating the exact history of ancient Israel with the exact time and sequence and personality types of our leaders, including President Trump, to leaders of ancient Israel. God orchestrates events and people to serve as a warning. Baal worship sacrificed thousands of children, but we've aborted millions of them. God will be Savior or our Judge.

Side A: 7/20/2019

Tornsdo in a Junk Yard


Who's right, the public school science teacher, or the pastor? Most pastors don't teach the scientific source of origins but leave that to the secular science teachers. Is it any wonder a majority of public school students become evolutionists? James Perloff, author of Tornado in a Junkyard and The Case Against Darwin, gives solid scientific reasons to believe the Biblical account and reject the myth of evolution. Darwin didn't know about genetics, but we know genetics disproves evolution. The social consequences of evolution are seen in abortion. Stalin, Hitler and Marx saw people as simply evolved animals.

Side B: 7/13/2019

Standing for Righteousness



Cases being litigated by Brad Dacus, President of the Pacific Justice Institute, include: a Christian boarding school was raided by 16-armed police to change their beliefs or be shut down. In another case, a sociology professor was fired, because he challenged his students to discuss both sides of same sex marriage. A kindergarten teacher encouraged a biological boy to change his clothes and put on a dress to become a girl. One little girl was so confused, she thought she would become a boy. A bill in California would require clergy to become agents of the state and report confidential confessions to the government.

Side A: 7/6/2019

Courageous Christian Collegian


America is in a spiritual/cultural Civil War! One side holds a Biblical worldview, while the other calls for a globalist state. Schools propagate ideas of globalism. But what does the Bible say about globalism? Cut of President Trump stating the importance of God & prayer. Paul McGuire, author of Trumpocalypse - The End Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, says, "In the coming one-world globalism you will be required to take the mark or be martyred. Trump is viciously attacked because he is undermining the global order and confronting the evil system that rules this world."

Side B: 6/29/2019

End Times President



America is in a spiritual/cultural Civil War! One side holds a Biblical worldview, while the other calls for a globalist state. Schools propagate ideas of globalism. But what does the Bible say about globalism? Cut of President Trump stating the importance of God & prayer. Paul McGuire, author of Trumpocalypse - The End Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, says, "In the coming one-world globalism you will be required to take the mark or be martyred. Trump is viciously attacked because he is undermining the global order and confronting the evil system that rules this world."

Side A: 6/22/2019

From Gangbanger to Christ pt 2


Gangs are responsible for nearly ½ of all violent crimes. Gangs are the greatest threat to everyone's safety. Casey Diaz, author of The Shot Caller- A Latino Gangbanger's Miraculous Escape From a Life of Violence to a New Life in Christ, describes how he stabbed and shot rival gang members, invaded homes - preferably when people were there so he could terrorize them. Casey was one of the most notorious, deadly criminals in California. But Christ gave him a miraculous vision, like a movie on the solitary cell wall with Christ on the cross looking down saying, "I did this for you!" Casey is now free and a pastor!

Side B: 6/15/2019

From Gangbanger to Christ pt 1



One of the greatest demonstrations of God power is converting an impossible sinner to Christ. Casey Diaz, author of The Shot Caller- was the 'shot caller' who decided who lived and who died. Locked in an 8x10 foot cell without windows, no books, radio or TV, no visitors, caused many men to go crazy. But prison walls can't keep Jesus out. Christ gave Casey a vision of his violent life, with Jesus on the cross looking at him saying, "I did this for YOU!" It broke Casey. This hardened killer wept and wept. As a Christian, he was beaten by other prisoners but led many to Christ. Now Casey is a pastor and free.

Side A: 6/8/2019

Crisis in the Classroom pt 2


Spiritual forces are concentrating on turning this free and democratic nation into a socialist even a communist state, and it's being done through our schools. If God's people will awaken and take action in educating our children, we have a chance to preserve our future. Alex Newman, author of a series of articles in The New American: Rescuing Our Children, says the public schools are breaking down the morals of children by confusing them about the gender identity, and bringing drag queens into the classroom under the guise of "career literacy!" Cuts of teachers in the teacher training video It's Elementary.

Side B: 6/1/2019

Crisis in the Classroom pt 1



In this spiritual war for the future of our nation the most crucial battle is over the schoolchildren. Alex Newman, author of a series of articles in The New American: Rescuing Our Children, says there is a deliberate dumbing down of children by using a reading method that's a proven failure producing functional illiterates. Are the schools doing what they were designed to do? The founders of public education, Horace Mann and John Dewey, influenced the teacher's colleges so they would unwittingly follow a pattern used in communist countries, to transform America to socialism and communism.

Side A: 5/25/2019

Memorial Day Heroes


Freedom is not free but purchased at great cost. Memorial Day is a day to remember the sacrifices that paid for our freedoms. John Steer, author of Wounded Soldier, gives fascinating accounts of his experiences in Viet Nam and how he later took the gospel to Russian generals. Gary Horton, a school assembly speaker, was an Army Ranger who fought for our freedoms, yet he's not given the freedom to speak about his Christian faith in public schools. Schools have re-written our history, banned the flag, and banned the motto and the pledge. Horton gives some impassioned words from our courageous soldiers.

Side B: 5/18/2019

How to bring children to Christ



What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ? What's a false convert? How can you tell if a child is truly saved? Cuts from the movie The Atheist Delusion. Almost 9 out of 10 (88%) of church children lose their faith before high school graduation. What can a parent do to be sure their children keep their faith? Ray Comfort, evangelist and author of How To Bring Your Child To Christ and Keep Them There, says, don't give your children a false image of God. Give them a true balanced view of the God of the Bible not "Santa Claus!" Should you teach children the fear of the Lord to help them overcome temptation?

Side A: 5/11/2019

Communism Disguised pt 2


Karl Marx, father of communism, said, "The goal of communism is to de-throne God and destroy capitalism." Socialism creates the situation for a Stalin or Hitler to come to power. Socialists aren't communists but useful idiots the communists use to get power. Curtis Bowers, producer of Agenda 2 - Masters of Deceit, said, "Our enemies understand that morality is our greatest strength, that immorality creates corruption and government power until the people demand socialism. Socialists have used our educational system to eliminate absolute values to destroy Christian morality, the foundation of America's strength."

Side B: 5/4/2019

Communism Disguised pt 1



The threat of communism in America isn't just theoretical but a coming reality. David Horowitz, one of the founders of the radical Left in the 1960's and author of Dark Agenda - The War To Destroy Christian America, says the Left's strategy is to fundamentally transform this nation from within. The Left isn't just at war against Christianity but at war against all freedom. All freedom has its basis in religious liberty. The identity politics of the Democrat Party is Marxist to pit one American against another, just the opposite of Biblical principles. Social justice is tyrannical redistribution of wealth!

Side A: 4/27/2019

The Miracle of Heaven


Is heaven a real, literal place or just an ethereal, vague concept? What happens after you die? Captain Dale Black, author of A Pilot's True Story - Flight to Heaven, A Plane Crash, A Lone Survivor, A Journey to Heaven and Back, vividly describes his horrific plane crash and his wondrous experience in an incredibly awesome place -Heaven. What do angels look like? Jesus promised mansions awaiting God's children. What are they like? Dale Black describes Heaven's music and the brilliant colors in grass, flowers, and water. But what impressed him was God's love, filling all of heaven. Dale Black's story is life changing.

Side B: 4/20/2019

The Miracle of the Resurrection



This is one of the most inspirational programs we have ever made. William Frey, author of The Dance of Hope, tells how the Resurrection was like a news flash - fascinating news that's exciting and life changing! Death no longer has any power over us. Now there's nothing to fear, only expectations of joy in heaven. Although the disciples had lost all hope, they emerged fearless men, unafraid of crucifixion. These transformed men changed the world. Professional actor, Bruce Marchiano, dramatically tells how the lifeless body of Jesus, dead for three days, came vibrantly back to life through God's power.

Side A: 4/13/2019

A Terrorist Comes to Christ


American universities have become breeding grounds for recruiting students into Islam! Kamal Saleem, a Muslim terrorist trained to kill infidels, went on his first mission to kill Israelis at age 7. He came to America to recruit students into Jihad, but through a life threatening car accident, he turned to Christ, and Christ appeared to him. How could anything other than an authentic experience with the Risen Christ explain the complete transformation of the hardened mind of this Muslim terrorist? Kamal has become such a fearless and zealous Christian that he goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ.

Side B: 4/6/2019

What Is Your Purpose in Life?



What is the purpose of your life? If your life has a purpose, your life will be fulfilling and you will have a deep sense of joy. At the end of your life, don't you want your life to matter? Richard E. Simmons, author of The Reason for Life - Why Did God put Me Here?, says "Just as happiness is a by-product of a meaningful life, so futility is a by-product of a worldly life." Tom Brady winner of 6 super bowls said, "There has to be something greater for my life." Navy Seals were shocked that the hostages they tried to rescue wouldn't leave until one Seal'became one of them'. That's what God did. He become one of us.

Side A: 3/30/2019

WW II - Normandy part 2


How do you kill 11 million people? The Nazi's lied to the people targeted for elimination! Fake news is not harmless but a serious threat to our freedoms. Cut of President Trump saying, "Fake news is an enemy of the people." Cut of Ocasio Cortez and the Democrats New Green Deal. Fake news is propaganda disguised as news. Andy Andrews, author of How Do You Kill 11 Million People? - Why The Truth Matters More Than You Think, says the 11 million people killed by Nazi's could have fought back but didn't. Why? Nazis like Eichmann told them they were being protected! They were lied to just as we are.

Side B: 3/23/2019

WW II - Normandy part 1



The most significant event of the twentieth century was World War II. Almost ½ a million Americans died in WWII. The bloodiest battle was in Normandy. Of all the dangers facing our nation, the greatest is the ignorance of youth who have no idea of the sacrifices made by prior generations! Francois Gauthron, a battlefield expert and author of Colors of War, describes the fake cities built to look like London but in the suburbs. There were fake airplanes, trucks, tanks and soldiers made to fool German bombers. The outcome of the war was decided in North Africa by stopping the oil supply line.

Side A: 3/16/2019

Healthy Options


Public health officials warn that this generation is at greater risk for heart disease and diabetes. Children who eat just three hot dogs a week have 9 times the risk of getting leukemia. Americans are dieting more but are more overweight than ever which increases their risk of getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Dr Ted Broer, a nutrition expert and author of Maximum Fat Loss and Maximum Energy, gives a comprehensive overview of a good diet and foods to avoid. He warns of Ritalin use for ADHD. Lifelong habits are established in youth, yet 27% of young people are too fat to fight in the military.

Side B: 3/9/2019

Incredibly and Wonderfully Made



Intelligent design indicates a Designer. Nothing in science is as certain as God's revelation in nature. Dr Richard Swenson, physician, physicist and best selling author of More Than Meets The Eye - Fascinating Glimpses of God's Power and Design, describes the wonders of the human eye, ear, & brain (the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe), and the mysterious dimensions beyond the universe. God works in between time and has an eternity to answer everyones prayers! The physical universe may be a tiny molecule on God's throne. God displays power, precision and beauty in His universe.

Side A: 3/2/2019

Spiritual Warfare Against America 2


America is becoming a Muslim nation! Many Muslims were recently elected as judges who will put Sharia over the Constitution, and many were elected to school boards to put Islam into the curriculum! Why is the Left siding with our mortal enemies? The Democrat Party has become the Party of Islam! Jamie Glazov, author of Jihadist Psychopath, says, "Liberals know how to win this culture war, which is a spiritual war, while conservatives are unaware the war even exists. Obama ordered the feds not to link Jihad with Islam but blamed guns! Jihad denial is crucial for the Left to deceive us."

Side B: 2/23/2019

Spiritual Warfare Against America 1



Why has the American liberal left aligned itself with our mortal enemies? Jamie Glazov, editor of Front Page Magazine and author of Jihadist Psychopath - He is Charming, Seducing and Devouring Us, says, "Islam and the Left have united to wage war against Christian America because they want to destroy our culture to build their paradise on the ashes. But every attempt to build a heaven on earth results in hell on earth. Islam and the Left are death cults. Look at how the Left devastated the people of the USSR, Cambodia, Cuba, etc." The Left has taken control of education, the media and much of government.

Side A: 2/16/2019

Bonhoeffers Braver


The way to teach character is through role models and biographies. Brilliant young German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, author of The Cost of Discipleship, challenged Hitler and the compromised German Church. Because Bonhoeffer lived a cross centered life he also died a martyr's death at the age of 39. Professor Stephen Nichols, professor at Lancaster Bible College and the author of Bonhoeffer - On the Christian Life, From The Cross, For The World, sees parallels between Germany in Bonhoeffer's day and our society today and what it means to be a true disciple. "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil," wrote Bonhoeffer.

Side B: 2/9/2019

Gods Wondrous Universe



"The heavens declare the glory of God." No subject is more fascinating when God is included as astronomy that shows His magnificence. Dr Jonathan Henry, Professor of Natural Sciences and author of The Astronomy Book, gives some fascinating details of the vastness of the universe, the huge size of stars, and their composition. God's amazing designs in waves that produce salt particles that "seed clouds" for rain! How the moon shows a young earth. Is there life on other planets? God created a vast universe that's only temporary. Cut of Louie Giglio comparing the tiny size of the earth to the massive stars.

Side A: 2/2/2019

The Final Curtain


How has our nation become so degenerate that people, even some who say they're Christians, would murder someone they don't know for money? (Cuts from Ray Comfort's DVD "Genius!") Ray Comfort, author of The Final Curtain- Fame Fortune and Futile Lives, says we have an epidemic of suicides. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in America! Why do wealthy, famous celebrities commit suicide? We are shocked to hear of celebrities like Robin Williams, Kate Spade, Anthony Bourdain and others killing themselves. Death is depressing. The antidote to depression and fear is hope and faith in Christ.

Side B: 1/26/2019

Changing Minds on Abortion



We have a generation that is historically illiterate. (Cuts of college students who say they've never heard of Adolph Hitler.) The minds of people are changed from pro-abortion to pro-life by watching a documentary comparing Hitler's holocaust to America's abortion holocaust of millions of babies. Ray Comfort, producer of the film entitled "180", makes people think! Killing innocent children in abortion is similar to killing Jews in Nazi Germany. To say it's a woman's choice is comparable to saying it was Hitler's choice to kill Jews. Comparisons are so convincing that people change their minds on abortion.

Side A: 1/19/2019

Islamic Indoctrination part 2


Why are public schools promoting Islam when Christianity gave us freedom and prosperity? Martin Mawyer, author of Twilight In America -The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America, describes the 3 dozen camps he has personally seen and how they plan to take over America for Allah. Dr Bob Morey, an expert on Islam, and author of over 40 books, with two doctorates, says Muslims are planning a massive attack (with a nuclear device) in America to bring this nation under subjection to the barbaric Sharia Law. How can we prevent and even defeat this coming Islamic invasion?

Side B: 1/12/2019

Islamic Indoctrination part 1



Why is the US Department of Education promoting World Hijab Day in public schools? Brigitte Gabriel, author of Rise- In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom, says, "If parents knew what was happening in their child's school they'd be shocked at the anti-American pro-Islamic propaganda. Students are taught Islam is tolerant - Christianity is oppressive. Schools take students on field trips to Mosques. Have them memorize the Five Pillars of Islam and recite the Shahada- prayer of conversion." No wonder this generation has turned away from Christianity and patriotism to accept a radical Left agenda.

Side A: 1/5/2019

Last Call for Liberty


America is so deeply divided, it's tearing our country apart! Os Guinness, author of Last Call for Liberty- How America's Genius Has Become It's Greatest Threat! wrote, "Political debate has degenerated into barbaric incivility where our enemies are not foreign but our fellow citizens." The lack of our Founders vision for America has turned this generation against America. How can teaching the Biblical view of freedom affect this current crisis? If our freedoms end, it's a catastrophe, not just for American, but for the whole world. What are some practical ways to teach the ideas that made American freedom unique?

Side B: 12/29/2018

Trial By Fire



The great US Senate Chaplain, Peter Marshall Sr, gave a fiery sermon, Trial By Fire, that shook our nation. As Elijah challenged Israel, Peter Marshall challenged Americans in the mid 1940's to choose between following Christ or Ba'al. Many Americans live in a moral fog that knows no absolutes but a confused grey. What does America stand for to those who have sacrificed so much in war? Is this nation worth dying for? If we no longer follow the Lord, stop pretending to be a Christian nation. Without God, we can't move mountains but stumble over molehills. America will be governed by God or ruled by tyrants.

Side A: 12/22/2018

True Meaning of Christmas


It's amazing that the God who created everything from nothing came to earth as a single cell. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in more movies than any other actor, gives a profound description of the joy and wonder of Jesus Christ. Jesus was a man of joy demonstrating the Kingdom with miraculous signs. He came to serve and give people healing and life, but many, to their own detriment, walked away. God gave up the riches of heaven to live a humble life and die for others. God in the flesh describes Himself as gentle and humble. He is a sensitive man full of love for lost people.

Side B: 12/15/2018

The Elimination of Christmas



Christmas is celebrated throughout the world except in American public schools. Joe Infranco, of Alliance Defense Fund, says, "It's not just the elimination of a holiday, but persecution." John Whitehead, of The Rutherford Inst. says, "The 9th Circuit Court ruled that the instrumental version of Ave Maria is unconstitutional because someone might think it's religious." David Limbaugh, author of Persecution, says "Christianity is targeted for extinction." Steve Halliday, author of Mighty God: The Enduring Mystery of Emmanuel, says, "Christmas is not just the baby in the manger, but the birth of Mighty God Himself!"

Side A: 12/8/2018

The Truth of Noah's Flood


Is the Genesis Flood true history or just a fable? There is scientific evidence for the Flood. A scientist with ICR, Dr Frank Sherwin, explains how the steep walls in the Grand Canyon show a rapid rush of water that was formed by the Flood. Why did God destroy all the billions (4-7) of people and animals in the Great Flood? What would the Flood have looked like? Tom Dooley, author of The True Story of Noah's Ark, describes the Ark, the firmament or the water canopy that fell to earth and the fountains of the deep! What would it have been like to step off the Ark into the New World? This is a fascinating program!!

Side B: 12/1/2018

Not of This World



Cuban refugee, turned successful business owner, Aurelio Barreto, founder of C28 Christian Stores, where over 16,000 people have received the Lord, and author of Not of This World, came here with nothing but became a multimillionaire yet was unfulfilled. He screamed at God, "If this is all there is, I want to die!" Christ was right there to give his life meaning. Now he says, "If you have marital or other overwhelming problems, it's because you're not putting Christ first! He says, "If I lost everything but had Christ, I would have it all. I will take all the trials of life and with Christ I can do all things. "

Side A: 11/23/2018

Thankful for America part 2


We take our freedoms for granted. But powerful forces want to change our nation to socialist even communist. Marxist professors misuse their freedom to mislead naïve students into believing the lies of socialism and communism! Jamie Glasov describes the terror and oppression in the USSR vs the freedom and abundance here. He says university professors teach that communism is wonderful and capitalism is oppressive! What would it be like to live in a communist country? Quong Win survived communism in Viet Nam. Holocaust survivor, Maria Rybarczyk describes the joys of coming to paradise -America!

Side B: 11/17/2018

Thankful for God part 1



Schools teach that Thanksgiving was a feast when the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians instead of to God. Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, describes the first Thanksgiving when Pilgrims were starving with only 5 kernels of corn a day. Peter Marshall says The Pilgrims came here to bring the gospel to the Indians. Connie Ricks, a 4th grade teacher, reads the diary of a girl who came over on the Mayflower and the struggles they endured. Dr John Pafford says it was the strong Christian faith of the Pilgrims that established this nation as a Christian commonwealth and fostered a free market economy.

Side A: 11/10/2018

A Tribute to Veterans


On the Korean Memorial are these words, "Freedom is not free!" Think of the high price paid by our brave veterans. Many gave their tomorrows for our todays. This Veterans Day, inspirational program features a captivating account by Korean veteran Ed Reeves, who fought for his life in minus 30 to 40 degree temperatures. It was so cold, the bullet holes in his body froze shut and kept him from bleeding to death. Even after almost all the others were killed, Ed Reeves clung to his faith and Bible, and fought on despite his life-threatening wounds without ammunition. This miraculous account is spell binding.

Side B: 11/3/2018

The Difference Between the Parties



This is the most important mid-term election in our history. For those who say, "I don't vote for the party, I vote for the person." We say, "The person is the party!" Once in office, the person will govern according to their political party. What's the difference between the Parties? Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Council, says, "The Republican Party platform is the most conservative in history, while the Democrat is the most radical and socialist. It's a difference between life and death, good and evil, morality vs immorality, homosexuality vs religious freedom, rule by the Constitution or the whims of a few elites."

Side A: 10/27/2018

Patriots Arise


Reagan said, "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction." Lincoln said, "If America would ever be defeated, it would come from people within our borders." Many people thought communism was defeated. They were wrong. Trevor Loudon, author of The Enemies Within- Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the US Congress, says, "30 years ago, Democrats opposed illegal immigration as a threat to American workers. Then Marxists took over the unions, and the Democrat Party, to favor illegals since they would vote Democrat and make the nation a one party nation like California.

Side B: 10/20/2018

Rebuilding The Foundation



Americans have been lulled into complacency forgetting our vulnerability to enemy attack. But firefighter and chaplain, Dr Bruce Porter, author of Destroying the Shadow Agenda - How God's Astonishing Plan Will Overcome the Shadow Agenda , stood on the rubble of the World Trade Center when the steel girders were still glowing hot and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. Can a nation as diverse as this repent to avoid God's Judgment? Dark spiritual forces threaten to destroy this nation. Our greatest enemy isn't the Muslim terrorist or communists but the ignorance and apathy of American Christians!

Side A: 10/13/2018

New Conservative Era p 2


America is entering a new conservative era! Gerard Lameiro, author of More Great News For America- The Dawning of the New Conservative Era (How and Why the Good Guys Win in the End!), correctly predicted victory for Donald Trump when everyone else said he didn't have a chance. He predicts the end of the Democrat Party and the Republican Party will split into two parties. The conservatives will keep control in Congress which will be more conservative. Before Trump is out of office, he will have selected a super majority on the US Supreme court that will overturn Roe v Wade and end the abortion holocaust.

Side B: 10/6/2018

New Conservative Era p 1



The mainstream media, Democrats, Marxists, and the social Internet giants are all biased against Trump and conservatives in this midterm election. But the American people don't want Democrats to raise their taxes and keep sanctuary cities. They want a wall built and continue with Trump's policies to grow the economy. Gerard Lameiro, author of More Great News For America- The Dawning of the New Conservative Era, correctly predicted victory for Trump when everyone else said he didn't have a chance. He predicts a more conservative Congress and a rebirth of freedom, morality, peace and prosperity.

Side A: 9/29/2018

God and Country p 2


Pastor Rick Scarborough, President of Vision America, and author of Enough is Enough, was so shocked at the graphic AIDS assembly at his local high school, he motivated his congregation to take back the schools and local government by electing Christians. Now he's taking his campaign national to awaken the Church. Charles Finney said, "God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics." All of our freedoms, including religious freedom, morality, and the right to life, have become political issues. Politics can be a tool in God's Hands to keep our freedom to preach the gospel.

Side B: 9/22/2018

God and Country p 1



Christ commanded His followers to be salt and light. But when half the Christians don't vote, how are they salt and light? Pastor, author and former US Senate candidate, Bishop EW Jackson, says, "Socialism is atheistic, eliminates freedom, and has brought massive starvation, oppression and death to millions of people. But God is not finished with America and wants to bring victory and revival if God's people do their part. Do we want socialism or faith, freedom, limited government and respect for the Constitution?" He gives a most powerful, passionate oration using the Bible to motivate followers of Christ!

Side A: 9/15/2018

Socialism vs Capitalism


Is America becoming a socialist state? Michele Bachmann says the Democrat party has dramatically changed to become a socialist, borderless, lawless advocate that leads to communism.  Author, filmmaker (Death of a Nation), Dinesh D'Souza, exposes the hypocrisy of a liberal student who advocates for redistribution (socialism) but is unwilling to give up his position at Emory University to others less fortunate. Hank Giesecke says capitalism empowers the people, but socialism empowers the state, eliminates freedom, diminishes innovation and prosperity, and determines who lives and who dies.

Side B: 9/8/2018

Trusting God on 9/11



How would you overcome extreme fear and panic and remain calm if you were in the World Trade Center's towering inferno on 9/11 and you were completely blind? Listen to a total triumph of trust in this horrific catastrophe as a blind man, Michael Hingston, describes his miraculous survival in the face of imminent death. Michael Hingston, the national ambassador for the Braille Literacy Campaign, is the author of Thunder Dog. Although Roselle, Mike's guide dog, was intensely focused on guiding him to safety, she remained calm and even gave a firefighter a kiss on his final trip up the stairs.

Side A: 9/1/2018

Communist Agenda in America p 2


Karl Marx, father of communism, said, "The goal of communism is to de-throne God and destroy capitalism." Socialism creates the situation for a Stalin or Hitler to come to power. Socialists aren't communists but useful idiots the communists use to get power. Curtis Bowers, producer of Agenda 2 - Masters of Deceit, said, "Our enemies understand that morality is our greatest strength, that immorality creates corruption and government power until the people demand socialism. Socialists have used our educational system to eliminate absolute values to destroy morality, one of the foundational pillars of our strength."

Side B: 8/25/2018

Communist Agenda in America p 1



A majority (51%)of young Americans reject capitalism in favor of socialism. Most Americans think communism can't happen here. Cubans thought that too. Curtis Bowers, producer of the film Agenda 2 -Masters of Deceit, infiltrated a Communist meeting and found their specific plans to dismantle our free market system to make it socialist/ communist through the media and education. The name "communist" has been replaced with liberal, leftist, or progressive, but their agenda remains the same. Since freedom and morality go together, the goal is immorality with instability that leads to a communist revolution.

Side A: 8/18/2018

Worldviews Determine Destinies pt 2


Beliefs determine destinies for individuals and nations. George Barna, of Barna Research, and author of Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions, says we're losing the spiritual/culture war, because children are not getting a Biblical educatin. By age 13 a child has formed most of his core beliefs. With only 3% having a Biblical worldview, our nation is becoming apostate. Dan Smithwick, Founder of the Nehemiah Inst., says we are rapidly becoming a socialist pagan nation that won't have the freedoms and prosperity of a Christian nation. The ramifications are shocking. A worldview is a whole world and life view.

Side B: 8/11/2018

Worldviews Determine Destinies pt 1



Issues in Education was founded by Dr Robert Simonds, who had a vision from God, to rescue the 90% of Christian children who are losing their faith and morals in public schools. Ray Moore, the Director of Exodus Mandate, compares how the Allied troops were rescued from the beaches in Normandy to survive and fight another day, to rescuing the Christian children from a public school slaughter of their faith! 94% of home schooled children continue in the Christian faith compared to 80-90% of those who go to public school that leave the faith. Parents need to hear this before school starts.

Side A: 8/4/2018

The Way of Wisdom p 2


How can you develop a genuine love for learning in your child? Carole Seid, an educational consultant said, "The single most effective tool in shaping a child's character is great literature." The right book at the right time can change a child's destiny. How can parents build genius in their children? Dr Raymond Moore, the grandfather of homeschooling, says statistical research of geniuses throughout the ages shows there are three common elements to producing genius. Jesus said, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your ... MIND." A secular education can't do that but home schooling can.

Side B: 7/28/2018

The Way of Wisdom p 1



What is the PURPOSE of educating a child? Just to learn academics? Don't ask what kind of education is best, ask what kind of person do you want them to become? Bob Gannage says schools omit God in creation and American history. He sold encyclopedias so he could educate his kids himself. RC Sproul, Jr, a home school expert, says home schooling is a joy that produces children who relate well with people of all ages. Ed Gandy built a $4 million school and hired teachers from his church to give his church kids a Christian education. Brian Schwertley gives the Biblical instructions for education.

Side A: 7/21/2018

Jesus and the Crimson Worm p 2


Famed evolutionist Richard Dawkins tells students there's no purpose to life, that we were evolved millions of years ago from monkeys. Dr Jobe Martin, author of The Evolution of a Creationist, gives examples disproving evolution, such as the bombardier beetle that shoots fire made from chemicals produced in its body to ward off predators. To function, all the right chemicals had to be created at the same time, not gradually bit by bit. For the giraffe to be able to bend its long head down, it needs a special blood vessel system created fully formed not bit by bit. Creatures that defy evolution prove a Creator!

Side B: 7/14/2018

Jesus and the Crimson Worm p 1



On the Cross, Jesus began the first line in Psalms 22, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" And in 22:6 says, "I am a worm and not a man." Would Jesus refer to himself as a worm? The tolath or crimson worm is a symbol of Christ, because the mother worm dies on a tree, sacrifices her life for her babies, then exudes a bright red fluid, like the blood of Christ, that covers her babies just as the blood of Christ covers us. Dr Jobe Martin, President of Biblical Discipleship Ministries and author of The Evolution of a Creationist, was an evolutionist who became one of the best advocates for Creationism.

Side A: 7/7/2018

Saving a Lost Generation with Ken Ham


It's in the minds of children that the battle of the ages is being fought. Contrary to what most Christian leaders believe, we are not losing young people in college, but most are already gone by middle and high school. Ken Ham, author of Already Gone - Why Your Kids are Quitting Church and What You Can Do to Stop it, says most Christians believe what's taught in public schools is scientific, but the Bible is simply stories, fables and myths. When students aren't taught the truth of God's word as real history and real science, evolution is believed, and they leave the faith. Public schools teach the religion of atheism.

Side B: 6/30/2018

The 4th Changed the Course



To destroy a culture, destroy their history. Peter Marshall, author of The Light and Glory -vividly describes the horrendous starving army at Valley Forge, barefoot in the snow, and the courage Washington infused into them to fight on against impossible odds. God miraculously protected our Continental army with a heavy fog that hid them from slaughter from the British. Tom Dooley, author of One Nation Under God-America's Lost Dream, describes the cost of freedom in the sacrifices our forefathers paid with their lives. What do the words of our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, really mean?

Side A: 6/23/2018

Civilization Jihad


Why is only a positive view of Islam being taught in schools? Leo Hohmann, author of Stealth Invasion - Muslim Conquest Through Immigration says, "Islam is not just another religion, but controls all aspects of life for Muslims and non-Muslims." We are to demonstrate Christian love to Muslims but not their horrendous Sharia Law that's tyrannical and eliminates all freedoms as it does in Muslim nations. America was a melting pot as immigrants came here to adapt to our language and culture. But Muslim immigrants today have no intention of assimilating but remain a nation within a nation.

Side B: 6/16/2018

Beyond Sex Ed



A new sex ed. curriculum re-defines abstinence to promote perversion as normal. Matt Staver, of Liberty Council says, "Many schools are leading children in to harmful and sometimes deadly sexual experimentation using graphic magazines and videos. The "Advocates for Youth" curriculum promotes abortion over child birth and trains students to be advocates for abortion and homosexuality. Teachers coerce students into participating in the Day of Silence and support GLSEN and Planned Parenthood." Children would prefer to have their modesty and decency respected than be embarrassed in class.

Side A: 6/9/2018

From Jihad to Jesus


Most Americans are unaware of how pervasive Islam has become in our schools. Schools only give one side to students without telling them how intolerant and cruel Sharia Law is, or that it was Christianity that gave this country the freedoms we have. Ex-Muslim Jerry Rassamni, author of From Jihad to Jesus, tells how barbaric he was in killing Christians in Lebanon. Jerry Rassamni is a living miracle, a once hardened Muslim terrorist who has been transformed. This magnificent message is filled with compassion, and told with Biblical wisdom that will bring tears to your eyes. Allah and Christ are opposites.

Side B: 6/2/2018

Healing a Broken Nation



How has our nation gone from Christian to a nation where Christianity is criminalized? Where evil is called good and good is called evil. Not long ago, Marxism and socialism were scorned, but now universities indoctrinate students into Marxist ideas and hate for country and capitalism. David Kupelian, author of The Snapping of the American Mind, says words have been changed to mean the exact opposite of what they used to mean. Tolerance means intolerance of Christians. The horror of killing a baby is simply a woman's choice. Why are 4 to 5 million healthy boys labeled ADHD and put on drugs?

Side A: 5/26/2018

Men of Valor


Freedom is not free but purchased at great cost. Memorial Day is a day to remember the sacrifices that paid for our freedoms. John Steer, author of Wounded Soldier, gives fascinating accounts of his experiences in Viet Nam and how he later took the gospel to Russian generals. Gary Horton, a school assembly speaker, was an Army Ranger who fought for our freedoms, yet he's not given the freedom to speak about his Christian faith in public schools. Schools have re-written our history, banned the flag, and banned the motto and the pledge. Horton gives some impassioned words from our valorous soldiers.

Side B: 5/19/2018

Defender of the Weak



How can people defend themselves when cities are sanctuaries for criminals? Mark Robinson speaks boldly to defend our freedoms contrary the thousands of students who marched for gun control. Chris Whaley, author of The Masked Saint, is a pastor who was also a pro-wrestler who used his wrestling skills to help defenseless women, old men, and people being robbed. He took on 4 Klansmen at night during a KKK rally. Chris went out during the night wearing his wrestling costume to get men who were stealing Christmas presents from poor families. Chris is a Christian version of Superman fighting evil!

Side A: 5/12/2018

How God's Designs Work


Many technological advances are based on nature. Some of the best inventions come from those who study God's design in nature yet don't give God credit or even acknowledge Him. Aerospace engineer, Jeff Seto, co-author of Made in Heaven -Man's Indiscriminate Stealing of God's Amazing Design, gives many examples of ideas that came from God in nature, like mosquitoes (painless needles) and spiders, mussels (underwater glue), wasps and burrs (Velcro) that serve as inspirations for top scientists. Ray Comfort, says, "It's dishonest to steal God's ideas and say they came from nothing."

Side B: 5/5/2018

It's a Young Earth



Is the age of the earth important? Some stars are so far from earth that it would take millions of years for their light to reach us. Is that proof for an "old earth"? Many people, including Christian leaders, try to fit billions of years into the Genesis account. Russ Miller, author of It's About Time - How to Believe God's Word in a Secular World, substantiates the Biblical account through logical and scientific answers to man's origin, sin and death. The amazing universe shows God's awesome creativity. The omnipotent Creator simply spoke and galaxies whirled into space and the universe was created.

Side A: 4/28/2018

Trumpocalypse part 2


God has blessed America as no other nation but we've expelled God from our schools and society allowing anti-Christ forces to target Christians as enemies. Paul McGuire, author of Trumpocalypse - The End Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon, says in the coming one-world globalism you will be required to take the mark of the beast or be martyred. Two-thirds of young evangelicals under 35 believe non-Christians can go to heaven without Christ. Are we in the end times? An EMP could devastate America. Russia is a serious threat with their new Satan 2 missiles.

Side B: 4/21/2018

Trumpocalypse part 1



Is America headed for another Civil War? Our nation is as divided as any time in history. One side holds a Biblical worldview while the other calls for a globalist state. Schools propagate ideas of utopian globalism, but what does the Bible say about globalism? Paul McGuire, author of Trumpocalypse - The End Times President, a Battle Against the Globalist Elite, and the Countdown to Armageddon, says, "President Trump is viciously attacked by the establishment and media, because he is, as Hillary Clinton says, "He is undermining the global order," and confronting the evil system that rules the world.

Side A: 4/14/2018

The Paradigm & Events Today part 2


Dramatic changes taking place today in our nation are following the exact pattern that took place in Ancient Israel 3000 years ago. If these events are on course, we can foresee what's going to happen in our future! Jonathan Cahn, author of The Paradigm -The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times, says this paradigm could have foretold the outcome of the past Presidential election and how our national leaders fit the paradigm of leaders of ancient Israel. The paradigm shows how God orchestrates events and people to serve as a warning for us to change course before His imminent judgment.

Side B: 4/7/2018

The Paradigm & Events Today part 1



Would you like to know the future of America? God knows exactly what will happen to our nation and has given us a preview from His Word in a paradigm. Jonathan Cahn, author of The Paradigm -The Ancient Blueprint That Holds the Mystery of Our Times, says our nation is repeating the exact history of what happened to ancient Israel 3000 years ago. The parallels are amazing! President Clinton and Hillary fit the pattern of the ancient king and Queen of Israel who were at war with God. Baal worship sacrificed thousands of children, but we have legally aborted millions of them. God will be Savior or our Judge.

Side A: 3/31/2018

The Joy of the Resurrection


This is one of the most inspirational programs we have ever made. William Frey, author of The Dance of Hope, tells how the Resurrection was like a news flash - fascinating news that's exciting and life changing! Death no longer has any power over us. Now there's nothing to fear, only expectations of joy in heaven. Although the disciples had lost all hope, they emerged fearless men, unafraid of crucifixion. These transformed men changed the world. Professional actor, Bruce Marchiano, dramatically tells how the lifeless body of Jesus, dead three days, came vibrantly back to life through God's power.

Side B: 3/24/2018

The Solution to School Shootings



What can be done to prevent school massacres? The killing of 17 innocent students in Parkland, FL was used by liberals to call for gun control. Andrew Pollack and Darrell Scott who lost their precious children give passionate pleas for action. What's the real solution? Rick Deighton, author of More Than Conquerors in Cultural Clashes, says violence in our schools is a consequence of eliminating values, instead of instilling Godly character and purity. Life is cheap when kids learn mankind is simply an evolved animal. Without God, there's no conscience development. They want the peace of Christ without Christ.

Side A: 3/17/2018

Miraculous Survival At Sea part 2


How did Edgar Harrell, author of Out Of The Depths -A Survivor's Story of the Sinking of the Indianapolis, survive for 4 ½ days when almost all the others didn't? His ship was blown up at midnight, and he jumped for his life into the pitch-black oil-soaked water, without any hope for survival. No food or water, no hope or help except that God gave him the will to survive. He said, "I came face to face with horrors beyond imagination, but an ineffable peace enveloped me and gave me hope, courage and strength to survive when others gave up and died. He saw sharks eating his buddies, but he kept his faith!

Side B: 3/10/2018

Miraculous Survival At Sea part 1



In 1945, Edgar Harrell, was on the USS Indianapolis that delivered the components for the atomic bombs that won WWII but was sunk by a Japanese submarine. Blown up at midnight, he jumped for his life into the oil soaked, murky-black, freezing water! Hundreds of men died, some instantly, some later. Listen to this harrowing experience. For 4 ½ days, he desperately tried to stay alive as others perished. Although he was exhausted, dehydrated and very cold, he had a peace only Christ can give. He saw his buddies being eaten alive by sharks, but he said, "God's Presence gave me great strength to persevere."

Side A: 3/3/2018

God's Gift - The Animals


What lessons can we learn from animals? Look at God's infinite thought, love and design in creating lovable, furry cats, faithful dogs, and elephants. Animals have instinct but also can think, such as the dog that led goats and deer away from the raging Cal fires. Chaplin Austin Miles, a ringmaster in the circus for 50 years, tells poignant stories such as the circus elephant that showed love for a small injured dog. How an elephant blocked the ring that stopping a stampede of elephants into the crowd. He tells a tear-jerking story of an old, shaggy dog that was once a circus-performing dog but was left behind.

Side B: 2/24/2018

The Great Commission



We are witnessing the greatest mass exodus of young people from the Christian faith in our history, as only 4% of this current generation are Christians. They don't know why God blesses or curses nations. Kevin Swanson, author of Taking The World for Jesus - The Remarkable Story of the Greatest Commission, is the director of Generations, said, "Kingdoms rise and fall but the Kingdom of God lasts forever. The blood of Christian martyrs is the seed for new saints." The mighty Roman Empire opposed Christ and collapsed. Belief in Christ has forever changed the world. We pray for America to have a great revival.

Side A: 2/17/2018

Great Christian Revivals pt 2


When the Holy Spirit of God ignites a revival, people and nations change dramatically! Daniel Norris, the author of Trail of Fire - True Stories From Ten of the Most Powerful Moves of God, vividly describes the Cape Colony South African revival with Pastor Andrew Murray; the 2nd Great Awakening with Charles Finney, that led to a great revival that spread worldwide. What's the difference between holiness and legalism? Great revivals have resulted in entire cities shutting down businesses for prayer meetings. The impact of revival is astounding. Revival is God's remedy for a morally and spiritually sick nation.

Side B: 2/10/2018

Great Christian Revivals pt 1



Great Christian revivals have transformed the lives of people and nations. The First Great Awakening led to America's independence from Britain. Daniel Norris, the author of Trail of Fire - True Stories From Ten of the Most Powerful Moves of God, vividly describes how Jonathan Edward's sermon, "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God" began a nationwide revival that changed our destiny. Revival means sinners see themselves from God's perspective and understand the awfulness and repugnance of Sin to a Holy God. Revival brings eternity to mind as people see themselves in hell or by God's grace, heaven.

Side A: 2/3/2018

In The Name of Jesus pt 2


Obama promoted homosexuality in the military to try to change our culture and with that came persecution of Christians. Former Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmitt, author of How to Liberate the World in 30 Days - A Step by Step Guide to Take Back Your Country, tells how chaplains in hospitals, police departments and before city councils have had their prayers censored, but with public pressure overturned. A nationwide movement to restore religious liberty has been organized to enable Christians to take back our country. The culture war is a spiritual war that's all about God and His Commandments.

Side B: 1/27/2018

In The Name of Jesus pt 1



Christians are punished in the military for having Christian beliefs. Col Leland Bohannon was denied promotion to General for his views on same sex marriage. Former Chaplain Dr Gordon Klingenschmitt, author of How to Liberate the World in 30 Days - A Step by Step Guide to Take Back Your Country, was court martialed for praying in Jesus name, but he fought back and with millions of petitions sent to Congress he got the Navy to rescind their bad policy. Klingenschmitt said, "Religious freedom is the cause I would die for!" God is giving us culture-changing victories by winning the culture war for Christ.

Side A: 1/20/2018

Powerful Testimonies on Life pt 2


Can you imagine the owner of the abortion clinic coming into your child's school to teach children sex ed? The abortion clinic owner, Carol Everett, author of Blood Money, said that's exactly what she did, because it increased her abortion business. Her clinic prescribed birth control pills they knew would enable girls to become pregnant. Carol Everett, who was responsible for the deaths of over 35,000 babies, tells the truth about sex ed. Planned Parenthood counselors have degenerated into telling children to experiment with deviant sexual behavior. Anyone with kids in school needs to hear this fascinating program.

Side B: 1/13/2018

Powerful Testimonies on Life pt 1



Killing babies is not just a political issue- it is a human rights issue. With a pro-life President, the abortion holocaust is close to ending. Gianna Jessin, who survived an abortion, is a voice from God telling us that we're killing His babies. Dr Bernard Nathanson, author of The Hand of God, was the infamous abortionist who operated the largest abortion mill in the world, killing over 75,000 babies including his own son. He tells how they used words, like calling baby killing simply a woman's choice or reproductive hea;th, which helped make abortion legal. It's called partial birth abortion, but it is really infanticide.

Side A: 1/6/2018

God's Creative Genius


God's creative Genius is seen in His design of the ear, the eye, the heart, and the brain that all show Intelligent Design for a purpose. Yet evolutionists says there's no purpose but random accidents. Dr David Menton, teacher at Answers in Genesis, gives fascinating details of how sound waves are converted from airwaves to chemicals in the brain. God created age in Adam, in trees and starlight at creation. Cut of Pastor Chuck Smith on how the shape of seeds propels them to spread away from the tree. How water in coconuts enables them to plant and not be killed by the saltwater. Design proves a Designer.

Side B: 12/30/2017

Trial by Fire



The great US Senate Chaplain Peter Marshall Sr gave a fiery sermon, Trial By Fire that shook the nation. As Elijah challenged Israel, Peter Marshall challenged Americans in the mid 1940's to choose between following Christ or Ba'al. Many Americans live in a moral fog that knows no absolutes but a confused grey. What does America stand for to those who have sacrificed so much in war? Is this nation worth dying for? If we no longer follow the Lord, stop pretending to be a Christian nation. Without God, we can't move mountains but stumble over molehills. America will be governed by God or ruled by tyrants.

Side A: 12/23/2017

God's Birth on Earth


What is God like? Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah prophesied about Christ, "Unto us a Son is given: and His Name shall be called Mighty God, the everlasting Father." Was Jesus really God? Was He the Creator? He was. God came to the earth He created in the smallest form possible, as a single cell. Film maker Bruce Marchiano, who acted the parts of Jesus in more films than any other, is the author of Jesus, Yesterday, Today and Forever. What was Jesus like as a child? What was it like for Mary, expecting Jesus to rule the world, to see Him crucified? Why did Jesus have so much supernatural joy?

Side B: 12/16/2017

Classic Christmas Composers



Christmas would not be Christmas without Christmas music. It's ironic that public schools censor out any music that mentions Jesus as Lord, yet the greatest musicians were Christians. Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel... were born again Christians who loved our Lord. Dr Patrick Kavenaugh, author of Devotions from the World of Music, and Raising Musical Kids, gives some fascinating details into the lives of the world's greatest composers and some great ideas how to help your child develop a love for good music. What do you say when your little Mozart wants to quit his music lessons?

Side A: 12/9/2017

Who is Jesus


If Jesus is not God, how does his death on the cross save your soul? Was Jesus just a good moral teacher? Jesus did and said amazing things no other person has ever said or done like miraculously, instantly stopping a mega-storm at sea with just His word. Jesus said He is the great "I Am", which is God Almighty's name. When He raised Lazarus from the dead, He said, "I Am the Resurrection and the Life." He also said, "No one comes to the Father except through Me." Greg Gilbert is the author of Who Is Jesus? The most important question is who do you say Jesus is? How can Jesus be God as the Father is God?

Side B: 12/1/2017

Victory in Court



As a teacher, Dr Robert Simonds was a bold witness for Christ and would begin class with a scripture on the board. The ACLU sued and took him to court. The Lord gave Dr Simonds a brilliant defense and even miraculously pressed the heads of the prosecution to their desks. Dr Simonds says, "If you stand up for Christ, He will do the rest." Another time at an NEA convention, Dr Simonds stood up to defend Christian teachers from a hostile crowd that pressed in on him. But the Lord again provided a powerful angelic defense. Dr Simonds, founder of Citizens for Excellence in Education, is our mentor.

Side A: 11/25/2017

Saving a Sick America


Our nation is morally sick with marriage and family in tatters, the Church in denial – avoiding controversial social issues, and schools teaching immorality. Dr Michael Brown, author of Saving a Sick America – A Prescription for Moral and Cultural Transformation, says, “Schools don’t teach students to think critically but indoctrinate students into relativism. How did our culture degenerate from the Founders moral and spiritual vision for America? The origin can be traced back to the schools replacing Biblical absolutes with relativism, where you can be whatever sex you feel like. Without God, anything goes.

Side B: 11/18/2017

Truly Thankful



Schools teach that Thanksgiving was a feast when the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians instead of to God. Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, describes the first Thanksgiving when Pilgrims were starving with only 5 kernels of corn a day. Peter Marshall says The Pilgrims came here to bring the gospel to the Indians. Connie Ricks, a 4th grade teacher, reads the diary of a girl who came over on the Mayflower and the struggles they endured. Dr John Pafford says it was the strong Christian faith of the Pilgrims that established this nation as a Christian commonwealth and fostered a free market economy.

Side A: 11/11/2017

Korean Veteran


How can we raise young heroes to defend our freedoms, if young people don't know the price others paid to win our freedoms in the past? This inspirational program features a captivating account by Korean veteran Ed Reeves. Ed fought for his life in minus 30 to 40 degree temperatures. It was so cold, the bullet holes in his body froze shut and kept him from bleeding to death. Even after almost all the others were killed, Ed Reeves clung to his faith and Gideon Bible, and fought on despite his life-threatening wounds and no ammunition. This miraculous account is spell binding. It's as if you are there.

Side B: 11/4/2017

The Jesus Life



There's plenty of information but little transformation! People know what Jesus taught but not how He lived. Stephen Smith, author of The Jesus Life, Eight Ways to Recover Authentic Christianity, says "Jesus was not stressed as many of us are today. He enjoyed life with dinners, debates and long walks with his disciples, yet He regularly got away to be alone in prayer. The dinner table is more than simply eating but fellowship and acceptance." Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love changes atheists into followers of Christ. To live as Jesus lived means to savor and enjoy life not just endure it.

Side A: 10/28/2017

The Answer for ADHD


Why are healthy children labeled "ADHD" and put on psychiatric drugs? Are they drugs for a real disease or simply for the teacher to control the class? What can parents do with a "strong willed child?" Is there a chemical imbalance in the brain? Dr Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist for over 40 years, and a consultant for the National Institute of Mental Health, has written more than 20 books, including Medication Madness - A Psychiatrist Exposes the Dangers of Mood Altering Drugs. Dr Breggin gives some fascinating case studies where psychiatric drugs didn't cure chemical imbalances but caused them.

Side B: 10/21/2017

The Biblical Basis for Education



How can America get back to the ideas that made it the greatest Christian nation in history? Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, gave says, "Colonial New England produced the most incredibly, well-educated generation of Founding Fathers who were not only brilliant but they were full of Godly Character." Amazing achievements include the revival at Yale led by its president; Jonathan Trumble read the entire Bible at age 4 and passed the entrance exam to Yale at age 7. John Qunicy Adams was an ambassador to Russia at age 14. Without absolute values corruption and destruction are certain.

Side A: 10/14/2017

Education: What's God's Opinion?


Parents! What is your primary purpose in educating your child? Does God care what school your child goes to? Are public schools religiously neutral? Israel Wayne, is best selling author of Education: Does God Have an Opinion? Are home schooled kids adequately socialized or too sheltered? Why were the public schools started? From God's perspective, what is a good school? For a good education, teach your child to know and love the Lord, give them the tools to learn, teach them to read, to reason and do research so they will succeed! The greatest issue for the future of the Church is the education of its own kids.

Side B: 10/7/2017

Connecting Life and Faith



How can we best explain who God is to a teenager? What's the main obstacle that keeps youth away from Faith in Christ? Legendary Josh McDowell, author of 147 books, such as More Than a Carpenter and Evidence That Demands a Verdict and his newest #Truth- 365 Devotions for Teens, Connecting Life and Faith, says he was raped as a child, became agnostic, yet became one of the worlds great authors and debaters. Josh did a study to discover how Justin Martyr turned his pagan culture to Christ and discovered keys to make Christianity relevant, inspirational, compelling and life changing for youth today.

Side A: 9/30/2017

Great News for Americans part 2


Professors have convinced many impressionable students that Marxism helps the poor more than capitalism. But socialism and communism not only haven't helped the poor but slaughtered them. The USSR and China slaughtered about 100 million people in the last century. What's the difference between liberalism, socialism and communism? Jesus and the early Christians were not socialists! Jay Richards, author of Money, Greed, & God, dispels economic myths that lead students to become socialists. How do moral issues affect economic issues? The biggest cause of poverty is single motherhood.

Side B: 9/23/2017

Great News for Americans part 1



Gerard Lameiro, author of Great News For America- The Constitution, Freedom and Prosperity Are Coming Back, correctly predicted a conservative victory for Trump when the media said he didn't have a chance. He predicts the diminishing of RINO republicans and the end of the liberal Democrat Party. He now predicts true conservatives will gain control in Congress and we will see the end of the Roe v Wade abortion holocaust and the national debt paid off. He says, "We are just beginning to witness a new conservative revolution. God is answering the prayers of His people!" This is great news!

Side A: 9/16/2017

War Against Islamic Jihad part 2


American universities have become breeding grounds for recruiting students into Islam! Kamal Saleem, a Muslim terrorist trained to kill infidels, went on his first mission to kill Israelis at age 7. He came to America to recruit students into Jihad, but through a life threatening car accident, he turned to Christ, and Christ appeared to him. How could anything other than an authentic experience with the Risen Christ explain the complete transformation of the hardened mind of this Muslim terrorist? Kamal has become such a fearless and zealous Christian that he goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ.

Side B: 9/9/2017

War Against Islamic Jihad part 1



What does America represent to the world? Does America have a unique culture or is it just a melting pot? Col. Larkin Spivey, a combat US Marine and the author of What Do We Stand For? American Ideals in the War Against Islamic Jihad, says Islamic Jihad is contrary to our Constitutional freedoms, yet Islamists pose a serious threat with Sharia Law that would undermine our basic principals. The Founders gave individuals the greatest freedom in history by limiting government; in stark contrast to Islam Sharia Law's oppression by a few. American is unique because of belief that Christ gave us freedom.

Side A: 9/2/2017

Home School Genius part 2


Parents! The education you choose for your child will determine their success or failure in life! How do home-schooled students do as adults? If a child does not go to school, how will they learn to interact with other people? Now there's a comprehensive research study answering all your questions on home schooling. A leading researcher, Dr Brian Ray, President of the Home Education Research Institute, found homeschoolers were more socially and political involved. And that 94% of home schooled students kept the faith of their parents! While the majority, 85% of those who go to public schools reject their Christian faith.

Side B: 8/26/2017

Home School Genius part 1



How can you develop a genuine love for learning in your child? Carole Seid, an educational consultant said, "The single most effective tool in shaping a child's character is great literature." The right book at the right time can change a child's destiny. How can parents build genius in their children? Dr Raymond Moore, the grandfather of homeschooling, says statistical research of geniuses throughout the ages shows there are three common elements to producing genius. Jesus said, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your ... MIND." A secular education can't do that but home schooling can.

Side A: 8/19/2017

Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity


For all the basic problems of abortion, immorality and illiteracy, there must be a root cause. Colin Gunn, producer of Indoctrination- Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity, says our culture is the product of our schools. Christian students and teachers are forbidden from being Christian! Yet secular educators are given awards for promoting atheism and homosexuality. We are losing our culture, because Christians have refused to educate their own children but continue to support a corrupt system. Why do parents trust their precious children to a system that destroys their faith in God?

Side B: 8/12/2017

Crimes of The Educators



Common Core, the new federal takeover of local schools through curriculum and tests, is causing parents to reconsider public schools. Alex Newman, co-author of Crimes of the Educators - How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children, says there has been a deliberate dumbing down of children by using a reading method that fails to teach reading, memorizing whole words instead of phonetics, to create illiterates dependent on the government. Teaching immoral sex ed. results in cultural degeneracy. The result is the transformation from Christian and capitalist, to socialist and totalitarian.

Side A: 8/5/2017

Raising Boys To Succeed


Are girls smarter than boys? Why are two-thirds of the D's and F's given to boys? Boys learn differently than girls.The system is biased against boys. A boy's desire to learn is quenched by a system that doesn't understand how boys learn. There are scientific differences between the way boys and girls think and learn. Dr Michael Gurian, author of Raising Boys By Design, What the Bible and Brain Science Reveal About What Your Son Needs to Thrive, has done extensive research in brain science to help parents understand boys and help them succeed. It's easier to build strong boys than to repair broken men.

Side B: 7/29/2017

A Nuclear EMP Attack



What happens when the electrical grid is shut down? Former CIA Director James Woolsey says we are very vulnerable to an enemy EMP attack. Mike Maloof, author of A Nation Forsaken-EMP: The Escalating Threat of An American Catastrophe, spent 30 years with the Defense Department protecting us from terrorism, and now warns that it's not "if" but "when" an EMP will be exploded over this country. The results will be catastrophic. It's preventable, but our government is ignoring it, so we need to prepare ourselves. A huge solar flare, an EMP or RF weapons are a real threat. What can we do to be prepared?

Side A: 7/22/2017

To Go To College or Not pt 2


The percentage of Christians in this generation has declined to just 4%. A huge percentage lose their faith at college. How can a Christian survive in an anti-Christian campus? Abby Nye, a courageous Christian, university student, and author of Fish out of Water-Surviving & Thriving as a Christian on a Secular Campus, tells how professors intimidate and convert Christians into humanism. Her literature professor told Abby that the Bible is a book of myths and not a credible source. Yet she was required to buy a Koran for her required class on Islam. What's the future for the Church as the majority leave the faith?

Side B: 7/15/2017

To Go To College or Not pt 1



Does a college degree mean you can get a better job than if you don't have the degree? College is vastly different today than in the past. Dr Jonathan Morrow, author of Welcome To College -A Christ Follower's Guide For The Journey, is the Director of Cultural Engagement at Impact 360 Institute. Students absolutely need to be trained if they are to have a chance to withstand the barrage of attacks. He says, "Going to college is no vacation but 4 years of brain and heart surgery." A majority of college students don't believe in absolutes. Why does God allow evil and suffering? Should Christians date non-Christians?

Side A: 7/8/2017

Revising American History


The College Board History Standard's Framework, being implemented in high schools nationally, eliminates our Founders like Jefferson, Washington and Franklin, erasing them from history. No mention of Pilgrims, World War II, Viet Nam etc., because it doesn't fit their liberal/globalist agenda. American exceptionalism is replaced with American imperialism. Larry Kreider says this propaganda, masquerading as history, eliminates all the good achievements made by Americans and turns young people against their own nation by changing our history to focus on white superiority racism, slavery and oppression.

Side B: 7/1/2017

God's Purpose for America



To destroy a culture, destroy their history. Young people know less about Independence Day than any other holiday. Peter Marshall, author of The Light And The Glory: Did God have a plan for America? answers that with examples of God's miraculous protection of our Continental army with a heavy fog hiding them from capture and slaughter from the world's greatest military force at the time - Great Britain. Peter Marshall vividly describes the horrendous starving army at Valley Forge and the vision that gave them the courage to fight on against impossible odds. Is God's vision for America still valid today?

Side A: 6/24/2017

The Truth About Sharia


A university student said she wants Islamic Sharia Law imposed on this country. Why would anyone want this cruel, barbaric, 7th century, law imposed on this nation? Is Jihad simply an inner struggle to overcome evil? Nonie Darwish, the author of Now They Call Me Infidel - Why I Renounced Jihad for America, says radical Muslims have come to this nation to bring in Sharai Law. Islam isn't just a peaceful religion but a political, social, economic way of life. How are Minarets different from Church steeples? Minarets, called terror towers, represent persecution for Christians in Muslim lands.

Side B: 6/17/2017

Nuclear Nightmare



No generation has witnessed more fulfilled prophecy, since Christ, as this present generation. Yet many more prophecies are on the threshold of fulfillment. Iranian leaders believe the only way to bring the Caliphate into world dominion is to destroy Israel. Joel Rosenberg, author of Damascus Countdown, predicted 9/11 nine months before it happened, now suggests Israel will launch a preemptive strike against Iran, but if they fail to get all the nuclear warheads, retaliation from the Islamic world would be overwhelming. He says, "An atomic Iran could do in 6 minutes what it took Hitler 6 years to do, kill 6 million Jews."

Side A: 6/10/2017

A Better Way To Educate


Children are made by God to be voracious learners, until adults quench that desire. 17 year-old Eddie Zhong started his own successful business says schools can stunt creative thinking. What do you want your child to become and to believe? Israel Wayne, author of Education: Does God Have an Opinion?, gives scriptural mandates for parents to consider. Public schools do not train young minds to think critically and debate both sides of issues. They only get one side. What is a good education if it leaves God out? Secular schools make secular students. Education is more than just academics. It's discipleship.

Side B: 6/3/2017

Greater Faith



Without trials we remain spiritual babies. Trials are designed by God to develop our faith. Dr Tony Nelson, author of Crazy Life - Navigating Through Life's Disruptions Without Losing Your Faith, was fired from pastoring his church for 22 years. Tony Nelson says Job said, "Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him." Abraham was told to kill his son yet trusted God. Paul wasn't healed yet said, "I delight in weaknesses, hardships, persecutions... For when I am weak, then I am strong." The apostles questioned Jesus sleeping in the boat during the storm and asked Him, "Don't you care if we drown?"

Side A: 5/27/2017



Freedom is not free but purchased at great cost. Memorial Day is a day to remember the sacrifices that paid for our freedoms. Gary Horton, a motivational school assembly speaker, was an Army Ranger who fought for our freedoms, yet he's not given the freedom to speak about his Christian faith in public schools. Schools have re-written our history, banned the flag, and banned the motto and the pledge. Christians have accepted the lie that we must deny our faith in public and deny the basis of where our freedoms came from- Biblical Christianity. Without this understanding, our freedoms are in grave jeopardy.

Side B: 5/20/2017

Psychology As Religion



Schools used to teach values- right from wrong. But now there are no absolutes, that's considered too religious. It's up to each person to decide for themselves. How did this happen? Psychologist Dr Bill Coulson, along with Carl Rogers, introduced an experiment in the schools that led to a cultural paradigm shift that changed the teacher to a facilitator and switched absolutes for relative values. Dr Coulson says this has led to a disaster for our culture! Dr Coulson explains how his psychological experiment led to "situation ethics," inventive spelling, illiteracy, drug addiction, immorality, smoking, etc.

Side A: 5/13/2017

Universities Produce Liberals part 2


Universities have become spawning grounds for Marxists, which mass-produce traitors to our founding principals! Our nation established universities to train ministers of the gospel. Have they now become our enemies? Professor Robert Lopez, author of Wackos, Thugs and Perverts, was forced out of Cal State Northridge, says, "Higher ed is sick and dangerous. Cut their funding or live with the costly damage to our nation's soul as they continue to poison generations." When a university promotes only one side, it's not an education, its an indoctrination. The homosexual agenda has become their agenda!

Side B: 5/6/2017

Universities Produce Liberals part 1



Top American universities are at war with Western Civilization, creating contempt for our culture in the minds of students. The influence of universities on our culture is profound. Jerry Martin, President- American Council of Trustees and Alumni, quotes anti-American comments made by professors after 9/11, such as "The only heroes are those who find ways to defeat our military." Top universities offer pro-Islamic, Marxist and even pornographic courses, but nothing about American History. Anti-American universities have created generations that are not only ignorant but also opposed to our basic foundations.

Side A: 4/29/2017

Stealth Invasion pt 2


Leo Hohmann, author of Stealth Invasion - Muslim Conquest Through Immigration says, "Legal immigration of Muslims, who don't assimilate, is an invasion that will change America by changing its populace." Islam is tyrannical controlling all aspects of life for Muslims and non-Muslims. Lebanon was a melting pot until Muslims took over. Then it became a living hell for Christians. Brigitte Gabriel, author of Because They Hate - A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, tells how horrible it was to try to live without basic necessities of food and water. Muslims slaughtered Christians, because they were infidels.

Side B: 4/22/2017

Stealth Invasion pt 1



America was the great melting pot as migrants came here to adapt to our language and culture. But Leo Hohmann, author of Stealth Invasion - Muslim Conquest Through Immigration, says Muslims are legally invading this country, since they have no intention of assimilating but remaining separate to change America through high birthrates and conversion into Islam even using our public schools. Sharia Law is tyrannical and would eliminate all our freedoms! Muslim Student Associations have more chapters than the Democratic and Republican parties combined. Why is Islam being taught in our public schools?

Side A: 4/15/2017

Arisen pt 2


Is heaven a real, literal place or just an ethereal, vague concept? What happens after you die? Captain Dale Black, author of A Pilot's True Story - Flight to Heaven, A Plane Crash, A Lone Survivor, A Journey to Heaven and Back, vividly describes his horrific plane crash and his wondrous experience in an incredibly awesome place -Heaven. What do angels look like? Jesus promised mansions awaiting God's children. What are they like? Dale Black describes Heaven's music and the brilliant colors in grass, flowers, and water. But what impressed him was God's love, filling all of heaven. Dale Black's story is life changing.

Side B: 4/8/2017

Arisen pt 1



The greatest event in history is the death and Resurrection of its Creator- Jesus Christ! The greatest words ever spoken are "He is RISEN!" Seeing the Resurrected Jesus Christ transformed the apostles from fearful to bold courageous men who changed the world. Christ is still transforming people by giving them a glimpse of heaven. Steven Musick, author of Life After Heaven - How My Time in Heaven Can Transform Your Life on Earth, vividly describes how his body died, but his spirit went to heaven to see, touch and talk with Jesus Christ, but Christ sent him back to tell others about the reality of heaven.

Side A: 4/1/2017

Eagles Soar Above the Storms pt 2


Problems can be stumbling blocks or stepping-stones depending on how you handle them. Scripture says those who trust in the Lord will soar on wings like eagles. The majestic eagle is fearless as he flies into the face of a storm. Just as stronger winds cause the eagle to fly higher, so adversity strengthens Godly people. Trusting in God in the storms of life produces Godly character. Avery Willis, author of Learning to Soar - How to Grow Through Transitions and Trials, says adversity may cause us to develop greater faith and maturity. You can trust God, just look at the vast universe, to see how awesome God is.

Side B: 3/25/2017

Eagles Soar Above the Storms pt 1



The majestic eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom. Just as opposing winds cause an eagle to soar higher, so adversity strengthens Godly people. So when adversity comes, don't let it get you down, let it push you up as you draw closer to God. Inspirational high school assembly speaker, Gary Horton, says the powerful, strong, father eagle is there waiting to catch the little eaglet as he tries to fly, just as God is there to catch us when we fall. Mary Whelchel, author of Soaring on - High Spiritual Insights from The Life of An Eagle, makes wonderful parallels between God's amazing eagle and Christians.

Side A: 3/18/2017

Did People Live Almost 1000 years?


The Bible says Noah lived for 950 years! Adam, 930 years! Did people really live that long? If so, where's the evidence? Well, here it is. Dr Jack Cuozzo, author of Buried Alive - The Startling Truth About Neanderthal Man, says the people who lived before the Flood were so different from us that scientists call them a different species. Of course their genetic make-up was different. They lived over 900+ years. Dr Cuozzo describes the huge bones of these ancient patriarchs. Before sin, there was no death. The proof is the teeth of lions and crocodiles that had molars for grinding vegetation, not pointed for tearing flesh.

Side B: 3/11/2017

C.S. Lewis vs Darwin



Was C.S. Lewis an evolutionist? At age 15, Lewis gave up his Christian faith to become an atheist. Professor Jerry Bergman, who teaches medical students anatomy and biology, is the author of C.S. Lewis -Anti-Darwinist. C.S. Lewis later became an ardent Creationist who called evolution "biolatry - a pure hallucination, that would result in society's rejection of absolutes." He called evolution "scientocracy," because it subverts freedom and becomes tyrannical when mandated by the state. Lewis debunked atheism based on evolution that masquerades as "science" saying it's pure fiction, an illusion of imagination.

Side A: 3/4/2017

Conquering Porn


There's a porn plague capturing millions of young minds and destroying individuals, families and crippling our nation's morality. Millions of people, including Christians and pastors, visit porn sites. Fred Stoeker, author of Every Young Man's Battle - Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation, says, "We're in a spiritual war, but the enemy is seductive and camouflages sin as pleasure. Instead it brings pain." How can we control what comes into our eyes and minds? Clay Allen, president of Avenue, and Fred Stoeker, give excellent techniques for avoiding the deadly trap of pornography.

Side B: 2/25/2017

Conquering Jihad



Why are public schools promoting Islam when Christianity gave us freedom and prosperity? Martin Mawyer, author of Twilight In America -The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America, describes the 3 dozen camps he has personally seen and how they plan to take over America for Allah. Dr Bob Morey, an expert on Islam, and author of over 40 books, has two doctorates, says Muslims are planning a massive attack (with a nuclear device) in America to bring this nation under subjection to the barbaric Sharia Law. How can we prevent and even defeat this coming Islamic invasion?

Side A: 2/18/2017

Choice in Education part 2


President Trump says his priority is choice in education. Nevada is the first state to give universal school choice to all K-12 students who can choose Christian schools, or art, music or computer schools to be paid for with tax dollars. Leslie Hiner, with the Friedman Foundation, says, "Improving education and saving money is no longer a theoretical opinion but proven through years of choice." Cuts of President Trump and Milton Friedman. Instead of humanist public schools converting Christian kids to humanism, now Christian schools can take vouchers from secular students and convert them to Christ.

Side B: 2/11/2017

Choice in Education part 1



Cuts of President Trump & Newt Gingrich emphasizing the need for parental choice in education. Robert Enlow, of the Friedman Foundation, says a ground swell for choice has started. Since Christian schools do a better job for half the cost, why not give parents the choice? Milton Friedman says, "Choice doesn't take money from public schools but gives the money to schools that teach the kids." Choice improves education by competition. Myron Lieberman, author of The Teacher's Unions, says, "Voucher money funds students to go to a religious school, just as food stamps help the poor, no matter what store."

Side A: 2/4/2017

The Kindness Challenge part 2


Why do people lose jobs and friends? Why do so many marriages fail? An important part of being kind is understanding how men and women are different. Just as women need to feel loved, so men need to feel respected, admired and trusted. Shaunti Feldhahn, author of The Kindness Challenge - Thirty Days to Improve Any Relationship, says this proven kindness-method will heal broken relationships and make your life happier. There is tremendous, transforming power of kindness. Simply being "nice" can be superficial but being kind can be confrontational even as Jesus was toward His enemies.

Side B: 1/28/2017

The Kindness Challenge part 1



We live in a divided culture that's become less kind and more abrasive and hostile whether at home, work or on the road. Kindness isn't some innovative new idea; it's a proven Biblical method to turn enemies into friends. Jesus told his followers to love one another, even love our enemies. After extensive research, Shaunti Feldhahn, author of The Kindness Challenge - Thirty Days to Improve Any Relationship, gives specific steps that can make a huge difference in any relationship and give you more enjoyment in life, with greater peace and joy. These kindness steps will enable people around you to enjoy you more.

Side A: 1/21/2017

Protecting Life pt 2


Can you imagine the owner of the abortion clinic coming into your child's school to teach children sex ed? The abortion clinic owner, Carol Everett, author of Blood Money, said that's exactly what she did, because it increased her abortion business. Her clinic prescribed birth control pills they knew would enable girls to become pregnant. Carol Everett, who was responsible for the deaths of over 35,000 babies tells the truth about sex ed. Planned Parenthood counselors have degenerated into telling children to experiment with deviant sexual behavior. Anyone with kids in school needs to hear this fascinating program.

Side B: 1/14/2017

Protecting Life pt 1



Killing babies is not just a political issues it is a human rights issue. With a pro-life President, the abortion holocaust is close to ending. Gianna Jessen, who survived an abortion, is a voice from God telling us that we're killing His babies. Dr Bernard Nathanson, author of The Hand of God, was the infamous abortionist who operated the largest abortion mill in the world, killing over 75,000 babies including his own son. He tells how they used words, like calling baby killing simply a woman's choice or reproductive heath, which helped make abortion legal. It's called partial birth abortion, but it is really infanticide.

Side A: 1/7/2017

Transforming Power of Christ part 2


Do you believe in miracles? If you are a follower of Christ, YOU ARE a miracle! Why did Jesus perform miracles? Pastor Jared Wilson, author of The Wonder Working God - Seeing the Glory of Jesus in His Miracles, says the miracles are secondary to Who and why He is doing them. Jesus did many magnificent miracles such as; turning the water into wine, having Peter go catch a fish and take the coin out of its mouth to pay the tax, calming the storm at sea, healing diseases and raising the dead, to give us a glimpse into heaven. But the greatest miracle is God coming to earth as Jesus! Jesus uses humor to make a point.

Side B: 12/31/2016

Transforming Power of Christ part 1



Why can’t 80 million Christian’s change this culture when just 12 Apostles changed the world for Christ? How can God mature baby Christians? How can we transform our culture unless Christ first transforms us? Frances Frangipane, author of The Days of His Presence- Experiencing the fullness of Christ as we enter the fullness of time, says, “It’s only when we are pleasing to God that He gives us His transforming power. As evil gets worse God is raising up a people who passionately love Jesus and receive the fire of His Glory.” How can Christ be your Lord unless you give Him control of your life?

Side A: 12/24/2016

Christmas Special part 2


The Christmas Spirit goes far beyond gifts, friends, family and music. Renowned author, Max Lucado, author of 3:16-The Numbers of Hope, says people never tire of hearing about God's love for them. Jesus went from holding the stars in His hands to clutching Mary's little finger. Why did He come to earth? He stopped the storm at sea but allowed soldiers to nail Him to the cross. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in the Gospel According to Matthew, gives an inspirational description of Jesus you will never forget. Jesus' love is profound, but have you fully experienced Christ's love?

Side B: 12/17/2016

Christmas Special part 1



What is God like? Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah prophesied about Christ, "Unto us a Son is given: and His Name shall be called Mighty God, the everlasting Father." Was Jesus really God? Was He the Creator? He was. God came to the earth He created in the smallest form possible, as a single cell. Film maker Bruce Marchiano, who acted the parts of Jesus in more films than any other, is the author of Jesus Yesterday, Today and Forever. What was Jesus like as a child? What was it like for Mary, expecting Jesus to rule the world, to see Him crucified? Why did Jesus have so much supernatural joy?

Side A: 12/10/2016

Ancient People Were Not Cavemen


The idea that ancient men were primitive brutes, cave men, is a myth based on evolution that contradicts the Biblical account. Ancient people had extreme intelligence, plus lived hundreds of years, and thus invented amazing things. Don Landis, editor of The Genius of Ancient Man-Evolution's Nightmare, gives examples such as the thousands of pyramids around the world that used massive 100-ton stones fitted together so precisely you couldn't slide a credit card in the joints. In the religious tower of Babel, man rebelled against God and tried to be God. The religion of Babel is still here today.

Side B: 12/3/2016

Letting Go of The World



As students get a socialist education they become socialists. But socialism only brings poverty. Cuban refugee turned successful business owner, Aurelio Barreto, founder of C28 Christian Stores and author of Not of This World, tells how socialism stole his family's wealth in Cuba. Although he started with nothing in L.A., he became a multimillionaire through his Christian stores. But many malls would not let a Christian store in because it was too "controversial." Over 16,000 people have received Christ through his stores. Aurelio says, "If I lost everything but still had Christ, I would have it all."

Side A: 11/26/2016

Thanksgiving part 2


Do you thank God for every situation in your life, even the bad ones? Could you thank God for a child with ADHD or blindness? God has a gift for you that will enable you to go through the worst of times and enrich you to enjoy the best of times. Merlin Carothers, author of Prison to Praise, which isn't about a prison with bars but a prison of circumstances, says praising the Lord in bad circumstances demonstrates trust in Him. Praise is not a magic formula to manipulate God but genuine gratitude that pleases God and gives you His peace and joy and sometimes-miraculous answers. Praise works wonders!

Side B: 11/19/2016

Thanksgiving part 1



Schools teach that Thanksgiving was a feast for racial harmony with Indians instead of Pilgrims giving thanks to God. Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, describes the first Thanksgiving when Pilgrims were starving with only 5 kernels of corn a day. Connie Ricks a 4th grade teacher reads the diary of a girl who came over on the Mayflower and the struggles they endured. Why did the Pilgrims come here? Peter Marshall says they came here to bring the gospel to the Indians. Vaughn Shatzer, author of The History of American, describes how Christianity was foundational for Law and education.

Side A: 11/12/2016

Capitalism vs. Socialism


Professors have convinced many impressionable students that Marxism helps the poor more than capitalism. But socialism and communism not only haven't helped the poor but slaughtered them. The USSR and China slaughtered about 100 million people in the last century. What's the difference between a liberalism, socialism and communism? Jesus and the early Christians were not socialists! Jay Richards, author of Money, Greed, & God, dispels economic myths that lead students to become socialists. How do moral issues affect economic issues? The biggest cause of poverty is single motherhood.

Side B: 11/5/2016

Our Last Real Choice



With an increase in Muslim terrorism, why do Obama and Hillary want to increase Muslim immigration? Wayne Root, author of Angry White Male - How the Donald Trump Phenomena is Changing America, was a classmate of Obama's and says they were taught by Marxist profs how to destroy the middle class and capitalism to create a socialist nation. The basics that made America great, love of God, country and capitalism, are threatened by radical powerful elites that hate America and want it to be another 3rd world Marxist nation! What would be the difference between a Trump & Hillary Presidency?

Side A: 10/29/2016

Well Versed pt 2


The Bible tells us to pray for those in authority. We need an outpouring of prayer for this crucial election. Pastor Jim Garlow, of Skyline Church and author of Well Versed - Biblical Answers to Today's Tough Issues, says, "Many pastors say they don't discuss politics. Does that mean they would have remained silent on slavery? That was political." We aren't electing a pastor but a President. God raised a pagan King Cyrus and a coarse Churchill, because they were right for that time. So has God raised up Trump? Biblically illiterate Christians don' t connect elections to persecution, degeneracy and judgment.

Side B: 10/22/2016

Well Versed pt 1



America was a model for the world as a Christian nation. But now our nation is on the verge of God's judgment. Why have pastors become silent on social and political issues? Pastor Jim Garlow, of Skyline Church and author of Well Versed - Biblical Answers to Today's Tough Issues, says, "Polls show Christians want their Pastors to teach on Biblical solutions to issues, but silence from the pulpit has led to Biblical illiteracy. We have violated God's Word on these issues. It's not a matter of opinion but what God says in His Word on these issues." What about church tax status and the separation of church and state?

Side A: 10/15/2016

Deliver Us From Evil part 2


For Christians who don't vote, you're giving our nation over to anti-Christian forces to rule over us. Matt Staver, founder of Liberty Council, says, "Behind the personalities of the candidates are vast differences in their party platforms." The difference is between life and death, homosexuality versus religious freedom, rule by the Constitution or the whims of between 3-5 radical Justices appointed if the President is the Democrat. This is a spiritual war where winner the will be determined, not by bullets, but by the ballots. If Christians don't vote, we will be persecuted by the most corrupt and evil rulers in history.

Side B: 10/8/2016

Deliver Us From Evil part 1



Millions of Christian don't vote, then ask," What went wrong?" For those who say, "God will put into office who He wants." Did God want Bill Clinton or Obama? For those who say, "You can't legislate morality," all laws are someone's morality. Laws against slavery, murder and theft are legislations of morality. The Republican Party platform is the most conservative in history, while the Democrat's is the most radical. It's the difference between good and evil and morality and immorality. Matt Staver, of Liberty Council says, "If we make the wrong choice in this crucial election, our nation as we know it is gone.

Side A: 10/1/2016

Not Politically Correct part 2


The greatest threat to our nation is apathy and ignorance, presuming God will continue to bless our nation, despite our disobedience. Christ commanded His followers to BE salt and light. If you don't vote, how are you salt and light? Pastor, attorney, and candidate for US Senate, Bishop Jackson, says, "The future of our nation hangs in the balance of this one crucial election." For the first time in our history, the Democrat candidate for President has be interrogated by the FBI for criminal charges. She boasts how she, as Secretary of State, spread the LGBT (homosexual) agenda throughout the world.

Side B: 9/24/2016

Not Politically Correct part 1



Barna reports this shocking indictment: half of Christians don't vote. Some say they don't like either candidate for President so they refuse to vote. Pastor and candidate for US Senate, Bishop Jackson, says, "This election is not a personality contest but a choice for the kind of government we want. Do we want socialism or capitalism? For those who disdain politics, ask God if He cares about babies slaughtered, or immorality and corruption in government? Does He care about religious freedom? Then God cares about politics. Not voting is a sin, James 4:17. We are giving away the country that God gave us.

Side A: 9/17/2016

For Such a Time As This part 2


All of our freedoms, including religious freedom, morality, and the right to life, have become political issues. Politics can be a tool in God's Hands to keep our freedom to preach the gospel. Rick Scarborough, President of Vision America, met with candidate Trump and was surprised at his openness, humility and kindness, unlike his persona on TV. It's either Trump or Clinton who will choose the next 3 or 4 Supreme Court Justices to determine the future of this nation. Cuts of Chris Christie & Ben Carson at the RNC. The RNC has created the most conservative platform in history including "choice in education."

Side B: 9/10/2016

For Such a Time As This part 1



Pastor Rick Scarborough, author of Enough is Enough and President of Vision America, was so shocked at the graphic AIDS assembly at his local high school, he motivated his congregation to get involved. People from his church got motivated to elect Christians. Charles Finney said, "God will bless or curse this nation according to the course Christians take in politics." Trump said he would repeal the reason so many pastors have been silenced. Democrat leadership has brought open homosexuality into the military, and has made a perilous "deal" with the Iran to get an atomic bomb that could destroy us.

Side A: 9/3/2016

Serious Threat to Religious Freedom part 2


Separation of church and state has no meaning when the state crushes the church. Attorney Brad Dacus, Pres. of P.J.I., says, "Cal SB 1146 is the most brazen attack to force Christian colleges to bow to homosexual propaganda. The state is telling Christian colleges they may not tell students what is immoral. If the state can make Christian colleges as corrupt as they have state colleges, why would students pay for a Christian college? The election of the next President will determine the future for 40 or so years by their choice of Supreme Court Justices. This election will determine if we have any religious freedom.

Side B: 8/27/2016

Serious Threat to Religious Freedom part 1



Christians are given a choice; renounce their beliefs or face state persecution and bankruptcy. Randy Thomasson says Cal SB 1146 will destroy religious freedom beginning with Christian colleges and spreading to K-12, to churches, and TV & radio. SB 1146 is a mandate for Christian colleges to accept homosexual professors or be sued for discrimination. This would allow students to sue their school for Biblical beliefs. Since the nation's textbooks are written for Cal standards, textbooks will glorify homosexuals, legitimize same sex marriage, allow nude boys into girl's lockers, and portray Christians as bigots.

Side A: 8/20/2016

The War on The American People


Is our government going to war against the American people? Our Founders warned us that an army inside our nation that makes us enemy combatants would crush our freedoms. Have police become transformed into soldiers? Swat teams terrorize and murder innocent people. John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America - The War on The American People, compares the militarized police and loss of freedoms to Nazi Germany in the 1930's. Schools are being used to create a docile easily controlled populace. Schools have become "electronic concentration camps!"

Side B: 8/13/2016

The Masked Saint



"The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." Pastor Chris Whaley, author of The Masked Saint, was a pastor and at the same time a pro-wrestler who used his wresting skill to help defenseless women, old men, abused children, bullies and people being robbed at gun-point. Chris took on 4 Klansmen at night during a KKK meeting. Chris went out during the night wearing his wrestling costume to get men who were stealing Christmas presents from poor families. As a good Samaritan, Chris was a Christian version of Superman taking on evil in the name of Christ.

Side A: 8/6/2016

Better Health Naturally


Public health officials warn that this generation is at greater risk for heart disease and diabetes. Children who eat just three hot dogs a week have 9 times the risk of getting leukemia. Americans are dieting more but are more overweight than ever which increases their risk of getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Dr Ted Broer a nutrition expert and author of Maximum Fat Loss and Maximum Energy, gives a comprehensive overview of a good diet and foods to avoid. He warns of Ritalin use for ADHD. Lifelong habits are established in youth, yet 27% of young people are too fat to fight in the military.

Side B: 7/30/2016

Bypassing Heart Disease



With all the amazing medical advances, why is heart disease still the #1 killer in America; killing more than all cancers? Is it possible to reverse heart disease? Ted Broer is a nationally recognized nutritionist, with over 3 decades in private practice, appearing on hundreds of radio and TV shows and is the author of Breakthrough Health. Ted tells how calcium can cause plaque build up in arteries. He says avoid tablets since most have calcium as binders. Ted warns about the dangers of vaccinations, testosterone and statins. He tells of the drugs to avoid and the benefits of glucosamine, MSM and CoQ-10.

Side A: 7/23/2016

Courage in the Classroom


The percentage of Christians in this generation is expected to decline to just 4% who are Christians. How can a Christian survive on a hostile campus? Abby Nye, a courageous Christian, university student, and author of Fish out of Water-Surviving & Thriving as a Christian on a Secular Campus, tells how professors intimidate and convert Christians into humanism. Abby was told by her literature professor that the Bible is a book of myths and not a credible source. Yet she was required to buy a Koran for her required class on Islam. How can the Church hope to survive if 90% of Christian youth leave the faith?

Side B: 7/16/2016

Rotten to the Core



Common core, the Federal take over of local education, is a massive experiment with the lives of our children and the future of our nation. Common Core changes education from imparting knowledge to social change and socialism. The result will be a dumbed down populace that's compliant, non-thinking, who are followers instead of leaders, not innovators/inventors as prior generations. Kyle Olson, author of Conform: Exposing the Truth About Common Core and Public Education, says at a time when schools cost more and deliver less, options such as Choice in Education are being crushed by Common Core.

Side A: 7/9/2016

Invading Girls Bathrooms pt 2


In 1961, Kennedy said, "We will put a man on the moon." Today, Obama says, "We will put men in girls restrooms." Obama sent a threat letter (an edict) to every public school in America warning that if they don't allow (transgender) boys in the girls' restrooms and showers, he will withhold funds. Randy Thomasson, President of SaveCalifornia.com says, "If you have the Y chromosome, you're a boy! Nothing will change that!" This Obama administration, with over 150 homosexuals, is using schoolgirls as pawns, violating their privacy, to force LGBT on the public. This misuse of power affects all schools.

Side B: 7/2/2016

Invading Girls Bathrooms pt 1



Americans fought a Revolutionary War to get rid of a king. Will we have another, "American" king, now rule over us? Obama has issued an "edict"- a letter to every public school in the nation, threatening to withhold funds if they don't allow boys (transgendered) in the girls' bathrooms and showers. Phyllis Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum, says there are only two sexes even though the UC application has 5 genders listed as "gender identity," i.e. whatever sex you feel like. Cuts of Randy Thomasson, Obama, AG Lynch, TX AG Paxton, Robert Jeffress, ADF attorney and women who have been sexually abused.

Side A: 6/25/2016

What Is Behind Islam part 2


What motivates Muslim terrorists to kill innocent people, even children, who haven't done anything to them? What is the status of women in Islam? What's the difference between Jesus and Mohammed? Was Mohammed a prophet of God or Satan? Dr. Joseph Abd el Shafi, an Egyptian medical doctor practicing in America, is an expert on Islam and author of Behind the Veil - Unmasking Muhammad's Life, and a booklet called Seven Ignored Facts About Islam. Dr. "Joseph" says most Muslims are illiterate and don't understand the Koran or Mohammed. Mohammed tortured and killed hundreds of people in cold blood.

Side B: 6/18/2016

What Is Behind Islam part 1



Are public schools being used to evangelize students into Islam? Sixth graders were taken on a field trip to a mosque and some of the boys got on their knees, bowed down and prayed to Allah. (The video is on our website.) Chaplain and educator, Austin Miles, tells how public schools across the nation, through textbooks and classes, promote Islam and denigrate Christianity. A former PLO terrorist, Kamal Saleem, came to this country to recruit students into Jihad but instead was converted by a supernatural encounter with Christ. Ironically he boldly goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ.

Side A: 6/11/2016

Public Schools Aren't Free part 2


How can parents inspire their child to have a passion for learning? How can you develop creativity and character in your child? How can you teach your child to think for themselves and not simply follow the crowd? Kim d'Escoto, as a public school teacher, thought education should be left to the professional educators but now compares the benefits of home education to public school. David and Kim d'Escoto, authors of The Little Book of Big Reasons to Home School, say home schooling allows students to learn based on your child's specific interests while avoiding peer pressure and drugs.

Side B: 6/4/2016

Public Schools Aren't Free part 1



Schools do more than simply teach academics. They disciple students away from Christianity and into secular disciples. Brad Heath, author of Millstones and Stumbling Blocks, wrote, "Evangelicals are notorious for fighting symptoms while perpetuating root causes." While Christians fight social issues like abortion, pornography etc., their own kids are in schools that instill relative values, where baby killing is simply a woman's choice. Chesterton wrote, "Education isn't just a subject but a way of life." If schools are "millstones and stumbling blocks," why are Christians putting their children in them?

Side A: 5/28/2016

Legend part 1


As schools downplay patriotism and heroism and emphasize globalism, they fail to inspire young people to defend this great nation. There are many misconceptions of the Viet Nam War, that America was imperialist not defending the freedom of the South Vietnamese. Eric Blehm, author of Legend - A Harrowing Story From the Vietnam War of one Green Beret's Heroic Mission, brilliantly describes the heroic Sergeant Roy Benavidez, an amazing Green Beret legend who continued to rescue fellow soldiers even though he had 30 bullet, bayonet and shrapnel wounds. Captivating cuts of Benavidez's inspirational speech.

Side B: 5/21/2016

Valor part 1



Freedom is not free but purchased at great cost. Memorial Day is a day to remember the sacrifices that paid for our freedoms. Gary Horton, a motivational school assembly speaker, was an Army Ranger who fought for our freedoms, yet he's not given the freedom to speak about his Christian faith in public schools. Schools have re-written our history, banned the flag, and banned the motto and the pledge. Christians have accepted the lie that we must deny our faith in public and deny the basis of where our freedoms came from- Biblical Christianity. Without this understanding, our freedoms are in grave jeopardy.

Side A: 5/14/2016

Answering the Skeptic part 2


What would you say to a skeptic who asks, "What makes your religion any different?" What do you say to the skeptic who says science has disproved the Bible? Bill Foster, author of Meet the Skeptic - A Field Guide to Faith Conversations, says before you give an answer ask a question, "How has science disproved the Bible?" "What are the contradictions in the Bible?" Words like, "in Christ," or "inspired by God," have different meanings for skeptics. Never qualify a Biblical verse with "for me," which renders the scripture subjective and irrelevant. Why can't a person get to heaven by being good? What is good?

Side B: 5/7/2016

Biblical Truth part 1



This generation has been raised to believe there are no absolutes. But isn't that an absolute? Who can say what's right and what's wrong? In this age of skepticism, how can we know the Bible is God's inspired Word? Richard Simmons, author of an excellent apologetic entitled Reliable Truth - The Validity of the Bible In An Age of Skepticism, says, "Some people believe the Bible is mythological without ever reading it. The Bible is not abstract philosophical ideas but actual historical events, real people describing real events. There is proof for the reliability of the Bible in archaeology and eyewitness testimonies."

Side A: 4/30/2016

From Islam to Freedom part 1


Islam in the schools is part of our enemy's strategy to defeat us. There are grave national consequences as schools brainwash students into Islam under the guise of multiculturalism. Dr Robert Morey, an expert on Islam, and author of The Islamic Invasion, says that Saudi Arabia is spending billions to convert Americans to Islam, much of it through our schools. Why do Muslims want to kill innocent Americans? Who was Mohammed? Is Allah just another name for God? How can we stop the Islamic invasion that will bring this nation under Sharia Law. Dr Morey says there are already nuclear devices here.

Side B: 4/23/2016

From Communism to Freedom part 1



We take our precious God given freedoms for granted. Powerful forces want to make our nation socialist even communist. Immigrant Jamie Glasov describes the terror and oppression in the USSR before coming here but how America was like heaven. As a graduate student, Jamie tells how university professors believe and teach that communism is wonderful and capitalism is oppressive! Russian military scientist, Dr Igor Shafhid, author of Inside the Red Zone, says, "We could lose a city to terrorists and recover, but if we adopt a communist ideology, the whole country is lost." Dr Shafhid is now a Christian.

Side A: 4/16/2016

Happiness Part 2


Is God more concerned with our holiness than our happiness? The Bible says Jesus was a man of sorrows acquainted with grief. But was Jesus happy? Is there a difference between happiness and joy? Randy Alcorn, best selling author of 40 books, is the author of Happiness. Christians are perceived as gloomy legalists. But people are drawn to happy people. So believers who show the happiness of Christ will attract others to Him. The joy of the Lord is no small trifle with God. The closer we draw to the Source of Joy the more we can experience all the happiness God has for us. God is happy and wants us to be happy also.

Side B: 4/9/2016

Heaven Part 1



What is heaven like? Will we have the same personality, with our mind completely intact, in heaven? Imagine your best vacation multiplied by infinity, and you get a glimpse of heaven. The best moments on earth are a taste of heaven. Randy Alcorn, an authority on heaven and best selling author of 40 books, selling over 9 million copies, is the author of Heaven. Randy Alcorn vividly describes what we can expect in Heaven, and on the New Earth, according to the Bible. The heaven we enter when we die is temporary. The future heaven is not a non-earth, but the New Earth where God comes to live with us.

Side A: 4/2/2016

Do Heaven and Hell Really Exist?



What will happen to you after you die? How can you be certain that you will go to heaven? Are heaven and hell real places?

Are there people alive and celebrating in heaven while others are suffering in hell? Best selling author Bill Weise, author of What Happens When I Die? True Stories of the After Life and What They Tell Us About Eternity, describes some fascinating accounts of what people experienced after death, and they came back to warn us of the reality of eternity. A scientist, who came close to dying, said, "It's easy to be an atheist when you're successful but very hard when you're on your deathbed."

Side B: 3/26/2016

Christ's Resurrection



The greatest event in all history, even greater than the Creation itself, is the Resurrection of its Creator - Jesus Christ. God, Who was worshipped and obeyed in heaven, Who created universes, came to a tiny, rebellious planet, became a man and allowed himself to be tortured and killed to save us from hell. The greatest words ever spoken are "Christ is risen!" Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in The Gospel According to Matthew, says Jesus wasn't a victim caught by surprise, but He died an excruciating death so that we could be with Him forever as part of His eternal Family!

Side A: 3/19/2016

Great News for America part 2


Americans have seen their liberties and prosperity deteriorate by an out-of-control socialist government will vote in historic numbers to take their nation back. It's insanity that the President gave Iran the ability to set off an EMP that would shut down our electrical grid. Socialism leads to poverty, dependence on the government, and violent, drug infested inner- cities! Dr Gerard Lameiro, author of Great News For America, says the Constitution, freedom and prosperity are coming back. Pastor Rick Scarborough, of Vision America says evangelicals need to rise up, speak out and take back what God has given us.

Side B: 3/12/2016

Great News for America part 1



Americans are so outraged that they will vote in historic numbers to take our country back. This election is about our identity as a nation and what we believe. What's the link between morality and freedom? Universities propagate socialism, because they've been seduced by Marxism and rejected our Founding principles. Dr Gerard Lameiro, author of Great News For America- The Constitution, Freedom and Prosperity Are Coming Back, says this election will transform both political parities and the media. It will be a landslide for Constitutional conservatives! It's a moral revolution through ballots not bullets.

Side A: 3/5/2016

Salt and Light


Never have so many Christians been so irrelevant. Why? Americans increasingly believe government can solve their problems and equality comes through socialism. James Robison, co-author of Indivisible - Restoring Faith, Family and Freedom, says God is giving Christians a mandate to be salt in this dying culture. Jay Richards, co-author of Indivisible, and author of Money, Greed, & God, dispels economic myths taught as facts in schools that lead students to become socialists. Were early Christians socialists, communists or capitalists? How can we best help the poor?How do moral issues affect economic issues?

Side B: 2/27/2016

Why Muslims Want to Kill Us



Why do Muslim terrorists want to kill us? Walid Shoebat knows - he was one. Americans have no idea the motivation of Muslims or how to combat Islamic terror. Walid Shoebat believed his only chance to go to heaven was to die in jihad. Walid came here from the Middle East as a college student to raise money and recruit students for jihad. For naïve Americans who think Islam is just another religion, he details the horrors of jihad and the barbaric Sharia Law. Walid, now a Christian and author of Why I Left Jihad and Why We Want to Kill You, warns of the dangers of Islam that's winning university students.

Side A: 2/20/2016

A Nation Born in A Day part 2


We are witnessing Biblical prophecy being fulfilled in our time. Israel was prophesied thousands of years ago to be born in a day! Scriptures say all nations will come against Israel. Does that include America, as this nation turns away from Israel and supports Israel's enemies? Chuck Crismier, author of King of the Mountain, the Eternal, Epic, End-Time Battle, says, "The culmination of prophecy with world wide nuclear war could usher in the end of our age." Joel Rosenberg, author of Damascus Countdown, says, "An atomic Iran could do in 6 minutes what it took Hitler 6 years to do, kill 6 million Jews."

Side B: 2/13/2016

A Nation Born in A Day part 1



What would the world be like if Israel owned all the oil rich land God gave Abraham and his descendants? If Israel got all the land promised by God, it would turn a 10 million population into 300 million people living in an area the size of America. Paul Toberty, who owned radio stations and hosted programs on TBN, is the author of A Nation Born in A Day - How God's Land Grant to Abraham Affects World Affairs and End Times. He says, "The sooner the land grant to Israel is fulfilled, the sooner this age comes to fulfillment in Christ." God's promise will be fulfilled. What are the signs it's going to be soon?

Side A: 2/5/2016

Revisiting Nazi Germany


"Hitler didn't take Austria by force; we elected that monster in 1938 when 98% voted to annex Austria to Germany, because 30% of Austrians were out of work. I'm an eyewitness to history," said Kitty Werthmann. What was it like to live under Nazi (the National Socialist Party) Germany with Hitler? Are there parallels in our nation today? A socialist bureaucracy takes control over guns, education, healthcare, and the economy -with massive spending that leads to hyperinflation. Out of 18,000 German pastors, only 200 refused to sign a loyalty oath to Hitler. Many Germans said Hitler was a gift from God.

Side B: 1/30/2016

End Times and Israel



Our borders being breached by Isis and Syrian Muslims is minor compared with the invasion of the spirit of anti-Christ. This spirit of anti-Christ will change our nation's allegiance from God to Allah. What needs to happen prophetically before the return of Christ? Satan's strategy is to use a DNA marker to selectively eliminate Aaron's descendants to stop the formation of the 3rd temple and delay the return of Christ. Zec 14 says Jerusalem will be captured, but the Lord will defeat His enemies and establish His Kingdom. Eric Walker, an expert in Biblical prophecy, is the author of The Codist -The Aaron Chronicles.

Side A: 1/23/2016

None Dare Call It Islam part 2


Obama, born and raised a Muslim, says "Islam is peaceful," despite what that the Koran says to kill infidels. Obama says, "It's shameful to discriminate based on religion." Then he discriminates against Christians denying them to immigrate in. John Rabe, TV producer for D. James Kennedy Ministries, the author of None Dare Call It Islam, says, "Islam is not just a religion but an all-encompassing ideology dictating every aspect of life with Sharia law, theocracy, diet and dress." Islam means submit to Allah. The Supreme Court ruled that same sex marriage is Constitutional! Do we need to obey it as the law of the land?

Side B: 1/16/2016

None Dare Call It Islam part 1



Are we witnessing the start of an Islamic invasion as the single deadliest attack since 911 happened here in our heartland? Fear of terrorism is heightened when the President won't protect us and won't even name our enemy, but enables our enemy massive access into our nation. John Rabe, radio & TV producer for D. James Kennedy Ministries, is the author of None Dare Call It Islam. Why does the President and the media pretend Islam has nothing to do with violence? Soon after Islamic massacres, the President talks about gun control, the Crusades and slavery to try to equate Christianity with Islam.

Side A: 1/9/2016

The Mysterious Depths of God


Intelligent design indicates a Designer. Nothing in science is as certain as God's revelation in nature. Dr Richard Swenson, physician, physicist and best selling author of More Than Meets The Eye - Fascinating Glimpses of God's Power and Design, describes the wonders of the human eye, ear, brain (the most complex arrangement of matter in the universe), and the mysterious dimensions beyond the universe. God works in between time and has an eternity to answer every ones prayers! The physical universe may be a tiny molecule on God's throne. God displays power, precision and beauty in His universe.

Side B: 1/2/2016

The Wonder Working God



Do you believe in miracles? If you are a follower of Christ, YOU ARE a miracle! Why did Jesus perform miracles? Pastor Jared Wilson, author of The Wonder Working God - Seeing the Glory of Jesus in His Miracles, says the miracles are secondary to Who and why He is doing them. Jesus did many magnificent miracles such as; turning the water into wine, having Peter go catch a fish and take the coin out of its mouth to pay the tax, calming the storm at sea, healing diseases and raising the dead, to give us a glimpse into heaven. But the greatest miracle is God coming to earth as Jesus! Jesus uses humor to make a point.

Side A: 12/26/2015

Celebrating God's Birth part 2


Christmas would not be Christmas without Christmas music. It's ironic, public schools, in the name of tolerance, censor out Christmas but show their blatant intolerance of Christians. Ironically, the greatest composers like Bach, Handel and Mozart were born again Christians who loved our Lord Jesus Christ and wrote their music to glorify Him. Dr Patrick Kavenaugh, author of Devotions from the World of Music, and Raising Musical Kids, gives fascinating details into the lives of the world's greatest composers and gives excellent ideas on how to help your child develop a love for good music and become musicians.

Side B: 12/19/2015

Celebrating God's Birth part 1



The Christmas Spirit goes far beyond gifts, friends, family and music. Renowned author, Max Lucado, author of 3:16-The Numbers of Hope, says people never tire of hearing about God's love for them. Jesus went from holding the stars in His hands to clutching Mary's little finger. Why did He come to earth? He stopped the storm at sea but allowed soldiers to nail Him to the cross. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in the Gospel According to Matthew, gives an inspirational description of Jesus you will never forget. Jesus' love is profound, but have you fully experienced Christ's love?

Side A: 12/12/2015

Calling Good Evil and Evil Good part 2


Although America has liberated communist nations, now the Socialists and Marxists have waged war on capitalism and Christianity. Consider the dramatic changes! Christianity is criminalized while same sex marriage is legalized! Obamacare is destroying healthcare, and our nation is being bankrupted by an invasion of illegals. It's as if America has had a revolution. David Kupelian of World Net Daily and author of The Snapping of the American Mind, says universities indoctrinate students to hate their own country and capitalism. The sinister over-drugging of 4 to 5 million mostly boys, who are labeled ADHD.

Side B: 12/5/2015

Calling Good Evil and Evil Good part 1



We've gone from a Christian nation to a nation where Christianity is criminalized. A few years ago, evil & immorality were seen as destructive, but today evil is called good and good is called evil. How has our nation changed so dramatically? David Kupelian, V.P. of World Net Daily and author of The Snapping of the American Mind, says we are in a spiritual war, where words have been changed to mean the exact opposite. The words Socialism and Marxism have been re-defined. Tolerance means intolerance of Christians. The horror of abortion is simply a woman's choice. How can we heal our nation?

Side A: 11/28/2015

Truly Thankful


Why was Thanksgiving established? Schools teach that Thanksgiving was a feast for racial harmony with Indians. Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, describes the first Thanksgiving when Pilgrims had only 5 kernels of corn. Connie Ricks reads a diary (fictitious) of a girl who came over on the Mayflower. Dr John Pafford says it was the strong Christian faith of the Pilgrims that established this nation as a Christian commonwealth and fostered a free market economy. Pastor Garrett Lear, whose ancestors came here on the Mayflower, says Christians need to reclaim this nation for Christ.

Side B: 11/21/2015

Finding Freedom in Forgiveness



School shootings of unarmed students in class shocks the nation! But behind the headlines the true damage is done to the victim's family. How can parents deal with the senseless murder of their own children? In 2008, while Joe Dubowski, author of Cartwheels in the Rain- Finding Faith in the Wake of the Unthinkable, was exchanging Valentines with his wife, a tragedy was taking place at his daughter's university. An angry gunman shot and killed their lovely Christian daughter along with 5 others. Although Joe and his wife felt profound grief, they emerged by forgiving the murderer as Christ commands.

Side A: 11/14/2015

Defending America part 2


Why are public schools promoting Islam when Christianity gave us freedom and prosperity? Martin Mawyer, author of Twilight In America -The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America, describes the 3 dozen camps he has personally seen and how they plan to take over America for Allah. Dr Bob Morey, an expert on Islam, and author of over 40 books, has two doctorates, says Muslims are planning a massive attack (with a nuclear device) in America to bring this nation under subjection to the barbaric Sharia Law. How can we prevent and even defeat this coming Islamic invasion?

Side B: 11/7/2015

Defending America part 1



Veterans Day is a day to celebrate America's military heroes, but schools today downplay heroism and emphasize tolerance and diversity. President Obama discriminates against Christians but nominated the first open homosexual to head the US Army as Secretary of the Army. To produce heroes to defend our freedom, we need to teach students about the sacrifices made for their freedoms. Jeremiah Denton tells how his faith in God brought him through the most severe torture in Viet Nam. John Steer gives a fascinating account of his experiences in Viet Nam and how he took the gospel to Russian generals.

Side A: 10/31/2015

Exodus pt 2


Ray Moore, President of Exodus Mandate, compares the saving of the Allied Army at Dunkirk, to the saving of Christian children from enemy assaults in public schools. A Christian public school teacher says parents think their child is being "salt and light," but he sees them lose their faith in his school and has started a Christian school in his church. Dr Bob Simonds, ThD., Founder of CEE, says "Every church is a school." With the US Supreme Court decision on homosexual marriage, there is a dramatic increase in homosexuals going into teaching. Cuts of Pastors Chuck Smith, DJ Kennedy & Joseph Morecraft.

Side B: 10/24/2015

Exodus pt 1



Chaplain Ray Moore, retired Army Lt. Col, and President of Exodus Mandate, says trying to make public schools "Christian" is like trying to teach a pig to dance. We get dirty and the pig gets mad. It's time for Christians to leave this pagan school system and educate their own children. If we've lost the culture war it has been because Christians have been fighting symptoms instead of the root cause - education. 94% of homeschooled children continue as Christians, compared to 80% of public schooled students who lose their faith. Common Core is the federal takeover of education from local control.

Side A: 10/17/2015

The Courage of Bonhoeffer


The way to teach character is through role models and biographies. Brilliant young German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, author of The Cost of Discipleship, challenged Hitler and the compromised German Church. Because Bonheoffer lived a cross centered life, he also died a martyr's death at the age of 39. Stephen Nichols, professor at Lancaster Bible College and the author of Bonheoffer - On the Christian Life, From The Cross, For The World, sees parallels between Germany in Bonhoeffer's day and our society today and what it means to be a true disciple. "Silence in the face of evil is itself evil," wrote Bonhoeffer.

Side B: 10/10/2015

Real Courage of Contemporaries



How do you overcome fear? Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear immobilizes us. Internationally known Tony Perkins, President of The Family Research Council, author of No Fear -Real Stories of a Courageous New Generation Standing for Truth, tells of courageous young people such as Moriah Peters, a star singer on American Idol, who was shunned because she said she wouldn't kiss anyone until she got married. Or UCLA student and prolife activist Lila Rose, who videotaped abortionists at Planned Parenthood. Fear is human, but God is supernatural. God wants us to be courageous, as we trust Him. NO FEAR!

Side A: 10/3/2015

Solution: Article 5


What's the solution to out-of-control federal spending, with a tyrannical President and a corrupt Supreme Court? Our Founders feared the Federal government would crush the rights and autonomy of state governments. That's why they put Article 5 into the Constitution. Mark Meckler, president of Citizens For Self Governance, says, "Our Founders brilliantly gave the states rights and power to rein in federal power through a convention of states, to write amendments to the Constitution. Amendments could require a balanced budget and stop the abuses of power in Executive orders and agencies like the IRS.

Side B: 9/26/2015

Problem: Tyrannical Government



What are the consequences of the Supreme Court's ruling on homosexual "marriage?" Is religious freedom unconstitutional? Brad Dacus, president of the Pacific Justice Institute, gives examples of Christian students being persecuted, while schools promote homosexuality through role models, reading and writing assignments and homosexual history. Christian schools, businesses, and churches are at risk for discrimination lawsuits, so that sexual orientation now trumps religious freedom.

What role did public schools play in the acceptance and promotion of homosexuality? What schools teach, our culture becomes.

Side A: 9/19/2015

The Heart of God


Why did God create us? Just to serve Him? There's more to it than that. Why do people have children? Just to serve them? No! We have children to love and enjoy them. So God, who can create anything, doesn't need our service but wants us to work with Him so we can get to know and love Him intimately. Movie producer, Bill Myers, author of The Jesus Experience - Journey Deeper into The Heart of God, said, "I had downgraded God's love as His beloved child to become simply a servant trying to earn God's love. I exchanged success for God instead of intimacy with God. Knowing Christ's love changes us.

Side B: 9/12/2015

The Horror of 9/11



How would you overcome extreme fear and panic and remain calm if you were in the World Trade Center's towering inferno on 9/11 and you were completely blind? Listen to a total triumph of trust in this horrific catastrophe as a blind man, Michael Hingson, describes his miraculous survival in the face of imminent death. Michael Hingson, the national ambassador for the Braille Literacy Campaign, is the author of Thunder Dog. Although Roselle, Mike's guide dog, was intensely focused on guiding him to safety, she remained calm and even gave a firefighter a kiss on his final trip up the stairs.

Side A: 9/5/2015

Battlefield America


Is our government going to war against the American people? Our Founders warned us that an army inside our nation that makes us enemy combatants would crush our freedoms. The police have become transformed into soldiers. Swat teams terrorize and murder innocent people. John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America - The War on The American People, compares the militarized police and loss of freedoms to Nazi Germany in the 1930's. Schools are being used to create a docile easily controlled populace. Schools have become "electronic concentration camps!"

Side B: 8/29/2015

Religious Freedom



The US Supreme Court is trying to play God in re-defining marriage as same sex and bringing us into an era of lawlessness and moral anarchy. What will happen to religious liberty and Christian schools and businesses that refuse to agree with the immoral Court decision? The great attorney, Michael Farris, who helped make home schooling legal, is the chancellor of Patrick Henry College and author of The History of Religious Liberty, vows to fight for religious liberty in the face of growing hostility by the courts. We've taken our religious freedom for granted, and now the courts are threatening to eliminate them.

Side A: 8/22/2015

Dare To Be A Daniel part 2


The NEA has long supported homosexuality but now says the First Amendment is dangerous and discriminatory because it protects freedom of religion! Because of the Supreme Court ruling declaring homosexuals right to marry, Christians will face persecution in their own country. John Lennox, author of Against the Flow - The Inspiration of Daniel In An Age of Relativism, says, Daniel was thrown to the lions for his open defiance of the king's decree not to pray in public. The courage of Daniel challenges us to be bold and not back down against evil. God wants us to be fearless in expressing of faith as a witness.

Side B: 8/15/2015

Dare To Be A Daniel part 1



The Supreme Court decision declaring same sex marriage to be Constitutional violates the Constitution and God's Word.

The Biblical book of Daniel shows the supernatural power of God and challenges us to take a righteous stand against a degenerate culture! John Lennox, author of Against the Flow - The Inspiration of Daniel In An Age of Relativism, says Meshach Shadrach and Abednego outraged the king for not bowing to the golden idol. The cost of refusing to bow to idolatry is high, but it's supremely higher to reject God. Atheists reject the supernatural but God shows his power as The Hand on the wall.

Side A: 8/8/2015

The New Terrorism


Considering how unprepared our government was prior to 911, how can we expect them to respond to a major terrorist strike? Muslim terrorists have demonstrated extreme savagery that's a threat to our way of life and our very lives. Van Hipp, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army and the author of The New Terrorism - How to Fight It and Defeat It says, "Today we face a much greater threat than ever that could lead to societal collapse, the loss of cities and shutting down the electrical power grid, computers, airports, water, food delivery and banking resulting in the deaths of many Americans.

Side B: 8/1/2015

Choice in Education



With the Court decision on homosexual marriage, public schoolchildren will be forced to learn that sin is OK. But parents are considering other educational options. Nevada is the first state to give universal school choice to all K-12 students! This means private Christian schools, art, music or computer schools will be paid for with tax dollars. Leslie Hiner, with the Friedman Foundation for Educational Choice, says, "If you want to improve education and save lots of tax money, it's no longer a theoretical opinion but a fact proven through many years of practice through choice in education." Now is time for choice.

Side A: 7/25/2015

Federal Control of Local Schools part 2


For all the basic problems of abortion, immorality and illiteracy, there must be a root cause. Colin Gunn, producer of Indoctrination- Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity, says our culture is the product of our schools. Christian students and teachers are forbidden from being Christian! Yet secular educators are given awards for promoting atheism and homosexuality. We are losing our culture, because Christians have refused to educate their own children but continue to support a corrupt system. Why do parents trust their precious children to a system that destroys their faith in God?

Side B: 7/18/2015

Federal Control of Local Schools part 1



Common Core, the new federal takeover of local schools through curriculum and tests, is causing parents to reconsider public schools. Alex Newman, co-author of Crimes of the Educators - How Utopians are Using Government Schools to Destroy America's Children, says there has been a deliberate dumbing down of children by using a reading method that fails to teach reading, memorizing whole words instead of phonetics, to create illiterates dependent on the government. Teaching immoral sex ed. results in cultural degeneracy. The result is the transformation from Christian and capitalist, to socialist and totalitarian.

Side A: 7/11/2015

God's Love & The Drop Box part 2


How does God make Godly men? Pat Morley, author of How God Makes Men - 10 Epic Stories, One Huge Promise for Your Life, gives examples of Godly men, like Abraham, showing us to trust God no matter what! Or Joseph, an innocent man, sold into slavery and then goes to prison, shows us that God uses circumstances to bring about a greater good, such as saving the world from starvation. Nehemiah shows that when we act on God's leading, we get a Godly destiny. Job shows us how suffering develops our character. Or Moses, who was in training for 40 years, became one of the world's greatest leaders.

Side B: 7/4/2015

God's Love & The Drop Box part 1



In a hedonistic, self-centered, self-absorbed generation comes a young filmmaker, raised up by God, to turn hearts to the Father through His love. Brian Ivie, author of The Drop Box - How 500 Abandoned Babies, an Act of Compassion, and A Movie Changed My Life Forever, flew to Korea to make a documentary on saving abandoned babies, left in a drop box, & got saved himself. The touching story of Pastor Lee, who saved hundreds of disabled, paralyzed, blind and helpless discarded babies, showed Brian, God's infinite love for him. Brian Ivie's life changed from sinner to award winning film director for Christ.

Side A: 6/27/2015

The Transforming Love of Christ part 2


Why do Christians take a bold stand for Christ, at school or throughout history, when they're persecuted or killed? It's because of their profound love for God. Why did God create people? Was it to worship and serve Him? He has angels for that. God is love and His primary purpose for creating us was to lavish His infinite love upon us and enjoy us forever. Billy Humphrey, author of To Know Him - How Intimacy With God Changes Everything, says, "Familiarity with scripture has misled many into thinking they know all about God when they don't know Him at all in a personal intimate relationship."

Side B: 6/20/2015

The Transforming Love of Christ part 1



There's plenty of information but little transformation! People know what Jesus taught but not how He lived. Stephen Smith, author of The Jesus Life, Eight Ways to Recover Authentic Christianity, says "Jesus was not stressed as many of us are today. He enjoyed life with dinners, debates and long walks with his disciples, yet He regularly got away to be alone in prayer. The dinner table is more than simply eating but fellowship and acceptance." Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love changes atheists into followers of Christ. To live as Jesus lived means to savor and enjoy life not just endure it.

Side A: 6/13/2015

God, Israel and America part 2


Why is our government claiming that Islam is peaceful when most terrorism is by Muslims? How can we win a war if we don't know who our enemy is? Is our President enabling radical mullahs ruling Iran to get nuclear weapons? Radical Muslims believe that they are called by Allah to usher in their caliphate through a world cataclysm and holocaust of Israel. Michele Bachmann, a leading candidate for President in 2012, served on the Congressional Intelligence Committee says we need to take the threats from the radicals ruling Iran seriously. Newt Gingrich says we are losing the war against radical Islam!

Side B: 6/6/2015

God, Israel and America part 1



Why is our President exchanging our ally Israel for our mortal enemy Iran? God says in Genesis that He will bless those nations that bless His people and curse those who are a curse to them. The President has put us on a collision course with God over Israel. Michele Bachmann, a leading candidate for President in 2012, who served on the Congressional Intelligence Committee, says it's time for a 3rd Great Awakening of God to turn our nation from God's judgment that we're headed toward under this President. Israeli PM Netanyahu warns America that a nuclear Iran is a threat to world peace and our survival.

Side A: 5/30/2015

Up From The Depths of the Sea part 2


How would you survive the terror at night as your ship is torpedoed and sunk and you have to swim for 4 ½ days in shark-infested, oil-soaked water, at sea without food or water? Faith in God gave Edgar Harrell, author of Out Of The Depths - A Survivor's Story of the Sinking of the USS Indianapolis, the courage and strength to survive when others gave up and died. Edgar Harrell saw sharks eating his buddies, but he kept his faith as he said, "God's presence gave me great strength and resolve to persevere." The untold story of the ship that carried the bombs that won the WWII is finally told. His rescue was miraculous.

Side B: 5/23/2015

Up From The Depths of the Sea part 1



Textbooks have been re-written to portray America as imperialist during WWII, with no mention of the attack on Pearl Harbor when we were at peace. Edgar Harrell, author of Out Of The Depths - A Survivor's Story of the Sinking of the USS Indianapolis, vividly describes his ship, the Indy (that carried the bombs that won WWII) being blown out from underneath him at midnight July 30, 1945 and his miraculous survival in shark-infested, oil soaked water for 4 ½ days at sea without food or water. He says, "I came face to face with a torrent of horror, but an ineffable peace enveloped me and gave me hope to continue."

Side A: 5/16/2015

Wellness for the Glory of God


What can you do now to live a happier, longer, healthier life? What could you do to live to be a healthy, active 100 year old? Medical doctor, for 40 years, John Dunlop, graduate of Johns Hopkins, specializes in geriatrics - keeping older people alive and healthy, is the author of Wellness for the Glory of God- Living Well after 40 with Joy and Contentment in all of Life. How can faith in God keep you physically well? How can we avoid excess worry about aging, illness and death? Trusting God doesn't mean God will do what I want. Trusting God means realizing He knows what's best and I can trust His wisdom, power and love.

Side B: 5/9/2015

Become More Like Jesus



Do you have a God directed purpose for your life? God's priority is to make us more like Jesus. Pastor Dharius Daniels, of the 6,000 member Kingdom Church, has a masters in divinity from Princeton, and is the author of RePresent Jesus - Rethink Your Version of Christianity and Become More like Christ. Millions of Christians say they like Jesus but they are not like Jesus. What are the core character traits of Jesus? Agape (unconditional) love is more than a feeling - it's love in action. Being a person of truth means being authentic and honest. Jesus's life was a total submission to the Father. What is the Holy Spirit doing in your life?

Side A: 5/2/2015

God's Divine Design part 2


Many technological advances are based on nature. Some of the best inventions come from those who study God's design in nature yet don't give God credit or even acknowledge Him. Aerospace engineer, Jeff Seto, co-author of Made in Heaven -Man's Indiscriminate Stealing of God's Amazing Design, gives many examples of ideas that came from God in nature, like lowly creatures like mosquitoes (painless needles) and spiders, mussels (underwater glue), wasps and burrs (Velcro) that serve as inspirations for top scientists. Ray Comfort, says, "It's dishonest to steal God's ideas and say they came from nothing." But schools do that.

Side B: 4/25/2015

God's Divine Design part 1



The majestic eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom. Just as opposing winds cause an eagle to soar higher, so adversity strengthens Godly people. So when adversity comes your way, don't let it get you down. Let it push you up as you draw closer to God. Inspirational high school assembly speaker, Gary Horton, says the powerful, strong, father eagle is there waiting to catch the little eaglet as he tries to fly, just as God is there to catch us when we fall. Mary Whelchel, author of Soaring on - High Spiritual Insights from The Life of An Eagle, makes wonderful parallels between God's amazing eagle and Christians.

Side A: 4/18/2015

What Happens When I Die? part 2


What makes you certain that you are entitled to spend forever in heaven after you die? There is coming a moment when your spirit will leave your dead body. Some people say they aren't bad enough for hell but not good enough for heaven. Where will they go? Bill Weise, author of What Happens When I Die? True Stories of the After Life and What They Tell Us About Eternity, describes the vision that God gave him as he saw the people and flames in hell. "We are a heart beat away from eternity." Captain Dale Black, author of Flight to Heaven, died when his plane crashed, but his spirit visited the celestial city of heaven.

Side B: 4/11/2015

What Happens When I Die? part 1



What will happen to you after you die? How can you be certain that you will go to heaven? Are heaven and hell real places?

Are there people alive and celebrating in heaven while others are suffering in hell? Best selling author Bill Weise, author of What Happens When I Die? True Stories of the After Life and What They Tell Us About Eternity, describes some fascinating accounts of what people experienced after death and they came back to warn us of the reality of eternity. We play a cut of a scientist who came close to dying and said, "It's easy to be an atheist when you're successful but very hard when you're on your deathbed."

Side A: 4/4/2015

Resurrection Power


The greatest event in all history, even greater than the Creation itself, is the Resurrection of its Creator - Jesus Christ. God, Who was worshipped and obeyed in heaven, Who created universes, came to a tiny, rebellious planet, became a man and allowed himself to be tortured and killed to save us from hell. The greatest words ever spoken are "Christ is risen!" Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in The Gospel According to Matthew, says Jesus wasn't a victim caught by surprise, but He was willing to die an excruciating death on the Cross so that we could be with Him forever as part of His eternal Family!

Side B: 3/28/2015

A Christian on A Secular Campus



The percentage of Christians in this current generation is expected to decline to just 4% who are Christians. How can a Christian survive on a hostile campus? Abby Nye, a courageous Christian, university student, and author of Fish out of Water-Surviving & Thriving as a Christian on a Secular Campus, tells how professors intimidate and convert Christians into humanism. Abby was told by her literature professor that the Bible is a book of myths and not a credible source. Yet she was required to buy a Koran for her required class on Islam. How can the Church in America hope to survive if 90% of Christian youth leave the faith?

Side A: 3/20/2015

Battle Against Temptation


There's a porn plague capturing millions of young minds and destroying individuals, families and crippling our nation's morality. Millions of people, including Christians and pastors, visit porn sites. Fred Stoeker, author of Every Young Man's Battle - Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation, says, "We're in a spiritual war but the enemy is seductive and camouflages sin as pleasure. Instead it brings pain." How can we control what comes into our eyes and minds? Clay Allen, president of Avenue, and Fred Styoeker, give excellent techniques for avoiding the deadly trap of pornography.

Side B: 3/14/2015

Blood Money



Can you imagine the owner of the abortion clinic coming into your child's school to teach children sex ed? The abortion clinic owner, Carol Everett, author of Blood Money, said that's exactly what she did, because it increased her abortion business. Carol Everett, who was responsible for the deaths of over 35,000 babies but is now a pro-life, devout Christian who tells the truth about sex ed. Planned Parenthood counselors have degenerated into telling kids to experiment with deviant sexual behavior like bondage, sadomasochism and going into sex shops. Anyone with kids in school needs to hear this fascinating program.

Side A: 3/7/2015

The Truth About Ancient Man part 2


The Bible says Noah lived for 950 years! Adam, 930 years! Did people really live that long? If so, where's the evidence? Well, here it is. Dr Jack Cuozzo, author of Buried Alive - The Startling Truth About Neanderthal Man, says the people who lived before the Flood were so different from us that scientists call them a different species. Of course their genetic make-up was different. They lived over 900+ years. Dr Cuozzo describes the huge bones of these ancient patriarchs. Before sin, there was no death. The proof is the teeth of lions and crocodiles that had molars for grinding vegetation not pointed for tearing flesh.

Side B: 2/28/2015

The Truth About Ancient Man part 1



The idea that ancient men were primitive brutes, cave men, is a myth based on evolution that contradicts the Biblical account. Ancient people had extreme intelligence, plus lived hundreds of years, and thus invented amazing things. Don Landis, editor of The Genius of Ancient Man-Evolution's Nightmare!, gives examples such as the thousands of pyramids around the world that used massive 100-ton stones fitted together so precisely you couldn't slide a credit card in the joints. In the religious tower of Babel, man rebelled against God and tried to be God. The religion of Babel is still here today in its various forms.

Side A: 2/21/2015

The Rise of Radical Islam part 2


Many Americans naively assume all religions are basically the same. That Islam is peaceful. That's what the Lebanese people believed before the Muslim take over. Then it became a living hell for Christians. Brigitte Gabriel, author of Because They Hate - A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, says, "Lebanon was much like America - prosperous, open and democratic. But their multiculturalism led to their downfall. Brigitte tells how horrible it was to live in a shelter for 7 years without electricity, adequate food or drinkable water. Why did Muslims do that to her? Americans need to understand the danger of Islam here!

Side B: 2/14/2015

The Rise of Radical Islam part 1



How can we win a war on "terrorism" if we don't even know who our enemy is? Some schools promote Islam by taking children on field trips to mosques. Austin Miles tells of student role playing to become a Muslim. Kamal Saleem was a Muslim terrorist who came to America to convert Christians to Islam but instead, after a horrific car accident and paralysis, he called on Allah but got no answer. Then he had a vision of the Lord and Jesus miraculously healed him. Kamal is now an Ambassador for Christ who goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ. He warns of a terrorist threat to our power grid.

Side A: 2/7/2015

The Truth About Raising Boys


Why are two-thirds of the D's and F's given to boys? Why do girls do better in school? The system is biased against boys. A boy's desire to learn is quenched by a system that doesn't understand how boys learn. There are scientific differences between the way boys and girls think and learn. Dr Michael Gurian, author of 26 books, including co-author of Raising Boys By Design, What the Bible and Brain Science Reveal About What Your Son Needs to Thrive, has done extensive research in brain science to help parents and educators understand boys and help them succeed. It's easier to build strong boys than to repair broken men.

Side B: 1/31/2015

The Truth About Common Core



Common core, the Federal take over of local education, is a massive experiment with the lives our children and the future of our nation. Common Core changes education from imparting knowledge to social change and socialism. The result will be a dumbed down populace that's compliant, non-thinking, who are followers instead of leaders, not innovators and inventors as prior generations. Kyle Olson, co-author with Glen Beck of Conform: Exposing the Truth About Common Core and Public Education says at a time when schools cost more and deliver less, options such as Choice in Education are being crushed by Common Core.

Side A: 1/24/2015

The Invisible God Becomes Visible - pt 2


No matter what you know about Jesus, there's a good possibility that you've been misinformed about the most amazing man who ever walked the earth. Famed Bible teacher Chuck Missler, author of I Jesus, An Autobiography, says Jesus claimed that everyone who ever lived would bow before Him; that He would determine the eternal destiny of everyone who ever lived; He will cast unbelievers into hell; the angels of heaven are His personal property. Jesus, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient not only claimed equality with God but that He is actually God Himself. What will happen at the Rapture of the Church?

Side B: 1/17/2015

The Invisible God Becomes Visible - pt 1



What convinces a skeptic to become a believer in Christ? What do you say to a skeptic who says, "Since the Bible was written by men, how can it be God's Word?" David Limbaugh, an expert in Law and Politics and best selling author of Jesus On Trial- A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel, says, our culture has redefined Christ as non-judgmental, weak and effeminate. What convinced Limbaugh of the truth of the Bible was fulfilled prophecy and how interconnected the 66 books of the Bible are. God is not silent or indifferent to our suffering. He has been here as Jesus and understands all that we experience and suffer.

Side A: 1/10/2015

God's Amazing Animals part 2


Look at God's infinite thought and design in creating lovable, furry cats, faithful dogs, the inspirational eagle, and the amazing camel. Animals show feelings, such as a goat that acts as eyes for the blind horse. Austin Miles, an award-winning writer, was the ringmaster in the circus for 50 years. He tells poignant stories such as an elephant blockading the ring and stopping a stampede of elephants. He tells a tear-jerking story of an old, shaggy dog that was once a circus-performing dog. The dog knew Austin's routine and watched from a hiding place. But sadly, the circus had to leave this faithful dog behind.

Side B: 1/3/2015

God's Amazing Animals part 1



Some people say animals have no emotions but are just conditioned to respond. Do animals have feelings and emotions? What lessons can we learn from animals? Why did God create animals? Austin Miles, an award-winning writer of such things as the TV series Ancient Secrets of the Bible, was the ringmaster in the circus for 50 years. Austin tells touching stories such as a huge circus elephant that showed love for a small dog. How a pregnant chimp gave birth just before she died and handed her baby to the trainer. Chaplain Austin comforts dying people and tells how their animals grieve at their passing.

Side A: 12/27/2014

Christ's Presence


Why can't 80 million Christian's change this culture when just 12 Apostles changed the world for Christ? How can God mature baby Christians? How can we transform our culture unless Christ first transforms us? Frances Frangipane, author of The Days of His Presence- Experiencing the fullness of Christ as we enter the fullness of time, says, "It's only when we are pleasing to God that He gives us His transforming power. As evil gets worse God is raising up a people who passionately love Jesus and receive the fire of His Glory." How can Christ be your Lord unless you give Him control of your life? What is Christ-likeness?

Side B: 12/20/2014

For God So Loved The World



The Christmas Spirit goes far beyond gifts, friends, family and music. Renowned author, Max Lucado, author of 3:16-The Numbers of Hope, says people never tire of hearing about God's love for them. Jesus went from holding the stars in His hands to clutching Mary's little finger. Why did He come to earth? What is He like? He stopped the storm at sea but allowed soldiers to nail Him to the cross. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in the Gospel According to Matthew, gives an inspirational description of Jesus you will never forget it. Jesus' love is profound, but have you experienced it?

Side A: 12/13/2014

God with us


Richard Exley, author of The Indescribable Gift, brings the first Christmas to life! Isaiah prophesied hundreds of years before the birth of Christ that God would become one of us and be called Emmanuel. So why did Mary call her baby Jesus instead of Emmanuel? Steve Halliday, author of Mighty God: The Enduring Mystery of Emmanuel, explains how Emmanuel - God with us, is Jesus. Christmas is not just the baby in the manger, but the birth of Mighty God Himself. Steve tells how Bill Borden gave up all his wealth to die on the mission field for Christ. Christmas is a time to give of ourselves to serve others like Jesus did.

Side B: 12/6/2014

Christ is Christmas



Censorship of Christmas and Christianity has reached an absurd level. The 9th Circuit Court ruled that the instrumental version of Ave Maria is unconstitutional to be performed in public schools, because someone might think it's religious. John Whitehead, of The Rutherford Inst. says, "We are in the battle of our lives over Christianity in America. This case could lead to the banning of every trace of Christian expression in public." Joe Infranco (Alliance Defense Fund) says, "It's not just the elimination of Christmas but the freedom to proclaim the gospel in public." Also, Dr Bob Simonds, President of NACE.

Side A: 11/29/2014

Losing our History Means Losing our Nation pt 2


Schools have eliminated every trace of Christianity from our Founding , replacing it with liberal fiction, that isn't history. It has been said, "To destroy a culture, destroy its history." The Founders were courageous men of God who established this nation on the solid gospel of Jesus Christ. Marilyn Boyer, author of For You They Signed - The Spiritual Heritage of Those Who Shaped Our Nation gives fascinating accounts of our Founders courage and faith in God and how God gave them incredible victory over the world greatest military at the time. Young people need to know of the suffering and sacrifices they made for them.

Side B: 11/22/2014

Losing our History Means Losing our Nation pt 1



The new History Framework, currently being implemented in high schools nationally, produced by the College Board, totally eliminates our Founders like Jefferson, Washington and Franklin, erasing them from history. No mention of Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, World War II, Viet Nam etc. because it doesn't fit their liberal/globalist agenda. Larry Kreider says this propaganda, masquerading as history, eliminates all the good achievements made by Americans and turns young people against their own nation by giving a skewed view of our history and focuses on white superiority, indian massacres, slavery, racism & sexism.

Side A: 11/15/2014

All Out Assault on Christianity


A school library has purged all books suspected of being too Christian, or having a Christian message, or authored by Christians or published by Christians. Liberals, who claim to be tolerant, are showing their intolerance. The gospel is treated as porn and porn as the gospel, as books like Your Health Today introduces 9th graders to bondage, sex toys and the adult films. Brad Dacus, of Pacific Justice Institute, says scientist Mark Armitage was fired from teaching because he unearthed evidence for creationism. Ventura High turned down a donation from Chic-fil-A because of their owner's support for traditional marriage.

Side B: 11/8/2014

In Memory of Korean Veterans



How can we raise young heroes to defend our freedoms, if young people don't know the price others paid to win our freedoms in the past? This inspirational program features a captivating account by Korean veteran Ed Reeves. Ed fought for his life in minus 30 to 40 degree temperatures. It was so cold, the bullet holes in his body froze shut and kept him from bleeding to death. Even after almost all the others were killed, Ed Reeves clung to his faith and Gideon Bible, and fought on despite his life-threatening wounds and no ammunition. This miraculous account is spell binding. It's as if you are there.

Side A: 11/1/2014

Power from the Pulpit pt 2


At the core of America's problems is a crisis in leadership. We need courageous Godly leaders. Many Christians believe the lie that there's no connection between Biblical beliefs and voting. God's people can no longer be complacent while our culture is degenerating. Pastor Mark Harris, of First Baptist of Charlotte, who ran for US Senate but lost in the primary, says it's not about politics or religion but what it means to be a Christian. Is there any difference between the two major political parties? Great spiritual awakenings have had a profound impact on this nation. It is time for God to bring a third Great Awakening.

Side B: 10/25/2014

Power from the Pulpit pt 1



Several new polls show that Americans are more open to spiritual renewal and want churches to take a stronger role in addressing cultural and political issues from a Biblical worldview. Bishop EW Jackson, graduate of Harvard Law, Pastor of Exodus Faith Ministries, and Pres. of STAND (Staying True To America's National Destiny), says, "For Christians, it's not about winning elections but winning hearts and minds. Winning elections is a byproduct of a Christian worldview. Same sex marriage is being elevated over religious freedom." It's not about party but principle. What does it mean to be a Christ follower?

Side A: 10/18/2014

We Can Restore Our Culture


Never have so many Christians been so irrelevant. Because we are not united. Internationally famous James Robison says a personal relationship with Christ should have public consequences. The Church has made a grave error by making converts instead of disciples. Obama says government is the solution. Reagan said, "Government is the problem." Jay Richards, co-author of Indivisible, says there are no moral absolutes, right or wrongs and relativism is being used to tear down student's beliefs and replace them with secular beliefs. There are many options to public schools including the Internet that has free courses.

Side B: 10/11/2014

Why is America Turning From God



Is our culture turning from God? Satan is deadly serious about getting the children, and he gets most from the secular public schools. An excellent example of how can seen in the fascinating film God's Not Dead starring Kevin Sorbo (played Hercules) as the atheist professor who demands his students write down God is dead! Cuts from the film include; the universe created itself; belief in God is a primitive superstition... Yet Kevin is a conservative Christian who says proof for God is to just look at a flower or the stars. Kevin suffered a life-threatening stroke that left Hercules weak, but God strengthened him.

Side A: 10/4/2014

Perilous Times pt 2


Americans are under perilous assault from enemies outside and even inside our government. While Obama calls the threat of Isis junior varsity, Sec. of Defense Hagel, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Demsey, say ISIS is sophisticated, well funded and equipped. Joel Gilbert ,producer of the film, There's No Place Like Utopia, says the failed liberal policies that have devastated cities like Detroit, has been planned for the whole country. It's socialism and Marxism that leads to poverty and oppression. The media has suppressed Obama's background as a radical socialist and his Marxist agenda for this nation.

Side B: 9/27/2014

Perilous Times pt 1



America is at war with enemies both outside and inside our nation. With the terrorist threat of ISIS (Muslim), having open borders allows them to easily terrorize this nation. Columnist Rick Jensen, says the crisis of children streaming over the border was planned by the Obama Administration for a purpose. Curtis Bowers, producer of the film Agenda- Grinding America Down, says communism is alive and progressing in our government and media. The term "communist" has been replaced but their agenda remains the same. The left has been so successful, they've put one of their own in the White House.

Side A: 9/20/2014

Criminalizing Christianity pt 2


Most Americans think the phrase separation of church and state is in the Constitution. But it is not. A personal letter from Jefferson has become the basis of Supreme Court decisions instead of the Constitution. Thus, our religious freedoms have been stolen when a boy can't read his Bible during free time at school or pray at a graduation. David Barton, author of The Jefferson Lies, says that phrase has been used to remove anything Christian from culture. Was Jefferson a deist or a Christian? Did Jefferson own slaves? Did Jefferson censor out the miracles of Jesus? Did Jefferson promote the gospel to the Indians?

Side B: 9/13/2014

Criminalizing Christianity pt 1



President Obama has done what no court or Congress could do - end religious freedom with a stroke of his pen. Obama's executive order changes the government from protecting religious freedom to criminalizing Christians.  In order to do business with the federal government, Christians must compromise their religious beliefs on homosexuality. Attorney Eric Stanley, spokesman for Alliance Defending Freedom, gives examples of how the government is trampling upon the religious freedom with cake bakers, florists and wedding photographers who refuse to participate in homosexual "weddings."

Side A: 9/6/2014

Invasion pt 2


The invasion of illegals is a manufactured crisis. We cannot have a welfare system and allow unlimited illegals to bankrupt the nation.  30% of all prison inmates are illegals.  Obamacare is a manufactured crisis that will ruin the finest medical and insurance industries in the world.  Other manufactured crises; open homosexuality in the military, executive orders bypassing Congress, and the national debt exceeding $17 trillion.   Transforming America through constant crises is intentional to transform America into a Marxist state.  The key is not to get upset or give up. With God, we can win back our nation.

Side B: 8/30/2014

Invasion pt 1



As the a flood of illegals continues streaming across the border, the government is creating a crisis that will bankrupt the nation. Illegals cost $338 billion a year in welfare, education, medical, and incarceration. Zach Taylor, a retired border patrol agent, says the millions of illegals are part of a Marxist strategy.  David Kupelian, editor of WorldNet Daily and author of How Evil Works - Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces that Are Transforming America, says Obama is following his Marxist mentors to create the perfect crisis on the border crisis to transform America into a Marxist state as in other nations. 

Side A: 8/23/2014

The Day That I Died


Do you know exactly where you will go after you die? Death is not the end but the beginning of forever. Freddy Vest, author of The Day I Died - My Astonishing Trip to Heaven and Back, said, "One moment I was riding my horse Rapture in the rodeo the next moment I was stone cold dead." The 700 Club made a re-enactment of cowboy Freddy Vest's story. What is Jesus like? Does your personality and your soul live on in eternity? Freddy Vest gives us a glimpse of what awaits us when we die. What do our prayers look like in heaven? His supernatural, miraculous experience changed his life, and it will change yours as well.

Side B: 8/16/2014

Raising Kids With Purpose



Don't ask what kind of education is best for your child, but ask what do you want your child to be. How can you raise a Christian child in an anti-Christian school? Education isn't just academics, but it's discipleship. Students learn the ways of the world in public school, not the ways of the Lord. Israel Wayne, author of Full Time Parenting, says, "Parenting is an awesome responsibility, given by God, yet most parents don't take it seriously." Everything in public school conforms students to the world. Yet the Bible says, "Be not conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."

Side A: 8/9/2014

Survival at Sea pt 2


How would you survive the terror at night as your ship is torpedoed and sunk and you have to swim for 4 ½ days in shark-infested, oil-soaked water, at sea without food or water? Faith in God gave Edgar Harrell, author of Out Of The Depths - A Survivor's Story of the Sinking of the USS Indianapolis, the courage and strength to survive when others gave up and died. Edgar Harrell saw sharks eating his buddies, but he kept his faith as he said, "God's presence gave me great strength and resolve to persevere." The untold story of the ship that carried the bombs that won the WWII is finally told. His rescue was miraculous.

Side B: 8/2/2014

Survival at Sea pt 1



Textbooks have been re-written to portray America as imperialist during WWII, with no mention of the attack on Pearl Harbor when we were at peace. Edgar Harrell, author of Out Of The Depths - A Survivor's Story of the Sinking of the USS Indianapolis, vividly describes his ship, the Indy (that carried the bombs that won WWII) being blown out from underneath him at midnight July 30, 1945 and his miraculous survival in shark-infested, oil soaked water for 4 ½ days at sea without food or water. He says, "I came face to face with a torrent of horror, but an ineffable peace enveloped me and gave me hope to continue."

Side A: 7/26/2014

Heaven or Hell?


The millennial generation is a generation of atheists with only 4% Christian. Where do unbelievers spend forever? Is hell a literal place? Bill Wiese, author of 23 Minutes in Hell, was awakened in the middle of the night in a vision where his spirit was transported to hell. Bill's testimony is absolutely fascinating. He gives an eyewitness account of the searing heat, ghoulish demonic beasts and the terror-filled screams of people in the flames. What does "Jesus Saves" mean to a generation that has no idea what He saves them from? Our gracious Lord warns people that He is their only way to avoid hell and get to heaven.

Side B: 7/19/2014

Blood Moons Rising



Signs in the heavens are God's billboards for epochal events on earth. Are four blood moons a sign that we are in the Biblical countdown to the end times? NASA reports that four blood moons will occur on Jewish holy days in 2014 and 2015. The rapture is on God's calendar, but what are the signs that it's coming? Pastor Mark Hitchcock, prophesy expert and author of Blood Moons Rising- Bible Prophecy, Israel and the Four Blood Moons, says Jesus tells us what the signs are for the end of this age. Where does Armageddon, The Great White Throne Judgment, and the New Jerusalem coming down from heaven all fit in?

Side A: 7/12/2014



For all the problems in our nation, there must be some root cause. The symptoms are abortion, homosexuality and corruption. What is the root cause? Colin Gunn, producer of Indoctrination- Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity, says our culture is the product of our schools. Christians are forbidden from being Christians, yet secular teachers are given awards for promoting atheism and homosexuality. We are losing our culture, because Christians have refused to educate their own children. Why would you trust your child's mind to strangers you know nothing about in a school system of atheism?

Side B: 7/5/2014

Leadership Matters



Communist China is set to surpass America as the #1 economy. China's military buildup and our military cuts have grave implications for world conflict. Leadership matters and determines our prosperity or poverty. Wayne Root, author of The Murder of the Middle Class, was a classmate of Obama's at Columbia, who had teachers who were communists and taught how to transform this nation. For the first time in our history, more businesses are closing than starting; more Americans are on government checks than are working. The IRS is being used by the Obama Administration to persecute conservatives.

Side A: 6/28/2014

Relief from Suffering


How do you deal with pain and suffering? Life is filled with hazards, accidents and diseases. One day we're happy, then suddenly our lives are at risk. Pastor Brian Darrow has had a life of suffering, yet he says he is grateful to have gone through his life threatening pain since it brought him closer to Christ. God uses situations beyond our ability to cope so that we would turn to Him and trust Him with our lives. He is developing us for eternity. Brian Darrow says that whether we are healed or not, we must trust God just as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego trusted God even if He didn't save them from the fire.

Side B: 6/21/2014

God's not Dead



Can you imagine your child's professor demanding your child sign a paper saying that God is dead? That is the basis of the movie God's Not Dead which is based on actual cases by the Alliance Defending Freedom. Jeremy Tedesco, the senior legal council with ADF, experienced such anti-Christian discrimination in college that he became a defender of religious freedom. His cases include schools requiring Christian clubs to have non-Christian leaders; teachers demanding students stomp on the name "Jesus"; banning the wearing the flag. We are all affected by what starts at school, because it will come to our communities.

Side A: 6/14/2014

Big Brother pt 2


When schools censor out the American flag, they've gone too far. Schools don't promote patriotism but multiculturalism. John Whitehead, of The Rutherford Institute, defended students right to wear the American flag on Cinco de Mayo. Gary Bauer, of American Values, says university profs mock conservative values. Why should parents be surprised when students return home converted to liberalism? Bauer says President Obama weakens the military by promoting homosexuality, yet he fails to explain why an atomic Iran, an aggressive Russia and China should be confronted from jeopardizing world peace and freedom.

Side B: 6/7/2014

Big Brother pt 1



We are at a crucial tipping point when our government views patriots as enemies. Putting the pieces together, it becomes obvious our government has become tyrannical, with Big Brother data bases, amassing billions of rounds of ammo, swat team raids on innocent home owners, militarizing police and the coming drones! These drones are not just threats to freedom but to the lives of citizens who could be killed without warrant or trial. John Whitehead, of The Rutherford Institute and author of A Government of Wolves, says court decisions allowing for indefinite detention of citizens makes a mockery of the Constitution.

Side A: 5/31/2014

Christ's Light to a Dark Culture


Are we living in the last days? No nation can long survive the crushing debt bearing down on us. It's out of the coming darkness that God's light will shine brighter. Robert Jeffress, author of Twilight's Last Gleaming-How America's Last Days Can Be Your Best Days, says if your focus is on your own peace and prosperity, your life could become a living nightmare. But if your focus is on the Kingdom of God, like the Apostle Paul, your best days are ahead. God's people can delay our nation's demise and make an eternal impact. God calls us to be evangelists and prophets to warn others and turn many souls to Christ.

Side B: 5/24/2014

The High Cost of Freedom



Army command is warning of hate groups that are "inconsistent" with Army values. Amazingly, among the hate groups are Christian groups like the Family Research Council. Since "Don't ask, don't' tell," we've gone from tolerance for homosexuals to intolerance toward Christians. To produce heroes who will defend our freedoms, we need to teach students about the sacrifices made for their freedoms. Jeremiah Denton tells how God brought him through his severe torture in Viet Nam. John Steer, gives a fascinating account of his experiences in Viet Nam and how he took the gospel to Russian generals.

Side A: 5/17/2014

Choice in Education


It's time to end the monopoly of public school! The results of Common Core demonstrate this federal programs failure as 74% of 3rd - 8th graders failed English and 70% failed math. Parents can no longer trust schools to simply teach academics, as liberal social activism has become a priority. Robert Enlow, of the Friedman Foundation, says a ground swell for choice has started. If parents can't choose schools won't improve. Since a Christian school does a better job for half the cost, why not give parents the choice? Milton Friedman says "choice" doesn't take money from public schools but improves education by competition.

Side B: 5/10/2014

The Great Deception



With 80 million American's claiming to be Christian, why don't they have more impact? Dr Michael Brown, author of Hyper-Grace, says, "Hyper-grace misinterprets scripture to give license to sin." In Dr Brown's article, The Great Gay Deception, he says, "School children are pawns for the powerful gay agenda, which has become the principal threat to our freedoms of speech and religion." LA school policy states, "No longer can people be categorized as simply male and female." One 16-year old girl said, "We live in a generation where dudes are chicks and chicks are dudes." So we have female prom kings and male prom queens.

Side A: 5/3/2014

Godly Parenting


Godly parenting is a sacred responsibility. Parents develop a concept of God in their children by how they treat their kids. Parents demonstrate a loving God by being loving parents. Parents show a God who has no time for them, when they are too busy, harsh or detached. How you raise your child is largely determined by how you were raised. Milan & Kay Yerkovich, are the authors of How We Love Our Kids, 5 Love Styles of Parenting- One Small Change in You, One Big Change in Your Kids. Although the disciples thought Jesus was too busy for children, Jesus took them into his arms and loved and listened to them.

Side B: 4/26/2014

Imminent E.M.P. Threat



What happens when the electrical grid is shut down? Former CIA Director James Woolsey says we are vulnerable to an enemy EMP attack. Mike Maloof, author of A Nation Forsaken-EMP: The Escalating Threat of An American Catastrophe, spent 30 years with the Defense Department protecting us from terrorism, and now warns that it's not "if" but "when" an EMP will be exploded over this country. The results will be catastrophic. It's preventable, but our government is ignoring it, so we need to prepare ourselves. A huge solar flare, an EMP or RF weapons are a real threat. What can we do to be prepared to survive?

Side A: 4/19/2014

The Cross and the Resurrection part 2


God, Who was worshipped and obeyed in heaven, Who created universes, came to a tiny, rebellious planet and became a man and allowed himself to be tortured and killed to save us. Bruce Marchiano, the actor who played Christ in more movies than anyone in history, says, "His disciples had lost all hope when Jesus died on the cross. But the Resurrection changed these ordinary men, from timid and fearful, to courageous men who transformed the world by the power of the Risen Christ." The same love and Holy Spirit power that transformed the disciples is still available to us today. Oh, the Precious Blood of Christ!

Side B: 4/12/2014

The Cross and the Resurrection part 1



How do we know that there is life after death? The greatest event in all history, even greater than the Creation itself, is the Resurrection of its Creator - Jesus Christ. The greatest words ever spoken are "The tomb is empty, Christ is risen." But before the Resurrection came the tortuous scourging and the crucifixion of Christ. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in The Gospel According to Matthew, says Jesus wasn't a victim caught by surprise, but He came to earth to die. Jesus was willing to die an excruciating death on the Cross so that we could be with Him forever as part of His eternal Family!

Side A: 4/5/2014

How God Makes Men part 2


God demonstrates Biblical principles in people like Moses, who was in training for 40 years, tending sheep and learning how to become one of the world's greatest leaders. Biblical principles in Joseph's life shows how marriages can be saved. Pat Morley, the author of How God Makes Men - 10 Epic Stories, 10 Proven Principles, One Huge Promise for Your Life says men can be trained to be Godly dads. Don Otis, author of Whisker Rubs-Developing the Masculine Identity, says there is a Biblical way to train and disciple boys. Schools feminizing boys results in devastating marriages and unhealthy family lives.

Side B: 3/29/2014

How God Makes Men part 1



How does God make a Godly man? Pat Morley, the author of How God Makes Men - 10 Epic Stories, 10 Proven Principles, One Huge Promise for Your Life says Abraham is the example of believing God no matter what the circumstances. Joseph was sold into slavery and served 13 years in prison, but it was part of God's plan of using seemingly random acts for a much greater good. Nehemiah, who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem, shows when we respond to God's call, we get an identity and destiny. That we are working for something that God cares about. Job shows us that suffering develops our character.

Side A: 3/22/2014

Leaving School Finding Education


Are public schools a relic of a bygone era unfit to prepare students of today for careers and success? Since the education of children will determine our nation's success or failure, why trust them to a failing system? John Wiles, author of a dozen books on educational leadership, including Leaving School Finding Education, says the time has come to consider alternatives such as vouchers and homeschooling. Dr Robert Simonds, President of C.E.E., issues a challenge for grandparents to educate their grandchildren, since the focus in schools is not academics but homosexuality and drugging healthy kids.

Side B: 3/15/2014

Worldviews Undermine Destinies



The worldviews of our citizens will determine our destiny as a nation. Since God only blesses those nations whose God is the Lord, what will happen to a nation that rejects the Lord? Sadly, most parents don't realize that schools are turning children away from God and toward humanism, atheism and socialism. Dan Smithwick has done some fascinating research on worldviews in his PEERS Test that shows we are rapidly becoming a pagan nation. Dan compares worldviews of Haitians to Dominican Republicans to what could happen here. A worldview is more than the gospel. It's a whole world and life view.

Side A: 3/8/2014

God’s Wondrous Design


Schools do a disservice to their students by showing inaccurate and anti-Christian propaganda films like Inherit the Wind that makes a mockery of the Bible and suppresses the truth in unrighteousness. Anatomist and teacher at Answers in Genesis, Dr David Menton, professor of the year at Washington U School of Medicine, discusses his DVD series on the ear, the eye, the brain and reproduction. Sound is converted from airwaves to tiny bones in the inner ear, to neuro-chemicals in the brain. Man’s best efforts to replace the eye is a glass eye. The eye is much better in function and design than any camera lens.

Side B: 3/1/2014

The Love of Jesus



Why do people fail in marriage, business, school or work? Why do we undermine, even poison, our closest loved ones? Our Lord was despised and rejected yet He didn’t become bitter but continued to show unconditional love.  How can we do that? We need to learn to love people just as Jesus loves us. Pastor Bill Smith, author of Loving Well (Even If You Haven’t Been) says Jesus demonstrates authenticity, patience, forgiveness and compassion so that we can be that way to others. Our Creator opens His Soul to us, sharing His most private thoughts, so that you can learn to live with agape love toward others.

Side A: 2/22/2014

A Nation of Misled People



How do you kill 11 million people? What’s the method used to do something that diabolical? Could it happen in America?

Andy Andrews, author of How Do You Kill 11 Million People? – Why The Truth Matters More Than You Think, says 11 million people, the number killed by Nazi’s from 1933 to 1945, could have fought back by overwhelming the few guards. But Nazi leaders like Eichmann told them they were there to be protected from the advancing Russian soldiers. That they would have good schools and jobs. They were lied to and they believed it. Are our leaders lying to us today? Is history repeating itself?

Side B: 2/15/2014

The President is Not A King



Our Founders fought a war for our independence; will we now surrender our freedoms to become subjects to a king? Obama acts more like a king than a president.  Attorney Laura Hollis, teaches entrepreneurship and business law at Norte Dame, author of an article entitled, Obamacare Should Remind Us We Are Not Subjects, says, “It’s shocking that millions of free Americans stand idly by while this man systematically dismantles our Constitution, steals our money and crushes our freedoms.” History is replete with examples of how tyrants rose to power in the same way our President is doing so now.

Side A: 2/8/2014

King of the Mountain pt 2


Fulfilled prophecy is God’s proof for His Divinely inspired Word. A nation being born in a day was prophesied by Isaiah thousands of years ago & was fulfilled on May 15, 1948, as Israel was born in one day. Chuck Crismier, author of King of the Mountain, the Eternal, Epic, End-Time Battle, says we may see the culmination of Biblical prophecy in our day. Joel Rosenberg, author of Damascus Countdown, says, “If Israel launches a preemptive strike against Iran, Iran’s retaliation and the Islamic world could be overwhelming. An atomic Iran could do in 6 minutes what it took Hitler 6 years to do, kill 6 million Jews.”

Side B: 2/1/2014

King of the Mountain pt 1



Could we really be living in the Last Days as prophesied in the Bible? In Genesis 12, God says He will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel.  As America turns away from Israel to support Israel’s enemies, with billions of dollars in aid and armaments, we may be facing God’s judgment.  Chuck Crismier, author of King of the Mountain, the Eternal, Epic, End-Time Battle, spent 30 years in pastorates and 20 years as a trial lawyer and 9 years as a teacher, has been called the prophet of our time. A one-world government is contrary to God’s Word. God calls our nation to be separate.

Side A: 1/25/2014

Common Core pt 2


Common Core literature is propaganda undermining patriotism.  Common Core math is an absurd experiment that fails to teach simple math. Orlean Koeh, author of Common Core –A Trojan Horse, says Common Core is designed to make a compliant workforce. Teacher Andrew Bernstein, says parents would be horrified if they knew students are not learning basic arithmetic. Gathering students into groups creates mindless followers as in Communist nations.  Engineer, Nicholas Aggor, was so troubled his sons were doing so poorly at math, he wrote his own series of math textbooks and they excelled!

Side B: 1/18/2014

Common Core pt 1



Socialists have created a masterpiece to transform America called Common Core. Under the guise of reform, Common Core indoctrinates students and brings in all the worst educational fads like fuzzy math and re-written history. Common Core is a pernicious threat to our children and to our future.  This is the “education” that Hitler, Mao and Stalin used to make youth compliant. Orlean Koehl, author of Common Core –A Trojan Horse, says schools are being used for a socialist take over.  Emmett McGroarty, author of Controlling Education From the Top, says centralized control over education is the road to ruin.

Side A: 1/11/2014

Non-Affordable Healthcare


What’s the purpose of public education? Is it to train students to become socialists? Ed Klein, author of The Amateur – Obama in The White House, says the real issue in not about healthcare for the poor, but a complete socialist takeover of our nation.  Amy Ridenour, author of Shattered Lives – 100 Victims of Government Health Care, says, “Socialized medicine will have the compassion of the IRS, the efficiency of the Post Office and all at Pentagon prices.” Socialized medicine puts a government bureaucrat between you and your doctor and determines who lives and who dies based on costs to the state.

Side B: 1/4/2014

Bonhoeffer – Cost of Discipleship



The way to teach character is through role models and biographies. Brilliant young German theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, author of The Cost of Discipleship, challenged Hitler and the compromised German Church. Because Bonheoffer lived a cross centered life he also died a martyr’s death at the age of 39. Professor Stephen Nichols, professor at Lancaster Bible College and the author of Bonheoffer – On the Christian Life, From The Cross, For The World, sees parallels between Germany in Bonhoeffer’s day and our society today and what it means to be a true disciple.  “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil,” wrote Bonhoeffer.

Side A: 12/28/2013

Maturing in Christ


How did 12 apostles change the world, yet millions of Americans Christians are being changed by the world? Francis Frangipane, author of I Will Be Found By You – Reconnecting with The Living God, says the key to a blessed life, to overcome our anxieties and fears is to become like Christ. Christ was in constant communication with and dependant upon the Father. Maturing comes when we break the cycle of seeking God only in times of trouble but seek Him all the time. Although Jesus was in the midst of conflict and cruelty, he sought above all else to please the Father. What’s the purpose of your life?

Side B: 12/21/2013

The Greatest Gift



There’s a wonderful spirit at Christmas that goes beyond other holidays, beyond gifts, friends, family and music.  Renowned author, Max Lucado, says people never tire of hearing about God’s love for them.  Jesus went from holding the stars in His hands to clutching Mary’s little finger. The God who created the universe came to earth as a single, tiny cell inside a woman. Why? What is He like?  He stopped the storm at sea but allowed soldiers to nail Him to a cross.  Actor Bruce Marchiano, gives such a dramatic, inspirational, description of Jesus you will never forget it. Jesus’ profound love has no limits.

Side A: 12/14/2013

When God Shows Up


Christmas is the celebration of God coming to the earth He built. The little Babe in the manger was the One who created the universe.  RT Kendall, best selling author of more than 50 books, and respected Bible scholar who served as the pastor of the Westminster Chapel in London for 25 years, is the author of When God Shows Up – How to Recognize the Unexpected Appearances of God in Your Life. As God slipped almost unnoticed into human history, life on earth forever was changed. God cares about common people. He chose His angelic choir to perform for lowly shepherds. He chose peasants to raise His Son.

Side B: 12/7/2013

Spiritual State of the Nation



Dec 7th, Pearl Harbor Day, was the beginning of WW II, but today we’re involved in another war, a spiritual war that threatens our survival. It’s when people say peace and safety that destruction comes.  Joel Rosenberg, author of Implosion- Can America Recover From It’s Economic & Spiritual Challenges in Time?, prophetically warned about 9/11 months before it happened, now warns that, “This nation is headed for a collapse of catastrophic proportions.” What happens to our nation in end times prophecy? Are we still a nation?  He says, “What we face today is God’s judgment in The Great Tribulation.”

Side A: 11/30/2013

Raising Godly Boys part 2


Why do boys have 3 times more learning disabilities as girls? Is there a gender bias against boys in our school system? Dr Greg Jantz, author of more than 20 books, and co-author of Raising Boys By Design, What Your Son Needs to Thrive, is a nationally recognized Christian counseling psychologist, who says boys and girls are designed to be different, but our culture treats them the same. A boy’s natural tendencies are treated as abnormalities to be drugged. How can a boy’s natural energy be used to help him succeed and live up to his full potential? How can parents raise a hero instead of a crook?

Side B: 11/23/2013

Raising Godly Boys part 1



Dr Michael Gurian, author of 26 books, including co-author of Raising Boys By Design, What the Bible and Brain Science Reveal About What Your Son Needs to Thrive, has done extensive research in brain science to help parents and educators understand boys and help them succeed. It’s easier to build strong boys than to repair broken men.

Side A: 11/16/2013

A Glimpse Into Heaven part 2


Is heaven a real, literal place or just an ethereal, vague concept? What happens after you die? Captain Dale Black, author of A Pilot's True Story - Flight to Heaven, A Plane Crash, A Lone Survivor, A Journey to Heaven and Back, vividly describes his horrific plane crash and his wondrous experience in an incredibly awesome place -heaven. What do angels look like? Jesus promised mansions awaiting God's children. What are they like? Dale Black describes heaven's music and the brilliant colors in grass, flowers, and water. But what impressed him was God's love, filling all of heaven. This music filled story is life changing.

Side B: 11/9/2013

Heaven Hears part 1



What do you do when tragedy strikes and a terrible accident dramatically changes your life? Lindy Boone Michaelis is the daughter of famed singer Pat Boone and author of Heaven Hears - The True Story of What Happened When Pat Boone Asked the World to Pray for His Grandson's Survival. Ryan fell 46 feet onto the concrete. Lindy tells how her close communion with Jesus sustained her. Incredibly, through the seasons of crying and praying, she says this tragedy developed her character, perseverance, faith and love. Completely turning her son over to Jesus gave her profound peace in the midst of suffering.

Side A: 11/2/2013

God's Gift-The Animals part 2


Look at God's infinite thought and design in creating lovable, furry cats, faithful dogs, the inspirational eagle, and the amazing camel. Animals show feelings, such as a goat that acts as eyes for the blind horse. Austin Miles, an award-winning writer, was the ringmaster in the circus for 50 years. He tells poignant stories such as an elephant blockading the ring and stopping a stampeed of elephants. He tells a tear-jerking story of an old, shaggy dog that was once a circus-performing dog. The dog knew Austin's routine and watched from a hiding place. But sadly, they had to leave this faithful dog behind.

Side B: 10/26/2013

God's Gift-The Animals part 1



Some people say animals have no emotions but are just conditioned to respond. Do animals have feelings and emotions? What lessons can we learn from animals? Why did God create animals? Austin Miles, an award-winning writer of such things as the TV series Ancient Secrets of the Bible, was the ringmaster in the circus for 50 years. Austin tells touching stores of such as a huge circus elephant that showed love for a small dog. How a pregnant chimp gave birth just before she died and handed her baby to the trainer. Chaplain Austin comforts the dying and tells how their animals respond at their passing.

Side A: 10/19/2013

It's About Evidence part 2


The Bible says Noah lived for 950 years! Adam, 930 years! Did people really live that long? If so, where's the evidence? Well, here it is. Dr Jack Cuozzo, author of Buried Alive - The Starting Truth About Neanderthal Man, says the people who lived before the Flood were so different from us that scientists call them a different species. Of course their genetic make-up was different. They lived over 900+ years. Dr Cuozzo describes the huge bones of these ancient patriarchs. Before sin, there was no death. The proof is the teeth of lions and crocodiles had molars for grinding vegetation not pointed for tearing flesh.

Side B: 10/12/2013

It's About Time part 1



Is the age of the earth important? Some stars are so far from earth that it would take millions of years for their light to reach us. Is that proof for an "old earth?" Many people, including Christian leaders, try to fit billions of years into the Genesis account. Russ Miller, author of It's About Time - How to Believe God's Word in a Secular World, substantiates the Biblical account through logical and scientific answers to man's origin, sin and death. The amazing universe shows God's awesome creativity. The omnipotent Creator simply spoke and galaxies whirled into space and the universe was created.

Side A: 10/5/2013

Heart and Soul part 2


Half of all Americans die of cardiovascular disease when it's highly preventable. How important are your mind and your attitudes in preventing heart disease? How are symptoms of a heart attack different in men than in women? Dr Kara Davis, author of Spiritual Secrets to a Healthy Heart - Uncovering the Roots of America's #1 Killer, says replacing bad fats with unsaturated fats reduces heart disease by 53%. Christians have notoriously bad diets. Instead of praying for a cure, why not learn how to prevent heart disease? Also, Dr Scott Uloth, author of The Diet Docs' Guide to Permanent Weight Loss.

Side B: 9/28/2013

Heart and Soul part 1



Heart disease is America's largest killer killing more than all cancers combined. Diet, exercise, smoking and body weight are known to affect heart health, but emotional factors such as stress, depression, anger and un-forgiveness play a huge impact on your heart. Medical doctor, Kara Davis, author of Spiritual Secrets to a Healthy Heart - Uncovering the Roots of America's #1 Killer, says people with chronic anger or pessimistic personalities are more likely to develop heart disease. How can people break out of the cycle of anxiety and depression? What is the Mediterranean Diet? What about eggs, carbs and fats?

Side A: 9/21/2013

The Jesus Life part 2


There's plenty of information but little transformation! People know what Jesus taught but not how He lived. Stephen Smith, author of The Jesus Life, Eight Ways to Recover Authentic Christianity, says "Jesus was not stressed as many of us are today. He enjoyed life with dinners, debates and long walks with his disciples, yet He regularly got away to be alone in prayer. The dinner table is more than simply eating but fellowship and acceptance." Love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love changes atheists into followers of Christ. To live as Jesus lived means to savor and enjoy life not just endure it.

Side B: 9/14/2013

To Know Him part 1



Why do Christians take a bold stand for Christ, at school or throughout history, when they're persecuted or killed? It's because of their profound love for God. Why did God create people? To worship and serve Him? He has angels for that. God is love and His primary purpose for creating us was to lavish His infinite love upon us and enjoy us forever. Billy Humphrey, author of To Know Him - How Intimacy With God Changes Everything, says, "Familiarity with scripture has misled many into thinking they know all about God when they don't know Him at all in a personal intimate relationship."

Side A: 9/7/2013

Islam - A Threat to Freedom part 2


How can Muslims take an oath to uphold the Constitution when the Qur'an advocates the opposite of our Constitution? There's no concept of equality in Islam. Why are schools teaching curricula, such as CSCOPE, that promotes Islam and rejects Christianity when there's such oppression under Islam? Historian Bill Federer, is the author of What Every American Needs to Know About the Qur'an. Is President Obama a Muslim? If so, what are his goals for our nation? Cuts of Obama speaking about "his Muslim faith" and Islam's wonderful contributions. Holy lying, ("al-Takeyya") to promote Islam is advocated in Islam.

Side B: 8/31/2013

The Basis of Our Freedoms part 1



Why, in a nation established on tolerance, is there no tolerance for Christians? Why, when 78% of our population is Christian, are Christian students and teachers persecuted, censored and fired for simply being Christian? Ironically, it's being done under the guise of "tolerance." Historian Bill Federer, author of Backfired - A Nation Founded on Religious Tolerance No Longer Tolerates its Founder's Religion, says the concept of "tolerance" came from Christ. But Jesus warned, "A house divided cannot stand," so this nation cannot long survive when the schools emphasize multiculturalism and censor out Christianity.

Side A: 8/24/2013

Destruction From Within part 2


Karl Marx, father of communism said, “The goal of communism is to de-throne God and destroy capitalism.” Socialism creates the situation for a Stalin or Hitler to come to power. It’s the final destination we are traveling. Curtis Bowers, producer of Agenda – Grinding America Down, said, “The biggest surprise was that our enemies understood that morality was our greatest strength, that immorality creates the need for more government until the people demand socialism.  The left has been so successful that they persuaded the American people to put one of their own in the White House.

Side B: 8/17/2013

Destruction From Within part 1



The world thought communism was dead, but Curtis Bowers, producer of the award winning film Agenda – Grinding America Down, went to a meeting of dedicated American communists in 1992, who told of specific plans to bring down our system through the media and education by using environmentalism, feminism and homosexual marriage. The name “communist” has been replaced with liberal, leftist, or progressive, but their agenda remains the same. The communists simply use the socialists and eventually wipe them out. It’s a gradual revolution that few recognize until it’s too late.

Side A: 8/10/2013

Unraveling The Moral Fabric part 2


California homosexual indoctrination laws are shocking. AB 1266 forces K-12 public schools to allow boys, who think they are girls, to use the girls’ restrooms, the girl’ showers and be on the girls’ sports teams. In addition, Brad Dacus, President of the Pacific Justice Institute, says California SB 323 forces the Boy Scouts, Christian youth groups, and other non-profit groups to make homosexuals and transgenders their leaders or have their non profit status rejected. It’s now illegal for counselors to counsel minors out of homosexuality.  Schools are being used to force acceptance of transvestites and homosexuality.

Side B: 8/3/2013

Unraveling The Moral Fabric part 1



We are witnessing the unraveling of the moral fabric of our nation as the Supreme Court declared the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional. The justices swore an oath to uphold the Constitution not destroy it. Yet they are putting themselves above the Constitution and above God, who gave us the definition of marriage. Cuts from Randy Thomasson and Tony Perkins, of FRC. Brad Dacus, President of the Pacific Justice Institute, says churches need to protect themselves against punitive lawsuits for not marrying homosexuals. Homosexual marriage is a direct threat to your religious freedoms.

Side A: 7/27/2013

A Courageous Christian Student


Censorship of Christianity and bigotry toward students has led to a decline where only 4% of this generation is Christian. Abby Nye, a courageous Christian university student, and author of Fish out of Water-Surviving & Thriving as a Christian on a Secular Campus, tells how professors intimidate and convert Christians into humanism. Abby was told by her professor that the Bible is a book of myths and not a credible source in academia. Yet she was required to buy a Koran for her required class on Islam. Abby survived and thrived as a Christian, because she was well prepared, but most are not and lose their faith.

Side B: 7/20/2013

Inspiring a New Generation



With just 3% of atheists, why are our schools atheistic? Why are young people simply entertained instead of discipled? Years ago, young people changed their world. Washington went to the university at age 13. John Q. Adams at 14 was secretary to our envoy in Russia. The great revivalists, Whitefield and the Wesleys, changed the destiny of America. Rick Boyer, author of Take Back the Land- Inspiring a New Generation to Lead America says God gave this nation liberty to be a light to the world. Christ took on all the power of evil and emerged victorious. He calls us to follow Him to take this nation back for Him.

Side A: 7/13/2013

Parents! Take Charge!


Americans spend the most for education but get the worst results. Why? 81% of young people voted for a socialist for President. Why? Wayne Root, author of the Ultimate Obama Survival Guide, says, "Mis-educated students voted for an America Idol not a President." Home schooling trains students to think not just follow the crowd. Wayne Root's daughter Dakota, got straight A's at Harvard and now attends Oxford. Their children are examples of what educational excellence can produce. What a waste if they had learned mediocrity instead of taking charge of their own future and rising to the top.

Side B: 7/6/2013

Abuse of Power



The IRS has become an instrument of tyranny by attacking political opponents to silence and ruin them. This is what communist countries do. Obama's classmate at Columbia, Wayne Root, author of The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide, is an outspoken critic of Obama and as a result fought the IRS in court. But 5 days after winning his case, they came after him again. Detroit is an example of how a once great city has become a desolate wasteland because of liberal Democrat control. By contrast, Texas is an example of how government can facilitate economic prosperity not poverty. Which way America?

Side A: 6/29/2013

Schools of IndoctriNation part 2


Persecution has begun as Christian teachers are fired and students censored for just speaking about their faith. Cuts from the fast paced, captivating film by Colin Gunn, producer of Indoctrination-Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America. An atheist education produces atheist students and an anti-God, immoral culture. We are losing our culture, because Christians have refused to educate their own children. A new vision for changing our culture must include educating children. Parents! Why would you trust your child's mind to strangers you know nothing about and a school system of atheism?

Side B: 6/22/2013

Schools of IndoctriNation part 1



We are witnessing the collapse of our nation morally, spiritually and financially. For all the problems, there must be some root cause. It's not because of abortion, homosexuality and corruption. These are symptoms. What is the root cause? Colin Gunn, producer of the film (cuts included) Indoctrination- Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity, says culture is the product of our schools. Law forbids Christians from being Christians, yet secular teachers are given awards for promoting atheism and homosexuality. Many cuts from the film including RC Sproul, "We don't lose children, we give them away."

Side A: 6/15/2013

Schools of Atheism pt. 2


Why, in a nation founded by Christians, is Christianity banned in schools? The godless ACLU has done incredible damage by destroying every vestige of Christianity in public. Courts now side with the ACLU, because as they say in order to keep religious neutrality, religious freedom must be banned. Dr Jerome Corsi, author of The Bad Samaritans - the ACLU Relentless Campaign to Erase Faith From the Public Square, says the roots of the ACLU are atheism and communism. To replace our Christian roots with Marxism, they promote evolution, porn and Islam. If we abandon belief in God, we abandon freedom.

Side B: 6/8/2013

Schools of Corruption pt. 1



Laws have been passed to force churches, Christian schools and bookstores, the Boy Scouts, etc., to include transgenders and homosexuals or have their status stripped. Cal. AB 1266 would force schools to let boys, who feel they're really girls inside, to use the girls showers, bathrooms and even play on the girls teams. It's now illegal for counselors to counsel minors out of homosexuality. Students no longer learn about the Founders but are required to celebrate homosexual activists. Randy Thomasson, of SaveCalifornia.com, says schools are being used to force acceptance of transvestites and homosexuality.

Side A: 6/1/2013

Porn Plague


There's a porn plague capturing millions of young minds and destroying individuals, families and crippling our nation's morality. Millions of people, including Christians and pastors, visit porn sites. Fred Stoeker, author of Every Young Man's Battle - Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation, says, "We're in a spiritual war but the enemy is seductive and camouflages sin as pleasure. Instead it brings pain." How can we control what comes into our eyes and minds? Clay Allen, president of Avenue, and Fred Stoeker, give excellent techniques for avoiding the deadly trap of pornography.

Side B: 5/25/2013

Remembering Our Military



Army command has sent out warning of hate groups that are "inconsistent" with Army values. Amazingly, among the hate groups are Christian groups like the Family Research Council. Since "Don't ask, don't' tell," we've gone from tolerance for homosexuals to intolerance toward Christians. To produce heroes who will defend our freedoms, we need to teach students about the sacrifices made for their freedoms. Jeremiah Denton,, tells how God brought him through his severe torture in Viet Nam. John Steer, gives a fascinating account of his experiences in Viet Nam and how he took the gospel to Russian generals.

Side A: 5/18/2013

Is America Becoming a Police State? pt. 2


When our government treats us as the enemy, they're no longer serving us but ruling over us. When a patriotic Marine can be locked up for simply criticizing the government, we have entered a police state. The government wants to disarm citizens, but arm federal agencies with billions of bullets to intimidate and control a naive populace. John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Inst., has defended hundreds of zero tolerance cases. Schools have become like prisons with surveillance cameras, metal detectors, police patrols, strip searches and lock downs. It's part of creating a populace submissive to a police state.

Side B: 5/11/2013

Is America Becoming a Police State? pt. 1



Simply being late to school could cost a $250 fine and jail time! John Whitehead, President of The Rutherford Inst and author of Government of Wolves, says if the police can take your property and even take your life without due process, with drones, the Constitution is dead! Zero tolerance means getting thrown out for bringing a toy soldier to class. In asset forfeiture courts allow police to seize your car, home or cash without charging you with a crime. A little boy who pointed his finger like a gun was called a terrorist threat. Teachers used to discipline, but now it's called criminal as police arrest and jail students.

Side A: 5/4/2013

Don't Let Freedom Die


"We elected Hitler. Hitler didn't take Austria by force; we elected that monster in 1938 when 98% voted to annex Austria to Germany. I am an eyewitness to that history," said Kitty Werthmann. What was it like to live under Nazi (the National Socialist Party) Germany with Hitler? Are there parallels in our nation today? A socialist bureaucracy takes control over education, healthcare, businesses, gun ownership, and the economy -with massive spending that leads to hyperinflation. Out of 18,000 German pastors, only 200 refused to sign a loyalty oath to Hitler. Many said Hitler was given to them by God.

Side B: 4/27/2013

Made in Heaven



Many technological advances are based on nature. Some of the best inventions come from those who study God's design in nature yet don't give God credit or even acknowledging Him. Aerospace engineer, Jeff Seto, co-author of Made in Heaven -Man's Indiscriminate Stealing of God's Amazing Design, gives many examples of ideas that came from God in nature, like lowly creatures like mosquitoes (painless needles) and spiders, mussels (underwater glue), wasps and burrs (Velcro) serve as inspirations for top scientists. Ray Comfort, says, "It's dishonest to steal God's ideas and say they came from nothing."

Side A: 4/20/2013

Damascus Countdown pt 2


What if Iran gets an atomic bomb or already has it? Would Israel launch a preemptive strike against Iran? What happens if Israel is then overwhelmed with a massive retaliation from the entire Muslim world and one of thousands of missiles is atomic? Joel Rosenberg, author of Damascus Countdown, says Isaiah 17 prophecies that when the nations come against Israel, God will defend Israel and Damascus will cease to exist as a city. God is bringing Muslims to faith in Christ and a very dramatic example is Kamal Saleem, a Muslim terrorist who had a direct encounter with Jesus Christ, witnesses in Mosques.

Side B: 4/13/2013

Damascus Countdown pt 1



No generation has witnessed more fulfilled prophecy, since Christ, as this present generation. Yet many more prophecies are on the threshold of fulfillment. Iranian leaders believe the only way to bring the Caliphate into world dominion is to destroy Israel. Joel Rosenberg, author of Damascus Countdown, predicted 9/11 nine months before it happened, now suggests Israel will launch a preemptive strike against Iran, but if they fail to get all the nuclear warheads, retaliation from the Islamic world would be overwhelming. He says, "An atomic Iran could do in 6 minutes what it took Hitler 6 years to do, kill 6 million Jews."

Side A: 4/6/2013

Christ Can Save America


We are a nation on a suicide course as people look to government as their god. Only Christ can save America as humanism has undermined the foundational Biblical principle, that government is to be a servant of God and the people, not our master. This unique concept has made this nation the most free and prosperous in history. Mike LeMay, author of The Suicide of American Christianity- Drinking the "Cool"- Aid of Secular Humanism, says Christianity is not affecting the culture because the culture is infecting the Church, as generations of Christian students learn the ways of the world in public schools.

Side B: 3/30/2013

Jesus - Lord of All



This is one of the most inspirational programs we have ever made. William Frey, author of The Dance of Hope, tells how the Resurrection was like a news flash - fascinating news that's exciting and life changing! Death no longer has any power over us. Now there's nothing to fear, only expectations of joy in heaven. Although the disciples had lost all hope, they emerged fearless men, unafraid of crucifixion. These transformed men changed the world. Professional actor, Bruce Marchiano, dramatically tells how the lifeless body of Jesus, dead three days, came vibrantly back to life through God's power.

Side A: 3/23/2013

Twilight in America pt 2


Islamic bias in textbooks claim Allah is God, Jesus was a Palestinian and Muslims discovered America. Why are public schools promoting Islam when Christianity gave us freedom and prosperity? Is there a connection between the Left and Islam? Martin Mawyer author of Twilight In America -The Untold Story of Islamic Terrorist Training Camps Inside America, describes the camps he has personally seen and how they brutally enforce Sharia Law. The NYPD has infiltrated camps and made videos, but the feds refuse to shut them down. Why are Islamic activists working in the Obama Administration?

Side B: 3/16/2013

A Nation Forsaken pt 1



What happens when the lights go out in America? Mike Maloof, author of A Nation Forsaken-EMP: The Escalating Threat of An American Catastrophe, spent 30 years with the Defense Department protecting us from terrorism, and now warns that it's not "if" but "when" an EMP will be exploded over this country. It will shut down the power grid and electronic devices. It can be prevented but our government is ignoring it, so we need to prepare ourselves. How can a huge solar flare, an EMP or RF weapons shut down communications and transportations? How long would it last? What can we do? Will people die?

Side A: 3/9/2013

A Man & His Dog on 911 pt 2


How can a blind man ride a bicycle, drive a car, fly an airplane and get of the towering inferno on 911? Michael Hingson, author of Thunder Dog, the ambassador for the Braille Literacy Campaign, is a cum laude graduate of UC Irvine and has a master's degree in physics. Unemployment among the blind is 70%, even though they are capable, they are rejected because of prejudice against blind people. Michael instructs blind people on how to use new technology that enables them to read a computer and use alternative ways to do things. There are blind architects, engineers, doctors, teachers, scientists and artists.

Side B: 3/2/2013

A Man & His Dog on 911 pt 1



How would you overcome extreme fear and panic and remain calm if you were in the World Trade Center on 911 and you were completely blind? Listen to a total triumph of trust in this horrific catastrophe as a blind man, Michael Hingson, describes his miraculous survival in the face of imminent death. Michael Hingson, the national ambassador for the Braille Literacy Campaign, is the author of Thunder Dog. Although Roselle, Mike's guide dog, was intensely focused on guiding him to safety, she kissed a firefighter on his way up the stairs, the last kiss of unconditional love and calmed others.

Side A: 2/23/2013

Meet The Skeptic


What would you say to a skeptic who asks, "What makes your religion any different?" What do you say to the skeptic who says science has disproved the Bible? Bill Foster, author of Meet the Skeptic - A Field Guide to Faith Conversations, says before you give an answer ask a question, "How has it disproved the Bible?" or "What are the contradictions in the Bible?" Words like, "in Christ," or "in my heart," or "inspired by God," have different meanings for skeptics. Never qualify a Biblical verse with "for me," which renders the scripture subjective and irrelevant. Why can't a person get to heaven by being good?

Side B: 2/16/2013

Cold Case Christianity



With the Newtown CT school massacre, schools are considering arming school personnel. Ironically, the liberal left wants more gun control. They can't distinguish between good guys and bad guys with guns. Jim Wallace, author of Cold Case Christianity- A Homicide Detective Investigates the Claims of The Gospels, was an atheist until he evaluated the evidence of the eyewitness in the gospels just as if he was investigating a murder using techniques, such as separating witnesses to distinguish the truth from a conspiracy. The eyewitnesses in the gospels are legal proof in a courtroom that convinced him.

Side A: 2/9/2013

The Genius of Ancient Man p 2


The widely accepted cave man myth is a lie to fit the evolutionary model but doesn't explain the evidence that ancient man was brilliant. Adam was created perfectly from God's Hand. Guests include: Don Landis editor of The Genius of Ancient Man-Evolution's Nightmare! Tom Dooley, author of The True Story of Noah's Ark, says because of man's sin, God brought the Great Flood drowning billions of people but saving Noah and his family. It's better to please God than go along with the whole world. Dennis Petersen, author of Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation; Mike Oard, Uncovering the Mysterious Woolly Mammoth.

Side B: 2/2/2013

The Genius of Ancient Man p 1



The idea that ancient men were primitive brutes, cave men, is a myth based on evolution that contradicts the Biblical account. Ancient people had extreme intelligence plus lived hundreds of years and thus invented amazing things. Don Landis, editor of The Genius of Ancient Man-Evolution's Nightmare! gives examples such as the thousands of pyramids around the world that used massive 100-ton stones fitted together so precisely you couldn't slide a credit card in the joints. In the religious tower of Babel, man rebelled against God and tried to be God. The religion of Babel is still here today.

Side A: 1/26/2013



It's a spiritual battle, but the enemy camouflages it as pleasure. Young people are dying because of STD's, yet 65% take the chance and lose their virginity by high school graduation. Today, purity means life but promiscuity leads to death. AIDS is the leading cause of death among young people ages 25 to 44. Pastor and high school assembly speaker, Doug Herman, author of Time For a Pure Revolution, lost his young wife and little daughter to an AIDS tainted blood transfusion and is on a crusade to save lives through purity. Bob and Dannah Gresh are the authors of Who Moved The Goal Post? and The Bride Wore White.

Side B: 1/19/2013

The Slaughter of the Innocent



Our nation grieved over the slaughter of the 20 innocent school children in CT, but why won't they grieve over the 1.2 million babies slaughtered in abortion? Gianna Jessin, survived a late term abortion so that she could be a voice from God that we're killing our next generation. Dr Bernard Nathanson, author of The Hand of God, who's now in heaven was the infamous abortionist who operated the largest abortion mill in the world, killing over 75,000 babies including his own son. He says he lied to the gullible media about making abortion safe by making it legal and thus helped make abortion legal.

Side A: 1/12/2013

The Power of Praise part 2


Is it possible to have joy after suffering tremendous loss? How can JOY help you overcome fear? What is supernatural JOY and how can you get it? Tim Hansel, author of You Gotta Keep Dancin'- In The Midst of Life's Hurts You Can Choose Joy, suffered a tragic fall that broke his back, causing him to be in extreme pain for decades, yet he says no matter what the circumstances, we can CHOOSE to experience JOY! Joy is the antidote to pain. Dale Crawshaw, author of Unleashing the Power of Joy, gives some excellent suggestions for experiencing joy! In the midst of suffering, an attitude of gratitude gives you joy.

Side B: 1/5/2013

The Power of Praise part 1



Do you thank God for every situation in your life, even the bad ones? Could you thank God for a child with ADHD or blindness? God has a gift for you that will enable you to go through the worst of times and enrich you to enjoy the best of times. Merlin Carothers, author of Prison to Praise, which isn't about a prison with bars but a prison of circumstances, says praising the Lord in bad circumstances demonstrates trust in Him. Praise is not a magic formula to manipulate God but genuine gratitude that pleases God and gives you His peace and joy and sometimes-miraculous answers. Praise works wonders!

Side A: 12/29/2012

Transformed in Christ


Prayer brings down enemy strongholds. But can the public school system, which propagates atheism, be changed through prayer? How can we transform our culture unless Christ first transforms us? Frances Frangipane, author of The Days of His Presence- Experiencing the fullness of Christ as we enter the fullness of time, says, "It's only when we are pleasing to God that He gives us His transforming power. As evil gets worse God is raising up a people who passionately love Jesus and receive the fire of His Glory." How can Christ be your Lord unless you give Him control of your life? What is Christ-likeness?

Side B: 12/22/2012

The Birth of God



There's a wonderful spirit at Christmas that goes beyond gifts, friends, family and music. Renowned author, Max Lucado, author of 3:16-The Numbers of Hope, says people never tire of hearing about God's love for them. Jesus went from holding the stars in His hands to clutching Mary's little finger. Why did He come to earth? What is He like? He stopped the storm at sea but allowed soldiers to nail Him to the cross. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus, gives such a dramatic, inspirational, description of Jesus you will never forget it. Jesus' love is profound but have you experienced it?

Side A: 12/15/2012

Merry Christmas part 2


Christmas would not be Christmas without Christmas music. It's ironic that public schools censor out any music that mentions Jesus as Lord, yet the greatest musicians were Christians. Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel... were born again Christians who loved our Lord. Dr Patrick Kavenaugh, author of Devotions from the World of Music, and Raising Musical Kids, gives some fascinating details into the lives of the world's greatest composers and some great ideas how to help your child develop a love for good music. What do you say when your little Mozart wants to quit his music lessons?

Side B: 12/8/2012

Merry Christmas part 1



WHO STOLE CHRISTMAS? It's not even called Christmas anymore but Winter Break. But what's at stake is not just the elimination of Christmas but the freedom to proclaim the gospel in public. Attorney Joe Infranco, with the Alliance Defense Fund, is countering the ACLU to keep Christ in Christmas and Christmas in public. Attorney & syndicated columnist, David Limbaugh, (brother of Rush Limbaugh), and author of Persecution, says from the courtroom to the schoolroom to the newsroom, Christians are being persecuted. Intolerance in the name of tolerance is eliminating all Christian expression.

Side A: 12/1/2012

Love Not the World


Why should it surprise us when students are given a socialist education that they become socialists? But socialism only brings poverty. Cuban refugee turned successful business owner, Aurelio Barreto, is the founder of C28 Christian Stores, where over 16,000 people have received the Lord, and author of Not of This World. Although he started with nothing, he became a multimillionaire but was not fulfilled until he had a personal relationship with Christ. He lost millions of dollars but learned to trust Christ through trials and triumphs. Aurelio says, "If I lost everything but still had Christ, I would have it all."

Side B: 11/24/2012

The God of Hope



With unemployment soaring to new levels, many people have lost hope. If you say your circumstances are hopeless, you're slamming the door in the face of God. Terry Law, author of The Hope Habit - Finding God's Goodness When Life is Hard, says "Biblical hope has the power of God to train you to live with greater faith and hope. Your mind is Satan's target to develop habits of negative thinking that leads to hopelessness. But just a tiny spark of hope breaks that cycle and releases endorphins, which promote healing and hope. Fear and discouragement are from the enemy, but faith and hope come from God."

Side A: 11/17/2012

The Pilgrim's Journey



Students are taught that Thanksgiving was when the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians and God isn't mentioned. Teacher Connie Ricks reads from a diary of a 12 year-old girl who came here on the Mayflower and her incredible hardships. Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, tells how God saved the Pilgrims from shipwreck, starvation and disease. The Pilgrims weren't gloomy killjoys but people who were colorful and filled with joy. John Pafford, author of How Firm a Foundation, tells how the Pilgrims founded this country as a Christian commonwealth and valued freedom "under God."

Side B: 11/10/2012

Sacrifices of Our Veterans



How can we raise heroes to defend our freedoms, if young people don't know the price others paid to win them in the past? This inspirational program features a captivating account given by Korean veteran Ed Reeves. Ed fought for his life in minus 30 to 40 degree temperatures, so cold that the bullet holes in his body froze shut and kept him from bleeding to death. Even after almost all the others were killed, Ed Reeves clung to his faith and small Gideon Bible, and fought on despite his life-threatening wounds and no ammunition. This miraculous account is spell binding. It's as if you are there. Ed Reeves

Side A: 11/3/2012

Socialist Schools pt 2


Wayne Root, Obama's classmate at Columbia says, "Under Obamacare 85% of doctors will quit and many hospitals will go bankrupt. Millions of new recipients will create rationed care. Obama is working a brilliant plan to turn this nation into a Socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately need government for survival. Chaplain Austin Miles wrote an article, "Dems Welcome Muslims, Prohibit Christian Hospitality," and says, "A majority of Democrats booed God and the Boy Scouts at their convention. Obama's 900+ executive orders demonstrate dictatorial power." Austin Miles

Side B: 10/27/2012

Socialist Schools pt 1



Marxism is a proven failure, so why is it being promoted in our universities? Professors indoctrinate impressionable students into a Marxist mind set, and they become the leaders in media, government and education. Wayne Root, President Obama's classmate at Columbia, says, "Communist professors taught students to curse capitalism, demonize "greedy" business owners and redistribute their wealth. There is a silent revolution taking place and most Americans don't recognize it. As Root says, "It's the perfect Marxists scheme, all devised by my college classmate Obama using our professors plan."

Side A: 10/20/2012

A Courageous Christian Leader pt 2


Most Americans don't recognize Marxism and how Marxists transform a nation from free to communist. Where do American socialists come from? We are training them in our universities. We have a President who has waged war on capitalism, the Constitution and Christianity. Bishop Jackson is calling Christians to unite and take back the government we inherited so we will have something to give to the next generation. Cuts of Biden (chains quote), Obama ("You didn't build it."), Romney and Bible teacher Chuck Misler, who says Islam is our enemy, and we have a Muslim in the White House.

Side B: 10/13/2012

A Courageous Christian Leader pt 1



Bishop Jackson,a former Marine, US Senate candidate and Harvard Law graduate, says Obama's executive order, The African-American Education Initiative, to stop disciplinary action against black students, is using race to manipulate black voters. Jackson says the Democrat Party's devotion to abortion and same-sex marriage is like spitting in the face of Biblical Christians. This election is America's last chance to determine if our nation goes Socialist or gives freedom another chance. Bishop Jackson, a descendant of slaves, says blacks need to embrace the unlimited opportunities this nation offers.

Side A: 10/6/2012

The Next 4 Years pt 2


Americans have no idea what awaits them if the President is re-elected. This nation will be so transformed it won't be recognizable. Brenda Elliott, author of Fool Me Twice- Obama's Shocking Plans for the Next 4 Years Exposed, researched thousands of policy papers and legislative proposals by the same Marxists that crafted Obama's first term, to discover the blueprint for his second term; to disarm and transform our military, to combat "climate change", silence talk radio, initiate government works programs and mandating businesses give employees 3 months paid leave in the Family Leave Act.

Side B: 9/29/2012

The Next 4 Years pt 1



There's a feeling of hope, not with empty words of socialism, but a return to innovation and success in capitalism. Rick Scarborough, President of Vision America, is leading a crusade called "40 days to save America." Pastor Rick became politically involved when his daughter's school had a graphic AIDS assembly. He got his congregation informed and active, and they replaced the school board and city council. Cuts from VP candidate Paul Ryan's speech give hope to college grads who can't get jobs, and still lives at home. If Churches are silent, evil prevails. There's no neutrality in this election.

Side A: 9/22/2012

Who Is The Real Obama?


Fundamental changes affecting every area of American life have been made by a President most people know nothing about. Dinesh D'Souza, President of the King's College, says, "Obama's impressionable years were shaped by his Kenyan father and an anti-colonial worldview." Obama wants to re-align America in the world. How will Obama's past determine our future? Obama is putting himself above the law (DOMA) in promoting homosexual marriage. Rev. William Owens says he didn't march in the civil rights movement for a man to marry a man. Pastor Ken Hutcherson says we need to be biblical not racial.

Side B: 9/15/2012

The Great Destroyer



The emerging autocracy of the President is the gravest threat to our liberty in our lifetimes. We are just one election away from our Republic being transformed into a socialist state. David Limbaugh, author of The Great Destroyer- Barack Obama's War on The Republic, says Obama has put our nation's future at grave risk by spending us into oblivion and systematically violating the Constitution. Obama is not a social moderate but has extreme views on abortion and homosexual marriage. Will we squander the glorious legacy given to us by God? It's not too late! Americans desperately need to wake up!

Side A: 9/8/2012

Implosion pt 2


What does the Bible say will happen to America in the last days? Joel Rosenberg, author of Implosion, says, "Our nation has faced perilous times in the past, but what we face today is different. It's God's coming judgment." Pastor David Barnhart, author of Living in the Times of the Signs says, "Same sex marriage is one of the final signs that severe judgment is coming very soon." Our nation is guilty of the most grievous sins even blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. God's patience has limits. Whoever doesn't stand with Israel stands against God. Obama is putting our nation against Israel and therefore against God.

Side B: 9/1/2012

Implosion pt 1



The greatest danger to our nation is not terrorism or a tyrannical government but apathy by God's people. Joel Rosenberg, author of Implosion- Can America Recover From It's Economic & Spiritual Challenges in Time? warned about the terrorist attacks of 9/11 eight months before they happened. Now he warns that, "This nation is headed for a national collapse of catastrophic proportions." Are we living in the last days that Jesus prophesied about? What is the Great Tribulation? When will the Rapture occur? How is the Rapture different from Christ's second coming? What will happen to those who are left behind?

Side A: 8/25/2012

Redistribution is Not the Solution pt 2


This election is not just politics as usual, but this election will determine if our nation goes from Capitalist to Socialist, and it will affect every aspect of your life! Cuts of Charles Krauthammer. Best selling author Ed Klein researched the Obama White House and exposes what Obama is like behind the mask. He is arrogant and ignores the experts. Obama is more concerned about fundamentally transforming America into a socialist state than your individual freedoms. Chaplain Austin Miles discusses the ramifications of Obamacare and the coming great revival sent by God and prays for our nation.

Side B: 8/18/2012

Redistribution is Not the Solution pt 1



What is the purpose of public education? Is it to train students to become capitalists or socialists? Cuts of typical high school students who don't know basic facts. Redistribution is not the solution. Cut of economics prof telling what the American dream means to his students. Obamacare isn't just about socialized medicine, but it is the advent of a thoroughly socialist America. Best selling author, Ed Klein, did extensive research on the Obama White House and what he discovered will shock you. Obama is in revolt against the values of the society he was elected to lead. He has bungled international relations.

Side A: 8/11/2012

Exposing the Jefferson Myths pt 2


We're as close now to having a king as in the days of King George who provoked our war for Independence. The President treats Congress and the Constitution with contempt and makes up his own laws and refuses to enforce the laws already passed. David Barton, author of The Jefferson Lies, cites original source material to answer questions about Founding Father Thomas Jefferson. Was Jefferson a secularist, a deist or a Christian? Did Jefferson own slaves and have a child with one of them? Was he a racist? Did he cut out the miracles of Jesus to undercut belief or promote it as an abridgment to Indians?

Side B: 8/4/2012

Exposing the Jefferson Myths pt 1



Is Obama the most Biblically hostile President in our history? Is he a Marxist or a Christian? The Supreme Court has stolen our religious freedoms by misusing a phrase not even in our Constitution - the separation of church and state, which has been so twisted that it means the opposite of what Jefferson wrote in a private letter. Historian David Barton, author of The Jefferson Lies, says our Founders have been slandered and lied about to discredit them to justify a secular society to such a degree that a student can't say a prayer or have a Bible at school. Can pastors promote political candidates from the pulpit?

Side A: 7/28/2012

The Majestic Eagle


The majestic eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom. Just as opposing winds cause an eagle to soar higher, so adversity strengthens Godly people. So when adversity comes your way, don't let it get you down. Let it push you up as you draw closer to God. Inspirational high school assembly speaker, Gary Horton, says the powerful, strong, father eagle is there waiting to catch the little eaglet as he tries to fly, just as God is there to catch us when we fall. Mary Whelchel, author of Soaring on - High Spiritual Insights from The Life of An Eagle, makes wonderful parallels between the eagle and Christians.

Side B: 7/21/2012

Holocaust Survivor



Are we one election away from tyranny? The German people elected Hitler and his national socialism called Nazism. In 1939, Maria Rybarczyk was 12 years old when Poland was invaded. She vividly describes starvation, eating bark to survive, the concentration and labor camps, torture and humiliation, and the gas chambers. How could people be so inhumane, barbaric and demonic to inflict such hatred and evil on other people? The horrors didn't begin in the gas chambers but in the minds of men who had abandoned absolute Truth and tried to make the state god. If we don't learn from history, we will repeat it.

Side A: 7/14/2012

Full Time Parenting pt 2


Education is not simply teaching subjects, it's the transferring of a way of life. Education is discipleship. Public schools are in the discipleship business but not into a Biblical worldview. That's against the law. What is successful parenting? Is it academics, sports, socialization...? Or to love God with all their mind? Israel Wayne, author of Full Time Parenting, says "My goal is to train children who love the Lord and desire to serve and obey Him and others." How can you raise Christian kids in an anti-Christian school system? What's the responsibility of dads in educating children? How is ADHD over come?

Side B: 7/7/2012

Full Time Parenting pt 1



Being a good parent is the most difficult task you'll ever undertake. If you think you're equipped to do it - think again. God wants to help you. Parenting is an awesome responsibility, given by God, yet most parents spend just 19 minutes a day with their child. The Bible says, "Be not conformed to the world but be transformed..." Yet everything in public school conforms students to the world. Is your child being conformed to the world or Christ? Israel Wayne, author of Full Time Parenting - A Guide to Family Based Discipleship, gives keys to keeping children quiet, peaceful, listening, and relating to people of all ages.

Side A: 6/30/2012

Emerging From Deep Despair


Who could survive being run over by a freight train going 55 mph? Only someone God miraculously saved! Suicide is a leading cause of death among young people. Kristen Anderson, author of Life In Spite of Me - Extraordinary Hope After a Fatal Choice, lay down on the tracks in front of an approaching train and later said, "I would rather have lost my legs and find life and the Life Giver, than go through life whole and go to hell." Kristen went from the deepest despair to emerge victorious with a purpose for life in her inspirational outreach ministry. "I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord.

Side B: 6/23/2012

Marxism On Campus



Marxism is a proven failure yet it's changing the future of this nation through universities. In our history as a nation, we've never been as close as now to a basic shift from capitalist, free enterprise, to socialism/Marxism. A majority of 18-29 year olds voted for Obama because they've learned a socialist/Marxist worldview. Phyllis Schlafly, of Eagle Forum, tells of a widely used history textbook written by a communist leader! Dr John Ellis, of the California Association of Scholars, says his 2 year study shows radical socialist/Marxist professors pose an ominous threat to universities and the future of our culture.

Side A: 6/16/2012

Twilight's Last Gleaming pt. 2


President Obama is urging churches to get political. But if Obama can rally churches for his re-election, why can't his opposition rally churches for his defeat? How long can this bankrupt nation survive? Socialism has failed. It's out of the coming darkness that God's light will shine brighter. Robert Jeffress, author of Twilight's Last Gleaming, is calling believers to action, not to restore a fading empire's glory, but to make an eternal impact. Some Christians believe politics is the answer. Others say evangelism. But God calls us to be both evangelists and prophets to warn and preserve the souls in this nation.

Side B: 6/9/2012

Twilight's Last Gleaming pt. 1



If you are a taxpayer, you owe the federal government a million dollars. That's your share of the colossal national debt that's near 16 trillion dollars. We cannot prevent America's inevitable demise, but we can delay it. What can you do? Pastor Robert Jeffress, author of Twilight's Last Gleaming - How America's Last Days Can Be Your Best Days, says if your focus is your own peace and prosperity, your life could become a living nightmare. But if your focus is on the Kingdom of God, your best days are ahead. Just as Jonah delayed the destruction of Nineveh, so God's people can hold off our nation's ensuing demise.

Side A: 6/2/2012

Good News For Muslims pt 2


What is it that draws even the most ardent Muslims to become Christians? In a word, it's love, God's love. Steven Masood, author of Into The Light, was a faithful and diligent Muslim, who even tested his faith by trying to walk water. But he wasn't fulfilled and tried to commit suicide to meet God face to face. He challenged his Muslim teachers and was severely beaten by the religion of peace. Mohammed was a taker of life; Jesus is the giver of life. Mohammed said convert or die. Jesus says believe and live. Mohammed did no miracles; Jesus did many including raising the dead. Choose Christ and choose life.

Side B: 5/26/2012

Good News For Muslims pt 1



Audra Shelby, author of Behind The Veils of Yemen, and her family, left on a one-way flight to Yemen. How could they evangelize this country that's 99.9% Muslim and it's illegal to convert Muslims? The risks were great, with deadly diseases, contaminated food and water, and a backward culture, but God is greater and He sustained them. Steven Masood, author of Into The Light, worked in the censorship department of the Pakistani post office reading personal letters looking for anti-Islamic material. But God showed him His love in Christian correspondence, so that he also became a follower of Christ.

Side A: 5/19/2012

United We Stand pt 2


Socialists say government is the solution. But Reagan said, "Government isn't the solution but the problem." Jay Richards, co-author of Indivisible, says either we reverse course or see our nation plunge into an irreversible economic crisis with chaos, which is used as an excuse for martial law, then our freedoms are gone. This is the pattern of a Marxist take over. Relativism, the idea that there are no absolute right or wrongs, is used to tear down student's beliefs and replace them with secular beliefs. Schools have become totally left wing, but there are options, including videos on the internet that are free courses.

Side B: 5/12/2012

United We Stand pt 1



Our enemies plan is to divide and conquer, so we must unite and stand with Christ. Never have so many Christians been so irrelevant. Why? We're not united. It's time to unite, before we lose all our freedoms. Internationally famous James Robison, co-author of Indivisible - Restoring Faith, Family and Freedom, says a personal relationship with Christ should have public consequences. Faith without action is dead. The Church has made a grave tactical error by making converts instead of disciples. The rape of his mother conceived James Robison. Abortion is murder and shouldn't even be a political issue.

Side A: 5/5/2012

Set Free Form Porn


We have a whole generation being saturated with pornography, a plague capturing millions of people. Internet porn is epidemic. The only way to stop this assault is with a strong defense. Once graphic images get into your brain, the pictures are hard to get out. Clay Allen is a licensed pastor and president of Avenue. Fred Stoeker is the co-author of Every Young Man's Battle - Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation. Suggestions include: make a covenant with your eyes to bounce away from temptation and appropriate the power of God to set you free from this oppressive addiction.

Side B: 4/28/2012




If Christians are going to change this decadent culture, they will need courageous, Godly leaders with a new vision. Teachers, parents, pastors and businessmen can lead others into culture changing action. But what makes an effective, leader? Can they be developed or are they born leaders? Dan Reiland, author of Amplified Leadership, says, "Effective leadership encourages others and focuses on their development, not just getting the most out of them." A good leader is authentic and instills hope and confidence. He inspires commitment. Jesus, the greatest Leader, changed the world forever.

Side A: 4/21/2012

Flight to Heaven pt 2



God's Word tells us to set our affections on things above - heaven. But what is heaven like? What do angels look like?

Jesus promised that there are mansions awaiting God's children, but what are they like? Dale Black, author of A Pilot's True Story - Flight to Heaven, A Journey to Heaven and Back, vividly describes heaven's most magnificent music, the profound peace and extreme joy with brilliant colors in grass, flowers, trees, water and animals. But what impressed him the most was God's profound love for each of us. God's love and God's Light is wonderful and fills all of heaven. His story is life changing.

Side B: 4/14/2012

Flight to Heaven pt 1



Is heaven a real, literal place or just an ethereal, vague concept? What happens to you after you die may be much like what happened to Dale Black. Captain Dale Black, author of A Pilot's True Story - Flight to Heaven, A Plane Crash, A Lone Survivor, A Journey to Heaven and Back, vividly describes his horrific plane crash and his wondrous experience, an incredibly awesome place called heaven. Dale has flown all over the world but this flight changed his life forever. At blinding speed, Dale traveled through deep space to the city of God. With all the problems people face now, this program will give you great hope and joy.

Side A: 4/7/2012

The Price of Our Salvation


From the beginning of time people feared and dreaded death, but the Resurrection of Christ changed that by showing death wasn't the end but the beginning. Our nation's schools are robbing this generation of this life changing, historical fact, by censoring out the greatest event in all human history - the Resurrection. Patriot Pastor, Garrett Lear, tells of Christ's suffering in Gethsemane where he sweat drops of blood, the beatings, the tortuous death on the cross and the separation from God the Father. But Jesus wasn't a victim caught in a trap but a wonderful victor filled with resurrection power.

Side B: 3/31/2012

Fearfully & Wonderfully Made



Schools do a disservice to their students by showing inaccurate and anti-Christian propaganda films like Inherit the Wind that makes a mockery of the Bible and suppresses the truth in unrighteousness. Anatomist and teacher at Answers in Genesis, Dr David Menton, professor of the year at Washington U School of Medicine, discusses his DVD series on the ear, the eye, the brain and reproduction. Sound is converted from airwaves, to tiny bones in the inner ear, to neuro-chemicals in the brain. Man's best efforts to replace the eye is a glass eye. The eye is much better in function and design than any camera lens.

Side A: 3/24/2012

Living For Christ


What did Jesus mean when he said, "We must die to live"? And, "Love God will all your heart and mind." What does self sacrifice mean to this self indulgent generation? How can we love God with all our being? Clayton King, author of Dying to Live - Abandoning Yourself to God's Bold Paradox, says dying to self is not an end but a beginning. Being a follower of Jesus is the highest calling but requires self-discipline and self-sacrifice. Soldiers see their training not as a sacrifice but preparation for a greater purpose. As Christians, our sacrifices and sufferings are nothing compared to the eternal treasures awaiting us.

Side B: 3/17/2012

How Do You Kill 11 Million People?



How do you kill 11 million people? What's the method used to do something that diabolical? Could it happen in America?

Andy Andrews, author of How Do You Kill 11 Million People? - Why The Truth Matters More Than You Think, says 11 million people, the number killed by Nazi's from 1933 to 1945, could have fought back by overwhelming the few guards. But Nazi leaders like Eichmann told them they were there to be protected from the advancing Russian soldiers. That they would have good schools and jobs. They were lied to and they believed it. Are our leaders lying to us today? Is history repeating itself?

Side A: 3/10/2012

Loving God With All Your Mind


Do you have a superficial interest in Christianity or do you have a mind for God? What did Jesus mean when He said to love God, not with just part, but with ALL your mind? How does this apply to a Christian student who spends all day in an atheist school system? Pastor James Emery White, author of A Mind For God, says being created in God's image means we are thinking beings. God intends for us to use our minds, to think and reason from scripture. We are in a battle of ideas. Ideas determine who we are, what we will do and our future. How can we discipline our thoughts and find peace?

Side B: 3/3/2012

Bible Banned Once Again



The Bible has been banned once again in public schools but this time all religious and classical books are banned. The Bible can't even be studied for it's historical or literary value. In another 9th Circuit case, Christian clubs are required to have non-Christians as leaders, even atheists. Imagine the outrage if a homosexual club was required to have a Christian leader. The ramifications of these decisions could be massive as churches could be required to have unbelievers as pastors to keep their tax status. David Courtman, senior council for the Alliance Defense Fund, is appealing these cases to the US Supreme Court.

Side A: 2/25/2012

The Harbinger pt 2


Does God still judge nations or was that just in the Old Testament? Why did God judge Israel when there were far worse nations all around it? Jonathan Cahn, author of the best selling The Harbinger, says we can learn much about what God is doing in this nation by what He did in ancient Israel. There is a pattern, a prophecy that is being fulfilled in our time in our nation. There are 9 harbingers; uncanny parallels between Israel's leaders pronouncing a vow of destruction, a financial meltdown, terrorism, and replacing fallen bricks and the sycamore tree and judgment. Our nation is in extreme danger.

Side B: 2/18/2012

The Harbinger pt 1



An ancient mystery holds the secret to America's future. This mystery will affect every aspect of your life. You will be affected. Before its destruction as a nation, ancient Israel received prophetic warnings - the exact same nine harbingers that are manifesting in America right now. Messianic pastor Jonathan Cahn, author of the best selling The Harbinger -An Ancient Mystery That Holds The Secret of America's Future, unveils Biblical prophesy in combination with events beginning with the attacks of 9/11 and the collapse of the economy exactly 7 years later. Has America crossed the line of no return?

Side A: 2/11/2012

Secrets of the Saints


Why did Christians down through the ages give up everything to follow Christ? What was the secret to their super human bravery? Ted Byfield says the world was convinced of the truth of the gospel because Christians took the most gruesome tortures and death to prove it. Todd Nettleson, with theVoice of the Martyrs, gives fascinating accounts from Extreme Devotion, such as the North Korean mother who refused to deny Christ despite being forced to watch her children hanged, and she was run over by a steamroller. These stories of supernatural courage originate with Almighty God.

Side B: 2/4/2012

Health Matters



Americans diet more and are more overweight than ever. What are the keys to vibrant health? How safe is feeding kids hot dogs? Children who eat just three hot dogs a week have 9 times the risk of getting leukemia. Overweight youth are at much greater risk of getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Dr Ted Broer, a nutrition expert, biochemist and author of Maximum Fat Loss and Maximum Energy, gives a comprehensive overview of a good diet and the ten foods to avoid and why to avoid them. Lifelong habits are established in youth, but this young generation may not outlive their parents.

Side A: 1/28/2012

Take Back The Land pt 2


Cuts of President Obama and his dedication to promoting homosexuality and how he has ordered the US State Dept to promote homosexual rights throughout the world. Why did this generation of young people vote 2 to 1 for the most socialist, pro-homosexual, pro-abortion President in our history? God is challenging young people to impact their future in a Godly way and politics is part of that calling. God is calling and inspiring young people to wake up and realize it's their future, its' their nation, and it's going to hell. The key to winning back the land is equipping and training leaders.

Side B: 1/21/2012

Take Back The Land pt 1



In past generations, young people under age twenty, were fighting wars, raising families and working fulltime. But today, schools are keeping young people immature and dependant on their peer group. Meanwhile, they're losing their hope and their future. It's time for youth to take back their future. Sixth grader, Sam Besserman, tells how his teacher tries to intimidate and indoctrinate students into liberalism. Rick Boyer, author of Take Back the Land- Inspiring a New Generation to Lead America has ideas for revival and a renewal. Training young leaders is the key to winning back our culture.

Side A: 1/14/2012

IndoctriNation pt 2


Persecution has begun as Christian teachers are fired and students censored for just speaking about their faith. Cuts from the fast paced, captivating film by Colin Gunn, producer of Indoctrination-Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity in America. An atheist education produces atheist students and an anti-God, immoral culture. We are losing our culture, because Christians have refused to educate their own children. A new vision for changing our culture must include educating children. Parents! Do you want your children to believe what you believe or what the state is promoting?

Side B: 1/7/2012

IndoctriNation pt 1



We are witnessing the collapse of our nation financially, morally and spiritually. For all the problems, there must be some root cause. It's not because of abortion homosexuality and corruption. These are symptoms. What is the root cause? Colin Gunn, producer of the film (cuts included) Indoctrination- Public Schools and the Decline of Christianity, says culture is the product of our schools. Law forbids Christians from being Christians, yet secular teachers are given awards for promoting atheism and homosexuality. Many cuts from the film including RC Sproul, "We don't lose children we give them away."

Side A: 12/31/2011

The Garment of Praise


How did Christians in history endure persecution, torture even crucifixion? How do you cope with stress, death, and the loss of a job or bankruptcy? Putting your faith to practice is a life style that will enable you to endure and over-come the worst situations. It's a gift from God. Merlin Carothers, author of Prison to Praise, says praising the Lord demonstrates trust in Him. Faith changes the way you react to your situation by changing your focus. Praise and faith are the opposite of fear and worry. Praise and gratitude please God and give you peace and joy and sometimes miraculous answers. Try it.

Side B: 12/24/2011

Jesus is our Joy



Most people who celebrate Christ's birth don't really know who Jesus was and is. What was Jesus like? It's amazing that the God who created all the physical and spiritual universes came to earth as a tiny cell inside a peasant woman. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in the movie The Gospel According to Matthew, gives a profound description of the joy and wonder of Jesus Christ and how Jesus transformed lives and all human history. What message would Jesus have for us today? Bruce tells the Christmas story from a dynamic, dramatic perspective that brings it to life!

Side A: 12/17/2011

Is Christianity Still Legal?


Censorship of Christmas and Christianity has reached an absurd level. The 9th Circuit Court ruled that the instrumental version of Ave Maria is unconstitutional to be performed in public schools, because someone might think it's religious. John Whitehead, of The Rutherford Inst. says, "We are in the battle of our lives over Christianity in America. This case could lead to the banning of every trace of Christian expression in public." Joe Infranco (Alliance Defense Fund) says, "It's not just the elimination of Christmas but the freedom to proclaim the gospel in public." Also, Dr Bob Simonds of CEE.

Side B: 12/10/2011

Hitler, God and the Bible



We are raising a generation that is historically illiterate. Many college students have never heard who Adolph Hitler was. The minds of university students are changed in seconds from pro-abortion to pro-life simply by watching a documentary comparing Hitler's holocaust to America's abortion holocaust of 53 million babies. Ray Comfort's documentary video entitled 180 makes people think about what abortion is by asking them "What would you do if...?" It is amazing!" In 180, we have a nation changer. Its message is powerful, and mind changing and could be be the spark to a pro-life revolution.

Side A: 12/3/2011

Mormonism vs Christianity



Are Americans ready for a Mormon President? How important are the religious beliefs of our President? Is Mormonism simply another Christian denomination? Sound bite of Pastor Robert Jeffress saying that in the Republican primary there are several excellent Christian candidates versus a Mormon. Steve Welch, a teacher, who works with Ex-Mormons for Jesus says Mormonism claims men can become gods of their own planets. Who was Joseph Smith and what do Mormons believe? Mormonism is polytheistic. What would God think of a nation with a polytheistic President?

Side B: 11/26/2011

Lambs to the Slaughter



Corrupting the morals of children used to be against the law. Now it's being mandated in all California schools. A tidal wave of immorality is about to hit schools in California as the SB 48 law goes into effect in January requiring all public schools to teach children to admire and celebrate homosexuality as role models. Randy Thomasson of SaveCalifornia.com says, "Christian parents may not realize it, but they are raising liberal, pro-homosexuals for the state by allowing the state to train their children in public schools. The time has come for Christians to rescue their children from the corrupt schools.

Side A: 11/19/2011

Youth & the Voting Booth


Why should Christians be involved in politics? Why is this next election so important? How can we get young voters energized and involved in elections? Cuts of Dennis Prager, on why America is the last, best hope for mankind. Cuts of Rep. Mike Pence, on why Republicans must not forget God and the right to life in politics. It's exciting to hear enthusiastic, young Christians like Brianna Walden, with Teen Pack, tell how she teaches teens to appreciate our system of government and takes teens to state capitals to pray for, and meet their legislators, and write their own mock bills.

Side B: 11/12/2011

The Price of Freedom



Unless we teach young people of the sacrifices of our veterans, our freedoms will vanish. Col. Jeff O'Leary, author of Taking the High Ground, tells a very poignant story of a crippled soldier returning from war and his wife's loving reaction. Jeremiah Denton, former Senator and Admiral, tells of his severe torture in North Viet Nam and how his faith enabled him to survive. Decorated war hero, John Steer, author of Wounded Soldier, gives a fascinating account of his experiences in Viet Nam and his confrontation with the Russians. Carl Lois tells of her son's heroics in the Iraq War.

Side A: 11/5/2011

Authentic Christianity


How did Christians down through the ages have the courage to face the lions yet flourish under the most terrible persecution? Johnnie Moore, a vice president of Liberty University and author of Honestly - Really Living What We Say We Believe, says, "Early Christians were willing to die for what so few Americans are willing to live for today." Johnnie goes on mission trips to places like Rwanda, where more than a million people were murdered in 100 days. When asked where was God during such atrocities, a Rwandan bishop said, "God was here comforting and healing the hurting and dying."

Side B: 10/29/2011

Prayer & Politics



Is there really a separation of church and state? Do Christian candidates have a right to be openly Christian? Should Christianity be part of politics or is it an intrusion into politics? According to former President Jimmy Carter, it's an intrusion. Chaplain Austin Miles says prayer, throughout our history, has been part of politics and government. America is the only nation in world history founded by Christians on Biblical principles. "The highest glory of the American revolution was that it connected in one indissolvable bond civil government with the principles of Christianity."John Q Adams

Side A: 10/22/2011

Unmasking the Mosque


Are public schools being used to evangelize students into Islam? 6th graders were taken on a field trip to a mosque and some of the boys joined in bowing and praying to Allah. (The video is posted on our website.) Chaplain and educator Austin Miles tells how public schools across the nation, through textbooks and classes, promote Islam and denigrate Christianity. A former PLO terrorist Kamal Saleem, came to this country to recruit students into Jihad but instead was converted by a supernatural encounter with Christ. Ironically he boldly goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ.

Side B: 10/15/2011

Christianity is Not A Crime



How can God bless a nation that persecutes Christians? Universities used to be open and tolerant of all views but no more. It's tolerance for all except Christian students. A valedictorian's speech is censored because one atheist might suffer irreparable harm. Doug Napier, the Senior Legal Counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund, tells of Christian songs censored, students failed for giving the Biblical view on marriage in speech class, etc. The classroom is the battlefield. If Christian speech, ideas and beliefs are eliminated then Christians themselves will be seen as incompatible with culture.

Side A: 10/8/2011

Darwin's Dark Side part 2


Excellent science teachers are fired for religious discrimination. Darwin has been called the greatest scientist in history, yet his only degree was in theology not in science. Dr Jerry Bergman, the author of The Dark Side of Charles Darwin, says evolution leads to futility and even suicide. Evolutionists say we are nothing but a bit of pollution. "Evolution has undercut the reliability of scripture", says Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis. If evolution is a fact then the Bible is unreliable and the gospel has little meaning. When the foundations are eroded, there are no absolutes, so our culture deteriorates.

Side B: 10/1/2011

Darwin's Dark Side part 1



Darwin's ideas penetrate every aspect of our culture but knowing the truth behind Darwin may cause evolutionists to question the validity of his theory. Dr Jerry Bergman, the author of The Dark Side of Charles Darwin, says Darwin's motives were not based primarily on science but religion. Darwin said he wanted to murder God in the minds of men. Records show Darwin was agoraphobic, loved killing live animals and believed women were less evolved than men. Darwin's ideas contributed to the deaths of 130 million people under Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Margaret Sanger.

Side A: 9/24/2011

Lessons From Nazi Germany


"We elected Hitler to rule over us. Hitler didn't take Austria by force; we elected that monster in 1938 when 98% voted to annex Austria to Germany. I am an eyewitness to that history," said Kitty Werthmann. What was it like to live in Nazi (the National Socialist Party) Germany under Hitler's rule? Could it happen in this country? There are striking parallels as we've seen this Christian nation elect godless Marxists to rule over us, who no longer represents us, but impose a socialist agenda -with massive spending that will lead to hyperinflation, just as it happened in Austria. Is history repeating itself?

Side B: 9/17/2011

Already Compromised



Parents pay huge sums of money for a Christian education but will that education undermine their students faith? Are Christian colleges compromised? Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis and author of Already Compromised, surveyed hundreds of Christian colleges to find out if they were truly Biblical. What he discovered may surprise you, such as a majority teach evolution as a viable option or true! Compromised colleges produce compromised students who are weak and confused Christians instead of courageous Christian leaders, teachers or pastors who speak with confidence and authority.

Side A: 9/10/2011

The Goals of Our Enemies part 2


Our nation's founders knew that the basis of our liberties was belief in God. Brad O'Leary, best selling author of America's War on Christianity, gives fascinating examples of how our nation is at war with God and discriminating against His people. Richard Thompson's Thomas More Law Center defended teacher and patriot Brad Johnson, who was forced to remove his patriotic banner with our Founding Documents. For more than three decades, the liberal left has been at war with religious freedom. Those who are trying to strip God from our culture are endangering our continued existence.

Side B: 9/3/2011

The Goals of Our Enemies part 1



What's the goal of Islam? Why is Islam taught in public schools? Why do schools sugar coat Islam? How are our federal government and private corporations promoting Islam? Richard Thompson, President of the Thomas More Law Center, has defended Christians arrested for sharing the gospel at an Arab festival said, "Like a Trojan Horse Islam has entered America disguised as a religion." Muslims have created "No Go Zones" where there's no freedom for Christians. In Sharia Law, there is no freedom for women, for speech or religion, but polygamy, slavery, and honor killings are mandated.

Side A: 8/27/2011

Not of This World part 2


Aurelio Barreto, author of Not of This World, says God led him to start Christian stores in malls, but many malls would not let a Christian store in because it was too "controversial." Incredibly, over 16,000 people have received the Lord through his C28 Christian Stores because the staff's priority isn't just selling clothes but sharing the gospel and praying with customers. Aurelio tells how God healed his marriage and says, "If I lost everything but still had Christ, I would have it all." His business was severely attacked by the enemy, but God brought him through to teach him to totally trust in Him.

Side B: 8/20/2011

Not of This World part 1



Why should it surprise us when students are given a socialist education that they become socialists? But socialism only brings poverty. Cuban refugee turned successful business owner, Aurelio Barreto, founder of C28 Christian Stores and Not of This World clothing, and author of Not of This World, tells how socialism stole his family's wealth in Cuba. Although he started with nothing in L.A., he became a multimillionaire but was not fulfilled until he had a personal relationship with Christ. He lost millions of dollars in the stock market but learned to trust Christ through trials and triumphs.

Side A: 8/13/2011

Agenda - Grinding America Down part 2


Karl Marx, father of communism said, "The goal of communism is to de-throne God and destroy capitalism." Socialism creates the situation for a Stalin or Hitler to come to power. It's the final destination we are traveling. Curtis Bowers, producer of Agenda - Grinding America Down, said, "The biggest surprise was that our enemies understood that morality was our greatest strength, that immorality creates the need for more government until the people demand socialism. The left has been so successful they persuaded the American people to put one of their own in the White House.

Side B: 8/6/2011

Agenda - Grinding America Down part 1



The world thought communism was dead, but Curtis Bowers, producer of the award winning film Agenda - Grinding America Down, went to a meeting of dedicated American communists in 1992, who told of specific plans to bring down our system through the media and education by using environmentalism, feminism and homosexual marriage. The name "communist" has been replaced with liberal, leftist, or progressive, but their agenda remains the same. The communists simply use the socialists and eventually wipe them out. It's a gradual revolution that few recognize until it's too late.

Side A: 7/30/2011

The Decline and Fall of America part 2


The wealth of this nation has been squandered and is bankrupt and on the precipice of economic calamity. How can you survive in a bankrupt nation? Our economic freedoms that led to America's greatness and world renowned innovations have been ruined by a federal government that is turning free enterprise into socialism. More government means less opportunity. Jerry Robinson, author of Bankruptcy of Our Nation- 12 Key Strategies for Protecting Your Finances, says, "In just 60 years, America has gone from the largest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation." Find out what you can do.

Side B: 7/23/2011

The Decline and Fall of America part 1



Our national debt may be the downfall of the greatest republic the world has known. Our government has guaranteed the collapse of this nation through our colossal debt! We owe nearly $15 trillion dollars, yet socialists in government say we need to continue to spend more to get us out of the recession. Blaise Ingoglia, producer of Web videos called Government Gone Wild, says, "Our government has put us on the verge of a disaster, where every dime collected in taxes will go to pay off generational debt." Our nation's sovereignty is in the hands of our creditor nations. Only God can save this nation.

Side A: 7/16/2011

Full Time Discipleship part 2


The biggest mistake a parent can make is to simply drop their child off at the local public school and trust the school to take control over their child's mind and in fact, disciple your child. What is a good education if it leaves God out? Israel Wayne, of the Homeschool Digest, says education today is not just academics. The Bible is out, the Koran is in. The new civil right of same sex marriage is in their civics and history textbooks. The Bible says, "Bad company corrupts good morals." Is God calling you to homeschool? Where God guides, God provides. Do you have a temporal or eternal view?

Side B: 7/9/2011

Full Time Discipleship part 1



As a new school year approaches, parents are going to make one of their most important decisions - how to educate their children. What's the best education for your child? What do you want them to become, to believe? There have been dramatic anti-Christian, anti-patriotic changes to school curriculum and textbooks. Israel Wayne, author of Homeschooling From A Biblical Worldview, gives scriptural mandates for parents to consider. Public schools do not train young minds to think critically and debate both sides of issues. They only get one side. God has a strong interest in your child's education.

Side A: 7/2/2011

New World Order part 2



President Obama says, “Our nation is no longer a Christian nation… that Islam has been part of our hi story.” But it was Puritans and the Bible not Muslims and the Koran that founded this nation. (Cuts of Obama speaking about his Muslim roots.) Why did the White House ignore Easter but recognizes Muslim holidays? Is Obama a Muslim? If young people know nothing about our nation’s heritage, they will easily shift loyalties. Are we still governed by a Constitution? Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear says, “God blessed us for a reason, to be a beacon of hope to all men to all time to come. “

Side B: 6/25/2011

New World Order part 1



With a staggering national debt of 14 trillion dollars has America mortgaged away our future – even our national sovereignty? Will this crippling debt bring us into a one-world government? The Bible predicted one man would control the world’s economy so that you would not be able to buy anything without his ID mark. How could this happen unless the world’s economic system is cashless? When the world goes cashless, can the Antichrist and economic apocalypse be far behind? Mark Hitchcock is the author of Cashless- Bible Prophecy, Economic Chaos, & the Future Financial Order.

Side A: 6/18/2011

The Book That Made America part 2



Why in a nation founded by Christians is Christianity forbidden in our schools? What is it about the Bible that gives people and nations freedom? Christianity created freedom and prosperity but that freedom has been misused to censor out the very ideas that created it. Jerry Newcombe, host of the Coral Ridge Hour, and author of The Book That Made America – How the Bible Formed Our Nation, says, “Our nation’s Christian heritage is a precious gift from God but has been lost along with our freedoms and prosperity.” Will we regain the vision that gave us our greatness before it’s too late?

Side B: 6/11/2011

The Book That Made America part 1



America has been blessed with prosperity and freedom, but today our nation is headed toward bankruptcy, economically, morally, and spiritually. What was the secret to America’s greatness? Jerry Newcombe, host of the Coral Ridge Hour, and author of The Book That Made America – How the Bible Formed Our Nation, says public schools have re-written history and removed every trace of God, the very thing that made this nation great, and are imposing secularism. Our Founders had a Biblical worldview, in fact, America began as a church relocation project as one congregation settled this nation.

Side A: 6/4/2011

What's It Like To Be Married to Me? part 2


Christian marriages should be the strongest but many are in trouble. Broken marriages are Satan's strategy, but God shows his supernatural power and ability by taking two separate people and joins them into one flesh and one spirit. Satan delights in un-forgiveness and holding grudges. Jesus says love one another. Linda Dillow, author of What's It Like to Be Married to Me? says live your life with the end in view. What would you want your spouse to say about you at your funeral? Terry Law, author of The Hope Habit, Finding God's Goodness When Life is Hard, gives an infusion of hope.

Side B: 5/28/2011

What's It Like To Be Married to Me? part 1



Stable marriages build strong nations. Have you ever asked your spouse what it's like to be married to you? It's time to train your brain not to complain. Marriage is a sacred covenant between two people and God. Seminar leader Linda Dillow, author of What's It Like to Be Married to Me?, says griping tears down, gratitude builds up. Happy marriages take two good "forgivers." Linda gives specific exercises for strengthening your marriage. What can you do to make your marital bond a great marriage and a blessing to others? What does the Bible command husbands and wives to do?

Side A: 5/21/2011

Racing Towards God's Judgment part 2


History books are being revised to portray homosexuals as role models. From President Obama to teachers to the text-books, schools are promoting what God calls sin. Textbooks are being revised to teach students to admire homosexuals as role models. Obama calls June "gay pride" month (cuts of his speech) and California schoolchildren will celebrate "gay day" in May, with cross dressing, gay-pride parades and honor homosexual role models. Brad Dacus, President of The Pacific Justice, says there are many Cal. laws requiring schools to normalize homosexuality. It's time to exit these schools.

Side B: 5/14/2011

Racing Towards God's Judgment part 1



Is America racing towards God's judgment? Fascinating sound bites rarely heard in the media of President Obama's speech at a homosexual activist dinner in 2009 show he is committed to advancing the homosexual agenda in schools, culture and the military. He calls Biblical morality "worn out arguments and old attitudes" and declared the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional and launched a "gay friendly" re-training program in the military. Linda Harvey, president of Mission America, says this president is corrupting the nation's morals and leading us to destruction.

Side A: 5/7/2011

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body


How does diet, worry and stress affect health? The mind, body and soul connection to health is neglected by most people, yet "oxidative stress" has been shown to be the root cause of over 70 diseases including heart attacks, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis... and anti-oxidants can help. Medical doctor Ray Strand and Bill Ewing, the authors of Living By Design - Discovering the Spirit, Soul and Body Connection, say "chronic stress weakens your immune system and raises the risk of disease, but nutritional supplements can improve your heath and prevent and help heal many serious diseases."

Side B: 4/30/2011

Wholeness in Body & Spirit



The human body is a masterpiece of design and function. The Lord wants us to be whole in body and spirit. One medical doctor, who is also a minister, is helping people achieve physical and spiritual health through his medical clinic for uninsured poor people. Dr Scott Morris author of Health Care You Can Live With - Discover Wholeness in Body and Spirit says, "Good health is not just the absence of disease but experiencing a close, intimate fellowship with Jesus, that gives life meaning, joy and love. Jesus demonstrated the love of God both through healing the sick and preaching the gospel.

Side A: 4/23/2011

The Power of the Resurrection


From the beginning of time people feared and dreaded death, but the resurrection of Christ changed that by showing death wasn't the end but the beginning. Our nation's schools are robbing this generation of this life changing, historical fact, by censoring out the greatest event in all human history - the resurrection. Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear tells of Christ's suffering in Gethsemane where he sweat drops of blood, the beatings, the tortuous death on the cross and the separation from God the Father. But Jesus wasn't a victim caught in a trap but a wonderful victor filled with resurrection power.

Side B: 4/16/2011

The Good Samaritan



Why do Christians help suffering people, when other religions say let the sick, suffering and starving suffer -it's their karma, it's their destiny? Christians are different because of Jesus. It has been Christians down through the ages who started missions, hospitals and schools to show Christ's compassion. As earthquakes, tsunamis, and all sorts of disasters create havoc around the world, Samaritan's Purse is there to help. Franklin Graham, president of Samaritan's Purse, tells why he risks his life to help suffering people around the world. Scripture says show me your faith by your actions.

Side A: 4/9/2011

Keys to a Stable Life


Do you have any idea of God's capabilities? The God who created the wonders of space also created the miracle of the human body, which is a universe in itself. Learning about the wonders of God's creation allows us to trust Him and give our lives balance. Without balance, joy is gone and stress and disease can result. Physician-physicist, Richard Swenson, author of In Search of Balance - Keys to A Stable Life, gives practical advice to restore balance and replace exhaustion with energy. Balance means living with an eternal perspective and setting aside things that distract us from our true purpose.

Side B: 4/2/2011

Tragedy to Triumph



Who could survive being run over by a freight train going 55 mph? Only someone God miraculously saved! Suicide is a leading cause of death among young people. Kristen Anderson, author of Life In Spite of Me - Extraordinary Hope After a Fatal Choice, who lay down on the tracks in front of the approaching train later said, "I would rather have lost my legs and find life and the Life Giver, than go through life whole and go to hell." Kristen went from the deepest despair to emerge victorious with a purpose for life in her inspirational outreach ministry. "I know the plans I have for you." says the Lord.

Side A: 3/26/2011

Is Islam a Peaceful Religion? part 2


Americans have lots to learn about Islam. Our universities pride themselves in providing Muslim students with prayer rooms and ceremonial foot baths, but denigrate Christianity. They are unaware of what Sharia Law is and what it does to a nation. Brigitte Gabriel , author of Because They Hate, speaks at universities about the threat Islam is to all our freedoms. Americans need to understand the danger and strategy of Islam to this nation and how our educational systems are playing right into their hands. Not all Muslims are terrorists any more than all Germans were Nazis.

Side B: 3/19/2011

Is Islam a Peaceful Religion? part 1



Many Americans naively assume all religions are basically the same and that Islam is a peaceful religion. That's what people believed who lived in Lebanon before the Muslim take over. Then it became a living hell for Christians. Brigitte Gabriel, author of Because They Hate - A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, says, "Lebanon was much like America - prosperous, open to all and a democratic nation." But their multiculturism led to their downfall. Brigitte tells how horrible it was to live in a shelter for 7 years. Why was she targeted by Jihad? The same reason we are we're Christians.

Side A: 3/12/2011

Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask part 2


How can a loving, all powerful, God allow evil and suffering? Ironically, people blame God for suffering and evil when the true culprit is their own sins, this fallen age and satan. Biblical contradictions include differing accounts of angels at the empty tomb and how Judas died. Mark Mittleberg, author of Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask, says, "How can all religions be the same when Buddha didn't believe in God and Jesus claimed to be God." Science teachers ask how anyone can believe religion in this scientific age. What about those who have never heard the gospel?

Side B: 3/5/2011

Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask part 1



Are there questions that you hate to be asked? Ironically, they're the ones that most need to be answered. How do you know that an invisible God exists at all? How can you believe a Bible that's filled with contradictions? Inadequately prepared students are easily persuaded to give up their Christian beliefs in secular schools. Mark Mittleberg, author of Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask, gives fascinating examples of how being invited to a skeptics meeting and having the right answers enabled skeptics to become believers. Apart from God, is there such a thing as absolute evil?

Side A: 2/26/2011

A God Given Government


In our nation's haste to remove Christianity from our schools, we may have removed the basis for our freedoms and prosperity. Why do almost half of young Americans favor socialism? 1 in 6 Americans live in poverty. What's the connection between a poor education and poverty? On a recent test, American students scored 25th out of 34 countries. 62% of 12th graders can't read proficiently. Jerome Corsi, author of America For Sale, says, "Despite billions spent on public education, students are not being prepared to compete worldwide because liberal activism has replaced academics."

Side B: 2/19/2011

Patriot Christian Clubs



Because of the rampant propagation of socialism and disregard for the Constitution, Bob Serrao realized a crucial need for citizens to understand their Constitution. So he re-wrote it in today's English. For the first time, Congress opened with the reading of the Constitution. Clearly it said nothing about a so called separation of church and state. This nation was founded on a bond between church and state. Issues in Education received the Courageous Christian Leadership award for 2010 by E. Ray Moore, of Frontline Ministries, because of a consistent, Biblical stand for Christian ed. & homeschooling.

Side A: 2/12/2011

The Trying of Her Faith


The percentage of Christians in this current generation is expected to decline to only 4%. Abby Nye, a courageous Christian, a university student, and author of Fish out of Water-Surviving & Thriving as a Christian on a Secular Campus, tells how professors intimidate and convert Christians into humanism. As an example, Abby was told by her literature professor that the Bible is a book of myths and not a credible source in academia. Yet she was required to buy a Koran for her required class on Islam. How can the Church in America hope to survive if 90% of Christian youth leave the faith?

Side B: 2/5/2011

Learning the Ways of the World



Why don't schools teach values and morals? Education today is totally based on man's worldly ways without God's wisdom. Schools teach situation ethics that break down the morals of students. Includes cuts from college president Brent Garrison, on humanism, and Pastor Chuck Smith. Cuts from a professor asking students what they would do if they were marooned without food or water. Could cannibalism be justified? 19 year old high school graduate and author Ted Shoebat tells how his education was based on situation ethics, feminism, socialism, liberalism and gross immorality.

Side A: 1/29/2011

Dying To Live


What did Jesus mean when he said, "We must die to live?" What does self sacrifice mean to this self indulgent generation? Evangelist Clayton King, author of Dying to Live - Abandoning Yourself to God's Bold Paradox, says dying to self is not an end but a beginning. Being a follower of Jesus is the highest calling known to mankind but requires self discipline and self sacrifice. Soldiers see their training as no sacrifice because they are doing it for a greater purpose. As Christians, our sacrifices and sufferings are nothing compared to the eternal treasure we are achieving.

Side B: 1/22/2011

Conquest of Our Nation



What's happening to our schools? The most widely used history textbook in U.S. public schools was recently discovered to have been written by an American communist leader, reports Phyllis Schlafly, President of Eagle Forum. The author, Howard Zinn, admits he wrote it from a Marxist view of American history to persuade youth of the benefits of communism. But the problem is bigger than simply history textbooks written by communists and liberal professors. It's about a quiet Marxist revolution, to take over America. How is the federal government taking control over local schools?

Side A: 1/15/2011

Inspire Your Child to Learn


How can parents inspire their child to have a passion for learning? How can you develop creativity and character in your child? How can you teach your child to think for themselves and not simply follow the crowd? Kim d'Escoto, as a public school teacher thought education should be left to the professional educators, but now compares the benefits of home education to public school. David and Kim d'Escoto, authors of The Little Book of Big Reasons to Home School, say home schooling allows students to learn based on your child's specific interests while avoiding peer pressure and drugs.

Side B: 1/8/2011

From Tyranny to Freedom



Most young people take their freedoms for granted. Dr John Vandenberge, author of From Tyranny to Freedom, vividly describes what it was like to live in Holland during the Nazi occupation. He tells of the terror of the SS troops knocking on the door in the middle of the night. Starvation became commonplace. Without heat, many people froze in their homes. Freedom is a gift from God. This is a story of suffering and hope. John tearfully describes going from hell to heaven, the day when the Allied Forces gave the Dutch their freedom. He came to America to meet his liberators and live the dream.

Side A: 1/1/2011

Knowing God's Will for Your Life


There are times when we must make difficult decisions. Wouldn't it be great if the One who knows the future guides us into making the best decisions? Making the right decision, at the right time, determines our future, whether filled with joy or regrets. Which career is best for me? Who should I marry? How can I personally get God's guidance? Dr Gordon Jackson, Associate Dean at Whitworth College, and author of A Compact Guide to Discovering God's Will, gives ways to know God's will for your life and make your decisions easier. God wants you to know His perfect will for your life.

Side B: 12/25/2010

The Joy of Christmas



Most people who celebrate Christ's birth don't really know who Jesus was or is. What was Jesus like? It's amazing that the God who created all the physical and spiritual universes came to earth as a tiny cell inside a peasant woman. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in the movie The Gospel According to Matthew, gives a profound description of the joy and wonder of Jesus Christ and how Jesus transformed lives and all human history. What message would Jesus have for us today? Bruce tells the Christmas story from a dynamic perspective that makes it come alive.

Side A: 12/18/2010

Classical Christmas Music



Christmas would not be Christmas without Christmas music. It's ironic that public schools censor out any music that mentions Jesus as Lord, yet the greatest musicians were Christians. Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel… were born again Christians who loved our Lord. Dr Patrick Kavenaugh, author of Devotions from the World of Music, and Raising Musical Kids, gives some fascinating details into the lives of the world's greatest composers and some great ideas how to help your child develop a love for good music. What do you say when your little Mozart wants to quit his music lessons?

Side B: 12/11/2010

Jihad To Jesus



Most Americans are unaware of how pervasive Islam has become in our schools. Schools only give one side to students without telling them how intolerant and cruel Sharia Law is, or that it was Christianity that gave this country the freedoms we have. Ex-Muslim Jerry Rassamni, author of From Jihad to Jesus, tells how barbaric he was in killing Christians in Lebanon. Jerry Rassamni is a living miracle, a once hardened Muslim terrorist who has been transformed. This magnificent message is filled with compassion, and told with Biblical wisdom, will bring tears to your eyes.

Side A: 12/4/2010

Signature in the Cell


Some areas of science have become forbidden for open investigation and debate. Cuts from Ben Stein's insightful movie Expelled show scientists punishing anyone who doesn't believe the evolutionary party line. Dr Stephen Meyer, a world renowned scientist with impeccable credentials the author of Signature in the Cell, is shaking up the scientific community with new discoveries scientifically disproving Darwinism. The media and the courts are complicit in this evolutionary conspiracy that has huge societal implications. Darwinism led to a holocaust of the handicapped in Nazi Germany.

Side B: 11/27/2010

Soul Physicians



How do you handle suffering and pain? What do you tell someone who's depressed, lost everything or someone who has a fatal disease and has no hope? Dr Bob Kelleman, author of five books on Biblical counseling, including Soul Physicians, gives God's profound answers and comfort to hurting people Worldly wisdom and self help books won't come close to the Divine comfort and healing your loving heavenly Father offers you. Just as a woman in childbirth can suffer knowing her suffering is for a reason, so getting an eternal perspective can ease suffering, bring comfort and even joy.

Side A: 11/20/2010

Unmasking the Mosque


Are public schools being used to evangelize students into Islam? 6th graders were taken on a field trip to a mosque and some of the boys joined in bowing and praying to Allah. (The video is posted on our website.) Chaplain and educator Austin Miles tells how public schools across the nation, through textbooks and classes, promote Islam and denigrate Christianity. A former PLO terrorist Kamal Saleem, came to this country to recruit students into Jihad but instead was converted by a supernatural encounter with Christ. Ironically he boldly goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ.

Side B: 11/13/2010

A Korean War Hero



How can we raise heroes to defend our freedoms, if young people don't know the price others paid to win them in the past? This inspirational program features a captivating account given by Korean veteran Ed Reeves. Ed fought for his life in minus 30 to 40 degree temperatures, so cold that the bullet holes in his body froze shut and kept him from bleeding to death. Even after almost all the others were killed, Ed Reeves clung to his faith and small Gideon Bible, and fought on despite his life-threatening wounds and no ammunition. This miraculous account is spell binding. It as if you are there.

Side A: 11/6/2010

Reclaiming Liberty



This nation is so deeply in debt, 13 trillion dollars, that it is impossible to ever pay it off. How did it happen? Socialists in Congress have squandered our wealth and treated the people and our Constitution with contempt. But the people have responded in this election. Cuts of Cong. Mike Pence saying the problem is not just economic but moral and spiritual. Robert Thorpe, author of Reclaim Liberty - 3 Step Plan for Restoring Constitutional Government, says our Founders gave us the tools to reclaim our liberties and restore this imperiled Republic. It's God, not government, who will save this nation.


Side B: 10/30/2010

An Election Day Prayer



Our government has done what no enemy could do - bankrupted our nation. What happens WHEN our nation declares bankruptcy? Irresponsible Congressmen passed unconstitutional legislation that they admit they never even read. Cuts of Michele Bachman saying our colossal debt has put our national sovereignty at risk. Cuts of Pastor Charles Stanley calling for Christians to vote, saying we are facing a crisis unknown in our history. Pastor Neil Travisano, of Calvary Chapel Mission Viejo, says pastors have a responsibility to teach the Word with specific application to social action.

Side A: 10/23/2010

Is Capitalism Christian?



America has a generation that increasingly believes in government to solve their problems, trusts in humanism, and wants equality through socialism. What's the difference between a liberal and a socialist? Were Jesus and the early Christians capitalists, socialists, or communists? Which system of government most helps the poor? Jay Richards, with Heritage and author of Money, Greed, & God, dispels 8 economic myths taught as facts in public school that lead students to become socialists. Single motherhood is the greatest predictor of poverty in America. Moral issues affect economic issues.

Side B: 10/16/2010

A Mind For God



Do you have a superficial interest in Christianity or do you have a mind for God? What did Jesus mean when He said to love God, not with just part, but with ALL your mind? How does this apply to a Christian student who spends all day in an atheist school system? Pastor James Emery White, author of A Mind For God, says being created in God's image means we are thinking beings. God intends for us to use our minds, to think and reason from scripture. We are in a battle of ideas. Ideas determine who we are, what we will do and our future. How can we discipline our thoughts and find peace?

Side A: 10/9/2010

Returning the Government to the People


Everything this nation was founded upon is at stake, even the very foundation of our Constitutional form of government. Socialists are working at breakneck speed to drag our nation down the road to socialism. What would it be like to live in a communist country? Quong Win, now an American citizen, survived communism in Viet Nam. Ken Hutcherson, (former NFL star -Dallas Cowboys and Seattle Seahawks) is senior pastor of Antioch Bible Church in Kirkland, Wa., says he's absolutely amazed at how many black leaders supported a president who contradicts their basic Christian beliefs.

Side B: 10/2/2010

Sounding The Alarm



Are we funding our own destruction with the greatest transfer of our wealth going to Muslim terrorist nations? What would we do if our oil supply was suddenly shut off? Food production, electricity, transportation and our military runs on oil. Biblical prophecy scholar, Ron Rhodes, author of the Coming Oil Storm, the Imminent End of Oil and Its Strategic Global Role in End Times Prophecy, says we face perilous threats to our continued survival from atomic weapons, electromagnetic pulses and an oil shut off. What does end times prophecy indicate will happen to America? What can Christians do?

Side A: 9/25/2010

Sodom Had no Bible


Is this the end of free elections when an activist, homosexual judge can over rule 7 million California voters and say homosexuals can marry? The Safe School Czar, Kevin Jennings, has had 17 years of promoting homosexuality in schools, and now has the power and funds of the federal government. How has homosexuality gained such acceptance in our culture? Dawn Stefanowicz, author of Out From Under- The Impact of Homosexual Parenting, gives us an idea of what’s coming to this nation by telling what has happened in Canada and how it will bring persecution for Christians.

Side B: 9/18/2010

A Godly Education



As America is going through one of the most intense periods of social upheavals in our history, how can parents ensure that their family and their family legacy will be strongly Christian? There should be nothing more important than the continued strong faith of their children and grandchildren. Ray and Gail Mooreare the authors of The Promise of Jonadab -Building a Christian Family Legacy in Time of Cultural Decline. Who was Jonadab and what did he do to have God promise him that there would always be one of his godly descendants survive and thrive throughout the ages of human history?

Side A: 9/11/2010

Tea Party part 2


We have entered a new era in America where government is a no longer servant of the people but master over them. Why is socialism being promoted in this capitalist country? Joseph Farah, author of the Tea Party Manifesto-A Vision for American Rebirth, says, “The Tea Party is the most dynamic, powerful, grassroots, political and spiritual movement witnessed in modern day America. It arose spontaneously to save the country from a fatal drift away from liberty and toward tyranny.” The “self government” our Founders established only works when we are accountable to God.

Side B: 9/4/2010

Tea Party part 1



What is the TEA (Taxed Enough Already) Party and what’s their agenda? As the Federal Government ignores the will of the people and the Constitution, they have become a government that is unconstitutional. The Tea Party isn’t just about reducing taxes; it is ordinary people rising up to re-establish a limited, Constitutional government. It’s a spiritual and political awakening unlike any movement in the last 150 years. Joseph Farah, of WorldNet Daily, and author of the Tea Party Manifesto-A Vision for American Rebirth, says the Tea Party is re-establishing a Constitutional government under God.

Side A: 8/28/2010

The Threat of Sharia Law



A university student said she wants Islamic Sharia Law imposed on this country. Why would anyone want this cruel, barbaric, 7th century, law imposed on this nation? Is Jihad simply an inner struggle to overcome evil? Nonie Darwish, the author of Now They Call Me Infidel – Why I Renounced Jihad for America, says radical Muslims have come to this nation to bring in Sharai Law. Islam isn’t just a peaceful religion but a political, social, economic way of life. How are Minarets different from Church steeples? Minarets, called terror towers, represent persecution for Christians in Muslim lands.

Side B: 8/21/2010

Love God With All Your Mind



How can you develop a love for learning and have your child love good books? What are your educational goals for your child? Carole Seid, an educational consultant said, “The single most effective tool in shaping a child’s character is great literature.” The right book at the right time can change a child’s destiny. Israel Wayne, one of a new generation of home school graduates, was successfully schooled by a single mom, who didn’t have a 9th grade education. Jesus said, "The greatest commandment is to love the Lord with all your … MIND." A secular education can't do that but home schooling can.

Side A: 8/14/2010

Biblical Discipleship


No one is trying to silence evolutionists, socialists, homosexuals and humanists. They have their beliefs openly taught in public schools. Only Christian beliefs are censored and eliminated. Why do Christians still support these schools? The good news is there are options. A brief cut of Pastor D. James Kennedy warning Christian parents about public school. A Christian public high school teacher says parents think their child is being “salt and light,” but he sees them lose their faith at his school. Pastor Ron Gleason says parents have the God given responsibility to educate their own children.

Side B: 8/7/2010

A Humanist or Christian Education?



How important are beliefs to Christians? Beliefs are what make a Christian a Christian and determine if a person spends forever in heaven or hell. So why do Christians put their impressionable Christian children in schools that teach the antithesis of what Christians believe? Pastor and educator Austin Miles, who won his court case over Michael Newdow, so the pledge has been reinstated in schools, says schools spend a minimal amount of time on academics but indoctrinate students in the wonders of Islam, memorizing verses from the Koran, and show sex ed porno films, and teach socialism.

Side A: 7/31/2010

Incredible Design


Dr Geoffrey Simmons, a medical doctor and author of 9 books, describes the incredible design in the human body, and in the marvels of nature, like the giraffe’s neck and the woodpecker’s tongue. Darwin didn’t understand genetics or how a child inherits traits from his parents, so how could he know people evolved from apes? Darwin wrote that whales were the result of bears going out to sea. The bears would have drowned. Dr Simmons tells of the intelligent octopus, and birds that fly from Alaska to Hawaii, non-stop. This couldn’t have happened gradually, they would have drowned.

Side B: 7/24/2010

Awakening Young Voters



Why should Christians be involved in politics? Why is this next election so important? How can we get young voters energized and involved in our election process? Cut of Dennis Prager, at the Univ. of Denver, on why America is the last, and best hope for mankind and how this nation is unique in the history of governments. It’s exciting to hear enthusiastic, young Christians like Brianna Walden, with Teen Pact, tell how she teaches teens to appreciate our system of government and takes teens to state capitals to pray for, and meet their legislators, and write their own mock bills.

Side A: 7/17/2010

The Hope Habit part 2


With unemployment soaring to new levels, many people have lost hope. But there are no hopeless situations, only people who have mistakenly thought their situation is hopeless. Terry Law, author of The Hope Habit, says the mind is Satan’s point of access to develop habits of negative thinking that leads to hopelessness, despair and even weakening our immune systems. But just a tiny spark of hope breaks that cycle and releases chemicals, called endorphins, that lessen pain, and promote healing and hope. Fear and discouragement are from the enemy, but faith and hope come directly from God.
Order the book - $15.00

Side B: 7/10/2010

The Hope Habit part 1



If you say your circumstances are hopeless, you’re slamming the door in the face of God. Terry Law, author of The Hope Habit– Finding God’s Goodness When Life is Hard, says having hope as a habit is life changing! This is not simple optimism! Biblical hope has the power of God to train you to live with greater faith and hope to give you greater confidence in the most severe trials by freeing your mind from worry and fear! Look at your life! Are you living with the kind of hope that gives you such confidence that you are starting each new day expecting something good from God? Try it, it really works!
Order the book - $15.00

Side A: 7/3/2010

Freedom From Oppression


Young people have very little understanding of our American heritage. Tom Dooley one of America’s top radio voices and author of One Nation Under God-America’s Lost Dream, describes the cost of freedom in the sacrifices of our forefathers. What happened to the men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Who were they? The Star Spangled Banner is our national anthem but who wrote it and what do the words “bombs bursting in air” really mean? Historian, Peter Marshall, author of The Light and Glory, tells how GOD protected General George Washington in battle after battle.

Side B: 6/26/2010

God’s Way to Educate



Why do children have a natural passion for learning until they go to school, then learning becomes a drudgery? If children could learn things that interest them instead of what they’re forced to study at school, they will keep their love of learning. Don’t ask what school to put your kids in, ask what you want them to become as adults. Skeet Savage, a single mom, was homeless, destitute, and in poor health, and she even flunked out of high school, yet she not only home schooled all of her 6 kids, she also became a successful speaker and publisher. Jesus Christ said, “A student will become like his teacher.”  

Side A: 6/19/2010

History Repeats Itself pt 2


The great horrors of the Nazi concentration camps didn’t begin in the gas chambers but in the nation’s leadership. Where were German Christians to oppose the holocaust of the Jews? Hilmar Von Campe was a Hitler Youth, and a German soldier, who was captured and led on a death march. Hilmar Von Campe, author of Defeating the Totalitarian Lie, says we are being led down the same socialist road that Germany went down. Are we just one national disaster away from tyranny? Hilmar gives a wake up call so we don’t fall into the same terrifying Nazi-style totalitarian abyss Germany did.

Side B: 6/12/2010

History Repeats Itself pt 1



“We elected Hitler to rule over us. Hitler didn’t take Austria by force; we elected that monster in 1938 when 98% voted to annex Austria to Germany. I am an eyewitness to that history,” said Kitty Werthmann. What was it like to live in Nazi (the National Socialist Party) Germany under Hitler’s rule? Could it happen in this country? There are striking parallels as we’ve seen this Christian nation elect godless Marxists to rule over us, who no longer represents us, but impose a socialist agenda -with massive spending that will lead to hyperinflation, just as it happened in Austria. Is history repeating itself?

Side A: 6/5/2010

Transformation of a Terrorist


How are American universities breeding grounds for recruiting students into Islam? Kamal Saleem, formerly a PLO Muslim terrorist, came to this country to recruit students into Islam and Jihad, but instead he was miraculously converted by a supernatural experience with Christ. Kamal Saleem had a serious car accident and received such love and care from Christians that he began to question his mission and Allah. Kamal Saleem has become such a fearless and zealous Christian that he goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ. He talks about the goals and strategies of terrorists.

Side B: 5/29/2010

Memorial Day Heroes



To produce heroes to defend our freedoms, we need to teach students about the sacrifices made for their freedoms. Jeremiah Denton, former Senator from Alabama, tells of his severe torture during his 7+ years of torture in North Viet Nam. Decorated war hero, John Steer, author of Wounded Soldier, gives a fascinating account of his experiences in the jungles of Viet Nam. Gary Horton gives a moving rendition of what the pledge of allegiance really means. He tells kids not to speak to a flag until a flag speaks to them of the brave men & women who gave their tomorrows for our todays.

Side A: 5/22/2010

How Evil Works


We have several generations that don’t know right from wrong- a people without a conscience. Schools don’t teach values – right vs wrong, good vs evil. What is evil and how does it work? What are the destructive forces transforming America? Editor of WorldNet Daily, David Kupelian, author of How Evil Works, exposes the deception of evil that’s transforming our culture. Without God, His Word, or the Commandments, there are no absolutes. Evolution has made atheism intellectually acceptable. We’ve become a nation of drug abusers with 4-9 million school children drugged for ADHD.

Side B: 5/15/2010

Informed Citizenship



Are America’s founding documents obsolete and irrelevant today? A new report by the Intercollegiate Studies Inst., entitled The Shaping of the American Mind, says one-third of college graduates can’t name the three branches of government but believe the whole liberal left propaganda. What are the prospects for preserving freedom when the electorate is ignorant of basic civics? Director of the study, Dr Richard Brake, says we have an epidemic of civic illiteracy. After a history of tyranny, mankind finally made a new form of government, controlled by the governed, and based on Biblical concepts.

Side A: 5/8/2010

A Balanced Life part 2


The God who created the wonders of space also created the miracle of the human body. The human body is a universe in itself with millions more atoms than there are stars in space. The three pound brain is capable of holding the equivalent of 25 million books. Why is balance so important to a healthy life? Simplicity and contentment are vital to a balanced life. Dr Richard Swenson, physicist and futurist, says balance means living with an eternal perspective and setting aside things that so distract us from our true purpose. What things have eternal value? How can I be ready to meet my Maker?

Side B: 5/1/2010

A Balanced Life part 1



Do you have a balanced life? Without balance, joy is gone and stress and disease can result. Living a balanced life restores energy and gives our lives purpose and joy. Today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. Physician-researcher, Richard Swenson, best selling author of In Search of Balance- Keys to A Stable Life, gives important organizing principles and practical advice to restore balance and replace exhaustion with energy. Margin is not laziness but focus and discipline that make us more productive and more compassionate. Let Dr Swenson help you reach total balance in your life.

Side A: 4/24/2010

America at the Tipping Point



America is at the tipping point on God’s scales. Which way will we go? Pastor Gary Frazier, author of America at the Tipping Point says, “There’s a war against Christianity that includes censoring out the role Christianity played in our founding.” The First Amendment was to protect religious freedom, but now it means that anything Christian is outlawed. The separation of church and state is a myth. Being a Christian was a prerequisite to holding public office. With the religious intolerance, now we’re closer to the government our founders fled from when they came here for freedom.


Side B: 4/17/2010

A Nation in Crisis



What will you do when the government goes broke? Obama’s budget this year is a record setting $3.8 trillion dollars. Spending over the next decade will skyrocket to over $20 trillion dollars, more than any civilization in history, and creating the worst fiscal crisis in our nation’s history. Ironically, the biggest expense will be interest on the colossal debt. Are CDs and money markets safe? Economist, Dr Larry Bates, CEO of the Information Radio Network, author of The New Economic Disorder and Strategies for Weathering any Crisis, gives expert advice on what you can do to protect yourself.


Side A: 4/10/2010

Rendezvous with Destiny


Do we take our freedoms for granted? Immigrant Jamie Glasov describes the terror and oppression in Russia before coming to America. But as a graduate student, he tells how university liberals believe and teach that communism is wonderful and capitalism is oppressive! Sound bites of Ronald Reagan on why a basic understanding of American history is so important. Russian military scientist, Dr Igor Shafhid, author of Inside the Red Zone, says, "We could lose a city to terrorists and recover, but if we adopt a communist ideology, the whole country is lost." Dr Shafhid is now a Christian.

Side B: 4/3/2010

The Resurrected Christ



This is one of the most inspirational programs we have ever made. William Frey, author of The Dance of Hope, tells how the Resurrection was like a news flash - fascinating news that's exciting and life changing! Death no longer has any power over us. Now there's nothing to fear, only expectations of joy in heaven. Although the disciples had lost all hope, they emerged fearless men, unafraid of crucifixion. These transformed men changed the world. Professional actor, Bruce Marchiano, dramatically tells how the lifeless body of Jesus, dead three days, came vibrantly back to life through God's power.

Side A: 3/27/2010

A Loss of Innocence part 2


The President of the United States has launched a "quiet" revolution to change the way kids think about homosexuality, and it means turning schools into indoctrination centers. Linda Harvey, of Mission America, warns of new federal legislation, the School Non-Discrimination Act of 2010, HR 4530, that would assault child safety. Kevin Jennings, founder of GLSEN and Obama's "safe school Czar," would have almost unlimited power to mandate homosexual indoctrination in every school in the nation and done in the name of preventing bullying. Cuts of Chuck Smith and D. James Kennedy.

Side B: 3/20/2010

The Sense of Abstinence part 1



If you owned an abortion clinic, how would you increase your business? Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest abortion provider, issued a report, Stand and Deliver, saying children as young as 10 should be taught comprehensive sex ed. Jeanne Monahan (Family Research Council) says that's a proven failure, but a new study demonstrates abstinence-only sex ed. resulted in 66.5% of 6th and 7th graders abstaining from sex for 2 years. The abortion clinic owner, Carol Everett, author of Blood Money, says she went into schools to teach sex ed. because it's the best way to increase abortion business.

Side A: 3/13/2010

A Transfomational Education


What's your child's soul worth? Their education will determine their beliefs. Pastor Ed Gandy investigated what was being taught to his church children in their public schools. He confronted the teachers in his church over what they were teaching in public school. Consequently his church built a $4 million school hiring the public school teachers to give the kids a Christian education. Pastor Brian Schwertley discusses what's taught in public schools and the Biblical commands for the education of children. Bob Gannage sold encyclopedias door to door so he could educate his own children.

Side B: 3/6/2010

Muslim Mafia



Americans are unaware of the deadly danger of the Muslim mafia infiltrating high levels of our government, law enforcement, military and educational systems. David Gaubatz, a counter terrorism expert and author of Muslim Mafia, organized a daring undercover operation of CAIR. His son Chris uncovered the Muslim mafia and links to terrorism. Attorney Dan Horowitz says CAIR is a front group for Hamas! President Obama, who has appointed several devout Muslims to Homeland Security, believes Islamic terrorism is simply a criminal justice problem and not a war to be won.

Side A: 2/27/2010

Restore the Republic pt 2


Freedom cannot co-exist with unaccountable Czars and Marxists ruling over us. Henry Lamb says the stakes in the next election go way beyond politics as the very survival of our nation hangs in the balance. Americans were shocked at the millions of dollars used to bribe senators to vote to replace the world's best healthcare with socialized medicine, rationing and government funding of abortion. It's time to unify in one political party and throw the Marxist majority out. Sound bite of Newt Gingrich giving an inspirational account of the Continental army's ‘victory or death' march on Trenton.

Side B: 2/20/2010

Restore the Republic pt 1



Americans have been awakened to the Marxist majority in Congress trying to transform our Republic into a Marxist nation. They've been given a preview of what it's like to have government ruling over us (Marxism) and not representing us. Teacher, businessman, Henry Lamb, a columnist for WorldNet Daily wrote, "Full Scale Rebellion Ahead," says we have just one chance left to restore the Republic before the Marxist majority crushes capitalism and nationalizes private businesses. The sleeping giant has been awakened as evidenced by the election of Republicans in the most liberal states

Side A: 2/13/2010

Already Gone part 2


It's in the minds of children that the battle of the ages is being fought. With the majority of Christian youth quitting Church, what will be the future of the Church? Look at England. Huge cathedrals are empty. The church has abdicated its responsibility to unbelieving secular educators. What other organization or business could lose the majority of their customers and still stay in business? Ken Ham, author of Already Gone, says kids who go to Sunday school are more likely to be lost! There's a huge disconnect between what churches teach and the answers young people seek.

Side B: 2/6/2010

Already Gone part 1



The battle for the soul of this nation is being lost as the next generation is already gone. A new scientific study shows startling facts about the loss of Christian youth from the Church. Contrary to what most Christian leaders believe, we are not losing young people during college, but they are already gone by middle and high school. Ken Ham, author of Already Gone - Why Your Kids are Quitting Church and What You Can Do to Stop it, says most Christians believe what's taught in public schools is scientific evolution and factual history, but the church teaches just bible stories, fables and myths.

Side A: 1/30/2010

Surviving in a Bankrupt Nation


The wealth of this nation has been squandered and is bankrupt and on the precipice of economic calamity. How can you survive in a bankrupt nation? Our economic freedoms that led to America's greatness and world renowned innovations has been ruined by a federal government that is turning free enterprise into socialism. More government means less opportunity. Jerry Robinson, author of Bankruptcy of Our Nation- 12 Key Strategies for Protecting Your Finances, says, "In just 60 years, America has gone from the largest creditor nation to the largest debtor nation." Find out what you can do.

Side B: 1/23/2010

Descent into Degeneracy



Children are in greater moral, physical and spiritual danger than any time in our history. Democrats in Congress and the California legislature are trying to force public schools to celebrate 'Gay Day' in public schools. An alarming trend is that parents are losing their legal rights over what their own children are taught. President of the Pacific Justice Institute, Brad Dacus, says one of the main reasons schools teach the opposite of what parents want is because of the ACLU. Disguised as defenders of freedom, the ACLU has done more to obliterate freedom than any other organization.

Side A: 1/16/2010

Choosing Life


THE MOST POWERFUL PRO-LIFE program! Have you ever talked to someone who survived being aborted? Gianna Jessin survived being aborted and is a living messenger of what abortion really is. Dr Bernard Nathanson, the infamous abortionist who operated the largest abortion mill in the world where he killed over 75,000 babies (including his own son), and who helped make abortion legal in American, has now become a pro-life spokesman and a Christian. What made him change? It was, as his book is named, The Hand of God, and courageous Christians in front of his abortion clinic.

Side B: 1/9/2010

Learning to Soar



Problems can be stumbling blocks or stepping stones. The Bible says those who trust in the Lord will soar on wings like eagles. The majestic eagle is fearless as he flies into the face of a storm. Just as stronger winds cause the eagle to fly higher, so adversity strengthens Godly people. Learning to trust God in the storms of life produces Godly character. Avery Willis, author of Learning to Soar - How to Grow Through Transitions and Trials, says adversity may be caused by God to develop greater faith and maturity. Look at what God has created, like the vast universe, to see how awesome God is.

Side A: 1/2/2010

Take Back America!


Is our nation a Christian nation? President Obama says, "No, it's no longer a Christian nation, but Islam has been part of our history." Why is this important? If young people know nothing about our nation's founding, they won't defend the freedoms and prosperity they're losing. If we are no longer governed by a Constitution, who determines our inalienable rights? Patriot Pastor Garrett Lear teaches the Constitution to high school students and speaks at conventions. God blessed this nation for a reason! Lincoln said, "America is called to be a beacon of hope to all men to all time to come. "

Side B: 12/26/2009

Better Health - Naturally



91% of college women frequently go on a diet. Americans need to be educated to think prevention- before a cure is desperately required. Americans are dieting more but more overweight than ever. What are the keys to vibrant health? Family practice physician, Don Colbert, author of The Seven Pillars of Health, gives scientific ways to have more energy and better health. He says, "Walk more. Worry less." Dehydration causes fatigue, joint pain and memory loss. How important is sleep? What are living foods? What you don't know could be keeping you from enjoying good health.

Side A: 12/19/2009

The Christ of Christmas


There's a wonderful spirit at Christmas that goes beyond gifts, friends, family and music. Renowned author, Max Lucado, author of 3:16-The Numbers of Hope, says people never tire of hearing about God's love for them. Jesus went from holding the stars in His hands to clutching Mary's little finger. Why did He come to earth? What is He like? He stopped the storm at sea but allowed soldiers to nail Him to the cross. Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus, gives such a dramatic, inspirational, description of Jesus you will never forget it. Jesus' profound love has no limits.

Side B: 12/12/2009

Ave Maria Banned



Censorship of Christmas and Christianity has reached an absurd level. The 9th Circuit Court ruled that the instrumental version of Ave Maria is unconstitutional to be performed in public schools because someone might think it's religious. John Whitehead, of The Rutherford Inst. says, "We are in the battle of our lives over Christianity in America. This case could lead to the banning of every trace of Christian expression in public." Joe Infranco (Alliance Defense Fund) says, "It's not just the elimination of Christmas but the freedom to proclaim the gospel in public." Also, Dr Bob Simonds of CEE.

Side A: 12/5/2009

America at Risk


America is at risk, not from a foreign nation, but by liberal-Marxist educators within this country. Obama's Director of Communications, Anita Dunn, in a high school assembly praised Chinese communist dictator Mao Tse-Tung, the worst mass murder in human history, as her favorite political philosopher. Jason Matera, with Young America's Foundation, says students are taught more about Marxism than our Founding Fathers. Jason's professor said President Reagan was the worst President in our history. The anti-American left writes the textbooks, and they're filled with hatred for America.

Side B: 11/28/2009

Socialized Medicine



The real issue isn't costs or coverage but a socialist takeover of every sector of our nation. Amy Ridenour, author of Shattered Lives - 100 Victims of Government Health Care, says, "Socialized medicine will have the compassion of the IRS, the efficiency of the Post Office and all at Pentagon prices." The results of socialized medicine are: 50% of women in Britain with breast cancer die from it! Alzheimer's patients are denied a $5 a day drug because it's too expensive! Socialized medicine can kill you as bureaucrats determine who lives and who dies based on costs and contributions to the state.

Side A: 11/21/2009

The Spirit of Thanksgiving


Thanksgiving is not just a once a year holiday but a pattern for life. God has a gift for you that will enable you to go through the worst of times and enrich you to enjoy the best of times. Be grateful for this moment for this moment is your life. Merlin Carothers, author of Prison to Praise, which isn't about a prison with bars but a prison of circumstances, says praising the Lord in bad circumstances demonstrates trust in Him. Praise is not a magic formula to manipulate God, but genuine gratitude pleases God and gives you peace and joy and sometimes miraculous answers. Praise works wonders!

Side B: 11/14/2009

Freedom to Learn



How are schools that teach evolution as a fact, and the Bible as a myth, consistent with the Bible that says, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind?" How is training different than just teaching? David and Kim d'Escoto, authors of The Little Book of Big Reasons to Home School, say home schooling teaches from a Biblical view, bonds your family, and teaches according to your child's specific interests while avoiding peer pressure and drugs. It's ironic that Obama's Safe Schools Czar, Kevin Jennings, is a homosexual activist!

Side A: 11/7/2009

The Worst Day of Your Life


In uncertain, troubling times, people are looking for hope. How do you handle tragedy? How would you respond if your house was burned down, your belongings looted and your family - wife and kids- kidnapped- all in one day? It really happened to a man who loved God and was loved by God. Brian Zahnd, author of What to Do On The Worst Day of Your Life, gives biblical insights through the life of David to prepare us to have victory over tragedy. How? By changing our focus from problems to God's power and love. Faith refined in the fires of affliction is our most precious possession.

Side B: 10/31/2009

America For Sale



Our government was set up with balances of power, without kings or czars, but now Obama has 34 unelected Czars who are not interested in your freedom but ruling over you. Dr Jerome Corsi, author of America For Sale, and The Obama Nation and Why Israel Can't Wait- the Coming War Between Israel and Iran, gives his predictions about our trillion dollar deficits that are bankrupting us and collapsing the value of the dollar, they're ending our sovereignty. Obama's health care can kill you. Google's power meters identify energy abusers to be fined and imprisoned. What happened to our freedom?

Side A: 10/24/2009

Live Your Calling


Millions of Americans are out of work and half of those with jobs are not satisfied with their work. Being out of work or unfulfilled in your work could be the best opportunity of your life. What is your purpose in life? Successful people find solutions while unsuccessful people see only road blocks. What does God want you to do with your life? Kevin & Kay Marie Brennfleck, authors of Live Your Calling: A Practical Guide to Finding and Fulfilling Your Mission in Life, are experts at helping people identify their gifts and their purpose in life and use them to fulfill their calling. Enlarge your vision!

Side B: 10/17/2009

A Cashless Society



1900 years ago, the Bible predicted one man would control the world's economy to such a degree you would not be able to buy anything, even food, without his ID mark on your hand or head. How could this happen unless the world's economic system is cashless? Waving cell phones with RFID devices will be all that's required to buy groceries, fill up your tank or pay bills. When the world goes cashless, can the Antichrist and economic apocalypse be far behind? Mark Hitchcock is the author of a fascinating book -Cashless- Bible Prophecy, Economic Chaos, & the Future Financial Order.

Side A: 10/10/2009

Mastering Mathematics


Why the epidemic of math incompetence? The new math is getting old. Math is not complicated and can be made simple. Dr Andrew Bernstein, a professor and writer, says parents would be horrified if they knew how students don't learn to multiply or divide but use calculators and guess at the right answers. A senior engineer, Nicholas Aggor, was so troubled his sons were doing so poorly at learning math, that he read their textbooks and saw why they were having trouble- it was the textbooks! He quit his job and wrote a series of math textbooks and his sons became excellent in math!

Side B: 10/3/2009

ABC - Anything But Christian



"Christianity's Influence on America" has been rejected by the University of Cal. because it's too biased but "Intro to Buddhism" is acceptable for university credit. This is unconstitutional discrimination. Attorneys Jennifer Monk and Bob Tyler sued the U of Cal for rejecting courses such as: "Morality in American Literature," while accepting "Gender, Sexuality and Identity" and "A Study of Western Caribbean Culture." But in another case, a federal judge ruled for Christian student, Chad Farnan, and against his history teacher for calling creationism "superstition nonsense".

Side A: 9/26/2009

The Truth About Evolution


According to news reports, the "missing link" has been found. "Ida" is a fossil of an extinct lemur-like animal linking humans to mammals. Evolutionists say whales evolved from land and horses developed long necks by stretching their necks to eat. But is that science or science fiction? Have scientists created life from non-living material as evolutionists claim? In the 1800's, it was believed that life could spontaneously come from non-life. But what Darwin believed, Pasteur disproved. Dr Carl Werner is the author of two magnificent books, Evolution- the Grand Experiment and Living Fossils.

Side B: 9/19/2009

The Spiritual State of the Nation



We live in exciting times, prophetic signs are everywhere. Who owns your kids - you or the government? If Obamas's Education Secretary has his way, your kids will be in government schools 8 hours a day, 12 months a year. Pastor David Barnhart, author of Living in the Times of the Signs, says, "Same sex marriage is one of the final signs that severe judgment is coming very soon." The spiritual foundations are crumbing as schools and cities celebrate Islam and homosexuality and censor Christianity and traditional morality. Are we in the end times, as our government turns against Israel?

Side A: 9/12/2009

Dewey's Revolution


How did America go from knowing right from wrong to a nation where evil is good and good is evil? John Dewey changed our culture by changing the education of children. Dewey wanted to bring a social revolution to America, and we are seeing its fulfillment. Ted Byfield, author of Why History Matters and a series of history books The Christians, said, "Dewey, an atheist, wanted to liberate people from Christianity believed there was no such thing as right or wrong in spelling, grammar or behavior. Margaret Mead, a naïve victim of a Samoan joke, helped ignite the sexual revolution."

Side B: 9/5/2009

The Cap & Tax Scam



What started as indoctrinating schoolchildren into environmentalism may become the largest tax increase in history through "cap & trade," to supposedly prevent global warming. But who controls the temperature on earth – man or God? Investment counselor, Bob Rinear, author of an article, America's Descent into Marxism, says cap & trade will bring huge regulations and control over private citizens and devastate the economy and put us into a one world government. Dr Willaim Curtis, author of Global Warming the Creator's Plan, says "man-induced global warming" is totally unfounded.

Side A: 8/29/2009

Beyond Me


Are you a "ME-FIRST" person or a "YOU-FIRST" person? Living for basically just yourself can be stressful and depressing. A "YOU-FIRST" parent raises children who consider others before themselves. Kathi Macias, author of 15 books including Beyond Me- Living a You First Life in a Me- First World, says Christians need a servants attitude. How did previous generations of Christians transform their worlds? They were first transformed themselves. What's the difference between teaching and training? Parenting is teaching children but putting that into practice is discipleship.

Side B: 8/22/2009

Light in the Closet



With 36 homosexual activists in Obama's administration, where is he taking this nation? Kevin Jennings founder of G.L.S.E.N., the greatest promoter of the homosexual agenda in schools, has been appointed by the US Secretary of Ed. to head safe schools for children. This is outrageous as it will put students in great physical, psychological, and spiritual danger. Linda Harvey, of Mission America says, "Promoting high risk behavior doesn't just endanger students - but the nation." Arthur Goldberg, counselor and founder of Jonah, and author of Light in the Closet, says homosexuals can change.

Side A: 8/15/2009

Christianity & Capitalism part 2


Can you make a strong moral and economic case for capitalism? America has raised a generation that increasingly believes in government, trusts in humanism, and wants equality through socialism. Was Jesus and the early Christians capitalists, socialists, communists or none of these? Which system of government most helps the poor? Jay Richards, author of Money, Greed, & God dispels 8 economic myths taught as facts in public school that lead students to become socialists. Single motherhood is the greatest predictor of poverty in America. Moral issues affect economic issues.

Side B: 8/8/2009

Christianity & Capitalism part 1



How did America get a socialist Congress and President who have quadrupled the national debt and created record unemployment? Where's that "stimulus"? Idealistic young people are easily swayed away from capitalism and toward socialism. Jay Richards, with the Heritage Foundation, and author of Money, Greed, & God - Why Capitalism is the solution and Not the Problem, says as a young idealist, he thought capitalism was anti-Christian. But a funny thing happened on the way to the socialist utopia - it's called reality. Socialism not only failed to produce freedom, it failed to produce food.

Side A: 8/1/2009

Mighty Man of God


Teachers have been fired simply for having a Bible on their desks. That's why Dr Robert Simond's story is fascinating. He put a scripture on the board every day and was taken to court three times. But in court Dr Simonds delivered a powerful gospel message and God miraculously forced the heads of the prosecutors onto their table so they couldn't proceed. Dr Simonds stood up for Christ and Christ gave him victory. Dr Simonds, President of Citizens for Excellence in Education, says schools have been given over to the homosexual agenda and parents need to consider options.

Side B: 7/25/2009

Restoring Godly Government



Has the USA become the USSA - United Socialist States of America? Socialism says it all belongs to the state and we are permitted by their generosity to keep a percent of our money. Author of 11 books on education, 83 year old Dr Sam Blumenfeld, gives insights into what made America great and how public schools are changing America into a socialistic state. What was the formula for America's greatness so that it was the envy of the world? Sure it was capitalism but also belief in God. As our public education system undermines basic beliefs it also undermines our success and prosperity.

Side A: 7/18/2009

Developing a Love For Learning


How can you develop a love for learning and make your child a lover of books? What is your goal as a parent? Begin with the end in mind. Don't simply ask what kind of education you want. Ask what kind of person you want them to become. What is the probability of adults age 19 and over becoming a Christian? ___ (It's 6%!) Carole Joy Seid, an educational consultant, and seminar leader said, "In all my 20 years of working with families I've found the single most effective tool in shaping a child's character is great literature." The right book at the right time can change the a child's destiny.

Side B: 7/11/2009

Fulfilling the Call



How has this nation gone from being "one nation under God," to "under God" being unconstitutional? Atheism controls our schools and courts and sees nothing wrong with censoring out anything Godly. Pastor Austin Miles took on the atheists in the pledge case (Michael Newdow) and won!! But his victory was censored by the media so that few people know it's now legal to say "under God" in the pledge. Austin Miles tells how his church took over a closed public school to give kids a Christian education. At a time when public schools are closing, this is what other churches should be doing.

Side A: 7/4/2009

July 4th 1776


Are we giving up our sovereignty and submitting to the World Court and the U.N.? Tom Deweese, (American Policy Center), reports on a U.N. program that prepares students to accept a one world government. Tom Dooley, author of One Nation Under God-America's Lost Dream, talks about the price paid for our independence and the men who signed the Declaration. GOD miraculously protected George Washington in battle after battle. Why did Americans break away from Great Britain? Was it really a "Revolutionary War?" Not according to historian and author of The Light And The Glory. Peter Marshall, who says Americans were defending themselves from the British and restoring a Godly government.

Side B: 6/27/2009

Changing Our Destiny



How can Christians have the greatest impact on our culture? Fox news reported the only religion increasing in numbers is atheism. The percentage of births from unmarried women is up 40%. Many top Christian leaders say we have lost the culture war. What role are public schools playing in the degeneracy of our culture? An anonymous Christian public high school teacher says parents think their child is being "salt and light", but he sees them lose their faith at his school. The facts are in: 94% of home schooled children continue as Christians, compared to 80% of public schooled students who lose their faith. Guests: Ray Moore, the Director of Exodus Mandate, and TC Pinckney, former Vice-President of the SBC.

Side A: 6/20/2009

Silencing Christian Speech


How can Christians be witnesses when their speech is silenced? Valedictorians have a right to speak freely about whatever contributed to their success, but Christian valedictorians, like Brittany McComb and Jennifer Swadell, are silenced because they mention Jesus. John Whitehead, President of The Rutherford Institute, said, "America is no longer a safe haven for Christians." Now the US Government is prohibiting Christians from having freedom of speech. Churches have trillions of dollars in property that sit empty while the children are discipled into humanism in public schools.

Side B: 6/13/2009

A Good Exit Strategy



No one is trying to silence evolutionists, homosexuals and humanists, who have their beliefs openly taught in public schools. Schools in Cal. are required to teach "an appreciation for homosexuality," yet Christian beliefs are singled out for elimination. Why do 90% of Christians still support these schools? The good news is there are lots of options. Pastor Ron Gleason is the Cal. Director of Exodus Mandate and says parents are given by God the responsibility to educate their children. Churches can help by providing affordable Christian education, even using churches as schools.

Side A: 6/6/2009

The Cross - part 2


How can we raise Godly, courageous people? One way is through examples of Godly, courageous people such as Arthur Blessitt, who carried the cross into every inhabited place on earth for 40 years. He walked through dangerous jungles, to China, Beirut in a war, and the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem. Through it all he learned that hardships and difficulties are not stumbling blocks but stepping stones. Because of brain aneurisms, he was warned not to carry anything, but he said he would rather die doing God’s will than live outside of it. This is a message of God's profound love for people.

Side B: 5/30/2009

The Cross - part 1



Experts say young people need heroes and positive role models to look up to. Arthur Blessitt is one of the most unique men to walk the entire face of the earth. He carried a 12' wooden cross through every country on earth- the longest walk in history - 38,102 miles. The movie, THE CROSS, tells his fascinating story. He walked through the front lines of 52 war zones and he was beaten and stoned by angry mobs of Muslims. In South America, he faced a firing squad, but God miraculously protected him. He has shaken hands with more people than any other person throughout history.

Side A: 5/23/2009

Freedom From Bondage


We have a whole generation being saturated with pornography, a plague capturing millions of people. Internet porn is epidemic. The only way to stop this assault is with a strong defense. Once graphic images get into your brain, the pictures are hard to get out. Clay Allen is a licensed pastor and president of Avenue. Fred Stoeker is the co-author of Every Young Man's Battle - Strategies for Victory in the Real World of Sexual Temptation. Suggestions include: make a covenant with your eyes to bounce away from temptation and appropriate the power of God to set you free from this oppressive addiction.

Side B: 5/16/2009

Capitalism vs. Socialism



Socialism has been taught in schools for years, so young Americans don't prefer capitalism over socialism. Recent polls of young Americans show they are equally divided over capitalism vs. socialism. Hank Giesecke, an aerospace engineer with an MBA in finance, says socialism and globalism have become a reality. Margaret Thatcher said, "The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of others people's money." Some say capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth, but socialism is the equal distribution of misery. Only 1 in 100 top universities require a class in economics.

Side A: 5/9/2009

Man Does Not Live By Bread Alone


Which is more dangerous to your health - being a smoker, a drinker or being overweight? How safe is feeding kids hot dogs? Children who eat just three hot dogs a week have 9 times the risk of getting leukemia. Americans are dieting more but are more overweight than ever which increases their risk of getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Dr Ted Broer, a nutrition expert, biochemist and author of Maximum Fat Loss and Maximum Energy, gives a comprehensive overview of a good diet and the ten foods to avoid and why to avoid them. Lifelong habits are established in youth.

Side B: 5/2/2009

No Intelligence Allowed



Why is the media ignoring the biggest battle over academic freedom in decades? The battle is not over creationism but whether students should hear the weaknesses of evolution. Intelligent Design arises out of science, but it's not allowed in schools because it's too religious. Biochemist Michael Behe, the world's leading ID theorist and author of The Edge of Evolution, says design did not arise by accident. Casey Luskin, author of Traipsing Into Evolution, says Darwinists are against academic freedom. Creationism has been ruled not scientifically plausible when, in fact, it's the true reality.

Side A: 4/25/2009

Islam Targets Universities


Why would anyone want to kill us? What really goes on in the mind of a Muslim terrorist? Are there Muslim terrorists here in America? Walid Shoebat knows - he was one. Walid Shoebat came here as a college student but spent his time raising money and support from students for Jihad. Walid is now a Christian and author of Why I Left Jihad and Why We Want to Kill You. Islam has infiltrated universities and is winning over the minds of students. Walid faces angry crowds who are not interested in Christianity, only Islam, as he tries to warn them about the dangers of the radical Muslim mind.

Side B: 4/18/2009

Uncompromised Faith



Is Christianity becoming irrelevant? Recent surveys show a decline in Christians in America. 88% of young Americans are rejecting the Christian faith. What would this nation look like without the Christian influence? Public schools have the biggest influence on our culture, and they have defined Christianity out. What can we do to win back the culture? Michael Craven, author of Uncompromised Faith, says Christianity is good for America and how to best communicate that and persuade our culture. Throughout history, Christians transformed their cultures and the world.

Side A: 4/11/2009

The Wonder of Heaven - part 2


The Resurrection is proof that death is not the end but the beginning of our lives. Pastor Dean Braxton died, went to heaven, but was sent back to earth by Jesus. What he describes in heaven will fascinate, encourage, and excite you about your heavenly home. Everything in heaven is alive and communicates with you, even the colors are alive. The music is incredible- out of this world. But the greatest treasure of heaven is meeting the One who made it all possible – Jesus. Dean met relatives. His message is the urgency for others to receive Christ. Meditating on heaven relieves anxiety on earth.

Side B: 4/4/2009

The Wonder of Heaven - part 1



What’s the greatest event in all human history? It has to be the Resurrection of Jesus Christ because the greatest enemy- death itself was defeated. Bible teacher, Ron Rhodes, author of 45 books including The Wonder of Heaven- A Biblical Tour of Our Eternal Home, answers questions like, “Is heaven a real place? Will we recognize our loved ones? What will people do in heaven? Will we eat in heaven? Will our pets be there?” Pastor William Frey, author of The Dance of Hope, says the Resurrection gives meaning to life. Professional actor, Bruce Marchiano, gives a dramatic description of the Resurrection.

Side A: 3/28/2009

Soaring Like an Eagle


The majestic eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom. Just as opposing winds cause an eagle to soar higher so adversity strengthens Godly people. So when adversity comes your way, don’t let it get you down. Let it push you up as you draw closer to God. Inspirational high school assembly speaker, Gary Horton, says the powerful, strong, father eagle is there waiting to catch the little eaglet as he tries to fly just as God is there to catch us when we fall. Mary Whelchel, author of Soaring on High -Spiritual Insights from The Life of An Eagle, makes wonderful parallels between the eagle and Christians.

Side B: 3/21/2009

History's Greatest Communicator



What can we learn from Jesus Christ’s example about discipleship, leadership and effective communication? Jesus took complex theological concepts and simplified them so everyone could understand. His words and actions speak to the hearts and minds of people throughout every culture and every generation. John Coleman, co author of How to Argue Like Jesus- Learning Persuasion from History’s Greatest Communicator, was named the nation’s top overall collegiate speech competitor and is pursing an MBA at Harvard. Being a great communicator is more than persuasive speech.

Side A: 3/14/2009

Fed Up With Fed Ed


The Bible predicts a one world government. How will America's sovereignty come to an end? Are we surrendering our independence by indoctrinating school kids into globalism and anti-Americanism?  The Federal Government's curriculum, written by radical “leftists” will dictate all schools teach “religious environmentalism” (paganism), and use schools to change our culture. Allen Quist, a professor for 40 years, former legislator, and author of Fed Ed-The New Federal Curriculum, and America's Schools -- The Battleground for Freedom, has some shocking predictions about our economy.

Side B: 3/7/2009

The Power of Words



Are you a person who keeps your word? Or do you say one thing and do another?  Do you say things like, “'til death do we part,” then get a divorce? Did you pray to make Jesus your Lord but it was just meaningless words?  13,000 young people took a pledge, in the True Love Waits campaign, to stay pure until married, but within 7 years 88% broke that promise. Were the words they said meaningless?  Tim Coody author of Meaningless Words and Broken Covenants exhorts listeners to consider carefully the words you speak. God takes our words seriously. There is life and death in our words.

Side A: 2/28/2009

The Economic Crisis


Trillions in bailouts but what will America look like when the government goes bankrupt? What happens in a financial MELTDOWN? More importantly, what can you do to prepare for it? What do you do when paper money has no value? Will conditions get so bad Americans will exchange socialism for capitalism? Dr Larry Bates, former bank chain CEO, state legislator, CEO of two radio networks, is the author of the New Economic Disorder- Strategies for Weathering Any Crisis. Dr Bates explains how this crisis happened and says, “Cash at the crash is king,” but is your money safe in the bank? 

Side B: 2/21/2009

Washington- A Man of Integrity



Are we ashamed of our nation's heritage? Was Washington a Christian or a deist? Did Washington own slaves? Washington said, “The two indispensable pillars for any government are religion and morality.” So why have we eliminated them from our schools?   Peter Lillback, author of George Washington's Sacred Fire, and Lessons on Liberty - a Primer for Young Patriots, brilliantly gives the benefits we have today because of our First President. Peter Marshall, author of The Light and the Glory, tells how God supernaturally protected Washington and saved the American army.

Side A: 2/14/2009

Martyr's Rewards Last Forever


How did just a few early Christians change the world yet today millions of Christians are changed by the world? Journalist Ted Byfield says the world was convinced of the truth of the gospel by how Christians faced the most gruesome tortures and death.  Todd Nettleson, with theVoice of the Martyrs, gives fascinating accounts from the book Extreme Devotion, such as the North Korean mother who refused to deny Christ despite being forced to watch her children hanged, and she was run over by a steamroller. These stories of supernatural courage originate with Almighty God.

Side B: 2/7/2009

A Morally Challenged Nation



How has homosexuality gained such acceptance in such a short time by our culture?  A whole generation is now officially being trained in gross immorality as schools have degenerated from teaching values to promoting homosexuality. What will be the consequences for our nation? Dawn Stefanowicz, home educator, accountant and author of Out From Under- The Impact of Homosexual Parenting,  testified on “hate crimes” before the Senate in Canada where homosexual “marriage” is now legal. Dawn talks about how this happened in Canada and why ignoring this issue won't stop it from coming here.

Side A: 1/31/2009

The Doctor's Diet


We have a national health crisis. We have a generation where 50% of children will get diabetes with severe adult consequences because of poor nutrition and being overweight. What can be done? It's not a matter of simply reducing calories.  Dr Scott Uloth is a family medical doctor who has lost over 60 pounds of unnecessary weight.  Joe Klemczewsky is a nutritionist with two doctorates and is a professional body builder. They are the authors of The Diet Docs' Guide to Permanent Weight Loss with practical steps for your whole family to have vibrant health.

Side B: 1/24/2009

How To Focus Your Attention



Do you or your child have difficulty concentrating or focusing your attention?  If a child has trouble paying attention in class he is said to have A.D.D. (attention deficit disorder). E-R Doctor Steve Guffanti, author of Does Your Child Really Have ADHD? and the article Homeschooling: A Natural Fit for the Kinesthetic Child, gives seminars on how to overcome ADHD without drugs. Dr Guffanti has suggestions for kids who learn through movement (kinesthetic learners).  Peter Freer invented the computerized, biofeedback machine “PLAY ATTENTION,” that teaches how to focus your mind.

Side A: 1/17/2009

Loving Our Enemies


How are American universities breeding grounds for recruiting students into Islam? Kamal Saleem, formerly a PLO Muslim terrorist, came to this country to recruit students into Islam and Jihad, but instead he was miraculously converted by a supernatural experience with Christ. Kamal Saleem had a serious car accident and received such love and care from Christians that he began to question his mission and Allah. Kamal Saleem has become such a fearless and zealous Christian that he goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ. He talks about the goals and strategies of terrorists.

Side B: 1/10/2009

Raising Biblical Kids



Raising Godly children is not an accident but requires time and dedication. Do we take the freedom to home-school for granted? Homeschoolers in Germany are so committed to educating their kids that they risk everything, including huge fines, prison time and the loss of their children, to do it.   Why is home schooling so important to these Christians? If you want Godly children, don't send them to un-Godly schools. Attorney Mike Donnelly, with the Home School Legal Defense Association, and is a professor of law, tells why he feels so passionately about parents educating their own kids.

Side A: 1/3/2009

A Deadly Idea


What single deadly idea was the main reason our culture went from Christian to secular and now even a socialist culture - so fast?  World renowned speaker, Ken Ham, author of The New Answers Book 2, says generations have been taught to believe evolution and disbelieve the Biblical account of origins. We are engaged in a war of worldviews. So why do Christians continue to send Christian kids to schools that only teach one side?  Many “proofs” were once presented as scientific, yet are today known to be hoaxes. How old is the earth? Why is the Scopes Trial, and this issue, so significant?

Side B: 12/27/2008

Overcoming Stress & Worry



What are you worried about? Are you concerned about your finances? Health? Your children? If stress and worry are robbing you of your joy, if your life is ruled by the tyranny of the urgent, you will find help from Tim Kimmel, author of Little House on the Freeway-Help for the Hurried Home. Worry is trying to solve tomorrow's problems with today's solutions. If your faith is small, your worries will be great. If your faith is great, your worries will be small. Knowing how to rest is a discipline. Shift your focus. You need a FAITH lift. Learn the art of controlling your thoughts, not letting them control you.

Side A: 12/20/2008

A Portrait of Jesus


There's a wonderful spirit at Christmas that goes beyond gifts, friends, family and music.  Renowned author, Max Lucado, author of 3:16-The Numbers of Hope, says people never tire of hearing about God's love for them.  Jesus went from holding the stars in His hands to clutching Mary's little finger. Why did He come to earth? What is He like?  He stopped the storm at sea but allowed soldiers to nail Him to the cross.  Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus, gives such a dramatic, inspirational, description of Jesus you will never forget it. Jesus profound love has no limits.

Side B: 12/13/2008

In Defense of Christmas



Is it possible that some day soon we won't be able to say “Merry Christmas,” or hear the gospel on radio? Could we lose our freedoms of speech and religion? Some pastors have spoken out from their pulpits on moral and political issues as a challenge against IRS and ACLU intimidation. Attorney Mike Johnson, with the Alliance Defense Fund, says even though Christian lawyers are winning 82% of religious freedom cases, ignorance of the law is causing many Christians to self censor out the true meaning of Christmas. The ACLU, a formidable foe, is challenging even what's said inside churches.

Side A: 12/6/2008

Put Christ Back in Christmas


Christmas is the birth of Christ. Should it be celebrated in public schools? What would winter be like without Christmas?  A Jewish public school teacher tells why he loves Christmas.  The ACLU is on a rampage to ruin Christmas so that even instrumental Christmas music has been ruled unconstitutional. But Christian lawyers, like Brian Rooney, with the Thomas More Law Center, are winning some fascinating cases defending Christ in Christmas. When Gideons can't give out free Bibles outside school, but “gay day” is celebrated inside, why do Christians continue to support them?

Side B: 11/29/2008

Forbidden Secrets



Superintendent Gregory Thompson was fired for acknowledging God in his school, but he was later voted onto the very school board that fired him. Gregory Thompson is the author of Forbidden Secrets-There is a battle for your children. Are you equipped to protect them? God values the human soul more than all the physical creation. Why do people put so little value on it? The satanic bible can be read at school but not the Ten Commandments. History leaves out Adam and Eve, Noah and the flood and Jesus Christ, making them seem mythological.  Have schools become entrenched anti-God strongholds?

Side A: 11/22/2008

Thanksgiving's Beginnings


Students are taught Thanksgiving was when the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians and had a feast for racial harmony.  Is Thanksgiving a secular or a religious holiday? Why was Thanksgiving established? 4th grade teacher, Connie Ricks reads to her class from a diary (fictitious) of a girl who came over on the Mayflower. Historian, Dr John Pafford, says it was the strong Christian faith of the Pilgrims that established this nation as a Christian commonwealth, and fostered a free market economy, with freedom “under God.” The patriot pastor, Garrett Lear, says Christians need to reclaim this nation.

Side B: 11/15/2008

True Stories From the ER



How well do you handle emergencies, even life threatening situations? ER doctor, Robert Lesslie, author of Angels in the ER- Inspiring True Stories from An Emergency Room Doctor, shares his inspiring true stories of courage, faith, hope and compassion. Dr Lesslie views his medical career as an opportunity to go beyond simply treating patients- it's a higher calling as God turns emergencies into opportunities for people to help other people. Ultimately the ER is a place where our faith will be tested. How you respond tells a great deal about your character and faith in God.

Side A: 11/8/2008

Our Valiant Veterans


History textbooks have been sanitized of our American patriots leaving children with no sense of the greatness for this nation. Freedom is never free but purchased at great cost. Teach your children about the sacrifices made for their freedoms.  Col. Jeff O'Leary  tells of the tearful reunion of a wounded Vet and his young bride and how this inspired him the most. Gary Horton speaks at high school assemblies telling students what the Pledge of Allegiance really means and recites an inspirational poem. Carla Lois talks about her son's incredible bravery as an American hero in this Iraq war.

Side B: 11/1/2008

Vote Biblically



God established government! Would He tell His people to stay out of it?  Of course not! God expects us to at least vote. But how can we vote Biblically? Judges have ruled that God is unconstitutional in the pledge, that creationism can not be taught in public schools, that marriage can include homosexuals, even the right to life itself is determined by judges. David Barton says when we vote for President we are indirectly voting for Supreme Court justices and federal judges since the President will choose them. Other guests: Pastor O'Neal Dozier and Ben Kinchlow, co-host of the 700 Club.

Side A: 10/25/2008

A Sacred Responsibility


We live in a country where citizens are given the privilege of choosing our government. Why are so many Christians un-involved in politics, then they are shocked when our culture degenerates? Don't they know that freedom, morality and faith are entwined with politics? Col. Buzz Patterson, author of Reckless Disregard who carried the nuclear codes for President Clinton, says Clinton had such reckless disregard for the military that he lost the codes to our nuclear defense. He says 911 could have been prevented. Mike Reagan, a talk show host, talks about his dad and the importance of voting.

Side B: 10/18/2008

The Enemy Within



In 1776, Thomas Paine said; "What we obtain too cheaply, we esteem too lightly.”   Jamie Glasov  describes the terror and oppression in Russia under Communist rule, where you had to whisper about your beliefs, versus how wonderful it is to live in America, a land of freedom. Russian military medical scientist, Dr Igor Shafhid, author of Inside the Red Zone, says the enemy within is a socialist/communist ideology that is a far greater threat than terrorism. “We could lose a city and recover but if we adopt a communist ideology the whole country is lost.” Dr Shafhid has become a born again Christian.

Side A: 10/11/2008

The Sedation of a Nation pt 2


Is psychiatric drugging of healthy children a form of child abuse?  What do psychiatric drugs do to a child's spirit? Dr Fred Baughman, a neurologist for 35 years and author of The ADHD Fraud- How Psychiatry Makes Patients out of Normal Children, is a legal expert before courts and legislatures. He says there's a link between school violence and psychiatric drugs yet schools and courts force parents to drug their kids. Dr  Peter Breggin says, “In every case that I have withdrawn stimulants from a child diagnosed with ADHD, they have done better, even spectacularly better, without drugs. “

Side B: 10/4/2008

The Sedation of a Nation pt 1



Why are healthy children labeled “ADHD” and put on psychiatric drugs? Are they drugs for a real disease or simply for the teacher to control class? What can parents do with a “strong willed child?” Is there a chemical imbalance in the brain?  Dr Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist for over 40 years, and a consultant for the National Institute of Mental Health, has written more than 20 books, including Medication Madness : A Psychiatrist Exposes the Dangers of Mood Altering Drugs. Dr Breggin gives some fascinating case studies where psychiatric drugs didn't cure chemical imbalances but caused them.

Side A: 9/27/2008

God's Wonderful Creation part 2


Evolutionists miss the wonders of God’s creative genius in design. Darwin never heard of hormones, antibodies or DNA and didn’t know how or why a child looked like his parents. So how could he know people evolved from apes?  Darwin wrote that whales were the result of bears going out to sea. The bears would have drowned.  Dr Geoffrey Simmons tells of the intelligent octopus, and amazing migratory birds that fly from Alaska to Hawaii, non-stop! Without maps, and no parents leading the way, this could not have happened by chance or even gradually because they would have drowned. 

Side B: 9/20/2008

God's Wonderful Creation part 1



Dr Geoffrey Simmons, a medical doctor and author of 9 books including: Billions of Missing Links; and, A Doctor Dissects the Theory of Evolution-What Darwin Didn’t Know, describes the scientific design of the human body, and cells which  are incredibly complex little "factories" producing a myriad of chemicals, and the miracle of conception. God’s design is seen in nature, like the giraffe’s neck, the woodpecker’s tongue, migratory birds and butterflies. It takes more faith to believe in evolution than to believe in an intelligent Designer. Does evolution violate science? Has evolution become a religion?

Side A: 9/13/2008

Promoting Abortion in the Classroom



If you were the owner of an abortion ‘clinic’, how would you increase your business?  Since your customers are in the local schools, wouldn’t you try to get to them there? The abortion owner, Carol Everett, actually went into schools to teach sex ed. so they would get pregnant and have to come to her clinics for an abortion.  How would you feel if your daughter was taking sex ed. from the abortionist? This is the fascinating account of the infamous Carol Everett, who was responsible for the deaths of over 35,000 babies, but has now become a Christian and tells the truth about sex ed.

Side B: 9/6/2008

A Crucial Election



Jefferson said, “A nation that is ignorant and free is a nation that never was and never will be.” Ben Kinchlow, co-host of the 700 Club, and author of Black Yellow Dogs, asks, “Why are churches silent on political issues when politics involves Biblical and moral issues like marriage? What is this so called separation of church and state?  Why do black Americans support school choice, yet vote for Democrats who reject that choice? The most important issue is the election of people who will control our lives for decades to come.”  When Christians are not involved they are at the mercy of unbelievers.

Side A: 8/30/2008

It Can’t Happen Here part 2


Why do Muslims want to destroy America?  How did America go from being unified right after the 911 tragedy to such division today? Brigitte Gabriel was the evening news anchor for the Middle East World News Broadcast and saw the profound, inconceivable hate that Islam produced in people who were her friends before but became vicious enemies after Islam took over.  With millions of Muslims in America, and a Muslim Congressman, Americans need to understand the threat and strategy of Islam and how the naďve media and education system is playing right into their hands.

Side B: 8/23/2008

It Can’t Happen Here part 1



Many Americans naively assume daily terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings, can’t happen here. That’s what Brigitte Gabriel thought about her country – then it did. Brigitte Gabriel, author of Because They Hate – A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, says, “Lebanon was much like America – a prosperous, democratic nation, the “Paris of the Middle East.” But their multiculturism led to their downfall. Brigitte tells how horrible it was to live in a bomb shelter for 7 years.  Why was Lebanon targeted for Muslim Jihad? The same reason we are. We are non-Muslim infidels.

Side A: 8/16/2008

Vital Election Issues part 2


Is there a connection between this election and your freedoms? When you vote for President, you’re also voting for who he will choose to be on the Supreme Court, which will determine your freedoms of speech and religion; and abortion, tax donations to churches and even persecution of Christians. This election will determine whether we are ruled by the whims of judges or governed by a Constitution. Historian, David Barton, says to use four Biblical principles in choosing who to vote for. More important than a candidate’s rhetoric is his voting record. The most liberal Senator is Obama.

Side B: 8/9/2008

Vital Election Issues part 1



Young people, including Christians, are tending to vote Democrat. Barak Obama is seeking their votes but says, “America is no longer a Christian nation...” With 76% of Americans claiming to be Christian we are more Christian than India is Hindu or Israel is Jewish. Conservative black leader, Pastor O’Neal Dozier, prays with President Bush, is the fourth generation away from a family of slaves. He asks, “How can you trust the judgment and character of a man who sits for years in one the most hateful, racist churches in America?” What is Black Liberation Theology? Who really is Obama?

Side A: 8/2/2008

Medical Miracles



Increasingly, cancer, heart disease and hepatitis can rob us of health, but there’s hope. Tom Balk was told by his doctors that he would soon die – there was nothing they could do for his liver failure. But incredibly, PhD scientist and medical doctor, Dr Burt Berkson, saved Tom’s life, and hundreds of others, with a natural substance called alpha lipoic acid.  Dr Berkson says he is seeing hope for terminal cancer patients who get healed. There is a place for natural treatments as well as lifesaving medical doctors. I tell of my “medical miracle,” open-heart surgery, and how God works through doctors.

Side B: 7/26/2008

Math Made Easy



Why the epidemic of math incompetence? The new math is getting old. Math is not complicated and can be made simple.  Dr Andrew Bernstein, a professor and writer, says parents would be horrified if they knew how students don’t learn to multiply or divide, but use calculators and guess at the right answers.  A senior engineer, Nicholas Aggor, was so troubled his sons were doing so poorly at learning math, that he read their textbooks and saw why they were having trouble- it was the textbooks! He quit his job and wrote a series of math textbooks and his sons became excellent in math!

Side A: 7/19/2008

Pulling Down Strongholds


Does America HATE God? God loves America but look how America has demonstrated hate toward God in eliminating Him from science to history yet teaches Islam and indoctrinates students into homosexuality. Dr Robert Simonds, President of Citizens for Excellence in Education, has an incredible love and concern for the children of our nation. He warns that the future of the Church in America is in grave peril as 88% of children turn away from the faith, and adopt an atheist/liberal worldview, because of what they learn in public schools. Dr Simonds gives a clear solution to the problem.

Side B: 7/12/2008

The Great Cover-Up



Academics have been replaced with the fuzzy math which has no right or wrong answers, and creative spelling which used to be called misspelling. Parents are shocked at the vulgar and immoral literature children are reading at school. Former Cal Assemblyman, Steve Baldwin, says fads and political correctness have devastated the public school system. Author and activist Karen Holgate, with the Cal Family Council, says, “Good grades give the illusion of being educated when they’re really being taught anti-God, anti-family, anti-marriage, occult, death education, pro-feminist stories.”

Side A: 7/5/2008

Public School and Christian Children


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People tend to think of school as just teaching academics instead of discipleship training.  But they make disciples – secular disciples. Brad Heath, author of Millstones and Stumbling Blocks, wrote, “Evangelicals are notorious for fighting symptoms while perpetuating root causes.” While Christians fight social issues like abortion, pornography etc., their own kids are in schools that teach relative values, like abortion is just a woman’s choice. Chesterton wrote, “Education isn’t just a subject but a way of life.” Since schools are “millstones and stumbling blocks,” why are Christians putting their children in them?
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Side B: 6/28/2008

The Birth of America



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What happened on July 4th, 1776? Is our nation celebrating it’s birthday or its demise?  Tom Dooley is one of America’s top narrators of commercials and the Billy Graham Crusades, and is the author of One Nation Under God-America’s Lost Dream. What happened to the men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Who were they? How did GOD protect General George Washington in battle?  The Star Spangled Banner is our national anthem but who wrote it and what do the words “bombs bursting in air” really mean?  How have humanism and evolution harmed our nation?  

Side A: 6/21/2008

Pop Goes Morality


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Why don’t schools teach right from wrong? How did relative values replace absolutes? Why do some kids start smoking? Psychologist Dr Bill Coulson, along with famed psychologist Carl Rogers, introduced an experiment in the schools that changed the role of teacher to facilitator and switched absolute values for relative values. What worked in psychotherapy was a disaster in schools. Kids were told to decide for themselves what was right and wrong for them at the time. Dr Coulson explains how it led to “values clarification,” inventive spelling, illiteracy, drug addiction, smoking, etc.   

Side B: 6/14/2008

School in a Box



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The education of children is the most important issue facing the Church and the nation. Can Christian children really be Christian witnesses at school? 18 year old Carissa Willis, a strong Christian who attended Christian and home schools, also went to public school and explains what really happens there to Christians.   Roy Faletti, with Alpha Omega Publications, describes the new affordable Christian alternative to public schools. It’s called “School in a Box,” an excellent way churches can start Christian schools easily and quickly without expensive costs. This needs to be a top priority.  

Side A: 6/6/2008

How to Stop Worrying


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Do you have too much to do and not enough time to do it? Stress, the tyranny of the urgent, is built into our fast paced society, but you can develop habits that bring you peace.  Deborah Smith Pegues, a CPA, seminar leader/Bible teacher and author of 30 Days to Taming Your Stress and 30 Days to Taming your Tongue, says life is a journey not a race. Financial stress is a top cause of divorce. Don’t let stress, anger, chaos, regret, and a loose tongue rob you of the wonderfully full life you can have. Learn to slow down and manage your life through organization, planning and control of your words. 

Side B: 5/31/2008

The Designer



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Is evolution a theory or  fact? If evolution were true why don’t we see an abundance of new species instead of extinction? What proof is there for Creation? Dr Chris Cagan, a brilliant mathematician with two PhDs, and author of From Darwin to Design, was once a staunch atheist, who had been taught  Christianity caused wars, the Salem witch trials, the Crusades and human misery. But beginning with a lecture by I.C.R., he learned that design and natural laws are too precise to happen by accident.  Sir Isaac Newton, the most brilliant scientist of all time, was a believer in God.

Side A: 5/24/2008

Out of the Grandstand Into the Game


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Are Christian teachers and coaches being eliminated from public schools for being too Christian? Is there anything Christian about a public school education? Coach Dave Daubenmire, was an excellent football coach, and he, or a pastor, would pray with the team on the field. Then the ACLU sued. Coach Dave is President of Pass the Salt Ministries and author of some excellent articles such as Acknowledgment is not Establishment, ADD Absent Dad Disorder, The High Costs of “Free” State Schooling, Second Hand Humanism... He teaches other Christian teachers and  the church on being relevant.  

Side B: 5/17/2008

A Fish Out of Water



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The percentage of Christians in this current generation is expected to decline to only 4%. Abby Nye, a courageous Christian, a university student, and author of Fish out of Water-Surviving & Thriving as Christian on a Secular Campus, tells how professors intimidate and convert Christians into humanism.  As an example, Abby was told by her Literature professor that the Bible is a book of myths and not a credible source in academia. Yet she was required to buy a Koran for her required class on Islam. How can the Church in America hope to survive if 90% of Christian youth leave the faith?

Side A: 5/10/2008

Turning Right


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Why are “peace studies” all about war?  Why is it OK to kill innocent unborn babies but not to execute a murderer? How can campus diversity mean Democrats out number Republicans 10 to 1?  Keith Thompson, author of Leaving the Left-Moments in the News That Made Me Ashamed To Be A Liberal, says, “Universities are now the soil and the seeds for the liberal left.”  The liberal left wouldn’t cheer for any victories in Iraq, even when voters go to the polls despite terrorist threats on their lives. Why do some people hate President Bush more than they love freedom?

Side B: 5/3/2008

The Business of Christian Education 



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At a time when Christian education is as important as the very survival of Christianity in America, very few churches have a school or a vision for education.  What’s the solution? Continue sending innocent Christian children into enemy territory or for businessmen and educators to open up profitable schools? How can Christian schools compete with free public schools for the minds of children? How can the power of Christ change America? Dr Ellsworth McIntyre, author of How to Become a Millionaire in Christian Education, built a chain of Christian schools starting from scratch  

Side A: 4/26/2008

An Economy on the Brink 


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As the US dollar declines and oil and gold skyrocket, and banks are going bankrupt, are we on the brink of an economic crisis? As the borrower is servant to the lender (Pr 22:7), so our nation is becoming enslaved to other nations as they hold a record of 80% of our national debt.  Economist, author and broadcaster Dr Larry Bates, former CEO of a chain of banks, former legislator, and CEO of the Information Radio Network, gives predictions for the economy, real estate, and what you can do to protect yourself. How would a Democrat President affect the economy?  

Side B: 4/19/2008

Home Schooling Under Attack



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Is home schooling becoming illegal again in America? The2nd District Court of Appeals ruled that parents do not have the right to home school and they could lose their kids and go to jail. Dr Brian Ray, President of the National Home Education Research Institute, and author of Worldwide Guide to Home Schooling, is an expert witness in courts and legislatures. This ruling has nothing to do with the success of home educators and everything to do with state control over children. The scope of this ruling against home schooling is stunning and a grave threat to all our freedoms.

Side A: 4/12/2008

Educating into jihad part 2


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How are American universities becoming the hotbeds for Islamic indoctrination? How are Universities changing students to accept Islam?  An American university student said she wants Sharia law imposed on her country. Is Islam worse than communism and Nazism? When Christianity is diminished, it leaves a spiritual void that Islam is filling. Nonie Darwish left a culture of hatred and death for a culture of joy, peace and love that encourages endless possibilities. She is alerting us to the impending dangers of Islam. What’s the significance of minarets going up and church bells being silenced?

Side B: 4/5/2008

Educating into jihad part 1



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A 7th grade history book, used in thousands of schools, says Jihad is simply an inner struggle to overcome evil and correct injustice. But what is “evil” and “injustice” in Sharia Law? Killing Jews and blowing up innocent civilians? Why are Muslim students trying to stand out, wearing Muslim clothing, and not fitting in?  Nonie Darwish, college educated in Egypt where she worked as a journalist, is the author of Now They Call Me Infidel – Why I Renounced Jihad for America. Americans have been deceived as to Islam’s goals in America. Islam isn’t just a religion but a political, social, economic way of life.

Side A: 3/29/2008

How to save your children from hell


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Why is Christianity becoming increasingly irrelevant in our culture?  Have America’s schoolchildren been kidnapped by atheists, drugs pushers and homosexuals? Look at what’s being taught! What is real “salt & light”- to send a little Christian child into a humanist school system or to open a church for a Christian education to the whole community? Pastor Steve Schlissel author of an article, “How to Send Your Children to Hell,” gives the Biblical way to educate children and a vision for transforming our culture by turning churches into schools Monday through Friday.  

Side B: 3/22/2008

Forever part 2



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This life changing program is a great witnessing program to give unbelievers. We continue with Bill Wiese. What does “Jesus Saves” mean to a generation that has no idea what He saves them from?   If most people don’t believe a literal hell exists, and certainly don’t believe they will go there, why do they need a savior?  Why did the Lord choose a low-key realtor, not a preacher, to transport to hell in a vision? The Lord told Bill that he wanted him to experience hell, a place where there’s no rest or peace, but only torture and regret, as a warning that Jesus is the only way to get to heaven.

Side A: 3/15/2008

Forever part 1


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Easter means Christ is risen! But what does that mean to a generation that doesn’t believe in absolutes let alone God? Is HELL a real place?  Bill Wiese, author of the top selling book, “23 Minutes in Hell,” tells how he awakened in the middle of the night in a vision where his spirit actually was transported to a very real place called hell. Bill’s testimony is absolutely fascinating. He gives an eye witness, unbiased, account of the searing heat, ghoulish demonic beasts that ripped his flesh apart, and the terror-filled screams of people burning in the flames. This place called hell  is very real.

Side B: 3/8/2008

Joe Clark's Strategy



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How can we transform America? By transforming American education. Where there’s no discipline there’s no learning. Many public schools have become war zones filled with violence, vice and vandalism.   One of the most hopeless, drug and gang infested high schools was transformed into one of the nation’s best. The famous principal, Joe Clark, (the movie Lean on Me was made about him), revolutionized Eastside High from a lawless, chaotic war zone into one of the nation’s finest. Joe made the worst into the best. Joe says we need to instill virtues and values in our young people.

Side A: 3/1/2008

Marketing Evil As Good 


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How has our culture gone from promoting promiscuity as freedom and abortion as a choice? How has freedom come to mean that child killing, pornography, and homosexuality are all OK, but Biblical values and even conservative books must be censored out?  A Christian librarian at Ohio State was punished for sexual harassment just for recommending the book The Marketing of Evil, by David Kupelian. Why? Because it upholds traditional values.  Kupelian is the managing editor of worldnetdaily.com.  His book is a serious wake up call for all who cherish traditional values and the innocence of children.

Side B: 2/23/2008

Discovering Christian Schools



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What’s the most important decision a parent can make in their child’s education? A recent poll showed that 1/3 of teens claim they are Christians. But how can they be if they don’t even know what a Christian believes? 50% said, “A life of good works will get you to heaven”; 35% don’t believe Jesus rose from the dead; 1/3 believed Jesus sinned.  Pastor Bob Rosio tells how and why he founded the Cheswick Christian Academy. Harold Naylor, co-founder of Discover Christian Schools.com says, “There are no do-overs in your child’s education…it will determine who they become.”

Side A: 2/16/2008

Evolution - The Grandiose Experiment part 2


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What impact has evolution had on our culture? How has evolution created a paradigm shift away from “love thy neighbor” to survival of the fittest? Is evolution scientific? Evolution says first there was nothing then nothing became something and later everything. The headlines proclaim new discoveries proving evolution but when it turns out to be another fraud – that’s not printed. So the public is left with the idea that it’s true. Dr Carl Warner graduated from medical school at age 23 and believed in evolution until a friend asked him three questions that changed his worldview.

Side B: 2/9/2008

Evolution - The Grandiose Experiment part 1



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Evolutionists say whales evolved from a land animal like a bear, hyena or a cat. That horses developed long necks by stretching their necks to eat. But is that science or science fiction? Have scientists created life from non-living material? In the 1800’s it was believed that life could spontaneously come from non-life. But what Darwin believed, Pasteur disproved.  Dr Carl Werner has spent his life researching and traveling around the world to investigate the evidence for evolution, and he has put his findings into a magnificent book entitled, Evolution- the Grand Experiment. The Quest for an Answer.

Side A: 2/2/2008

The Tyranny of Islam part 2


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Throughout our history America has been a “melting pot” of cultures. Are Muslims coming here to be part of our culture or to change our culture? How is Islam being promoted in public schools?  Are schools really teaching tolerance for other cultures or raising up little Johnnie Talibans?  Multiculturism teaches that all cultures are equal.  But are some cultures and some religions better than others? Internationally renowned speaker and author Brigitte Gabriel tells how Muslims are gaining influence and power in education and business and Americans need to know where it’s leading us.

Side B: 1/26/2008

The Tyranny of Islam part 1



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Why would any religion want to execute a teacher for allowing her class to name a teddy bear Mohammed? In the Muslim world, extreme is main stream. Brigitte Gabriel, author of Because They Hate – A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, was persecuted as a Christian under Muslim rule in Lebanon. She warns Americans of the irreversible danger we face as we bring in Islamic prayer rooms, foot baths and curriculum written by Muslims to our schools. She says, “Basic to Islam is intolerance of anything non-Muslim. Basic to Christianity is love for even our enemies.”

Side A: 1/19/2008

Freedom of Religion - part two


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How did America go from being one nation under God to “under God” being ruled unconstitutional (by the 9th Circuit) in the pledge?  Peter Lillback, author of Wall of Misconception, says this “separation of church and state” is a MYTH that’s robbing us of our freedoms. How can there be morality without religion? From our nation’s founding, children read the Bible in schools, until the Supreme Court, acting independently of the Constitution and Congress, told thirty nine MILLION school kids they could never again read the Bible at school. How is this neutrality? How is it constitutional?

Side B: 1/12/2008

Freedom of Religion - part one



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Why would anyone want to stop millions of schoolchildren from reading the Bible?  The Supreme Court’s banning of school Bible reading in 1963 caused such a foundational shift it was as if a revolution took place replacing Christianity with atheism. Very few people have ever heard the actual live recording in this ‘63 Schempp case, so we are playing this classic recording of the actual attorneys arguing for and against the Bible. Pastor Peter Lillback, President of Westminster Theological Seminary, and author of Wall of Misconception, explains how separating God from government is a mistake.

Side A: 1/5/2008

What do the Terrorist Want?


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How are American universities & Hollywood “celebs” encouraging Muslim terrorists to attack us? What would life be like if the terrorists win? It’s not about getting land but control over the whole world. WND Bureau chief, Aaron Klein, author of Schmoozing with Terrorists, regularly talks with some of the most notorious Muslim terrorists. He says, “In a time of unprecedented danger it’s crucial that we understand the true nature of our enemies.” Why is Hillary Clinton the jihadist choice for President? Why Islamic jihadists kill, maim and die- as told to an American Jew over biscuits and tea.

Side B: 12/29/2007

Living Beyond 100 Years



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What’s the secret to a LONG healthy life?  We first saw a commercial with 102 year-old Leonard Ross, driving his car and going strong as a professional trumpet player who’s played for over 80 years. “Rosie” tells of playing his trumpet for Gen. Eisenhower before D-Day in WWII and the invention of the automobile. Waldo McBurney is a 105 year old Kansas bee-keeper, gardener, runner and author of My First 100 Years- A Look Back From the Finish Line. Waldo talks about the importance of faith, nutrition and exercise. At age 100, he set world record in discus because there was no competition! Click here to buy an audio version of this book!

Side A: 12/22/2007

The Celebration of Christmas part 2


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Why is Christmas such an important holy day?  It’s a celebration of the spectacular life of Jesus. Jesus was a man of contrasts; He stopped the storm at sea but allowed soldiers to nail Him to the cross.  Bruce Marchiano, the gifted actor who played the part of Jesus in the movie The Gospel According to Matthew, gives such a dramatic, vivid, inspirational, description of Jesus you will never forget it. Acting the part of Jesus, Bruce shocked the people on the movie set as they watched  him kiss the hand of a filthy street beggar.  The love Jesus has for us is more profound than we can ever know.

Side B: 12/15/2007

The Celebration of Christmas part 1



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No matter how many people try to lump Christmas into a generic ‘happy holiday’, there’s a different spirit in the Christmas season than any other holiday. Beyond the gifts, friends and family, music, why celebrate Christmas? Renowned author, Max Lucado, author of 3:16 – The Numbers of Hope, says people get excited about learning of God’s love for them.  Everything about the life of Jesus is his giving to others. Jesus came to give and serve. Then He gave us His life.  Jesus went from holding the stars in His hands to clutching Mary’s little finger. Why did He come to earth?

Side A: 12/8/2007

What It Means to Be Educated


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What does it mean to be an educated person? Can you be educated if you’ve never even been to school? How can you be well read if you can’t even read? Professor of History at Hillsdale College, Richard Gamble, is the editor of a magnificent book called The Great Tradition-Classical Readings on What It Means to Be an Educated Human Being. Excellence is not primarily excellence of skill but excellence of virtue.  Education without ethics is dangerous. A child’s soul is a precious work of art that must be protected and labored over.  The education that God gives is a possession that will endure forever.

Side B: 12/1/2007

Desensitization of a Nation



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Has the “terminator” terminated words like mom & dad, husband & wife? The California Governor has signed legislation that will require schools to positively portray homosexuality that will affect textbooks and teaching throughout the nation. The moral meltdown is leading to a tidal wave of immorality. Randy Thomasson, of Campaign for Children and Families, says innocent schoolchildren will be mentally molested in their classroom instruction. Linda Harvey, of Mission America, wrote an article entitled, What’s At Stake For Christians in the War Over Homosexuality – A Plea to Pastors.

Side A: 11/24/2007

Insights into ADHD


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ADHD has become an epidemic among school children. But is ADHD, attention deficit hyperactive disease, a real disease with a real chemical imbalance in the brain or is it simply a behavior problem ?  What’s a parent to do with a child who is bouncing off the walls?  What’s wrong with Ritalin if it helps children focus their attention and do better in school? How safe and effective are drugs for ADHD?   Dr Fred Baughman, neurologist for 35 years and a medical/legal expert on ADHD, is the author of the ADHD Fraud-How Psychiatry Makes” Patients” Out of Normal Children. 

Side B: 11/17/2007

The Greatest Commandment



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Jesus said the greatest commandment was to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. This obviously means a Christian education.  Laura Castillo, a well researched home schooling mother of three, discusses the moral degradation in public school and the joys of home schooling.  She says sending Christian kids to public school as “salt and light” is not Biblical. A public school education contradicts scripture: “Do not conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”Ro 12:2 and, “Blessed is the man who… meditates day and night on His Law.” Ps 1:1-2

Side A: 11/10/2007

Christ Overcomes Terrorism part 2


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Kamal Saleem had  a serious car accident and received such love and care from Christians that he began to question his mission. He turned to Allah and shouted, “Where are you? Speak to me.” But Allah was silent. Then he turned to Christ and Christ appeared to him. How could anything other than an authentic experience with the Risen Christ explain the complete transformation of the hardened mind of this Muslim terrorist?  Kamal has become such a fearless and zealous Christian that he goes into Mosques to convert Muslims to Christ. He talks about the goals and strategies of terrorists.

Side B: 11/3/2007

Christ Overcomes Terrorism part 1



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How are American universities breeding grounds for recruiting students into Islam? Victoria Saleem tells how incredibly oppressive Islam is especially to women and children. Two myths Americans have about Islam is that it’s a religion of peace and that Allah is the same as our God. Kamal Saleem, a PLO Muslim terrorist trained to kill infidels, went on his first mission to Israel at age 7. Kamal Saleem came to this country to recruit students into Islam with the ultimate goal of turning them into Jihad fighters, but he was miraculously converted by a supernatural experience with Christ.

Side A: 10/27/2007

The Abundant Life


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How could your life become more meaningful, abundant and joyful?  Dr Paul Meier, psychiatrist and author of Winning is A Choice, tells how sacrifice, patience and practice enables ordinary people to reach extraordinary goals.  Pastor Dale Burke of EV Free of Fullerton author of Take Back Your Life: 10 Choices to Give You More Time, More Energy, and Better Relationships says, “To move up in life we must climb DOWN the ladder of success.”  “The urgent is seldom important and the important is seldom urgent.” “Serve your way to success.” “Make God and other people your priority.”

Side B: 10/20/2007

Winning is a Choice



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How can you achieve excellence in athletics and academics? What qualities are there in the greatest champions, like Tiger Woods and Cynthia Rowland, that enabled them to become the best despite the pressure? How can failure become a learning opportunity?  To be a success means finding a higher purpose.  Dr Paul Meier, nationally recognized radio host, psychiatrist and founder of the Meier Clinics, is the author of more than 70 books including Winning is a Choice, gives some very poignant stories of people who overcome failure and became successful in not just this life but in eternity.

Side A: 10/13/2007

The Natural Family


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What’s happening to the family as legislatures and courts are trying to ban marriage and all legal rights associated with marriage? What’s the long term significance of courts ruling that two men can get married and adopt children?  It has been said, “A country is no freer and society no stronger than the families that comprise it.” Dr Allan Carlson, a leading authority on the family who has served as a distinguished fellow at the Family Research Council and is the author of The Natural Family – A Manifesto, explains why the natural family is vital to our continued survival.

Side B: 10/6/2007

Are Schools Promoting Islam?



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It’s virtually impossible to separate Arab culture from Islam, so how can the Khalil Gibran Academy, a public school in New York, teach Islamic culture without promoting Islam? How can tax dollars fund a school that’s overtly Muslim yet refuse any mention of anything Christian in other public schools? Islamic terror is linked to Islam not Christianity. Chief counsel Richard Thompson, of the Thomas More Law Center warns us we are opening this country up to Islamic terrorism like we’ve never seen in our history by funding and allowing a completely Muslim school.

Side A: 9/29/2007

The Eagle


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The majestic eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom. Just as opposing winds cause an eagle to soar higher so adversity strengthens Godly people. So when adversity comes your way, don’t let it get you down. Let it push you up as you draw closer to God.  Inspirational high school assembly speaker, Gary Horton, says the powerful, strong, father eagle is there waiting to catch the little eaglet as he tries to fly just as God is there to catch us when we fall.  Mary Whelchel, author of Soaring on - High Spiritual Insights from The Life of An Eagle, makes wonderful parallels between the eagle and Christians.

Side B: 9/22/2007

Don’t Waste Your Child’s Mind



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How important is a good education for success in life? How expensive is a free education if it costs you your child’s mind? Joel Turtel tells how a huge experiment in teaching reading resulted in a colossal reading failure that crippled millions of children’s ability to learn. Have public schools become anti-Christian and anti-American?  Sex education is taught without morals or values because that’s considered “religious.”  Joel is an education policy analyst and author of Public Schools, Public Menace. He discusses some low cost high quality alternative educational systems.

Side A: 9/1/2007

Pre-Flood People part 2


The Bible says Noah lived for 950 years! Adam 930 years! Did they really live this long? Is there any proof for it?  Since the head and face continue to grow, what would these people who lived 900+ years look like?  Dr Jack Cuzzo tells of computer extrapolations of what we would look like if we lived 900+ years. It would be very much like the Neanderthals. The bones of a Neanderthal look much thicker and bigger than ours. We look scrawny next to their huge rib cage and larger heads. What happened to human longevity? Why are creationist discoveries being silenced and censored?

Side B: 8/25/2007

Pre-Flood People part 1



Have scientists discovered a new species of humans or are these the bones of people who lived before the flood? Dr Jack Cuozzo’s, author of Buried Alive- The Starting Truth About Neanderthal Man, went into the back rooms of the great museums of Europe to X-ray the original bones for the  supposed proof of evolution.  What he discovered almost cost him and his family their lives.  But when he returned home evolutionists and the media censored his findings.  Dennis Petersen, author of Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation says early man was more advanced and not simply a brute caveman.

Side A: 8/18/2007

Family First


Textbook publishers are removing the words “mother,” “father,” “husband,” “wife...” since those words reflect a negative bias against homosexual partners. Why are more teens are moving away from Christianity than ever before?  Is it time for Christians to consider home schooling? How can Christian children get a Christian world view if they’re only taught a secular worldview? How can parents raise children who “walk with God?”  Dr Voddie Baucham went from the ghetto to college football player to now a popular conference speaker, pastor and author of Family Driven Faith-Doing What It Takes

Side B: 8/11/2007

The Most Important Issue



What is the most important issue facing our nation? It’s the spiritual war over the ideas taught to our children. Most people are unaware of the profound impact schools are having in changing this nation. The reason we’re losing the cultural war is because we’re fighting the symptoms not the cause. Barry Wright described what was being taught to his daughter.  Pastor Ed Gandy uncovered what was being taught in his public schools, so he confronted the public school teachers of his congregation. At first they were angry but admitted it was true. His church ended up building a school.

Side A: 8/4/2007

Is This The Best We Can Do?


How can we expect to remain a first world nation, if we give our kids a third world education?  The TV host of 20/20, John Stossel, produced a fascinating look at American education called, Stupid in America – How Are We Cheating Our Kids? that shows how far behind American students are compared to European students. Stossel makes an excellent case for choice in education that would make schools responsive to parents. Dr Robert Simonds, President of Citizens for Excellence in Education, who has spent his lifetime in all aspects of education, responds to the various cuts from Stupid in America

Side B: 7/28/2007

Making Boys Into Men



Schools are feminizing boys and trying to teach that there’s no differences between the sexes. What are the long term societal consequences of girls outperforming boys from K through grad school? 90% of Ritalin users are boys. How can a boy become a man when most teachers are women and most families don’t have a dad?  If boys are high spirited, it’s seen as misbehavior and they’re labeled LD and put on drugs.  Don Otis, author of  Whisker Rubs-Developing the Masculine Identity, says there is a Biblical way to train and disciple boys so they will become Godly, mature men.

Side A: 7/21/2007

New Media Revolution


News has become liberal propaganda disguised as news. Why is it news when its supposed evidence for evolution or global warning, but not news when it’s exposed as a hoax?  The major media is blatantly anti-Christian and liberal, but the internet is shaking the foundations of their monopoly. Dynamic Christian journalist Joseph Farah, the founder of World Net Daily  and author of Stop the Presses-The Inside Story of The New Media Revolution, exposed the Clinton scandals and their misuse of power, now says it’s past time for Christians to home school their kids.

Side B: 7/14/2007

Coach Dave’s Winning Battle



Are Christian teachers and coaches being eliminated from public schools for being too Christian? Is there anything Christian about a public school education? Coach Dave Daubenmire, was an excellent football coach, and he, or a pastor, would pray with the team on the field. Then the ACLU sued. Coach Dave is President of Pass the Salt Ministries and author of some excellent articles such as Acknowledgment is not Establishment, ADD Absent Dad Disorder, The High Costs of “Free” State Schooling, Second Hand Humanism... He teaches other Christian teachers and  the church on being relevant.

Side A: 7/7/2007

Opting Out


Should the Bible be taught in public school today? There are some disturbing trends in public education today such as homosexuality being taught as normal. Who said, “There is no God and there is no soul…no needs for the props of traditional religion.” Hitler? Marx? Stalin? No it was John Dewey, the father of modern American public education. Is it any wonder then that schools are atheistic? Dr Robert Simonds, President of Citizens for Excellence, says, “With 88% of Christian youth losing their Christian faith, Christian leaders are coming up with alternatives to public schooling.

Side B: 6/30/2007

Why Celebrate the 4th?



Why do we celebrate the 4th of July? Only 28% of 4th graders knew the significance of the Declaration of Independence. 72% don’t know anything about our American heritage. July 4th 1776 wasn’t just the birth of American freedom, it was the birth of freedom around the world. Assembly speaker Gary Horton, a former Army Ranger who now has an outreach for youth, speaks about the vital role that belief in God and Christianity has played in giving us our basic freedoms. But Gary has been told to leave any mention of God out of any speeches he gives in public schools. Where is his freedom of speech?

Side A: 6/23/2007

Integrity & Innovation


What does it take to be successful in business today? Bill Hewlett, a legend of the computer industry, was dyslexic but got through school by memorizing everything his teachers said. At Stanford Hewlett excelled and created some of the most intellectually demanding inventions of all time. What was there about the leadership skills of Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard that enabled them to create one of the world’s greatest corporations- Hewlett Packard?  Michael Malone is a distinguished technology journalist and author of Bill & Dave-How Hewlett and Packard Built the World’s Greatest Company.

Side B: 6/17/2007

A New Approach to Education



What role does the Church play in educating children?  In the Great Commission, Jesus mandated making disciples and teaching them.  How are churches teaching children, when 90% spend all day in government schools? Bruce Shortt, a graduate of Harvard Law and a Phd from Stanford, and author of the Harsh Truth About Public Schools, has introduced several resolutions at the Southern Baptist Conventions calling on parents and pastors to provide education for all the children. If parents can’t afford it, the church should help by using church buildings and lay people as teachers.

Side A: 6/9/2007

An Eternal Perspective


81390X: Homeschooling for Eternity
How can a single mother home school? Skeet Savage, a single mom, was homeless (in a freezing Michigan winter), destitute, in poor health, and on her way to commit suicide when the Lord changed her life. How could she teach her six children when she flunked out of high school herself?  Skeet not only home schooled all of her 6 kids, she became a successful national speaker, publisher of Home School Digest, and author of Home Schooling for Eternity. Jesus Christ said, “A student will become like his teacher.” Will Christian students who have a secular teacher become secular?

Side B: 6/2/2007

Control Education- Control the Future 



How important is a Christian education to pastors and parents, considering that less than 5% of churches have schools and 90% of parents send their kids to secular schools?  Are public schools religiously neutral? Whoever controls education controls that society. Gary DeMar, of American Vision and author of Whoever Controls the Schools Controls the World, says we send out missionaries to convert heathens and yet here at home we turn our own children over to humanist to educate them. Gary says if the church doesn’t start taking responsibility for educating the children the church will rapidly decline.

Side A: 5/26/2007

Overcoming Stress


918353: 30 Days to Taming Your Stress
Do you have too much to do and not enough time to do it? Stress, the tyranny of the urgent, is built into our fast paced society, but you can develop habits that bring you peace.  Deborah Smith Pegues, a CPA, seminar leader/Bible teacher and author of 30 Days to Taming Your Stress and 30 Days to Taming your Tongue, says life is a journey not a race. Financial stress is a top cause of divorce. Don’t let stress, anger, chaos, regret, and a loose tongue rob you of the wonderfully full life you can have. Learn to slow down and manage your life through organization, planning and control of your words
915605: 30 Days to Taming Your Tongue: What You Say (and Don't Say) Can Improve Your Life and Relationships

Side B: 5/19/2007

Darwin to Design



Is evolution a theory or  fact? If evolution were true why don’t we see an abundance of new species instead of extinction? What proof is there for Creation? Dr Chris Cagan, a brilliant mathematician with two PhDs, and author of From Darwin to Design, was once a staunch atheist, who had been taught  Christianity caused wars, the Salem witch trials, the Crusades and human misery. But beginning with a lecture by I.C.R., he learned that design and natural laws are too precise to happen by accident.  Newton, the most brilliant scientist ever, believed in God.

Side A: 5/12/2007

Contending for This Generation


Is Christianity losing the battle for the minds and hearts of this generation? What influence is the church having in a culture where only 8% of American teenagers attend a church, ever? What does that say about the future of the Church?

Pastor Rick Taylor gives solid, Biblical reasons why he started a Christian school in his church. Dr Bob Dreyfus, with Exodus Mandate, says giving kids a Christian education is far more effective than trying to evangelize adults. Yet most time and money is spent on adult evangelism.  “Cliff side evangelism” isn’t as effective as Christian education.

Side B: 5/5/2007

Capturing a Generation



Gay indoctrination infuriates parents.But selling homosexuality to America’s schoolchildren has become law in many states. It’s Elementary is a shocking training video used in training teachers in Colleges of Education. We play actual cuts from the video to show how teachers cleverly persuade their impressionable children to believe there’s no right or wrong in gay & lesbian behavior.  Ed Vitagliano, the spokesman for the American Family Association and Editor of the AFA Journal, says the strategy is to tell parents it’s simply protection from bullying but it’s open promotion of perversion.

Side A: 4/28/2007

Breakthrough Discoveries part 2 


People today are exposed to more chemical toxins in our air,  food and water than at any time in history.  Heart disease and cancer are killers but can they be prevented and even cured? New scientific breakthroughs show great hope in healing cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other serious diseases without surgery, chemo or radiation. . Dr Burt Berkson describes some dramatic case studies of amazing cures. We play cuts from a fascinating speech given by world renowned physician and scientist, Mattias Rath, author of Why Animals Don’t Get Heart Attacks But People Do

Side B: 4/21/2007

Breakthrough Discoveries part 1 



How effective are the natural treatments and preventions for cancer, heart disease, diabetes and fibromyalgia?  Tom Balk has a fascinating story of how he was told by his doctors he would soon die – there was nothing they could do for his liver failure. But incredibly, PhD scientist and medical doctor, Dr Burt Berkson, saved Tom’s life, and hundreds of others, with a natural substance called alpha lipoic acid.  Dr Berkson, author of The Alpha Lipoic Acid Breakthrough, says he is also seeing terminal cancer patients healed and will speak about his findings at an upcoming cancer specialist conference.

Side A: 4/14/2007

A Shocking View of College


The percentage of Christians in this current generation is expected to decline to only 4%. Abby Nye, a courageous Christian, a university student, and author of Fish out of Water-Surviving & Thriving as Christian on a Secular Campus, tells how professors intimidate and convert Christians into humanism.  As an example, Abby was told by her Literature professor that the Bible is a book of myths and not a credible source in academia. Yet she was required to buy a Koran for her required class on Islam. How can the Church in America hope to survive if 90% of Christian youth leave the faith?

Side B: 4/7/2007

The Resurrection & the Life part 2 



This life changing program is a great witnessing program to give unbelievers. We continue with Bill Wiese. What does “Jesus Saves” mean to a generation that has no idea what He saves them from?   If most people don’t believe a literal hell exists, and certainly don’t believe they will go there, why do they need a savior?  Why did the Lord choose a low-key realtor, not a preacher, to transport to hell in a vision? The Lord told Bill that he wanted him to experience hell, a place where there’s no rest or peace, but only torture and regret, as a warning that Jesus is their only way to get to heaven.

Side A: 3/31/2007

Broad is the Way part 1 


Easter means Christ is risen! But what does that mean to a generation that doesn’t believe in absolutes let alone God? Is HELL a real place?  Bill Wiese, author of the top selling book, “23 Minutes in Hell,” tells how he awakened in the middle of the night in a vision where his spirit actually was transported to a very real place called hell. Bill’s testimony is absolutely fascinating. He gives an eye witness, unbiased, account of the searing heat, ghoulish demonic beasts that ripped his flesh apart, and the terror-filled screams of people burning in the flames. This place called hell  is very real.

Side B: 3/24/2007

The Next Generation of Leaders



Do we want this generation to be the “porn” generation or the “Joshua” generation? Michael Farris helped make home schooling legal and he is the founder of Patrick Henry College. He is the author of The Joshua Generation-Restoring the Heritage of Christian Leadership, and says this can be the Joshua generation if Christian educated students attain leadership positions. To do that, they need a Christian education. Harvard Law student and columnist, Ben Shapiro, author of Porn Generation, says, “My generation is the lost generation as courts and schools promote promiscuity and ban religion.”

Side A: 3/17/2007

From Jihad To Jesus part 2


Most Americans are unaware of how pervasive Islam has become in our schools. What aspect of Islam is studied in World History? Does it tell students how intolerant and cruel Shari Law is in Islamic countries? Or that Christianity gave this country the freedoms we have?  Jerry Rassamni, author of From Jihad to Jesus, is a living miracle, a sign to unbelievers of God’s love and power to transform the most hardened Muslim terrorist into a true Christian.  Jerry’s message is such a sensitive, loving message that the God who created the universe wanted to be his Father can bring tears to your eyes.

Side B: 3/10/2007

From Jihad To Jesus part 1



If Islamic terrorists are our enemy, why is our government allowing 21,000 Saudi students to come here on student visas?

Remember! 15 of the 19 hijackers on 911 were Saudis. Ex-Muslim Jerry Rassamni, author of From Jihad to Jesus – An Ex-Militant’s Journey of Faith, tells of his savagery and passion for killing Christians in Lebanon. Now he demonstrates the incredible love of Jesus. Muslim students in this country are a tremendous mission field for us. Campus preacher, Jed Smock, was attacked, kicked and strangled by Muslim women as he held up the Koran as he was preaching on campus.

Side A: 3/3/2007

Sex Ed Exposed


There’s now a vaccination to prevent HPV (an incurable STD linked to cervical cancer) and California is considering requiring school girls to be vaccinated as young as 9. Is this a good idea or a violation of innocence?   If sex education was so effective why are STDs epidemic?  Richard Ackerman, of the Pro-Family Law Center, says sex ed. tears down morals and values. Parent, George Rodriguez, researched sex ed. being taught in his school and says he was deceived. Sex ed. is all about changing the mores of society and promoting homosexuality beginning with the youngest children at school.

Side B: 2/24/2007

Set Free 



Fifty million Americans (1 in 6) suffer from some form of addiction. Is our culture creating a generation of drug, food, alcohol and porn addicts?  What’s the answer to addictions? Lacy Enderson, author of Addiction: A Personal Story   began drinking in high school and became an alcoholic, gives hope to others who want to be set free.  Biblical counselor Dr David Eckman, author of Sex Food & God- Breaking Free from Temptations, Compulsions  & Addictions, says, “It’s the love of God that frees people from bad habits and is the most effective way to stop the pursuit of the flesh.”

Side A: 2/17/2007

Mind Body Connection


How does diet, worry and stress affect health? The mind, body and soul connection to health is neglected by most people, yet “oxidative stress” has been shown to be the root cause of over 70 diseases including heart attacks, stroke, cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis… but anti-oxidants can help.  Dr Bill Strand and Bill Ewing, are the authors of Living By Design – Discovering the Spirit, Soul and Body Connection, say “chronic stress weakens your immune system and raises the risk of disease but nutritional supplements can improve your heath and prevent and help heal many serious diseases.”

Side B: 2/10/2007

Healthy Heart Alternatives



Heart disease is the number one killer in America.  What are the causes and cures for heart disease? Are there safer treatments than stents and bypasses? Internationally renowned medical doctor Dr Julian Whitaker, author of Reversing Heart Disease, offers help to prevent, treat and eliminate cardiac problems without surgery. Cardiac surgeon, Dr Dwight Lundell, who performed over 5,000 bypass operations now says there is a better solution than surgery. Medical doctor, Bill Strand, has discovered nutritional medicine and says, “I now prescribe medicine as a last resort, not a first choice.”

Side A: 2/3/2007

Making Sense Out of the Economy


onforadionet.com With a national debt limit an astronomical 9 trillion dollars, is America bankrupt? Economist, author and formerly a legislator (TN) and a CEO of a chain of banks, Dr Larry Bates, says a time is coming when paper money will be worthless. Dr Larry Bates gives his predictions for 2007. How will the following affect you? The falling value of the dollar? rising oil prices? the continued decline of real estate?  How will the Democratically controlled Congress affect the economy?  What are the best ways to protect your assets? How was the Federal Reserve responsible for the Great Depression?

Side B: 1/27/2007

Why 911 Could Happen Again



Muslims want special prayer rooms in schools and airports. How safe are airliners today? Could the catastrophe of 911 happen again?  Anne Jacobsen, journalist and author of Terror in the Skies- Why  9/11 Could Happen Again, relates a harrowing account of her flight in which 14 Syrian men staged a “dry run” hijacking.  What happened was not one isolated incident, but a pattern.  Were the six Muslim Imams, who were forcibly removed from a US Airways flight, discriminated against or is this an attempt to break down airport security by making profiling illegal?

Side A: 1/20/2007

Leaving the Left


Democrats have taken control of Congress and 6 out of 10 young voters voted Democrat. Campus diversity has become a sham. Democrats out number Republicans 10 to 1.  Universities are now the soil and the seeds for the liberal left. Keith Thompson, author of Leaving the Left-Moments in the News That Made Me Ashamed To Be A Liberal, says the Supreme Court must reverse Roe to protect all human life.  Private property rights are now at great risk.  The left wouldn’t cheer for Iraqi voters who went to the polls despite terrorist threats on their lives because they hate Bush more than they love freedom.

Side B: 1/13/2007

A Survivor of Islamic Terror pt 2



Why does Islam want to destroy America?  How did America go from being unified right after the 911 tragedy to the resentment today?  Brigitte Gabriel was the evening news anchor for the Middle East World News Broadcast and saw the profound, unimaginable hate Islam produced in people who were her friends but became her vicious enemies.  With 6 million Muslims in America today, and with a newly elected Muslim Congressman, Americans need to understand the threat and strategy of Islam and how the naďve media and education system is playing right into their hands.

Side A: 1/6/2007

A Survivor of Islamic Terror pt 1


Many Americans naively assume daily terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings, can’t happen here. That’s what Brigitte Gabriel thought about her country – then it did. Brigitte Gabriel, author of Because They Hate – A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America, says, “Lebanon was much like America – a prosperous, democratic nation, the “Paris of the Middle East.” But their multiculturism led to their downfall. Brigitte tells how horrible it was to live in a bomb shelter for 7 years.  Why was Lebanon targeted for Muslim Jihad? The same reason we are. We are non-Muslim infidels.

Side B: 12/30/2006

A New Beginning



At a time when right and wrong are blurred, is there such a thing as a hero or a  traitor? Is patriotism out of date in today’s classrooms? Is one culture better than any other? Mike Radford is the author of A Salute to Service – The Rebirth of Patriotism, a powerful book that reminds us why the world looks to America for help in times of disaster, and why we  help others throw off their bondage of oppression to get a chance at freedom. Mike tells “the rest of the story” about WWII fighter pilot Butch O’Hare and how his dad, who was Al Capone’s attorney, made a good role model for Butch.

Side A: 12/23/2006

Jesus is the Gift


Pastor Richard Exley, author of The Indescribable Gift,  makes that first Christmas come ALIVE!  The birth of Jesus is God showing us how much He loves us. He was willing to risk it all and come to a planet in rebellion to Him, to suffer and die so that we could spend forever with Him.  Steve Halliday, author of Mighty God, explains how Emmanuel is Jesus. Steve tells the fascinating story of a rich young man, Bill Borden, who gave up all his wealth to die on the mission field for Christ. Jesus was rich yet for our sakes became poor so that through his poverty we could become rich.

Side B: 12/16/2006

Christmas Music



Christmas would not be Christmas without Christmas music.  It’s ironic that public schools censor out any music that mentions Jesus as Lord, yet the greatest musicians were Christians.  Were Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel… really born again Christians? Dr Patrick Kavenaugh, author of Devotions from the World of Music, and Raising Musical Kids, gives some fascinating details into the lives of the great composers and some great ideas how to help your child develop a love for music. What do you say when your little Mozart wants to quit his music lessons?

Side A: 12/9/2006

Millstones & Stumbling Blocks


Public schools champion everything from Kwanza and multiculturalism, to global warning yet dutifully ignore Christmas as inappropriate.  Brad Heath, author of Millstones and Stumbling Blocks, wrote, “Evangelicals are  notorious for fighting symptoms while perpetuating root causes.” While Christians fight social issues like abortion, pornography etc., their own kids are in schools  that teach relative values, like abortion is just a woman’s choice. Chesterton wrote, “Education isn’t just a subject but a way of life.” Since schools are secular “millstones,” why are Christians putting their children in them?

Side B: 12/2/2006

Let’s Keep Christmas



Is Christmas religious or secular? Should Christmas be celebrated in public schools? An outstanding fourth grade teacher for 23 years, Connie Ricks, tells how she legally celebrates Christmas in her classroom. She offers cautions for other teachers.  Although schools have banned Christmas cards, concerts, carols and students saying, “Merry Christmas,” even red and green colors, Finn Larsen, with the Christian Educators Assoc. Int’l, says, “Liberty Counsel will defend the right to celebrate Christmas at all schools and will stop schools perpetuating religious discrimination at Christmas.”

Side A: 11/25/2006

Science and the Bible


Does science prove the Bible? What impact does evolution have on Christian students? A recent poll showed 62% of Americans believe God and evolution are compatibleJim Tetlow, producer of a DVD A Question of Origins (we include cuts with Pastor Chuck Smith), and a booklet 101 Scientific Facts & Foreknowledge, tells of fascinating scientific discoveries (ocean springs on the ocean floor) and how they were foretold in the Bible thousands of years ago. If evolution were true, we wouldn’t be concerned about extinction since there would be new species regularly coming into existence.

Side B: 11/18/2006

Giving God Thanks



Students are taught that Thanksgiving was a time when the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians and had a feast for racial harmony but not that Thanksgiving originated as a distinctly Christian holiday for the purpose of giving thanks to God. Christianity and American history are intertwined. Our guest, Dr John Pafford, a professor of history and author of How Firm a Foundation, tells who the Pilgrims were and how they founded this country as a Christian commonwealth, how they fostered a market economy, how they valued freedom “under God”, and established the “work ethic.”

Side A: 11/11/2006

The Heart of a Soldier’s Mom


What’s it like to be a soldier fighting in Iraq? What’s it like to be a soldier’s mom waiting at home to hear from a son wounded in battle? Our special Veterans Day program features Carla Lois whose son was badly wounded in Iraq.  Carla tells a humorous story of the “camel spiders,” spiders the size of dogs, to the heroic stories of our troops fighting valiantly against Muslim terrorist in the streets of Baghdad. She says, “Our troops are ordinary guys doing extraordinary things.”  But are we winning this war? Can people support our troops but not their mission?  God bless our military.

Side B: 11/4/2006

Ending Judicial Tyranny



The Ninth Circuit says parents give up their parental rights at the school house door as schools are free to give sex surveys to kids as young as 7. Matt Staver of The Liberty Council, is taking this case to the Supreme Court. Valedictorians have free speech unless it’s Christian.  Erica Corder’s diploma was held, Brittany McComb’s mic went dead, because they dared mention Christ. A federal judge ordered Megan Chapman not to pray. How can we stop judicial tyranny? The Public Expression of Religion Act will stop the ACLU from using taxpayer money to fund their anti-Christian agenda.

Side A: 10/28/2006

Love One Another


How can people work together instead of against each other?  What are the keys to being a BEST FRIEND?  Can brothers and sisters be best friends instead of merely tolerating each other? Jesus didn’t say to just tolerate each other but to love one another, yet just getting along with other people is the primary reason people don’t stay on the job and don’t stay with friends, family or spouse.  Harold, Sarah, Grace, Stephen Mally are the authors of Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends.  Pride can ruin relationships but humility can heal them.  Encourage one another and take time alone with them.

Side B: 10/21/2006

The Vision



It wasn’t long ago that public schools couldn’t be built fast enough. Now they have to choose which ones to close.  The LA Times and Wall Street Journal connect Dr Robert Simonds and his organization -C.E.E. with the decline of public school enrollment. Dr Robert Simonds has had a profound impact on national education policy. He has spoken at conventions of superintendents and to the US Secretary of Education.  How did it all start? It started with a supernatural vision from God where schoolchildren reached out to Dr Simonds with big tears in their eyes, crying, “Come help us.”

Side A: 10/13/2006

Corruption in the Classroom


Although creationism is no longer allowed in public schools, homosexuality is now mandated by law.  Newly passed legislation in California will have a profound impact on education throughout the country. Although Republicans offered an amendment to require parental notification, it was rejected. Randy Thomasson, President of the Campaign for Children and Families, explains how this legislation will affect Christian colleges and that everyone with a child in public school needs to know that their child will get a pro-homosexual biased view emphasizing positive homosexual role models.

Side B: 10/7/2006

Diabolic Diversity



Are school children being used as “pawns” in the cultural/spiritual civil war?  Are schools corrupting children? David Parker, a Christian parent, simply asked administrators to notify him when they would be discussing homosexuality with his kindergarten son. They not only refused his request but had David arrested, led away in handcuffs, and put in jail. They insisted they had a mandate to present homosexuality to children.  What does it mean to corrupt the mind of a child if not teaching them to accept and admire homosexuality?  David’s little boy was beaten up at school for his dad’s stand.

Side A: 9/30/2006

Lessons From The Eagle


The majestic eagle is a symbol of strength and freedom. Just as opposing winds cause an eagle to soar higher so adversity strengthens Godly people. So when adversity comes your way, don’t let it get you down. Let it push you up as you draw closer to God.  Inspirational high school assembly speaker, Gary Horton, says the powerful, strong, father eagle is there waiting to catch the little eaglet as he tries to fly just as God is there to catch us when we fall.  Mary Whelchel, author of Soaring on High Spiritual Insights from The Life of An Eagle, makes wonderful parallels between the eagle and Christians.

Side B: 9/23/2006

The Foundation of Public Schools



Before public schools, the education level of our nation was far higher than it is today. So why was state controlled education started? John Dewey has been called the greatest educational thinker of the twentieth century, but he was a co-founder of the ACLU and laid the foundation for humanist/atheism in our schools.  .Hank Edmondson is the author of John Dewey & the Decline of American Education- How the Patron Saint of Schools Has Corrupted Teaching and Learning. Pastor Steve Wilkins says public schools were started to take control away from the Christians and give it to the humanists.

Side A: 9/16/2006

Islamic War Against America


Why are almost all of the terrorists in the world Muslims?  Why are public school students told to pretend they are Muslims and even to pray to Allah when the Bible, prayer and the Ten Commandments are forbidden?  Martin Mawyer, President of the Christian Action Network, says schools are opening the door to jihad in America by naively teaching Islam at school. He tells how the Supreme Court will hear a case that could force American schoolchildren to become Muslims.  Chaplain and historian Austin Miles, says schools aren’t just teaching about Islam but are indoctrinating students into it.

Side B: 9/9/2006

Trusting God on 911



What would it have been like to be on the 81st floor of the North Tower when the huge jet came crashing through the window and jet fuel exploded on 911?  Sujo John, an evangelist from India, was at work on that floor as the building came crashing down around him, yet he walked away from it and so did his pregnant wife.  It was a miracle! Amazingly Sujo prayed with a group of people to receive the Lord just before they entered eternity.  Motivational speaker, Ron Heagy, a quadriplegic in a wheel chair, was also right there on 911 encouraging others to put their trust in God.

Side A: 9/2/2006

A Healthy Diet 


Which is more dangerous to your health – being a smoker, a drinker or being overweight?  How safe is feeding kids hot dogs? Children who eat just three hot dogs a week have 9 times the risk of getting leukemia. Americans are dieting more but are more overweight than ever which increases their risk of getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes.  Dr Ted Broer, a nutrition expert, biochemist and author of several books including Maximum Fat Loss and Maximum Energy, gives a comprehensive overview of a good diet and the ten foods to avoid and why to avoid them.

Side B: 8/26/2006

System Failure



Is progressive education dumbing down our children and making public schools obstacles to learning with inventive spelling,  whole language and math that promotes social change? Dorothy Schankle, was a grammar teacher for 28 years, until she was actually forbidden from teaching grammar. So she quit. Why would a grammar teacher be forbidden from teaching grammar?  Sol Stern, a Manhattan Institute senior fellow and author of Breaking Free- Public School Lessons and the Imperative of School Choice, says unproven education programs could greatly diminish our nation’s future prospects.

Side A: 8/19/2006

It’s Your Child’s Future


There’s a war on Christians, and it’s centered in public schools where Christian students are persecuted for their faith. What’s your child’s soul worth? Where you choose to educate them will determine their core values and beliefs. Pastor Brian Schwertley,  author of The Necessity of An Explicitly Christian Education, says the Bible gives clear instruction on how and where to education children.  Home schooling parent, Bob Gannage, believed so strongly in raising godly kids that he gave up a lucrative career and sold World Books door to door so he could protect his children from public school. 

Side B: 8/12/2006

ADHD – Disease or Deception?



ADHD has become an epidemic among school children. But is ADHD, attention deficit hyperactive disease, a real disease with a real chemical imbalance in the brain, or is it simply a behavior problem - hyperactivity?  What’s a parent to do with a child who is bouncing off the walls?  What’s wrong with Ritalin if it helps children focus their attention and do better in school? How safe and effective are drugs for ADHD?   Dr Fred Baughman, neurologist for 35 years and a medical/legal expert on ADHD, is the author of the ADHD Fraud-How Psychiatry Makes” Patients” Out of Normal Children

Side A: 8/5/2006

A Christian View of World History 



Is there such a thing as Christian history? Or is history just history?  What is revisionist history and why is it so dangerous?

Historian, Gary DeMar gives the Christian side to world history and explodes the myths such as the “golden ages” of Greece and Rome being the basis of our democratic form of government.  What is Providential history?  History teacher, Katherine Dang, author of Universal History Law Without Liberty, says God is intimately involved in history. Why does God want us to know history? By remembering what God has done in the past it gives us faith in what He will to do in the future.

Side B: 7/29/2006

Liberal Intolerance 



Are universities becoming training grounds for socialists?  Brad Dacus, Chief Council of the Pacific Justice Inst., tells how Cal. schools persecuted Christian students (recent immigrants from Russia) because they opposed the national Day of Silence by wearing T-shirts that read: “Homosexuality is Sin.”   Jamie Glasov tells what HELL it was to live under Communism in Russia and how he loves America. David Horowitz is trying to get universities to give students both sides and expose them to conservative ideas. Ideas are what made this country different from communist nations.

Side A: 7/22/2006

Think About Home Schooling


What’s your goal for your child’s future? If it’s to become a Christian, why would you want your child to form his most basic beliefs from a non-Christian education?  What do new studies show about pre-schooling?  Parents consider your options! Denise Kanter of Considering Home Schooling Ministry by Morningstar Educational Network, says when Christian parents are presented with the facts most will choose home schooling. She is offering a free DVD to give parents the information they need to make an informed choice. Don’t just ask what kind of schooling is best for your child, ask what kind of person you want them to become.

Side B: 7/15/2006

The Everlasting Truth



What is truth? Can TRUTH be taught at school or is it too religious?  Are public schools really religiously neutral?  Most Americans no longer believe there is an absolute truth. Voddie Baucham, author of The Ever Loving Truth- Can Faith Thrive in a Post-Christian Culture?, has an amazing testimony. Although he was raised in the ghetto, he earned a Master's and Doctorate's degree in theology, and is now one of the nation's most sought after preachers and teachers. In this enlightening interview, Voddie exposes the hypocrisy of "tolerance" and shreds other current cultural myths.

Side A: 7/8/2006

Exit Strategy


If a stranger asked to borrow your car, you’d refuse. Yet, when it comes to children, most parents trustingly hand over something far more valuable – their children – to people in their local schools they know nothing about. The facts are in!  94% of home schooled children continue in the Christian faith compared to 80-90% of Christians who go to public school that leave the faith.  Ray Moore, founder of Exodus Mandate, gives solid, Biblical reasons why parents are choosing to educate their children at home or send them to Christian schools.  Parents need to hear this before choosing their school.

Side B: 7/1/2006

America’s Birthday



What happened on July 4th, 1776? Is our nation celebrating it’s birthday or its demise?  Tom Dooley is one of America’s top narrators of commercials and the Billy Graham Crusades, and is the author of One Nation Under God-America’s Lost Dream. What happened to the men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Who were they? How did GOD protect General George Washington in battle?  The Star Spangled Banner is our national anthem but who wrote it and what do the words “bombs bursting in air” really mean?  How have humanism and evolution harmed our nation?

Side A: 6/24/2006

The Marketing of Evil part 2


Just as marketing sells products, so marketing has changed America’s most basic beliefs. At one time, this was a Christian culture but now the Barna Group reports that just 4% of Americans have a Biblical worldview.  How has this happened? The marketers of evil have deceived people into thinking that homosexuality is gay, that abortion is a right and that moral degeneracy is freedom! David Kupelian, author of “The Marketing of Evil” says, “We’ve foolishly  traded Western Civilization for vain delusions… home schooling represents the most promising avenue for the rebirth of our culture.”

Side B: 6/17/2006

The Marketing of Evil part 1



How has our culture gone from promoting promiscuity as freedom and abortion as a choice? How has freedom come to mean that child killing, pornography, and homosexuality are all OK, but Biblical values and even conservative books must be censored out?  A Christian librarian at Ohio State was punished for sexual harassment just for recommending the book The Marketing of Evil, by David Kupelian. Why? Because it upholds traditional values.  Kupelian is the managing editor of worldnetdaily.com.  His book is a serious wake up call for all who cherish traditional values and the innocence of children.

Side A: 6/10/2006

God’s Coming Judgment


George Mason said, “National sins beget national calamities.” We’ve slaughtered millions through abortion. Were 911 and Katrina warnings from God?  Look at the nations in the ash heap of history. What role do pastors play in our moral decline?  Pastor John Anderson, author of A Compassionate Roar- Raising an Urgent Voice in Our Window of Mercy, has been a pastor for over 40 years.  John says pastors who are silent about our national sins, as he was, will bring God’s judgment.  Pastors need to be compassionate in warning people of God’s coming judgment as Jesus was when he warned people about hell.

Side B: 6/3/2006

The Case for Home Schooling



What a person believes at age 13 is, for the most part, what they will believe for the rest of their lives. Parents! How can you protect your child’s beliefs?  Research shows 94% of home schooled children keep the faith of their parents. But 80-90% of public schooled Christians lose their faith.  Have you considered home schooling? The man most responsible for making home schooling legal is attorney Chris Klicka of the Home School Legal Defense Association and author of Home Schooling – The Right Choice.  Chris talks about his spiritual maturation through his suffering with multiple sclerosis.

Side A: 5/27/2006

Freedom Isn’t Free (Memorial Day Special)


How are the media and education systems undermining our freedoms by undermining patriotism? Is there a correlation between courage on the battlefield and faith in God?  Freedom isn’t free but purchased at great cost, yet if young people don’t know the price paid, they won’t defend their freedoms. An America that represents freedom, hope, and one nation under God, is worth defending.  Col. Jim Coy served in the Gulf War and is the author of A Gathering of Eagles, and Prisoners of Hope. Dr Coy, a medical doctor and professor, describes fascinating accounts of bravery, loyalty and faith .

Side B: 5/20/2006

New Fossil Find



Has the MISSING LINK been found?  Does this new fossil find, a fish with legs, prove evolution is true?  The find was found in the Arctic and featured on the front page of many newspapers. World renowned speaker, author and President of Answers in Genesis, Ken Ham, answers the tough questions about this new fossil find and evolution in general.  Have there been other fish with legs? What about fish that climb trees? Other questions Ken Ham answers are: Where did the various races and cultures originate? Where did Cain get his wife?  Why is this evolution/creation debate so important?

Side A: 5/13/2006

Islamic Terrorism part 2


Experts say a nuclear attack on an American city within the next few years is probable.  Former Muslim terrorist now a Christian, Wallid Shoebat, says if Iran gets a nuclear weapon it will be brought to America in a container ship and exploded in an American port.  Why would anyone want to kill us? What really goes on in the mind of a Muslim terrorist? What country is our most lethal enemy? It was Saudis who blew up the Twin Towers, yet President Bush is encouraging 21,000 Saudi students to come to America in the next 4 years. What’s the best way to win this war on Muslim terrorism?

Side B: 5/6/2006

Islamic Terrorism part 1



The President of Iran said he wants to wipe Israel off the map.  What did Israelis do to them to provoke such hatred? Are there Muslim terrorists here in America? Our guest, Walid Shoebat, should know – he was a terrorist who began attacking Jews when he was just 8 years old.  Walid came to Chicago as a college student but spent his time raising money from unsuspecting students to fund terrorism.  Walid is now a fascinating Christian and author of Why I Left Jihad.  If a Muslim converts to Christianity, he is under a death sentence.  Why did Walid change? Could the Anti-Christ be a Muslim?

Side A: 4/29/2006

The New Economic Disorder


With a national debt limit an astronomical 9 trillion dollars, is America bankrupt? Economist, author and former member of the TN. House of Reps, Dr Larry Bates, was a CEO of a chain of banks but now hosts his own national radio program, Unraveling the New World Order on his own satellite network – The Information Radio Network.  Dr Bates says a time is coming when paper money will be worthless.  Milton Freedman said, “The Federal Reserve was responsible for the three biggest tragedies in the 20th centuries: the Great Depression, WW I & WW II. There are ways to protect your assets.

Side B: 4/22/2006

Is Public Education Against America?



Is public education against America?  America’s educational system has been hijacked. At one time public education was thoroughly Christian, but today an entire generation has been taught to believe there are no rights or wrongs.  Intelligent Design isn’t even allowed as an electiveKirby Anderson, host of Point of View Radio Program, is the spokesman for the late Marlin Maddox regarding his book Public Education Against America.  Tim LaHay wrote, “Atheists, socialist and liberals control our educational system so that public education has become anti-God and anti-American.”

Side A: 4/15/2006

The Greatest Event


What is the greatest event in all human history? It has to be the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because He lives, we know we too will live again just as He promised.  Actor Bruce Marchiano vividly describes what it must have looked like for a body to come back to life.  Calvin Miller, award winning author (Conversations with Jesus), professor and pastor says, the movie The Passion of Christ, shows just how much Jesus suffered so we could be forgiven.  Motivational high school assembly speaker, Gary Horton, and Pastor Pierre Bynam, editor of the Capital Hill Prayer Alert, discuss fascinating details and consequences of the greatest even in history – the  Resurrection.  This program will invigorate your faith and reduce your fears.

Side B: 4/8/2006

The Fulfilled Life



How can God’s power transform troubled lives? Should the Church refer people to professional psychotherapists? Our guest was a successful psychotherapist (also a Jewish/atheist) but was unfulfilled. After Dr Richard Ganz read Competent to Counsel and met the Master, his life changed dramatically. Dr Ganz, author of Psychobabble-The Failure of Modern Psychology and the Biblical Alternative, introduced some of his patients to Christ and they were healed! But, incredibly, he was fired for being a Christian.  Psychoanalysis points patients to their past, Christianity to being a new creature in Christ. 

Side A: 4/1/2006

What is Total Truth?


What is truth? Has science disproven the Bible?  Should belief in God have any role in public schools or is it just a private matter?  Most Christian students, who never hear the other side to secular philosophies, don’t have a Christian worldview.  The co-author of several books with Chuck Coleson, Nancy Pearsey, author of Total Truth- Liberating Christianity from it’s Cultural Captivity, says absolute truth today is associated with science, whereas, religion, morals and values are associated with relative truth so that there are no absolutes in morals or religion.

Side B: 3/25/2006

Terror in the Skies



How safe are commercial airliners today? What would you do if you were on an airplane being hijacked by 14 Muslim terrorists?  Journalist, Anne Jacobsen, author of Terror in the Skies- Why  9/11 Could Happen Again, relates a harrowing account of her flight with a group, 14 Syrian men, who were staging a “dry run” hijacking.  What happened was not one isolated incident,  but a pattern, and if our security doesn’t improve, another 9/11 is likely.  Anne testified before Congress of how airline security is so mired in bureaucratic PC that they are effectively prevented from doing their job.

Side A: 3/18/2006

Natural Medical Therapies


Is there is a connection between what we eat and our health? As children eat increasingly more sugar and junk food, they are creating an epidemic of obesity and diabetes! The number one vegetable eaten by kids is french fries. Diabetes is linked to heart disease, stroke, blindness and amputations. Dr Jolly, Director of the Hyperbaric Medical Dept. at the Whitaker Wellness Institute, is an expert in diabetes, says there is a way to treat and prevent diabetes and heart disease without drugs through natural means.  Thousands of diabetics have been successfully treated with the Whitaker system.

Side B: 3/11/2006

Power in Praise



Words are powerful and can cause fear and even panic.  But words also can give you faith and make you fell exquisite joyMerlin Carothers, the internationally famous author whose books (Prison to Praise, Power in Praise…) have been translated into just about every language, says, “Praising the Lord isn’t a magic formula for success but a way of life that will bring you a profound joy. The joy of the Lord.” Worry says to God, “I don’t believe You are going to help me.”  If you worry, you are not trusting the Lord.  We demonstrate our trust by praising God, no matter what the circumstances, then God responds. 

Side A: 3/4/2006

Free Your Child's Spirit


Can school stunt a child’s innate desire to learn? Most parents have no idea what’s happening to their child’s spirit at school. Scripture says, “A wise teacher makes learning a JOY!”  Is your child’s learning a joy or a drudgery? Charlene Anderson, and her 16 year-old daughter Ashley, who wrote, Public School What You’re Up Against, talk about their dreadful experiences at school.  Tony Kyle, author of Your Child Is Already a Genius – Free Their Spirits! says, “Teaching children is like planting seeds.  We don’t teach a seed to grow, we create the ideal environment for it to grow in!”

Side B: 2/25/2006

How Are We Cheating Our Kiks?



How can we expect to remain a first world nation, if we give our kids a third world education?  The TV host of 20/20, John Stossel, produced a fascinating look at American education called, Stupid in America – How Are We Cheating Our Kids? that shows how far behind American students are compared to European students. Stossel makes an excellent case for choice in education that would make schools responsive to parents. Dr Robert Simonds, President of Citizens for Excellence in Education, who has spent his lifetime in all aspects of education, responds to the various cuts from Stupid in America.

Side A: 2/18/2006

Conquering Porn 


The most deadly sins don’t leap upon you, they creep upon you disguised as fun and pleasure. There’s a porn plague that’s capturing millions of young men.  Nine out of ten boys, between 8 and 16, routinely gaze at porn on the internet. Amazingly, Issues in Education is heard worldwide. A depressed man in Taiwan was about to kill himself when Issues came on his radio in Taiwan.  The man was suicidal because of his obsession with sex.  But when he heard Clay Allen, speak about freedom from sexual addiction he set the gun down, contacted Clay, and became a new person. There is hope.

Side B: 2/11/2006

Christian Martyrs



How did just a few early Christians change the world yet today millions of Christians are changed by the world? Is it because Christians today don’t know their heritage or who they are? Ted Byfield, the general editor of a series of history books called The Christians: Their First Two Thousand Years, has been a journalist for over 55 years and a magazine publisher since 1973.  In volume # 2, A Pinch of Incense AD 70 to AD 250, Christians had a choice of death or deny being a Christian. When just a pinch of incense could have prevented torture, suffering and death, they chose Christ over Caesar!

Side A: 2/4/2006

How To Succeed At College


How do some students become straight A students? What are the study habits of the top college students? Cal Newport is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate from Dartmouth, has published articles in the Wall Street Journal, is enrolled in a PhD computer science program at MIT, and author of How To Win At College- Surprising Secrets for Success From the Country’s Top Students.    Cal says, “College isn’t just fun and games but the launching pad for the rest of your life.”  So take it seriously!  Cal has some techniques for remembering, being well organized and having plenty of time for everything.

Side B: 1/28/2006

Evolution- Science or Religion?



A federal judge has declared that just the reading of a statement about Intelligent Design is the same as teaching religion!! But is it? Or is evolution a religion being disguised as science?  Former biology teacher, Dr Kent Hovind, makes this whole issue very clear.  He tells how disproven “proofs” for evolution, such as the horse evolution, are still in textbooks.  Dr Kent Hovind, founder of Creation Science Evangelism, says “Evolution is a religion being taught in schools at taxpayer’s expense.” Humans have similarities to apes. Does that suggest a common ancestor (evolution) or a common Designer?

Side A: 1/20/2006

Life is Sacred



Abortion is not just another issue, but from God’s perspective, abortion is the most crucial spiritual matter confronting America today.  The right to life forms the basis of all our rights.  Pastor John Anderson, editor of Pastor’s Alert and author of Roar in Sodom, says, “We will be judged by God because we are willfully blind and purposefully deaf.”  Troy Newman, author of Their Blood Cries Out, goes to schools as a witness that abortion is not simply “a girl’s choice,” but the killing of a live baby.  Gianna Jessen tells how she miraculously survived a late term saline abortion! Also Pastor Richard Exley.

Side B: 1/14/2006

Christ in the Classroom



Is it really unconstitutional for a Christian public school teacher to talk about the gospel in class?  If so, why are Christian teachers intimidated into silence?  Dr Asha Shani, an “on-fire” Christian teacher in LA and author of Christ in the Public School Classroom, vividly describes the miraculous accounts, physical and spiritual, of the transforming power of the gospel and why we need to put Christ back into the public school classroom. She said, “Our culture has done a grave injustice to our children by taking the gospel out of schools.” The gospel transforms lives and changes national destinies. 

Side A: 1/7/2006

Judicial Tyranny



Who owns YOUR children – YOU or the state?  Recent Court rulings say- the state. Do we want judges who rule according to the Constitution or make up their own laws?  The vitally important battle over Supreme Court nominee Judge Alito will determine which way the courts will rule.  The founder of Eagle Forum,  Phyllis Schlafly, author of The Supremacists- The Tyranny of Judges and How to Stop it, says the courts have taken over legislative functions. What can be done to stop their outrageous decisions that threaten our democracy? Her solution is a great and Constitutional idea you need to hear.

Side B: 12/31/2005

Reversing Heart Disease



Heart disease is the number #1 killer of Americans. What can you do to prevent heart disease and what would you do if you developed heart disease like host Bob Boyd did?  The founder of the Whitaker Wellness Inst., Dr Julian Whitaker, author of Reversing Heart Disease, says most heart surgery is unnecessary, dangerous and doesn’t cure the problem. Heart disease can be reversed with EECP (external counter pulsations), diet & nutrition. Cardiac surgeon, Dr Dwight Lundell, who has performed over 5,000 bypass operations, now says heart disease is a biochemical and physiological problem.

Side A: 12/24/2005

The Music of Christmas


Christmas would not be Christmas without Christmas music.  It’s ironic that public schools censor out any music that mentions Jesus as Lord, yet the greatest musicians were Christians.  Were Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel… really born again Christians? Dr Patrick Kavenaugh, author of Devotions from the World of Music, and Raising Musical Kids, gives some fascinating details into the lives of the great composers and some great ideas how to help your child develop a love for music. What do you say when your little Mozart wants to quit his music lessons?

Side B: 12/17/2005

Who Stole Christmas?



Are we witnessing the elimination of Christmas?  “It’s not just the elimination of a holiday but what’s at stake is the freedom to proclaim the gospel in public,” says attorney Joe Infranco, of the Alliance Defense Fund.   Public schools encourage other religious celebrations as “multicultural” but stop any mention of Christmas. Dr Bob Simonds, President of CEE, says, “The greatest event in all human history-the birth of the Creatorhas already been eliminated at school.  If we win all the other battles in society (abortion, homosexuality, porn) but lose this one battle, it’s all for nothing.

Side A: 12/10/2005

Faith & Freedom


Are Christians being discriminated against by the University of California since high school courses are rejected simply because they have a Christian bias?  Attorney Bob Tyler. is suing the U of Cal for rejecting: “Christianity’s Influence on America” and “Morality in American Literature,” while accepting classes:  “Gender, Sexuality and Identity” and  “A Study of Western Caribbean Culture and “Intro to Buddhism.”  Chase Harper was disciplined for wearing a T-shirt that said “Our school embraces what God condemns,” during the pro-homosexual day of silence at his school.

Side B: 12/3/2005

Teaching Science Intelligently



Are science teachers trying to change the RELIGIOUS beliefs of students? If Christian students learn to believe evolution, will they eventually deny their Christian faith? Dr Terry Mortensen, of Answers in Genesis, says evolution is not a science but a philosophy. In fact, evolution is a religion. Atheism depends totally upon evolution.  It takes faith to believe evolution.  Kevin Snider, the Chief Counsel for The Pacific Justice Inst., says PJI is suing the Univ. of Cal. for using tax dollars to undermine the religious beliefs of Christians.  If government favors teaching only evolution, is it establishing a religion?

Side A: 11/26/2005

Where is Christ in Psychology?


Can Psychology be a religion? If a child is agitated and not able to focus, he’s referred to a school counselor. Anytime there’s a tragedy on campus, like a shooting, schools bring in grief counselors, psychologists, not pastors. Is psychology a secular substitute for Christianity? Lisa Bazler spent years working as a psychotherapist in mental health hospitals and private Christian counseling practices.  Lisa and Ryan Bazler, authors of Psychology Debunked: Revealing The Overcoming Life, expose the fallacies and failures in psychology and point the way to true healing and fulfillment.

Side B: 11/19/2005

Giving Thanks



Students are taught that Thanksgiving was a time when the Pilgrims gave thanks to the Indians and had a feast for racial harmony.   But not that Thanksgiving originated as a distinctly Christian holiday for the purpose of giving thanks to God. Christianity and American history are intertwined. Our guest, Dr John Pafford, a professor of history and author of How Firm a Foundation, tells who the Pilgrims were and how they founded this country as a Christian commonwealth, how they fostered a market economy, how they valued freedom “under God”, and established the “work ethic.”  

Side A: 11/12/2005

Surviving at a Secular College 


Are we reaching a crisis in Christianity? The percentage of evangelical Christians of our current generation (born after 1977) will decline to only 4%?  Abby Nye, a courageous Christian, a university student, and author of Fish out of Water-Surviving & Thriving as Christian on a Secular Campus, tells how professors intimidate Christians.  She was told by her English Literature professor that the Bible is a book of myths and not a credible source in academia. Yet she was required to buy a Koran for her required class on Islam. How can Christian students survive and thrive on a secular campus?

Side B: 11/5/2005

Facing Death in War



History books have been re-written to downplay patriotism and emphasize globalism.  But how can we raise heroes to defend our freedoms, if young people don't know the price others paid to win it in the past? Listen to our SPECIAL Veterans Day program featuring a fascinating account given by Korean veteran, Ed Reeves. Ed fought for his life in freezing temperatures against impossible odds and soldiers from Korea, Russia and China.  Even after almost all the others were killed, Ed Reeves miraculously fought bravely on despite his life-threatening wounds and no ammunition.

Side A: 10/29/2005

How to Bring Children to Christ 


What a person believes determines where they will spend eternity. What does it mean to believe in Jesus Christ? Almost 9 out of 10 (88%) of church children lose their faith before high school graduation, what can a parent do to be sure their children keep their faith? Ray Comfort is a TV evangelist (The Way of the Master) and author of over 40 books including How To Bring Your Child TO Christ and Keep Them There. Ray says, don’t give your children a false image of God as being “the man upstairs, but teach your children the fear of the Lord to help them overcome temptation. 

Side B: 10/22/2005

God’s Gift of Joy



How do you handle tragedy? Hurricane Katrina destroyed much property and many lives.  How is it possible to have joy after suffering tremendous loss?  Does JOY help you overcome your fears? What is supernatural JOY and how can you get it?  Author and motivational speaker, Tim Hansel, suffered a tragic fall that broke his back, causing him to be in extreme pain for the past 30 years, yet he says no matter what the circumstances we can CHOOSE to experience JOY!  In fact, joy counteracts depression and is the antidote to pain.  Joy is the solution to worry and anxiety.

Side A: 10/15/2005

Teachers Speak Out 


In a democracy, an educated populace is not an option – it’s an imperative. We spend half a trillion dollars on education. Are we getting our money’s worth? Three public school teachers speak out on what’s happening in their schools. Mark Isler, a talented middle school teacher, was discriminated against because of his conservative political beliefs.  Austin Miles, a community college teacher, talks about the anti-American content in textbooks. Also “George,” tells his experiences as a high school biology. “The utter failure of education is a great opportunity for conservatives.” Bill Bennett.

Side B: 10/8/2005

Lean on Me



How can we transform America? By transforming American education. After hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, law and order totally broke down.  How can we prevent the breakdown of law and order in times of crisis?  One of the most hopeless, drug and gang infested high schools was transformed into one of the nation’s best. The famous principal, Joe Clark, (the movie Lean on Me was made about him), revolutionized Eastside High from a lawless, chaotic war zone into one of the nation finest. Joe made the worst into the best. Joe says we need to instill virtues and values in our young people.

Side A: 10/1/2005

The Joshua Generation


The greatest Commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and MIND!  How can parents raise children who love the Lord with all their minds? How should a Christian parent measure success in their child? The man most responsible for helping to make home schooling legal, Michael Farris, a brilliant constitutional attorney (founder of Patrick Henry College & the H.S.L.D.A.), says it’s time Christians educated this generation of Christians youth so they are able  to be in  top leadership.  The interview regarding his recent book, The Joshua Generation, tells how we can do it.

Side B: 9/24/2005

Creative Genius



With the high price of gas, inventors are coming up with cars that use vegetable oil, compressed air etc., instead of gas.  How do people come up with new inventions? How can you bring out the creative genius in your child? Stan Mason is the inventor of over 100 items like plastic soda and ketchup bottles and disposable diapers. Dr. Raymond Moore, who has been called the grandfather of modern home schooling, says research of geniuses throughout the ages shows there are three common elements to producing genius.  When these elements are applied, children can become creative geniuses.

Side A: 9/17/2005

Behind the veil of Islam


What is it about Islam that creates Muslim terrorists? How can we win the war on terrorism without understanding the motivation of the bombers? Dr. Joseph Abdul Shafi, an Egyptian medical doctor practicing in America, is an expert on Islam and author of Behind the Veil – Unmasking Mohammed’s Life.  Dr. “Joseph” says the way to win the war on terrorism is to change the thinking of Muslims. Most Muslims don’t really understand who Mohammed was. They don’t understand the Koran, since it’s written only in Arabic, and most Muslims are not Arabs and mostly are illiterate.

Side B: 9/10/2005

Christian School "On-line"



How effective are Christian students as witnesses in public schools today? One strong Christian girl, Carissa Willis, a recent high school graduate who’s going to be a missionary overseas, talks about what she experienced being  “salt & light.” How can a student get a Christian school education without leaving home?  Parents can now home school without being the teacher and without the curricula and give a solid, accredited Christian education at home. Pete Martinez, the principal for Cornerstone “on line” campus, says they will do it all for you for half the price of being on campus.

Side A: 9/3/2005

Grand Canyon Revisited



Our guest, Tom Vail, is the author of a book, The Grand Canyon: A Different View, that’s stirring up such a controversy that seven geological groups, representing 100,000 evolutionists, are calling for it to be banned.  Tom’s book has essays written by creation scientists so it’s called “religious,” because creationists claim the Canyon was formed by the Genesis Flood and is only a few thousand years old. A creation scientist with ICR, Frank Sherman, explains how the shape of the Canyon walls and the fossils prove the Grand Canyon was formed by the Genesis Flood. 

Side B: 8/27/2005




Are you a person of integrity or does the end justify the means? Pastor Richard Exley is the author of 27 books and his newest is Man of Valor – Every Man’s Quest for a Life of Honor, Conviction, and Character. Richard says, “Don’t limit your future by past failures, because that kind of thinking only limits what God can do in your life.” Failure is not what makes or breaks a man but how he reacts to it.   Richard relates some fascinating accounts of valor and the stumbling blocks to becoming a man of valor.  Warning: this program is LIFE CHANGING!

Side A: 8/20/2005

Porn Generation


If sex is a private matter, why is it taught at public school? Why do judges allow porn but ban prayer?   Is this the “porn” generation? It is according to Ben Shapiro, author of Porn Generation. Ben Shapiro is a 21 year old Harvard Law student who is shaking the liberal foundations by calling America back to God. Should sex ed even be taught at school? Because one person was offended by prayer at school, all 30 million school children were forbidden from praying. But when many are offended by graphic sex ed., sex ed is not banned. Those who are offended are simply told to opt out. 

Side B: 8/13/2005

A New Strategy



Can public schools be changed to be more accommodating to Christian beliefs?  Dr Robert Simonds, president of Citizens for Excellence in Education, has spent his life trying to do just that. Dr Simonds was on President Reagan’s commission to reform education. He was a high school teacher, principal and professor of Education at UCLA.  How are CEE parents winning the battle for the souls of the millions of Christian children still in the anti-God, evolution-only, public schools? A new strategy is Rescue 2010.  He gives fascinating insider information about his meetings with top education leaders.

Side A: 8/6/2005

The Urgency of Barna's Research


This is one of the most important programs we've made.  George Barna, Director for Barna Research Group, and author of Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions,  has an urgent message of life and death for the Church in America!  Because Christian children have not been a high priority for the Church, we're losing the succeeding generations.   His research shows that by age 13 a child has formed most of his core beliefs and won't change much after that.   Although 90% of 13 year olds say they are Christian, only 3% have a Biblical worldview.   What does this forebode for the future

Side B: 7/30/2005

Educating for Eternity pt 2



Parents! What is your primary purpose in getting your children educated? How you answer this will not only determine their education, but will determine what they will become as adults. The greatest teacher, Jesus Christ, said, "A student will become like his teacher." If they are taught by secular teachers how can they become Christians? Home schooling isn’t bringing school home so much as bringing family home. Skeet Savage, tells how she taught her son Israel, who was LD and ADD. She tells home schoolers how to avoid "burn-out," and why home schooling is vital to Christians.

Side A: 7/23/2005

Educating for Eternity pt 1


How can a single mother support her children and home school them at the same time? Listen to the fascinating testimony of Skeet Savage, a single mom, who was homeless in Michigan in winter and on her way to commit suicide when the Lord changed her life. How could she teach her six children when she flunked out of high school herself? This Godly woman not only provided for her six children but home schooled them, and became a successful national speaker, publisher of Home School Digest, and author of Home Schooling for Eternity.

Side B: 7/16/2005

So Help Me God



What would you do if you were told not to acknowledge God in public? Former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Judge Roy Moore, chose Historian David Barton is considered an authority on Constitution is the author of Original Intent – The Courts, The Constitution & Religion.

Side A: 7/9/2005

A Terrorist Transformed


Are Muslim terrorists bringing their Jihad to America? What really goes on in the mind of a Muslim terrorist? Walid was a Palestinian-Muslim terrorist! His wife challenged him to read the Bible, to find it's supposed "errors." He did and became a born-again Christian. As a college student, he raised money from unsuspecting students to fund terrorism. He now says, "Christianity brings peace to a culture but Islam brings jihad." Austin Miles tells that a public school course, that indoctrinates students into Islam, has been ruled constitutional by a federal judge. This is a fascinating program!!

Side B: 7/2/2005

Freedom From Globalism



America fought a war for our independence, but are we going back to be ruled by foreign nations as Supreme Court Justices increasingly rely on international laws instead of our Constitution? Tom Deweese says there’s a UN curriculum in our schools now, to prepare America for being part of a one world government. Professor Alan Quist, author of Fed Ed, says most people are unaware of the new mandated federal curriculum that will undermine our national sovereignty. Historian Peter Marshall, author of the Light and The Glory, tells how God miraculously saved General George Washington.

Side A: 6/25/2005

Why Gender Matters


Are girls smarter than boys? Why do more girls go to college? Is there a difference between the way boys and girls learn? Dr Leonard Sax, author, says parents and teachers need to understand the difference in the way boys learn in order to save them from being diagnosed with ADD and put on drugs. Dr Sax says, "We’ve experienced a 20 year experiment that believed gender was an invention of our culture and not innate. We’ve treated boys and girls the same!" Also: Christina Hoff Sommers, author of The War Against Boys – How Misguided Feminism is harming boys.

Side B: 6/18/2005

Godly Fitness



With nearly 65% of Americans overweight, many (fifty nine million) are turning to yoga for exercise and stress relief. But is yoga just exercise or can it be something more? According to Laurette Willis, who was a yoga instructor for 22 years, yoga is a way into New Age mysticism. As an instructor, she led others into channeling and "spirit walking". Laurette Willis, author of Basic Steps to Godly Fitness, gives tips on what to eat and what to avoid, how to lose fat and gain health, i.e. skipping breakfast will not make you slender. Godly fitness is more than physical health. It brings freedom.

Side A: 6/11/2005

Developing Wisdom


Do you have trouble making good decisions? The wiser a person is, the easier it is to make good decisions. But what is wisdom? How can a person develop wisdom? What’s the difference between worldly wisdom and Godly wisdom? Young people go to college to get a degree to make money not develop wisdom. How can parents help their children do as God says to "Get Wisdom?" Mark Matlock is the author of Freshman: The College Student’s Guide to Developing Wisdom. Mark weaves fascinating, personal stories with Proverbs in a way that helps you prioritize what’s really important.

Side B: 6/4/2005

Christian or Secular?



Parents! Don’t ask what kind of education you want for your child. Ask what kind of child you want them to become. A recent survey shows that the majority of youth believe in God but know very little about Christianity. Elizabeth Watkins, co-founder of the Southern Baptist Church & Home Ed. Assoc., says the Baptist denomination is DYING! They are losing 88% of their church children. Pastor Grady Arnold, a Southern Baptist pastor who heads a group called "GetTheKidsOut.com," has some excellent solutions for pastors and parents to help restore and revive Christianity.

Side A: 5/28/2005

Memorial Day Special


To produce heroes, who will defend our freedoms we need to teach students about the sacrifices made for their freedoms. Jeremiah Denton, former Senator from Alabama, tells of his severe torture during his 7+ years of torture in North Viet Nam. Decorated war hero, John Steer, author of Wounded Soldier, gives a fascinating account of his experiences in the jungles of Viet Nam. Gary Horton gives a moving rendition of what the pledge of allegiance really means. He tells kids not to speak to a flag until a flag speaks to them of the brave men & women who gave their tomorrows for our todays.

Side B: 5/21/2005

Gender Bender



The first words of the US Constitution are "We the people," not we the judges, yet judges are eliminating the will of the people, so that schools have censored out not just belief in God but basic morality. Linda Harvey, the founder of Mission America, reports on how students nationwide participated in a "day of silence" to protest the "supposed discrimination" against homosexuality. But ironically – what’s to protest when schools go along with it? Other guests include: Richard Thompson President of the Thomas More Law Center and Brad Dacus President of the Pacific Justice Institute.

Side A: 5/14/2005

Songs of Angels


How important is worship music to you? What role does music play in spiritual warfare? Freddy Hayler is an fantastic tenor whose CD Song of Angels. is truly anointed and draws the worshiper into the heavenly realms. Freddy and his wife Anne have home schooled their two daughters, one is going to medical school to be a medical missionary. The other is Rebekah who sings beautiful harmony with her dad Freddy. Rebekah persuades other teenagers on how to switch from rock music to contemporary Christian and worship music. She counsels teens and has saved some from suicide.

Side B: 5/7/2005

The Great Flood



Did GOD really cause the great flood of Noah’s day? Is it true history or just a fable? What can we learn from it today? Instead of being sidelined as a "Sunday School" story should serve as a warning to us today. How could all the animals fit on the Ark? One of America’s top radio personalities, Tom Dooley, author of a fascinating book called The True Story of Noah’s Ark, makes the story of Noah’s Ark come alive. What was the Ark like? Where did all the water come from and where did it go? What would it have been like to step off the Ark into the New World? This is a fascinating program!!

Side A: 4/30/2005

The Abortionist Comes to School


If you were the owner of an abortion ‘clinic’ how would you increase your business year in and year out? Since your customers are in the local schools the abortion owner, Carol Everett, actually went into schools to teach sex ed. so girls would get pregnant and have to come to her clinics for an abortion . How would you feel if your daughter was taking sex ed. from the abortionist? This is the fascinating account of the infamous Carol Everett, who was responsible for the deaths of over 35,000 babies, but has now become a Christian and tells the truth about sex ed and the risks of promiscuity.

Side B: 4/23/2005

Colleges In Crisis



The influence of university professors on our culture is enormous. Professors instill patriotism or create terrorism. Jerry Martin, President of American Council of Trustees and Alumni, quotes professors who are turning students against our nation. One said, "The only heroes are those who find ways to defeat our military." David Horowitz, (Unholy Alliance- Radical Islam and the American Left) was a leftist himself. He explains the mindset of liberal professors who want us to lose the war on terrorism. Some even call President Bush a terrorist. If young people have no love for this country they won’t defend it.

Side A: 4/16/2005

Research on Home Schooling


Parents! The education you choose for your child will determine their success or failure in life! How do home schooled students do as adults?  If a child does not go to school, how will they learn to interact with other people? Now there’s a comprehensive research study answering all your questions on home schooling.  A leading researcher, Dr Brian RayPresident of the Home Education Research Institute, found (among other things) that 94% of home schooled students kept the faith of their parents! While the majority, 85% of those who go to public schools, reject their Christian faith.

Side B: 4/9/2005

What Really is ADHD?



Why are we experiencing an explosion in new mental illnesses never heard of 30 years ago?  Why are perfectly healthy children being put on drugs?  The most common childhood disorder in America is ADHD (attention deficit hyperactive disorder).  Is ADHD a real diseases or a label contrived by the American Psychiatric Association?  Neurologist, Dr Fred Baughman, is a medical/legal expert and he testifies before courts, legislatures and the US Congress.  Dr Baughman is the author of The ADHD Fraud- How Psychiatry Makes Patients of Normal Children. Also medical doctor, Mary Ann Block, author of No More Ritalin and No More ADHD, is an expert on attention and behavior problems in children.

Side A: 4/2/2005

Answers for The Skeptics


Is faith the opposite of reason?  Or are they compatible? Are we under the Ten Commandments today?  Is there real proof for the existence of God? Did other religious leaders do miracles like  Jesus did?  How do you answer skeptics who say the Bible is full of contradictions?  Tom Short has been challenging college students for more than 20 years. Tom Short is the author of a book entitled 5 Crucial Questions About Christianity.”  Christianity is a THINKING person’s religion that has the answers to the toughest questions.   Listen to Tom’s excellent explanations so you can be a good witness too.

Side B: 3/26/2005

On the Third Day



This is one of the most inspirational programs w have EVER made.  The Resurrection of Jesus Christ was THE GREATEST event of all human history. What was Jesus like? What would it have been like to be with HIM? To look into HIS eyes?  Bruce Marchiano played the role of Jesus in the multi-million dollar movie The Gospel According to Matthew. Bruce tells what it was like to act as Jesus and be beaten, spit on, have a crown of thorns on his head  and hang on a cross for 9 hours. Bruce's description of the Resurrection is FANTASTIC! Bruce is the author of Jesus Yesterday, Today and Forever.

Side A: 3/19/2005

Maximum Health


Americans are dieting more but are more overweight than ever which increases their risk of getting cancer, heart disease and diabetes. Children who eat just three hot dogs a week have 9 times the risk of getting leukemia. Dr Ted Broer is a biochemist, nutrition expert and author of several books including Maximum Fat Loss and Maximum Energy. Dr Broer says there are seven million children with "ADD and ADHD". Changes in diet have been demonstrated to be very effective in curing "ADD/ADHD", not just covering up the problems with dangerous class II drugs like Ritalin.

Side B: 3/12/2005

The Mighty Ocean



Normally, we think of water as harmless and essential to life. But with the recent tsunami in Indonesia that killed nearly 300,000 people the ocean can be deadly. What causes tsunamis? How does the ocean regulate the weather? Dr Frank Sherwin, a scientist from the Institute for Creation Research and author of The Ocean book, answers the tough questions about the ocean such as: how deep is the deepest ocean? What lives down there? What has three hearts, blue blood and breathes through gills? How intelligent is the octopus? Is it OK to eat shellfish? Was there water on Mars?

Side A: 3/5/2005

Be Not Deceived


"It’s not so much that Christians are leaving the schools, it’s that the public schools have left us." They’ve changed and they’re changing Christian children. A recent survey showed that 88% of Christian children, who go to public school, leave the faith and never return. Are Christian children really "salt and light" in the schools? Dr Bruce Shortt has a law degree from Harvard and a PhD from Stanford. He’s the author of The Harsh Truth About Public Schools and co-sponsor of the resolution (at last summer’s S.B.C.) calling for Baptist to give their children a thoroughly Christian education.

Side B: 2/26/2005

Why Does God Allow Suffering?



How could a loving, all powerful God stand by and watch while a huge tsunami kills thousands of innocent people? Former co-host of the Bible Answer Man and author of Without A Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions, Ken Samples, provides you with logical answers so you won’t be at a loss for words in answering skeptics. Did Jesus really – PHYSICALLY – rise from the dead? Why did Jesus have to die? What proof is there that God exists? Was Jesus God? Be confident in your faith by having well reasoned, carefully thought-out answers to give to the toughest skeptics.

Side A: 2/19/2005

Triumph Over Tragedy


With the devastating loss of life from the Tsunami and the heartbreaking stories of suffering this program is a transfusion of hope in the midst of tragedy. Ron Heagy, author of Never Give Up, had everything a young man could want but in a matter of minutes his life was forever changed. He broke his neck diving into the ocean and has been a quadriplegic for the past 23 years. But through his ordeal he's found the secret to a full life filled with joy and purpose. Ron is a nationally known motivational speaker whose story will amaze and inspire you to live a more meaningful life.

Side B: 2/12/2005

Supreme Court Injustice



How has our nation gone from being "one nation under God," to one where everything godly is forbidden at school? Listen to the ACTUAL U.S. Supreme Court case that did more than BAN the BIBLE, it began a national tragic trend away God. You will hear Earl Warren and the attorneys debate their cases for and against the Bible in public school in this precedent setting 1963 case. Historian and constitutional expert, David Barton, author of Original Intent, explains how extreme the Court has become in destroying the godly foundation and morality of our nation and what we can do about it.

Side A: 2/5/2005

A New School Model


77% of mothers say they wish they could stay at home to raise their children compared to 29% in 1996. This program is for parents who want to be more involved in their child’s education as well as parents who are overwhelmed with home schooling. University Model Schooling is a unique hybrid model – half home schooling and half Christian schooling. The woman who designed UMS, Barbara Van Wart, says this University Model is the best for college preparation. Mark Fey, the Education Analyst for Focus on the Family, says this is one of the very best models for educating children today.

Side B: 1/29/2005

Accelerated Learning



How important is education to God? What does God have to say about how we educate children? Renowned education reformer, Dr Miles Jones, developer of Super-Math and Super-Reading programs, shows the potential that average children have with his "Jones Geniuses," who appear on radio and TV, doing incredibly difficult math calculations in their head faster than you can on a calculator. Make your child a SUPER-STUDENT who is excited about learning.

Side A: 1/22/2005

The Issue is Life


THE MOST POWERFUL PRO-LIFE program! Have you ever talked to someone who survived being aborted? Gianna Jessin survived being aborted and has become God's message of what abortion really is. Dr Bernard Nathanson the infamous abortionist who operated the largest abortion mill in the world, where he killed over 75,000 babies (including his own son) and helped make abortion legal in American – has now become a pro-life spokesman and a Christian. What made him change? It was, as his book is named, The Hand of God, and courageous Christians in front of his clinic.

Side B: 1/15/2005

The Origin of Man



The Bible refers to people who lived for almost a thousand years. Could some of these ancient people be the Neander-thals? One of the most fascinating programs we’ve ever made is the story of Dr Jack Cuozzo’s search for the truth of man’s origins. Dr Cuozzo, author of Buried Alive- The Starting Truth About Neanderthal Man, is the only person, with a creationist view, to go behind the scenes into the musty back rooms of the great museums of Europe to study and X-ray the original evidence used by evolutionists. What he discovered is fascinating. But will it end the evolution controversy?

Side A: 1/8/2005

Government Control Over Education


Are public schools religiously neutral? Then why is GOD totally eliminated? From biology to history there's no mention of God. Jefferson said, "To compel a man to pay for the propagation of ideas that he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical." Dr William Cox, an educator for more than 25 years and teacher of the year, says parental authority has been usurped through government control of education. He is the author of Tyranny Though Public Education. God has given children to the parents to educate but schools are forcing children to learn values and beliefs contrary to their parents.

Side B: 1/1/2005

Joy In The Journey



If you were given the chance to be a happy person for the rest of your life would you take it? Are you concerned about tomorrow? Anxious about today? Depressed over your past? Then this LIFE CHANGING program is just for you. The solution is JOY! Joy is the Christian's ID card. Joy reverses anxiety, depression, fear and discouragement. Is it really possible to change a person's basic character? Best selling author, Mike Mason, author of Celebrating Gods Gift of Joy – Champaign for the Soul, was a moody, depressed person but tried a 90-day experiment in JOY. It can work for you. Try it.

Side A: 12/25/2004

Christmas Special


Songwriter and singer, Mark Lowry, wrote these profound words to his Christmas song, Mary Did You Know, "Mary did you know when you kiss your little baby, you've kissed the face of God? The child that you've delivered will soon deliver you." Richard Exley, author of The Indescribable Gift, makes that first Christmas come ALIVE with vivid descriptions! Steve Halliday, author of Mighty God, compares the story of the Borden heir, Bill Borden, who gave up all his earthly wealth to die on the mission field, to Jesus who gave up the riches of heaven to become poor and die for us. Wow.

Side B: 12/18/2004

Great Christian Composers



Ironically, public schools censor out any Christmas music that mentions Jesus as Lord, yet the greatest musicians were Christians. Were Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Handel, really Christians? The Executive Director of the Christian Performing Artists Fellowship, Dr Patrick Kavenaugh, author of Devotions from the World of Music, and Raising Musical Kids, gives some fascinating details into the lives of the great composers and encourages parents to help their children develop a love for music. It's fascinating how the parents of the great composers affected their child's genius.

Side A: 12/11/2004

Keep Christ in Christmas


WHO STOLE CHRISTMAS? It's not even called Christmas anymore but Winter Break. But what's at stake is not just the elimination of Christmas but the freedom to proclaim the gospel in public. Attorney Joe Infranco, with the Alliance Defense Fund, is countering the ACLU to keep Christ in Christmas and Christmas in public. Attorney & syndicated columnist, David Limbaugh, (brother of Rush Limbaugh), and author of Persecution, says from the courtroom to the schoolroom to the newsroom, Christians are being persecuted. Intolerance in the name of tolerance is eliminating all Christian expression.

Side B: 12/4/2004

Freedom of Religion



What are the three basic "rights" that form the basis of our Bill of Rights? Do they include a right to a free public education, health care, a minimum wage…? Could a Moslem produce a Bill of Rights? What's the difference between "rights" and "entitlements?" What is the Bill of Rights anyway? How has freedom of religion become freedom from religion in public schools? John Patterson, the author of The Bill of Rights-Politics, Religion & The Quest for Justice, gives a historical background to the Bill of Rights and how we can restore it's original meaning to have freedom of religion before it's lost.

Side A: 11/27/2004

Spiritual War Zone


Have schools now become targets for terrorists? Pastor John Esposito, author of Public Education- Crisis or Conspiracy? says there is an even greater danger to school kids than losing their lives. They could lose their eternal souls! Public schools have become literally a "spiritual" war zone where 88% of Christian kids lose their faith. We are battling for the future of our nation in our schools. John Esposito who worked in the public schools and is now the administrator of a Christian school, says the reason for the moral decline in our society is due to what's being taught at school.

Side B: 11/20/2004

Thanksgiving Unto God



Why did the Pilgrims come to America? Was it simply for religious freedom? Not according to historian and Peter Marshall, author of The Light and The Glory, who says they came here to bring the gospel to the Indians. Why did they start Thanksgiving? Who were the Pilgrims? Connie is a 4th grade teacher who reads from a (fictional) diary of a 12 year- old girl who came to America on the Mayflower. Vaughn Shatzer, author of History of American Government and Law, describes how foundational Christianity was to the Founders in Law and education and every aspect of early life.

Side A: 11/13/2004

Inside the Red Zone


Is it even conceivable that America could be hit with a chemical, biological or nuclear bomb? Our guest says it's only through God's supernatural shield that we haven't already been hit. Senior medical scientist, Igor Shafhid, author of Inside the Red Zone, is a counter-terrorist who trains physicians, police and others on behalf of the Dept. of Energy. Dr Shafhid, who served as a Russian medical officer and trained military personnel in all aspects of WMDs, describes patients exposed to nuclear radiation and victims of the horrendous Chernobyl disaster. He tells what we need to do to be prepared! Fascinating!

Side B: 11/6/2004

A Veteran in the Valley



History books have been re-written to downplay patriotism and emphasize globalism. But how can we raise heroes to defend our freedoms if young people don't know the price others paid to win it in the past? Listen to our SPECIAL Veterans Day program featuring a fascinating account given by Korean veteran Ed Reeves, who fought for his life in freezing temperatures against impossible odds and soldiers from Korea, Russia and China. Even after almost all the others were killed, Ed Reeves miraculously fought bravely on despite his life-threatening wounds and no ammunition.

Side A: 10/30/2004

Morality in Politics


What does morality have to do with politics? Answer: they are intertwined. When Christians stay away from politics non-Christians take over. Gary Bauer, former U.S. Presidential candidate, says, "This election will determine the very definition of marriage." Author and historian, Gary De Mar, gives Biblical reasons for political involvement. He answers; "Was Jesus involved in politics? Should Christians remain neutral since our citizenship is in heaven? Is politics dirty? This upcoming election is a clear choice, a test, to see what kind of people we are. Without God - we can't. Without us - God won't.

Side B: 10/23/2004

Presidential Leadership



Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson, a decorated fighter pilot, who carried the nuclear suitcase for President Clinton and who saw the same classified documents as Pres. Clinton says 911 could have been prevented. Col. Patterson, the author of Dereliction of Duty and Reckless Disregard, says this election will determine our survival as a nation because it will determine how we fight this war on terrorism. Will we fight it as a Carter, Clinton, Kerry would? Which means getting U.N. approval and treating it as a law enforcement action. Or will we treat it as President Bush is - as a war? This is crucial!

Side A: 10/16/2004

A Presidential Legacy


When Ronald Reagan became President, communism was on the march around the world, American hostages were held in Iran for 444 days, and taxes and inflation were rampant. But Pres. Reagan revitalized the economy, built up the military, and brought down communism. Ronald Reagan's son, and talk show host, Michael Reagan, talks about his dad, the differences between the major party platforms and stem cell research. Tony Perkins, Pres. Family Research Council, says, "As our nation dangles over the precipice of moral degeneracy, what are you going to do? Will you even vote?"

Side B: 10/9/2004

Unveiling Islam



Can America win this war over ISLAMIC terrorism? Is it a religious war? Was our war on Iraq a mistake or is Pres. Bush a "Lincoln" setting millions of captives free? Dr. Emir Caner was a Muslim but had to chose between his family and his faith in Christ. What would you choose? He chose Christ. Now a professor at S.E. Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr Caner, author of Unveiling Islam, says we must never underestimate the evil forces coming against our nation. There is a religious motivation behind our enemy. In fact, it’s more than just Islam vs. Christianity. It's the spiritual war of the ages.

Side A: 10/2/2004

Every Man's Battle


School kids aren't the only ones lingering on certain X rated web sites. There's a plague in the land- it's internet pornography. "Sexual impurity has become rampant in the Church!" Sin begins in the mind and comes in through the eyes. How can we control what comes into our vision? Our two expert guests know how to counsel others since they were both rescued from internet porn themselves. Clay Allen is a pastor and president of Avenue. Fred Styoeker, the co-author of Every Young Man's Battle , gives reasons why and techniques how to avoid the deadly trap of pornography.

Side B: 9/25/2004

Praise Works Wonders



How can you turn bad circumstances into something good? On this inspirational program, Merlin Carothers encourages us to praise the Lord in every circumstance. Through praise God can work things out for our good! How? When we demonstrate our trust in God, by praising Him - no matter what the circumstances, He responds. After a car accident, Merlin's children thought he was crazy to praise the Lord, but God used this accident to do an amazing miracle. This classic program will change your life and help you cope with every difficulty in your life in a new and positive way.

Side A: 9/18/2004

Vote Your Values


This upcoming election is not simply liberal versus conservative, but it's about continued religious freedom. God has given Christians an awesome responsibility to choose the direction of our nation, yet in the last election, out of 60 million Christians – only 15 million bothered to vote! 75% did not bother to vote. Historian and President of Wallbuilders, David Barton, says our cultural civil war is directly due to activist judges, ruling according to their whims instead of law. Who we vote for will determine the kind of judges we will get and determine if our nation is blessed or cursed by God.

Side B: 9/11/2004

911 Survivor



Remember 911! You may not have been in the World Trade Center that fateful morning but our guest was. Sujo John has a miraculous story of how he was at work on the 81st floor of the North Tower when the American Airlines jet came crashing into his building several floors above him. Sujo told a group of people huddled together to call upon the name of Jesus and be saved just moments before all of them entered eternity. His testimony has resulted in 30,000 salvations.

Side A: 9/4/2004

Fed Ed


What role, if any, should the federal government have in local education? Most people are unaware of the new mandated FEDERAL CURRICULUM that’s taking control away from local public schools. College Professor Alan Quist, a former Minnesota Legislator, and author of FED ED – the New Federal Curriculum, has some shocking information on the drastic changes taking place in American Education. He says the new Federal Curriculum will undermine our national sovereignty and force the teaching of environmentalism as a religion!

Side B: 8/28/2004

Healthy Now & Forever



Is there a correlation between diet and academic performance? One out of three Americans will get some form of cancer but are there ways of reducing the risk of getting cancer? What's the connection between diet and cancer? Renowned lecturer Dr Francisco Contreras, physician, researcher and author of Living Long and Well - Steps to Feel Younger and Live Longer, and The Hope of Living Cancer Free, offers suggestions to help us live long and well. He wrote, "Our emotions, attitudes, diet and exercise affect our immune systems. But more than just a healthy body, we need a healthy spirit."

Side A: 8/21/2004

Biblical Parenting


What options do parents and church leaders have for educating children? What does the Bible say about educating children? The question is not simply what kind of education do you want for your child but what kind of adult do you want them to become? What does Biblical parenting have to do with the education you give your child? Our guests are Pat & Linda Marcum, home schooling parents and home school marketing specialists. Erik, a home schoolers in broadcast media, offers some great ways to school children using tudors and parents in local church buildings.

Side B: 8/14/2004

In Pursuit of Happiness



How can your life become a JOY and not just a daily grind? How can a student get good grades without getting stressed out or making education an idol? How can I overcome FEAR, ANGER and WORRY & ANXIETY? The world renown, Dr Frank Minrith, knows how to excel in school and serve the Lord! He's a Christian medical doctor (with degrees in Neurology and Psychiatry), and has a doctorate in theology and teaches at Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr Minrith has authored more than 60 books with best sellers like, Happiness is a Choice, says your choices will change your life.

Side A: 8/7/2004

The Eternal Prize


The athletic excellence of the Olympic Games challenges parents to instill a passion for sports in their children without making sports their god. Andrea Jaeger, author of First Service-Following God's Calling and Finding Life's Purpose, was the #2 female tennis star in the world but realized there was more to life than winning tennis tournaments. Her purpose in life is serving the Lord in helping children with cancer enjoy spending time on her Colorado ranch. The first American woman to win 5 Olympic gold medals, Mary Lou Retin, talks about what it takes to be a winner.

Side B: 7/31/2004

War On Terrorism



Americans are shocked at Muslim terrorist acts, like the beheading of innocent civilians, but have little understanding behind the religious motivation. America is at war, but how does this generation wage war when they're being raised on tolerance, multiculturalism and non-judgmentalism (instead of good versus evil) ? Dr Bob Morey, an expert on Islam who has authored over 40 books, has two doctorates, and predicted 911, has the answer for winning our war on terrorism. Muslim terrorists won't stop at anything less than the threat of destroying their three most holy sites.

Side A: 7/24/2004

The Ever Loving Truth


Are public schools really religiously neutral? Can TRUTH be taught at school or is it too religious? What is truth? Most Americans no longer believe there is an absolute truth. Voddie Baucham, author of The Ever Loving Truth- Can Faith Thrive in a Post-Christian Culture?, has an amazing testimony. Although he was raised in the ghetto, he earned a Master's and Doctorate's degree in theology, and is now one of the nation's most sought after preachers and teachers. In this enlightening interview, Voddie exposes the hypocrisy of "tolerance" and shreds other current cultural myths.

Side B: 7/17/2004

Come Out & Be Separate



For the first time in history a major denomination has considered a resolution calling for Christian CHILDREN to exit public schools. One of the authors of the resolution to the Southern Baptist Convention was Bruce Shortt. Bruce sites the Baptist's own statistics that 88% of children raised in the church drop out of church by age 18. If this trend continues, we will be presiding over the liquidation of the American Church. Dr Bob Simonds, Pres of CEE, gives Biblical reasons for Christians to exit this "godless/atheist" system.

Side A: 7/10/2004

By Design


Millions of Christians have been lulled into believing that evolution is harmless. But evolution is a religion competing for the minds of young people and robbing many of their belief in God. Medical doctor, Jeffrey Simmons, has studied the human body, evolution and design for over 40 years. Dr Simmons has written seven books and his most recent is A Medical Doctor Dissects the Theory of Evolution – What Darwin Didn't Know. There is tremendous design in every area of the human body. Cells, in themselves, are incredibly intricate little "factories." Scientific evidence undermines evolution.

Side B: 7/3/2004

American Independence



Why did Americans break away from Great Britain? Was it a "Revolutionary War?" Not according to historian and author of The Light And The Glory - Peter Marshall, who says Americans were defending themselves from the British and restoring a Godly government. Are we exchanging our U.S. Constitution for a U.N. charter? Tom Deweese, President of the American Policy Center, reports that the U.S. Department of Education is funding a new U.N. propaganda program that downplays patriotism and prepares students to accept a one world government.

Side A: 6/26/2004

A Godly Education


97% of home schooled graduates continue in the Christian faith, but 75-90% of public schooled children loose their faith. Israel Wayne is one of a new generation of home school graduates who is now home schooling his own children. Israel Wayne's family was part of Dr Brian Ray's study on home schooling and was featured in Time Magazine. Israel Wayne is one of six who were all home schooled by a single mom without a 9th grade education. Jesus said, "Seek First the Kingdom of God… love the Lord your God with all your MIND…" A secular education can't teach that but a home school can.

Side B: 6/19/2004

Children Our Top Priority



This is one of the most important programs we've made. George Barna, Director for Barna Research Group, and author of Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions, has an urgent message of life and death for the Church in America! Because Christian children have not been a high priority for the Church, we're losing the succeeding generations. His research shows that by age 13 a child has formed most of his core beliefs and won't change much after that. Although 90% of 13 year olds say they are Christian, only 3% have a Biblical worldview. What does this forebode for the future?

Side A: 6/12/2004

Living Life with Purpose


What's really important to you? What are your life's goals and what specific plans are you making to accomplish those goals. Jesus said to store up treasure in heaven. Amazingly we can use your present lives to accumulate priceless wealth in eternity. Pastor Ryan Rush, one of the foremost authorities on time management and author of Home on Time- Life Management by the Book, will help you organize, prioritize and plan your life for a wonderful fulfilled life. Ryan Rush also suggests ways parents can create treasures by investing in the lives of their children through home schooling.

Side B: 6/5/2004

A Pure Revolution



Teens are dying because of sexually transmitted diseases, and yet 65% take the chance and lose their virginity by high school graduation. Today purity means life but promiscuity leads to death. AIDS is the leading cause of death among young people (25 to 44). Doug Herman, author of Time For a Pure Revolution, lost his young wife and little daughter to an AIDS tainted blood transfusion. But out of this incredible tragedy Doug Herman is on a life-sparing crusade to bring a message of PURITY to teens in public schools across the nation. Students are fascinated and are listening to his powerful message.

Side A: 5/29/2004

The American Soldier


Memorial Day is a time to remember those who exchanged their tomorrows for our todays. As more and more American soldiers are dying in Iraq, many people have a renewed appreciation for the sacrifices made by our military. Jeremiah Denton, was a prisoner in a Viet Nam prison for seven long grueling years. Jerry tells how his faith in Jesus Christ brought him through the most horrendous tortures imaginable. Chuck Wacker, tells about his grandson being told at school that America started our war with Japan. Liberals are trying to change history. Have they forgotten about Pearl Harbor?

Side B: 5/22/2004

"Under God" in the Pledge



President George Washington said, "If you separate morality and religion and politics you can not be called an American patriot." Today that's called the separation of church and state. As an Army Ranger Gary Horton fought for our freedoms yet when he goes into schools to speak at assemblies he's not given any freedom to mention God the Bible or Jesus Christ. John Tiner. the author of a couple of little books called Discovering Our Nation's Heritage- In God We Trust, and The Pledge of Allegiance, gives the background of how the word "God" was put in the Pledge and in our national motto.

Side A: 5/15/2004

Freedom From Temptation


Internet pornography is pervasive. Is it really possible  to have freedom from temptation  in today's sexually saturated culture? Best selling author (The Bondage Breaker) and founder of Freedom In Christ Ministries, Neil T. Anderson, is a former associate professor at Biola and Talbot Universities, and teacher of Doctor of Ministry classes. Although satan uses sex as a ploy to lure us into bondage, Jesus came to set the captives free! Neil T. Anderson's newest book is Finding Freedom in a Sex-Obsessed World   Neil gives some specific action steps to overcome sexual bondage.

Side B: 5/8/2004

The Drugging of a Nation



Why are perfectly healthy children being drugged with mind/mood altering drugs like Ritalin?  The number one childhood illness is now attention deficit hyperactive disorder ADHD & ADD. Is the problem with disruptive children or the schools? Our guests are both experts who have testified before the US Congress on the abuse of legal drugs for controlling overactive student behavior. Dr Fred Baughman, a neurologist for 35 years, and Dr Karen Effram, a pediatrician and public policy analyst, helped pass a new law that protects schoolchildren from being forced to take drugs.

Side A: 5/1/2004

Considering Home Schooling


For parents who say, "Our children go to a really GOOD school," we would ask, what is a really good school?  With one-fourth of the nation's schools FAILING academically, and all teaching EVOLULTION ONLY – can any public school be "really good" for a Christian child? Denise Cantor and Cathy Lowers have started a ministry called, Considering Home Schooling, to alert parents to the dangers, academically, intellectually, spiritually and physically, of a public school education. Their focus is on parents with babies and young children and even those with kids currently in public school.

Side B: 4/24/2004

A Muslim Comes to Christ



Are Muslim terrorists bringing their Jihad  to America? What really goes on in the mind of a Muslim terrorist?  Walid, was a Palestinian-Muslim terrorist! His wife challenged him to read the Bible, to find it's supposed "errors." He did and became a born-again Christian. As a college student he raised money from unsuspecting students to fund terrorism. Christianity brings peace to a culture but Islam does not. Austin Miles tells of a public school course that indoctrinates  students into Islam. It 's now been ruled constitutional by a federal judge. This isn't a class on world religion but indoctrination into Islam.

Side A: 4/17/2004

A Passion For God


What is the role of the Church  in educating children? Are public schools religiously neutral? More and more pastors are realizing the need to educate their own church children. Pastor Vic Michaels spent many years in all aspects of public education but now is calling for Christian parents to take their kids out of public schools and for churches to take them in. Pastor Vic uses his own church as a school Monday through Friday for home schoolers and parents to teach their children. Pastor Paul Raymond gives Biblical reasons why parents and pastors need teach to their own children.

Side B: 4/10/2004

Resurrection Hope



People without hope are more susceptible to disease. HOPE affects our immune system. William Frey, author of The Dance of Hope, wrote, "HOPE is the ability to hear  the melody of the future and FAITH is the courage to dance to it TODAY!" Isn’t that great? The greatest, most important event in all human history is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Although the disciples had lost all hope when Jesus had been crucified, His resurrection changed everything! They emerged from behind locked doors as transformed men who changed the world. If you need a new INFUSION of hope, listen to this!

Parents! Don't simply ask what kind of education you want for your children.
Ask what kind of people you want them to become!

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